#casual sex

 Putting her phone back in her purse, Charlotte hurriedly stepped away from the man pounding her wet

Putting her phone back in her purse, Charlotte hurriedly stepped away from the man pounding her wet pussy. His hard dick was quickly engulfed in a nearby woman’s throat as he noticed what happened. With an apologetic glance behind her, she darted through the closing doors and started making her way to the station’s exit. After a nice relaxing weekend at home with her parents, she was dreading the busy week to come.

The fact that she would be hanging out with her friends tonight, drinking a few beers, and watching one of her favourite shows, made her happy. Jason and Ayleigh, who were usually hosting the nights, were a couple she’d met in her first year of college. Always happy, always fucking. “A girl can dream”, Charlie thought to herself as she felt some stranger’s cum dripping out of her ass onto the sidewalk. While already taking her first steps into the world as a professional journalist, she’d never had a boyfriend for longer than a year or so. Her friends -and hundreds of strangers - helped satisfy any sexual urges, but she felt that wasn’t always enough.

Most guys she knew, especially Jason, loved a good ass. That was probably why she was such a popular public cumdumpster. Her perfectly round bubble butt that ‘just begged to be fucked and groped’, as Jason once put it, was in stark contrast to her otherwise shy and reserved demeanour. Finally reaching her apartment block, Charlotte was happy to finally wash all her dad’s cum out of her hair and freshen up a bit. The sleepover bags she was carrying, as well as some clean laundry, had been cumbersome to haul all the way back to her apartment.

“Maybe it’s easier if I just go naked all the time”, Charlotte pondered while she prepared a hot bath. Noticing some cum on her left cheek, she scooped it up with her finger and brought it to her mouth without much thought.

~ to be continued ~ 

Sorry for being kind of absent guys. Tell me what you think of the text messages! I know this has been done before but still. Asks/requests are also welcome, might not always be able to answer or fulfil them though :)

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 “This restaurant just opened around the corner, wanna go there babe?” Your wife asked as she showed

“This restaurant just opened around the corner, wanna go there babe?” Your wife asked as she showed you the menu. “I know how much you like girls with big boobs! Just last week you went over to the neighbour’s house like ten times every day, poor girl. She’s still got your dried cum in her hair last time I saw her.”

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For those of you who missed it, here are my previous captions that I posted on the freeuse subreddit (username Rozenfire) before I made this tumblr.

“Are you gonna use me or what?” the girl said, without looking back. You had walked into a random girl’s dorm room in the hopes of finding a nice ass to dump a few loads in, and here it was - possibly the hottest ass in your building. She was just laying down on her bed, trying to write an essay by the looks of it, and you had just stared at her ass in the doorway for a moment. 

”I might spend the night here”
, you told her while unzipping your pants and laying down behind her, groping her ass in the process. The girl looked back at you, nodded, and continued looking at her laptop. “I’ll just watch a movie like this and then go to sleep, you just fuck whichever holes you like!” she said, glad to finally have an excuse to take a break from her essay.

“I gotta tell my girlfriend about this,”
you thought to yourself as you slowly started fucking her tight pussy, without any reaction from the girl whatsoever. You had a whole night to spend here, and it had only just begun.

Theresa Sholze Sex Scene

German actress and large boob provider Theresa Solze gets hot and nude and awesome in a German film.
#theresa solze    #sex scene    #topless    #large breasts    #casual sex    

Rebound relationships happen. Being someone’s rebound boyfriend doesn’t have to be a disaster though. For some men, being in a rebound relationship works out well. It’s fun, intense and generally doesn’t have as much serious involvement. On the other hand though, being her rebound relationship means facing the risk of being hurt. It isn’t strictly […]

The post 4 signs you’re her rebound relationship appeared first on Sugarcookie XXX.

from4 signs you’re her rebound relationship
“Friday is casual sex day”

“Friday is casual sex day”

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stop hooking up with men who dont respect you bc nothing good will come out of it. you can play it cool and say u know it’s just a fwb thing but we both know u want someone who at least treats you like a human being rather than a fleshlight that is ready whenever they say so. no man is worth putting your self respect on the side and settling with a situation that’s leaving you emotionally drained

I understand this more and more the older I become. I hope one day we can have the discussion of how sometimes girls and women will use casual sex as a subconscious form of self harm and how men literally do not care about the mental state of the women they sleep with.

Stop telling yourself “it’s fine/not that bad/tolerable/whatever”. Ask if you are ACTIVELY enjoying your experience and being treated COMPLETELY respectfully and well (goes for anything social too not only sex). If you imagine a button that would transport you back to your room or a similar situation with a better person, and you’d push it if you could - even if it’s “just” because you’re bored or not loving it, there doesn’t have to be active intentional harm - do yourself a favor and leave. Be “”rude”” or “”brutal”” or whatever you need to call it to get yourself to get up and go.

A Satisfactory Arrangement

Description: John has an issue. He loves being back at Baker Street now that his marriage is over. The only thing is, he doesn’t fancy going the rest of his life without ever having sex again…

Review: John proposes a friends with benefits situation once he realizes he doesn’t want to date anymore for fear of Sherlock worrying that he’ll leave him again, and that is not something John wants to risk. Doesn’t want to have one-stsnds for the rest of his life either. Sherlock accepts his offer and cue the pining John and Sherlock indulging in his new-found enjoyment of sex.

Rating: E

Out of Time

Description: John was Sherlock’s friend with benefits, but for John… Sherlock was everything. Only… Sherlock is a alpha and John is a beta. John always knew this arrangement between them couldn’t last. One day Sherlock would find an omega to mate with and then he’d have to let Sherlock go, no matter how it would destroy him. Omegas were the intended bond mates to alphas. Being a beta, John knew he held no place in Sherlock’s life, apart from being a second, and that would destroy him. That dreaded day came too soon. John was left with two choices… Become Sherlock’s second, or leave. John wasn’t a runner, but this… John couldn’t take this, so he accepted Mycroft’s offer and left Sherlock before the alpha could leave him.

Review: I’ve been wanting to read an omegaverse fic where they’re not “biologically compatible” so I was glad to find this fic! Sherlock has a secret upcoming arranged marriage and when John finds out he leaves, allowing Mycroft to hide him from Sherlock so he doesn’t get his feelings hurt all over again. Little does John know that Sherlock never actually married her.

Rating: E
