#butt workout


15 min Glutes Workout with Band - 4 Week Total Body Boost - Day 2

This lower body mini band routine will help you shape up and strengthen your legs, thighs, and glutes. Complete details for this workout: https://www.gymra.com/instaview/JPogoebXYW4

40 min Glutes Routine with Band

This booty band routine will hit every muscle in your lower body to help you develop leaner, stronger legs, a trim and toned butt, and slimmer thighs. Resistance bands are one of the most convenient, affordable, and versatile pieces of fitness equipment. They’re lightweight, so you can take them anywhere. They’re adjustable, and they can help you sculpt your body just as well as dumbbells! Complete details for this workout: https://www.gymra.com/instaview/UaJYVIqth10

15 min Glutes Workout - Jumpstart Your Summer Body - Day 26

This is a 10 minute lower body routine with a 2 minute warm up and 2 minute cool down stretch. You can do this routine on its own, or as part of our 28 day series. A new routine, focusing on different (or all) muscle groups will be released every day in April to help jumpstart your Summer body! Complete details for this workout: https://www.gymra.com/instaview/hzZIFMBJ9JA

15 min Lower Body Workout - Jumpstart Your Summer Body - Day 23

This is a 10 minute lower body routine with a 2 minute warm up and 2 minute cool down stretch. You can do this routine on its own, or as part of our 28 day series. A new routine, focusing on different (or all) muscle groups will be released every day in April to help jumpstart your Summer body! Complete details for this workout: https://www.gymra.com/instaview/SNaXwcZjNgI

15 min Ab Workout - 4 Week Total Body Boost - Day 19

This quick ab routine consists of 10 unique exercises that are each 40 seconds with a 20 second break in between. You will warm up for 3 minutes at the beginning of the routine and cool down for 2 minutes at the end. Thoroughly work the abs and core in just 15 minutes! Complete details for this workout: https://www.gymra.com/instaview/wpLBI6FhcwU

15 min No Equipment Lower Body Workout - 4 Week Total Body Boost - Day 5

This lower body routine requires no equipment, but don’t be fooled - you’ll be feeling the burn! Start working on a stronger, slimmer, sculpted lower body by setting aside just 15 minutes a day! Complete details for this workout: https://www.gymra.com/instaview/DYu5PsnBn1E


@katelazov killin that

For more massive gainage follow @musclefibergains

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@sarahparduee booty finisher!!!

For more massive gainage follow @musclefibergains

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