#dark academia



I love you

With all my bruised heart.


fri. sept. 24 // this week was a lot but worth it. I taught my first guest lecture on gov’t pr in my grad program on wednesday. it felt so full circle lecturing to an intro course while I’m at the tail end of the program. the prof I’ve known for way too long and we had a great chat afterwards about life, my growth, and my future PhD plans.

this morning I got the intro to my thesis approved by my advisor. def wrote it in 30 minutes before our meeting but he praised my writing style and gave great guidance for how in formulating my research questions.


about to submit my first full length term paper and it’s the scariest thing ever- therefore im wasting time analysing poems instead.


The semester has been so busy! Sorry I’m so slow with posts! I got into the Advanced Honors College this week, and started making my schedule for next semester so there’s a light at the end of the tunnel at least.

Some of my favorite fashion history notes this semester :)


Sorry for being so inactive! I got elected to residence hall council this semester and joined the debate team so that’s all eating my time up. A lot of my class work is writing this semester so I’m really enjoying it.

How are your class going so far?

Take care of yourselves!
