

Relationship Weight…Is That a Thing?

Hey curvalicious divas!

We’re well into the new year now. Chances are if you made a resolution, you are either knee deep in it or you’ve abandoned it completely. Now spring is in the air, cuffing season has officially ended, and everyone is either boo’d up or single and ready to mingle. Now that I’m on the dating scene again, it got me thinking…how does one’s relationship affect their fitness?

Anybody who wants a shot with me knows the quickest way to my heart is through a good cheat meal.

Nothing wrong with letting your partner treat you. I love a late night food run, but only fast food places are open late like that. If your partner is not as concerned about being healthy together, you might want to reassess your priorities.

There are myths that exist about relationship weight. One of them is that people, both men and women, get comfortable with a new partner and stop working out or eating right because they don’t have anyone to look good for anymore. Another is that women let themselves go in relationships because men “like it” when they have extra meat. 

But then there are sad rings of truth to “relationship weight” too. Some women still fear that their partners will leave them for someone younger and skinnier.

Other women experience abuse from their partners, who make fun of them and belittle them if they gain “too much weight” during the course of the relationship. Without positive reinforcement, a lot of women like this continue to spiral into depression and more unhealthy habits.

This is the 21st Century. Women don’t have to be concerned about what men like and don’t like. But we should be concerned about the energy that we allow into our space, and how it affects our physical, mental, and emotional health.

So is relationship weight a thing or not?

A relationship is what you make it. If you want to keep up your routine, you have to discipline yourself in a relationship just like you do in everything else. Maybe don’t stay out late with your partner three nights a week so that you can make your morning workouts. Instead of going out to eat, suggest cooking at home or trying the new healthy restaurant downtown! Make your date nights active. Try going on a hike or exercising together.

Bottom line, if you’re in the right relationship, you will be healthy and your partner will encourage you to be healthy too.

Happy Friday!



Hello and Happy New Year, curvalicious divas!

I have been away for awhile. And during that time I will admit I fell off the wagon a little bit. I am a grad student, and the last few months of 2017 were the hardest of my academic career. My eating got a little messy and I was NOT hitting the gym the way I should have. In addition to a hard semester, I began transitioning to a new job, so my finances began to deplete. But I really knew I had hit a hard place when, one day, I forgot to eat.

I was depressed. I was embarrassed. I was STRESSED out.

But listen, ladies. Stress is a killer. And that’s why I had to take a break from a lot. I paused my acting, declined most social events, and chose not to blog because I didn’t feel like I could give you my best. Going forward into 2018, here are resolutions you can keep your stress levels low and your body in tact.

Sweat the Stress Away

Give your stress a healthy point of release through rigorous exercise–running, boxing, cycling. If you’re like me, leading a naturally busy and stressful lifestyle, pencil in a workout at least 3-4 days per week. Make it a part of your schedule. Dedicate just 45 minutes to an hour to keep yourself strong through stressful times.

Whatever You, Do NOT Stress Eat or Drink

When you get stressed out, the cortisol levels in your body increase and cause it to hold tighter to salt, sugar, and fat. This makes it harder to burn off that Monday Blues cheeseburger you’re eating. I get it. The first thing I want to eat is a Popeyes chicken and biscuit meal (and a bottle of wine) after I look at my syllabus. But restrain yourself. Feed your body clean foods–lean meats, fresh fruits and vegetables, herbal tea. It will lend you more energy and lower your chances of putting on excess stress weight.

No Self-Condemnation

Speak positive affirmations over yourself and your body. Encourage yourself to stay healthy or to improve your health instead of shaming yourself for your shortcomings.

Let’s say buh-bye to excess stress in 2018! 



Ahhhh cheat day! The one day of the week where you can choose your favorite, deep fried, sugary sweet, extra buttery goodness without any consequence. Because you EARNED this…right?

I love my cheat meal as much as the next curvalicious diva, but one thing I have learned is that a cheat meal is never arbitrary. You have to be disciplined throughout the week in order for it to truly not hurt you.

So before you pop that creamy dreamy cheesecake into your mouth this weekend, ask yourself these questions:

  1. Did I complete at least 200 minutes of exercise this week? If not, you likely have not burned enough calories for a cheat meal not to stick to you. Remember, regular exercise keeps the metabolism motor running that allows us curvalicious divas to enjoy the cheat meal, so don’t neglect to get moving!
  2. Did I eat well this week? Eating the right foods–lean protein, more veggies and less carbs, minimal alcohol–help you earn your cheat meal as well. If you’re not following your healthy eating regimen, chances are you already ate into your cheat allowance.
  3. How much have I been drinking? While a glass of red wine at night is actually good for you, throwing back shots of tequila and mixed cocktails have just as many calories as a dessert. It may be the last few weeks of summer, but keep in mind that turning up sticks to you the same as a cheat meal. If you want Popeye’s chicken this Sunday, cut down on the cranberry and vodka.

A cheat meal tastes even better when you know you have worked hard for it. It’s just like graduating with honors or earning a promotion. So if you want weekly tastebud treats like these…

…you have to treat your body to healthy choices, too.



Starting off this Friday with a healthy lunch! Baked salmon patties with quinoa, avocado, and chipot

Starting off this Friday with a healthy lunch! Baked salmon patties with quinoa, avocado, and chipotle drizzle.

Happy Friday, ladies!

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4th of July was a holiday week of friends, family, and CHEATING for me. Lets dance back into a healthy regimen, curvalicious divas!
