#unintelligible goblin noises


sorry my fellow bastards i just had dental surgery so posts are gonna be slow for the next few days. thanks for staying tuned though! all the support has been great.

big fat i love you to everyone who’s been liking/sharing my posts lately it really do be meaning a lot to me.

anyways here’s a sewn froggie boy!!! he was made by carnelianseeker on instagram :))

edit: holy fuck you guys really like frogs huh

vv nice vibes. i have a few guitars of my own, but i’d really love a shaped base like that.

i’ve seen heart and star shaped ones circling the internet.. i want one.

edit: due to a ton of people asking, it’s a 1965 Crucianelli Spazial

i enter a public bathroom stall. after the door closes, you hear pants unzip, but the rustle of fabric is interrupted by all the rocks in my pockets clattering to the floor

*crouching ontop of the fridge in the dark wearing a cloak and holding a deck of tarot cards and some herbs in shady raspy voice* Hey kids ya wanna do some witchcraft?

But I give you:

DUDE! IS THAT A CAT? I’M CALLING THE FROG! *presses mircrowave* “313 what’s hoppin?”
