#drop the t



dropping the T in LGBT

the T should never have been there. the first trans people were homosexual persons who transitioned to escape homophobia. the first trans men were lesbians trying to pass with their female partners as straight couples. the first trans women were gay men trying to pass with male partners as straight couples. there is a community of same sex attracted persons, and all same sex attracted persons are GNC by virtue of SSA because the first gender role is the expectation to marry a person of the opposite sex and rear children with said spouse. homosexuality is at odds with hetero marriage, and gender roles exist to uphold the institution of traditional marriage, so all persons who experience SSA are GNC. furthermore, if we dropped the T, who’s really being excluded/“kicked out”? not SSA trans men, who are still included as lesbians under the L (females exclusively attracted to females.) not SSA trans women, who are still included as gay men under the G (males exclusively attracted to males.) but if we dropped the T, who WOULD be excluded? heteros who fetishize homosexuality. fujoshis and autogynephiles who think homosexuality is bigotry. since they don’t experience SSA, the “T” is their ONLY claim to membership to the “queer club” they think we comprise. transgenderism exists only because of the heteronormative society in which we live. if we abolish gender, homosexual persons would never feel a need to try to pass as straight. would some individuals still experience dysphoria? perhaps, but the number of those who do would be far fewer. bottom line: heteros envy the SSA community and milk the “T” as a way to gain “access” to us and harrass us for being SSA. dropping the T does not drop any SSA persons, since the LGB already covers them. dropping the T serves only to exclude heteros, who by default aren’t SSA.

Affirmation-only treatment for gender dysphoria hurts girls and women.

The rates of young women identifying as trans has increased 4,500% in recent years. There are now over 30,000 detrans people on Reddit alone.

Transgender ideology is the source of this epidemic of pain. Abolish gender.


Women are oppressed on the basis of sex. Women are oppressed so that men can take advantage of their ability to give birth. Women are gendered (indoctrinated into femininity) so that they will be less able or even desirous of liberating themselves.

Sex is not gender. Sex matters because our lives and our freedom matter.

It really bothers me how I get so many messages saying that I want trans people to die. I don’t, genuinely. I do not want trans people to die, and hearing about instances where they are hurt or take their own lives genuinely distresses me.

I couldn’t figure out why they thought that I think this, but I think I understand now. They think I want them to die because they want meand people like me to die. They’re projecting. They want me to die, and because of that they think I also want them to die.

And I know they want me to die. I’ve received hundreds of anons in the past week that say they want me to die. I’ve seen actual trans people like Blaire White and Kalvin Garrah receive hate and death threats for just existing with an opinion contrary to what most trans people believe. I’ve seen trans people like contrapoints get death threats for briefly stepping out of line, and those threats only stopped when he made a 2+ hour video about it. They send death threats to teachers who won’t teach trans stuff in school, they send death threats to female-only groups who want to remain female-only, they send death threats to lesbians who don’t want to date transwomen.

It’s weird how they say terfs are the ones that are full of hate when they go around not only acting like this but thinking that they’re on the right side of history and that they’re the victims. “Why can’t you just leave trans people alone?” I’m trying, I never go out of my way to attack individual trans people, y’all go out of your way to attack me. You won’t let me leave you alone.


date a boy who punches terfs in the face

YAASSS KWEEEN date men who assault women



why the hell are we still allowing narcs to use threats of self harm or suicide to guilt trip people 

if a self absorbed genderhair is going to kermit over being told “gay dudes dont wanna fuck you” over the internet, which is very unlikely to begin with, it is not the fault of the people who are done with trancels being entitled to gay people’s bodies. there is clearly more going on than just that



Transcription: “I don’t want to be a gender. I want to be a goblin and collect shiny things and lay in moss and roll pearls & teeth between my hands to make the sounds.” [Image is of a pair of Caucasian feet standing on mossy ground]

I have been increasingly exhausted with gender. The roles, the aesthetic expectations, the discussions and politics. I don’t want there to be gender. I want a world where people don’t have separation between each other due to genitalia.

Wouldn’t it be nice if that didn’t exist and we just were attracted to whoever we’re attracted to, and genitals weren’t a conversation piece until you started talking about having sex? Like “hmm I really like you, maybe we should bang. Oh gee you have X, that means we’ll do YGZ kind of sexual activities, cool cool.” Because we wouldn’t have the hangups about certain genitalia, it would be about the person we’re attracted to themselves.

And having kids is its own separate discussion, like “oh hey look we have the kinds needed for that, or, we’ll have to make arrangements for that,” just like any couple/moresome might have to discuss fertility.

/utopia dreams

A world without gay men and lesbians, oh sorry, “people with genital hangups” is not a utopia

It’s basic and unoriginal homophobia to imply that a perfect world wouldn’t have homosexuality

These homophobes couldn’t be anymore vocal about their hatred of homosexuals and homosexuality yet there are homos out there who STILL INSIST on deepthroating that hetero boot


You know? Terfs really hurt my brain. Think I need a bit of a cleanser. So here are some of my favorite trans creators

1.alice Caldwell kelly. She’s on the podcasts ‘well there’s your problem’ it’s about engaging disasters. And ‘trash future’ about big corporations making the world a worse place.

2. Viki 1999. She makes amazing videos about different political ideologies and some responses to right wing chuds.

3. Jammidodger. He mades a wide variety of videos. Mostly him reaching to stuff related to lgbt+

Please add your oun favorite creators!

“Terfs really hurt my brain”

That’s a lie right there, how can terfs hurt something that doesn’t exist ?

Ma’am did you know that liars go to hell ?

woolfie: robotniks-announcement:radicalgraff: ‘There are girls with dicks, guys with vaginas, and




‘There are girls with dicks, guys with vaginas, and transphobes without teeth’

“It’s called a deadname cuz you’ll be dead if you call me it”-my nb friend from school

your theythem friend would break down in tears if called a girl, let alone kill somebody lmao

“litchrally no stunning and brave trans person EVER threatened women its all terf lies” 

Post link








gsa club member: what’s your opinion on adding sapiosexuality to our list of recognized aspec identities? also, what did you think of our presentation panel on the struggle of maintaining femininity in demigirl-hood and other feminine-aligned genders in a butch/masc dominated world?



way to equate “queer” with “shitty liberal politics”. thanks good analysis 

i hate to be the one to have to inform you of this but queer theory is shitty liberal politics

my school’s gsa’s biggest project was making (shittily designed) pronoun pins and handing them out all over school. gsa also now stands for “gender/sexuality association” instead of gay/straight alliance. no more gay, only gender

ours too! it’s gender/sexuality instead of gay straight as of last year.

they’re weeding out all the homosexuality and replacing it with gender feelings

dont just drop the T, go with the whole TQ+


Reading through The Gay Revolution, Faderman keeps coming back to this idea that homosexuals in America ONLY managed to succeed in their activism by building on a foundation of COMMUNITY, recognizing that there were THOUSANDS just like them

Lesbians and gay men needed to know they EXISTED as a cohesive whole before they could really conceptualize changing how they were treated in the U.S.

Obviously it’s complex, and work was already being done by homosexuals prior to larger, national groups. But it makes me think about how lesbians and gay men are threatened by “evolving language” today

How can young gay men and lesbians come together, survive, fight, or thrive when our reality is twisted to the point of being unrecognizable? How can you defend or even comprehend your place in a community of oppressed individuals without words to describe yourself?

One of the greatest threats of “evolving understandings” of homosexuality is that a gay man or lesbian can genuinely look at their internal experience of exclusive same-sex attraction and worry “Am I the only one like this?”

In a space where “gender” is inaccurately made into the foundation of the gay experience, a homosexual can feel that they are alone in their “genital obsession.” That is horrifying. That is something I will never forgive or forget


I have something you’ll never have: the privilege of sharing my body and sexual pleasure with other adult males. Your brimming fury and jealousy of this reality, manifested by transing the definition of “gay” to include opposite-sex intercourse, and using slurs like TEHM to “put me in my place”, does nothing but increase my pride in being homosexual. You’re not us. You can’t have what we have and you can’t take it away from us, and it drives you crazy. It must be pretty special if you want it so bad.


women: we need our female-only spaces to escape male violence. by letting males who identify as women into these spaces we lose our sense of safety and we’re exposed to more violence from men. is that really what you want?






I’m getting really sick of the lesbian community’s lack of acceptance of trans girls.

Lesbians by definition are attracted to woman so claiming that you “could never be attracted to or have sex with a trans girl” is simply transphobic and nothing else.

Lesbians are not attracted to males so idk what u r talking about, please wise up and start acting normal

I am a girl which makes me by definition not male so fuck off with your transphobia and lesbophobia

But your anatomy by definition makes you male

“Lesbians by definition are attracted to woman”

which is exactly why we aren’t attracted to you, mr. smegma !



the bottom line is that if the hill trans activists are gonna die on is “exclusive same-sex attraction is transphobic”, then we need to go our separate ways as communities. we’re no longer on the same team.

Exhibit A
