#leg workout

leg workout
leg workout
leg workout
leg workout

15 min Lower Body Workout - Jumpstart Your Summer Body - Day 23

This is a 10 minute lower body routine with a 2 minute warm up and 2 minute cool down stretch. You can do this routine on its own, or as part of our 28 day series. A new routine, focusing on different (or all) muscle groups will be released every day in April to help jumpstart your Summer body! Complete details for this workout: https://www.gymra.com/instaview/SNaXwcZjNgI

15 min No Equipment Lower Body Workout - 4 Week Total Body Boost - Day 5

This lower body routine requires no equipment, but don’t be fooled - you’ll be feeling the burn! Start working on a stronger, slimmer, sculpted lower body by setting aside just 15 minutes a day! Complete details for this workout: https://www.gymra.com/instaview/DYu5PsnBn1E

6 Exercises for Strong Legs (Leg Workouts without Weights)

#leg workout    #leg workouts    #leg day    

Starting to wake up earlier in the mornings to get some basic workouts in.

I still don’t wake up early enough where I have enough energy (or time) to go on a run but I DO have time for squats, push-ups, abs, and lunges !!

I do everything in my room, which I’m not a fan of - that’s enough motivation right there to try and work on waking up earlier so I can get to to the gym.

“30 Day Full Body Killer Workout” TIP: for better & quicker results, before you start the workou

“30 Day Full Body Killer Workout”

TIP: for better & quicker results, before you start the workout, do 30-60 min of cardio, your body will start to burn fat instead of just calories. xx

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