

I know I have to let this go. My mind is telling me to run and never look back. But my heart, oh my heart -it’s badgering my soul to sink deep in the ocean of my cloaked emotions. Words do not narrate my subtle life, but moments do. I exist not in this life. I exist in moments. 

it would be such a privilege to love you out loud


In this video, I answer a question from a client who wants to know why a girl they have been seeing has suddenly said “I don’t want to be in a relationship.”

I answer with what that statement REALLY means and what to do if a girl says that to you… when you thought things were going great.

If you want a question answered in another video email me at [email protected] and I will do so as my schedule allows


I still hate your face

But at least life has given your name another meaning

Things have changed

Our friendship has changed

And I’ve known for a while

That I have to let you go

For it is killing me

And I deserve better than that
