

When quarantine is over I’m gonna just,,,, ya know go in the woods and stay there for a good while you know maybe befriend a cryptid perhaps find a frog family


saw this buddy on my walk last fall. it looked like it’s wing might be injured or something? i don’t even know if it’s a butterfly or a moth because i’ve never seen one this colour before.

when i get my own little cottage in the woods i’ll have my own little collection of fine china but instead of being actual fine china it’ll consist of plates and cups made out of uranium glass because that’s fucking cool

i can hear the howling again. and this time it’s not just one thing, there are many

is there anything better than folding laundry outside at 11pm while the setting sun colours everyting golden and something is howling in the distance

he’s a demon??? A monster??? A creature of the underworld??? Say less <333
