

scew this mortal vessel i wish to be a tiefling

*crouching ontop of the fridge in the dark wearing a cloak and holding a deck of tarot cards and some herbs in shady raspy voice* Hey kids ya wanna do some witchcraft?

flowerlovecharmer:Reblog if you’ve ever been personally victimized by Pikachu man. He took the kids


Reblog if you’ve ever been personally victimized by Pikachu man.

He took the kids

Post link

But I give you:

DUDE! IS THAT A CAT? I’M CALLING THE FROG! *presses mircrowave* “313 what’s hoppin?”

thorns peck at your cheek as you duck down in the underbrush. a great beast stalks past you, ever so silently. its vast antlers skim the trees above as it pads across the forest floor.

travel deep into the forest. barefoot in the dirt, the roots wrap tight around your ankles and draw you into the soft earth

do your teeth feel too big for your jaw? can you hear the blood pounding against your veins? tell me what you can see from your den, and let a howl loose into the wind

run barefoot in the dewy grass. taste the freedom you’ve always hungered for
