

my greatest regret about my childhood is that I never got to run around a forest solving mysteries and meeting ghosts and cryptids and quite frankly I think this has been a childhood wasted

P. Gasparis Schotti, regis curtani … Physica curiosa, sive, Mirabilia naturæ et artis libris

An exceptional example of the “monsters” proliferated during the 17th century can be found in Gaspar Schott’s Physica Curiosa. Schott (1608-1666), a German scientist and Jesuit, specialized in the fields of physics, mathematics, and natural philosophy.

sorry my fellow bastards i just had dental surgery so posts are gonna be slow for the next few days. thanks for staying tuned though! all the support has been great.

i tweaked my back a week ago. if i take it out now do you think i’ll get the core charge back?

i legit asked you for a couple of pieces and you gave me 5. i didn’t mean a polyamory couple bro.

can someone make a game like snake but it’s Ryuk and he’s going for apples

we are only on earth because hell is overburdened and we are just waiting in line

really not a fan of when something happens and you think to tell a certain person who is not in your life anymore

of course i have a purpose

it’s for the universe to laugh at me

because my life is

a joke

Why did I always have nightmares where I would be naked in front of people!?

Likehello that is a privilege and your dream come true cause i’m hot af

when i grew out my armpit hair i didn’t expect it to be a great B.S. detector

i so deeply want to be involved in herbalism and botany but i have the memory of a fruit fly

test that assumption at your earliest convenience

or fuck around and find out
