

I collect dead bugs that I find, this was my first moth that my mom found when I was really little. I know it’s a hawk moth and it looks like an Oleander Hawk Moth but I’m not completely sure. Either way it’s beautiful.

I’m a strong, independent bog monster.

I’m a strong, independent bog monster.

I’m a strong, independent bog monster.

Hey, it’s me, your local big tiddy goth gargoyle.

*Draws body outline with a Crayola® “Purple Pizzazz” wax crayon*

The feminine urge to l̶̺͓̩̭̞̪̱͉̾̊̒̓ę̷̨͙̫̳͍͎͈̻̀̈t̵̻̣̣̺͎̙̲̱̝̼̻̹͙̪͛͜͜ ̴̢̛̹̱̘͈̱͍̲̟̻̠̆̓́͒̌̀̉́̅̀̾̕̕ę̷̡̨̛̖͕͖͔͇̦̥̩̬͕̹̅̆̊͑̋̓̐̾̒͆̈́̾͗̓̚̕v̴̡̧͙̟̺͙̙̜̟̤͔͈̝͌͜ͅͅͅȩ̴̛̱͂͒̅̀́̒͆̒͐̈́̓͒͛͂̀̏̍r̷̡̨̧̢̨͕͎̞̲͈̱̫͔̗͓͆̂͜ͅy̷̧͍͖̻̏́͗̒̃͑̈́͘t̴̡̙̬̮̬̲̟̳͎̖̣͕͇̺͙̐͝h̷̡̡̧͈̦͈̠̙͚͔̗͕̙͐̃̒̽͊̊̅̈́̇i̷̢̨̝̗͕̙̼̬̟͔̝̬̤̻̼͂̉̉n̸͉͓͎̪̠̣̰̋̎̍̎̿̇̾͂͑̿͋́́̾͜͜͝͠͝͝g̵̛̝͓̰̮̺̠͙̳͔̱̜̣̰͈̼̭̅͐̈̊͒̈́̈̆̏͗ͅ ̵̧̪͚͚̩̤̫̼̯̙͓̗̺̪͈̘̈̂̈́̍̌̂̆b̶̢̰̺͍͚̱͍̱̰̟̥̱̲̟̖̪̤͍̀͜͝ę̷̙͓͍̲̯͙͎͇̘̖̜͆̀̈́͛̐͛͗̏̽̂͗͊̐͜͜͠ ̵̠̺̲̭̣̘͙̙͚̯͉̠̠̼̘̦̞̭̿̏͆̅̈̐͜ķ̵̢̗͙̖̣͉̩̟̘̥̠̪̰͎̣̘͋͑͊̓͠ͅņ̴̛̝̹̩̟̩̤̺̻͕̓͗̉̊̈́͂͆̋̎́̒̇̉͂̚ͅỏ̸̧̝͖̞͔̯̜͗̈́̂̐́͐͠ŵ̶̡̧̛̦̝͕͖̹̬͔̳̲͔͐̏͊̃̂̄́̒͊̈́̿̀̆̚͝n̷̨̫͙̥̯͍͈̙̜̏̏̐̃̽͑͑̈́̽͑

Today could be a great day. You could:

  • Have tea
  • Try to locate Limbo within the physical realm
  • Pop bubblewrap
  • Curse your great-aunt for no good reason
  • Turn your body inside out
  • Text a friend a funny cat picture
  • Fold a paper crane

Endless possibilities!

I’m not like ♡other girls♡, I feed on depravity and I require sacrifices every 4 months.

Some little mushroom dudes!

A closer look at the bois. You’ll have to click on them for better quality.

Drawing these really makes me want to get back into ink drawing.

I made clay pins! my cat Blue wanted to help with the pictures.

They even glow in the dark!!


Elemental Cryptids

Pheonix - Fire

Kelpie - Water

Dragon - Air

Jackalope - Earth

I have postcard size prints in my shop.


Finally posting this Giant African Millipede. I finished it like 3 months ago lol.

Now for some millipede facts:

• Millipedes are omnivores the only eat leaves and other plants on the ground. They’re basically mini recyclers.

• Millipedes don’t actually have a 1000 legs at most they have between 30 and 400 depending on their size and how many body segments they have. Millipedes have 4 legs per body segment.

• The Giant African Millipede is the largest milipede in the world out of at least 10,000 know species.

Funguary week 4 : Cute/Pretty

Last week of funguary done! Wooh!

How the hell do people expect 18-19 year olds to be “mature” I just turned 19 and only yesterday did I learn how to send e-mails without wanting to throw myself off a cliff straight after
