
4.11.16 dear whomever reads this, wow, youve made it this far. honestly, you should be proud of your


dear whomever reads this,

wow, youve made it this far. honestly, you should be proud of yourself. youve pulled through the tough, and miserable times and youre still here. honestly, that is pure strength and i admire you for that. so, sit back and treat yourself to an award. because youre still breathing and your beautiful heart is still beating. thats something to celebrate.

youve made it this far, please dont give up now.

much love. x

sincerely, a friend.

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3.17.16 dear whomever reads this, reminder; id miss you terribly.if you kill yourself right now, y

dear whomever reads this,

id miss you terribly.

if you kill yourself right now, youre killing the chances and possiblities that your life has to offer for you. i will be blatantly honest when i say this, life sucks, at times. it will beat you and make you question yourself, but you have to be able to get up and beat it back. because, its worth it. i cannot say enough how much living is worth it.

much love. x sincerely, a friend.
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2.25.16 dear whomever reads this, knowing there are countless souls enduring their own personal hell


dear whomever reads this,

knowing there are countless souls enduring their own personal hell on constant each and every wakening moment is terrifying to me. being aware that i cannot help everyone whom expiriences what they expirience honestly, and undeniably, bothers me. because; the way i see it is, everyone has a right to see the good in life. though they may go through the most brutal things, they deserve to wake up one morning with a heart-warming smile and be happy that theyve woken. they should be able to roll out of bed, make a cup of coffee/tea and prepare for the day ahead of them without regretting the day before it had begun.

dont get me wrong, i am aware of reality. also i am quite aware sometimes people dont get to endure the finer things in life, and if i had the power to change that i would, completely. i want to change and help so many people.

i want someone to look at me with up-turned lips and say, “because of you, i kept pulling through”.

perhaps it may be selfish to want such a thing, but i am not sorry for seeking it. the happiness of others is all anyone should want, honestly. the sooner we all pull together as people, and help one another in need instead of making crude comments, the sooner we’d all see the better side of being alive.

much love. x

sincerely, a friend.

p.s. i apologize for ranting, if anyone read this. most of this may not make sense, and i am sorry. x

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1.29.16 dear whomever reads this, youre going to make it through, and youre going to make it far in


dear whomever reads this,

youre going to make it through, and youre going to make it far in life. i know youve been having some trouble with yourself latley and im here to tell you, youre going to be okay. i can tell, maybe it wont be today, or tomorrow, or even next week; but it will happen. just keep pushing through love. this is your sign to keep going.

much love. x

sincerely, a friend.

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1.12.16 dear whomever reads this, quick question before i am off to bed,ive been wondering why som


dear whomever reads this,

quick question before i am off to bed,
ive been wondering why some of you guys follow me? i doubt anyone will respond to this or read this, but it’s worth a try to interact with you guys. (:

repost and respond under this post. (If that makes sense ??? its late and I’m probably speaking gibberish) (-: x

Much love. xx

sincerely a friend.

ps, woAH thank you thank you for over 28k of you guys, honestly means the absolute world! (-: I’ll respond to more messages from you guys tomorrow morning x goodnight loves.

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Dear whomever reads this, Love is supposed to be gentle. Never easy, but never degrading. You’re sup

Dear whomever reads this,

Love is supposed to be gentle. Never easy, but never degrading. You’re supposed to uplift your partner in ways that others failed to. You’re never supposed to be the one tearing your partner down. You’re never supposed to lay a harmful hand on your partner. Nor are you supposed to manipulate them. Love is pure. Love isn’t having a claim on someone or owning them. It’s sacrifice. Commitment. Patience. Give and take. It is supposed to be equal. Anything less, you are simply not made for each other.
Never stay in a relationship because you feel you won’t find someone to want you, there are over 7 billion people in the world. I promise you will be wanted the way you deserve within time.

Sincerely, a friend. x

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Sorry for the disappearing act I pulled. It’s been a while. I love you guys, thank you for the kind

Sorry for the disappearing act I pulled. It’s been a while. I love you guys, thank you for the kind messages. But I am back. x

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In the meantime, it was dark; the cutter flew along the coast; and the Needles’ lights were on the larboard bow. The conversation between Cecilia, Mrs. Lascelles, and her father, was long. When all had been detailed, and the conduct of Pickersgill duly represented, Lord B. acknowledged that, by attacking the smuggler, he had laid himself open to retaliation; that Pickersgill had shewn a great deal of forbearance in every instance; and, after all, had he not gone on board the yacht she might have been lost, with only three seamen on board. He was amused with the smuggling and the fright of his sister; still more, with the gentlemen being sent to Cherbourg; and much consoled that he was not the only one to be laughed at.

— Frederick Marryat, The Three Cutters

Cutter running through the Needles, drawing by Lt. Edward Bamfylde Eagles, circa 1840.
