#dark prince

redlipstickresurrected:Betty Jiang aka Betty Ling Jiang aka Betty Desu Jiang (Chinese, b. 1993, Beij


Betty Jiang aka Betty Ling Jiang aka Betty Desu Jiang (Chinese, b. 1993, Beijing, China, based Bellevue, WA, USA) - Dark Prince, 2019, Paintings, Digital Arts

Post link

Todo de ti hace de mis noches
una maravilla nunca antes vista.

Tu sonrisa es incomparable:
ilumina más que la luna,
más que los faroles de las calles,
y de mis poemas más dulces, es la musa.

Tus pecas son las únicas estrellas
que necesita este vasto cielo vacío;
tus labios los únicos que a mis besos
les da significado y a mi corazón latidos.

Tus ojos son fríos
como el viento,
perotu tacto es suave
como un abrigo.

Entu cuerpoexisten
las constelaciones más bellas;
y en medio de tus piernas,
el crimen de una noche joven.

Y con tu voz canta la paz,
más relajante que una noche silenciosa,
más risueña que tus risas nerviosas.

Noche mía, siempre mía e interminable,
haces que la oscuridad se vea perfecta
y mis sueños más deleitables.

-Dark prince


El amor que me tienes
es como arte para mí
por lo puro, real,
cálido, y colorido
que se siente
cada vez que me proteges
entre tus brazos.

Que jamás me falten
tus abrazos de madre, R.

-Dark prince

Te conocí sin rumbo fijo, perdido,
sin buscar el amor.
Sin embargo, tú apareciste
tan de repente, siendo una serendipia.
Y, desde ese momento,
he estado agradecido con la vida.

Cuando te conocí,
me habían roto el corazón;
tú dijiste que eso era la consecuencia
de andar buscando amor
en los lugares equivocados,
y desde entonces, he estado caminando
por los senderos claros.

Cuando te conocí
todo a mi alrededor era oscuridad,
hasta que te vi brillar
y mi perspectiva acerca del amor cambió;
porque, gracias a ti, descubrí que existen personas
que llegan a tu vida con la misión de
de repararla
y equilibrarla.

Te estoy inmensamente agradecido
por haberte cruzado en mi vida
aquel día que me conecté por primera vez
aTumblr y me uní a ‘Fragmentos Adolescentes’,
sin saber que te convertirías en la estrella
de mis noches vacías.

Lo nuestro, al final, nunca pudo ser.
Sé que ahora eres feliz con otra persona,
pero quiero que sepas que fue suficiente
con haberte conocido para
reencontrarme con mi alegría
y la paz extraviada de mi corazón.


-Dark prince

Antes de penetrarla,
veo que me mira,
descubierta desde mi cama,
y su mirada lo dice todo,
sin necesidad de palabras:

«Seré capaz de ser el ángel
que te lleve al cielo
o el demonio
que te prenda en llamas
en el infierno».

Y, aquí entre nos,
amé que me haya llevado
de paseo a ambos paraísos.

-Dark prince


Ojalá pudiera borrar esa expresión de tristeza
que te enmascara cada vez que revisas el perfil
de las modelos que tanto admiras, porque al verlas,
te la pasas destruyendo tu autoestima
a base de comparaciones y búsquedas de defectos.

Ojalá pudiera quitarte el hábito
de colocar una mueca de desagrado
cada vez que te tomas una selfie.

Dices que tu sonrisa se ve forzada,
que tu cuerpo es muy delgado,
que tu pecho y tus glúteos
no tienen el volumen que te gustaría,
que jamás te verías bella sin el 90-60-90,
que el café de tus ojos te resulta aburrido,
que odias la forma de tu cara, lunares y pecas,
e, incluso, tus curvas de guitarra.

Deja de odiarte de esa manera,
¿acaso no sabes que los ángeles
están compuestos de todo
lo que te caracteriza?

Si tan sólo te vieras a través de mis ojos,
notarías que eres perfecta
desde cada ángulo y arista.

Quiérete, por favor.
A veces no es necesario ir a un museo
para apreciar obras de arte,
sino pararse delante de un espejo
y amarse por cómo se es
física y emocionalmente.

-Dark prince

 Im doing a Myth Inktober and my comic, Ouramyr, as the main theme. Ouramyr is about all mythical cr

Im doing a Myth Inktober and my comic, Ouramyr, as the main theme. Ouramyr is about all mythical creatures and beings in one world, which are called sages. An aristocrat named Inez sees that there importance brings balance to the world.

Elatha isn’t actually a moon being, He’s associated with it, and is called a prince of darkness. I just couldn’t pass up a dark prince~ <3 I want to add more to him but when he appears in the comic he’ll change a bit

Comic Link: https://tapas.io/series/Ouramyr/info

Post link


I think about how I want you, want you to touch me, To feel your arms around me.

Remembering a time when we were different,

Maybe not fated to be together, but together just the same.

The look in your eyes, the fire, the way they burned for me, your body, your arms holding me tightly as if you were drowning, we both were. Drowning in the moment, in each other, drowning in desire, and we didn’t care. Let us drown, be pulled under, let the current sweep us away, for what better death could there be than this?

But we both knew there would be no death. We were bulletproof, invincible, young and free, not caring about tomorrow or the day after that. Not fearing an end, but seeking everything. Everything the world had to offer was at our feet.

Life went on, we each went on without a second thought. We built our own lives, hoping for permanence, only to tear it all down and try to build again. We suffered losses, and learned the truth; we are going to die one day, we aren’t as invincible as we thought. Our hearts have been torn, rended, broken and we try to fuse the pieces back together, knowing that hearts once torn, can never be the same.

We search for belonging, a home, someone to share the burdens of life with, someone to trust, hoping for healing, hoping for love. What I wouldn’t give to see that look in your eyes again and drown with you.

Sweep me away current, fire and passion. Quench this thirsting in my soul to be loved. Sweep me away and if I drown and die, I will die completed and at peace locked safely in your embrace.







christmas eve what about christmas adam

happy christmas adam to all men’s rights activists

Please stop pestering us with things like this. This has nothing to do with men fighting for their rights. Eve is short for ‘evening’. Please don’t turn activism into a joke. Thanks.

Someone isn’t having a good christmas adam

Christmas Adam: December 23rd. Comes before Christmas Eve and is generally unsatisfying.

So I guess that makes today New Years Adam

My take on Christmas Adam

My Latest Art.

Holding on to the Bond. I can’t help it, My Reylo Heart is beating.

Stuff is available.


Descent - A Lord Ren Drabble

Having just escaped her captors, Rey had blindly bolted off into the forest when she stumbled and found herself tumbling down a steep ravine. The free fall seemed to have gone on for a long time, with everything moving in slow motion. When she finally came to a stop her body was reeling with dizziness and nausea.

Had she hit her head? She lie there for a moment in the snow, willing her head to stop spinning. Her breathing was hard and she tried to slow it and catch her breath.

It was then that she heard the growl.

Her eyes snapped open and she struggled to sit up. Her vision was blurred. A dark figure, loomed over her. It seemed to be a large animal of some sort.

Heat radiated from it. She scrambled back and desperately tried to make out the figure that seemed to dwarf her size, but to no avail. It was then that she heard the voice.

“Don’t be afraid. I won’t hurt you. I could never hurt you.”

The voice seemed like it was inside her own head. How could that be? She must really have hit her head hard.

“Hello?” She whispered.

Her voice sounded much farther away and smaller than it should have.

“Yes little one, I am here. Did those men hurt you?”

“Uh they tried, but I got away..”

She didn’t finish her sentence because she could sense the rage emanating from the dark form. It’s body trembled as he took in a few heaving breaths.

“Wait here.”

She felt the form leave her. It sounded like he was running away from her. She heard screams in the distance as she shivered in the snow, still unable to see properly.

A short while later, the figure returned, but it seemed different, more like a man.

“Are you there?” she asked warily

“Yes, little one. I have returned. Those men won’t harm you again. Come, let us get you home.”

Somehow his presence soothed her. Home?

She had no home.

“I uh..”

As if reading her mind, he responded to her thoughts.

“I am Lord Ren. You are welcome to stay with me here. This is my home. It is where you belong.”

The authority in his voice left no doubt as to the truth of this statement.

He gathered her up in his arms and covered her with a heavy fur-lined cloak as he carried her to his carriage.

Her thoughts were tumultuous, she was afraid and in shock. This would not do. There would be time to ease her mind later.

She was here, that was all that mattered. He had waited an eternity for her, this beautiful vision from his dreams, his one and only true mate.

Right now she needed to sleep and heal.

He waved his hand over her face.


Rey’s body relaxed as she fell into a deep sleep.

A few hours later Rey floated in between sleep and waking. She felt so safe. She sensed that she was moving, riding in a carriage.

A warm cloak surrounded her and a heavy arm held her. She could feel the rise and fall of his chest and the warmth radiating from his body.

He smelled good, like the forest and spices and home. She never wanted to leave here. This was home.

What a beautiful dream…..she thought. I never want to wake up. I could stay here forever.

A chuckle rumbled underneath her head as Lord Kylo Ren heard that thought.

“Indeed you shall little one, indeed you shall…forever.”

Reblogging because chapters 1-6 are up…..


Descent Chapter 2 is up on Wattpad and A03

This night, he reclined in his chair by the fire with his newly found treasure nestled against his chest. He tightened his hold on her waist and stroked her hair as he took in her scent and marveled at how tiny she was, how her light breathing reminded him of a fragile creature of the forest.

Reblogging because Chapter 3 is up…..

Descent Chapter 3 is up

Need you… need to be near you… need to touch you…

His voice seemed to be whispering into her mind, just on the edge of her consciousness.

It should have frightened her, but it didn’t. It made her skin feel hot and tight, made her heart race. it made her feel….





Friendly reminder

Anakin carries his dead mother as he descends into darkness.

And Kylo carries unconscious but very much living Rey as he ascends into the light.

Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

Oh damn

All those parallels and people still don’t SEE

Vago tanto por la oscuridad que a ciegas termino enamorándome, y se vuelve peor cada vez que el sentimiento no es correspondido: porque creo salir a la luz, pero es sólo una ilusión.

-Dark prince

Quiero descansar eternamente, con mi cabeza recostada en tu regazo y tus suaves manos sobando mi cabello. Allí quiero morir; sabré que de esa forma conoceré el cielo.

-Dark prince
