
rockthatclit: lesbian-nausicaa: afrodyketee: trannosphere:How to derail a thread about a woman fea






How to derail a thread about a woman fearing for her life to be all about menz’ feelz.

it pains me that women will throw other women under the bus in favor of men. That women will suppress their common sense to please men instead of standing by their sisters. I pray this era passes quickly. I hope women wake up. This woman could very well have a cancerous tumor on her ovary and their only issue is making sure not to offend males.

this is one of the most horrible things I have read in a while, i feel sorry for this woman, she did nothing wrong, what a shitty group

This is actually sad. So what is the correct term then?? It’s all supposed to be ambiguous?? Who does it help if all language to describe our bodies and lived experiences is ambiguous??

This speaks for itself.

In ten years, people will not believe this kind of thing happened, so we need to save everything.

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hypnictwitch: appropriately-inappropriate: dasha-loses-it:76genders:dasha-loses-it:canola-juic







Had never really thought about this

Muslim feminists are a hoot.

I love how you assume the woman tweeting is a ~crazy feminist~ and not just a woman that doesn’t want men in the locker room with her for obvious reasons

The utter irony of a radfem supporting Muslims because they happen to hate the same people.

Radical feminism supports women — be they Muslim, Orthodox, Pentecostal or Atheist — because ultimately, we have more in common than we do different.

I may not agree with Islam’s perspective on the role of women (and feel the same about all religions where “woman” is considered lesser-than), but I absolutely support her right to feel safe in a space she’s entitled to.

You probably shouldn’t brag about how your ideology has no room for nuance; polarized thinking with no room for discussion is, at best, orthodoxy and at worst, a cult.

“Happen to hate the same people” What, misogynists? I can hate patriarchal religions forcing ideas of ‘modesty’ down girls’ throats and patriarchal societies forcing them to accept males in female spaces when they are clearly uncomfortable with it. Can men just leave us the fuck alone for five seconds? 


These are my exactly my views when it comes to Islam, and women, all women.

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During my libfem days I used to tell myself that my ignorance doesn’t outweigh someone’s identity, so I stopped challenging why it never made sense and I assumed with exposure I’d be less ignorant, but I only saw more and more contradictions and eventually realized that it was never ignorance on my part.

My story is really similar, except that I became brainwashed by the trans ideology for a couple of years in between. But at the beginning it made no sense to me and I just assumed that this was because I wasn’t trans, and that I needed to defer to those who were. But once I became un-brainwashed, I realized that it didn’t make sense to me at the start because it’s actually utter nonsense, and that it was my feminine conditioning that led me to question myself as opposed to an obviously bullshit proposition.

I feel like there was a change at some point in tumblr’s mentality and mainstream genderists’ discourse. I remember I became an ally of trans issues way back when I got into tumblr, but back then trans activists gave actual arguments, engaged in actual conversations and discussions, and aknowledged a lot of things that radfems are pointing out that are missing on the discourse now. I dunno what changed. I do feel like back then there were much less transition fetishists tought… fetishists used to be seen as the people that gave a “bad name” to the trans movement, now the trans movement defends them. I still support trans people that aren’t mysoginistic, but I’ve realized that a lot of the discourse is filled with fallacies.

I tries to understand and be “a good ally” because then I thought the only alternative was being alt-right. But it never made sense to me. I started to look voraciously for any shred of evidence about sexed brains, and of course I found no solid data.

I was already unhappy with all the “sex-positivity”of liberal “feminism”, that championed the sex industry and BDSM, but again I thought the only alternative was Conservative Abrahamic religions, which I hated and found (and still find) oppressive and toxic.

Then the whole genderqueer, non-binary and genderfluid thing came out, and it was outright ridiculous to me. Tried to read Everyday Feminism articles that were titled: “10 reasons why non-binary identities should not be questioned”, but every single one of those reasons came down to: “who dare you deny people of their lived experiences!”

And then I found out about the cotton ceiling, and I was horrified. Thankfully, I found the great Elizabeth Hungerford in the comments, and it was like a ray of light beaming brightly in the darkness. Thanks to her I found radical feminism, amd never looked back. And I was lucky to be able to thank her for that! (She was very nice and humble!)


Nobody in libfem space seems to think its triggering to talk about dick in extreme worshippy detail despite the fact that some people dont have dicks or have been sexually abused by dicks. A lot of them intentionally try to trigger lesbians who habe been abused with dick talk as part of the conversion therapy.

One positive whisper of positivity about vaginas though and a billion people explode.

This is balanced.





Idk why liberals are so surprised that some countries (talking about Iran, specifically) are pro-trans but anti-gay, or why liberals are often shocked and amazed and delighted when some parents are SO accepting of their trans kids (when the alternative is to accept having a gnc gay/lesbian child - yuck!!). Like, did you all just blank on the fact that transgenderism is and always has been conversion therapy? Of course creating gender-conforming “straight” trans-men and trans-women out of gnc gays and lesbians is preferable to having a bunch of rule-breakers wandering around challenging and disproving sex-roles. 

There’s this book by an Iranian American writer about a lesbian in Iran who considers becoming a transman so she can be with her girlfriend, and lots of American liberals commenting on goodreads expressed astonishment at the mores of these faraway barbarian countries that use the good and pure practice of transition to erase gay people, apparently clueless about what is going down in their own country.

It’s insane how powerful cognitive distance and how political correctness has brainwashed people into submission

Yes, i read that one! Its “if you could be mine” by sara farizan. i found it at the library when i was first learning about radical feminism.

squishgender:gendertrenders:radafayscage: If you don’t have sex with a transwoman… i added a fewsquishgender:gendertrenders:radafayscage: If you don’t have sex with a transwoman… i added a fewsquishgender:gendertrenders:radafayscage: If you don’t have sex with a transwoman… i added a fewsquishgender:gendertrenders:radafayscage: If you don’t have sex with a transwoman… i added a fewsquishgender:gendertrenders:radafayscage: If you don’t have sex with a transwoman… i added a fewsquishgender:gendertrenders:radafayscage: If you don’t have sex with a transwoman… i added a fewsquishgender:gendertrenders:radafayscage: If you don’t have sex with a transwoman… i added a few




If you don’t have sex with a transwoman…

i added a few more

“The point of being a lesbian is to love ALL women”!? What the fuck? Lesbians have to be in some poly shit with like 3 billion people? Or just be open to 3 billion people?

Oh, the “right kind of lesbian” is “seriously cock-hungry”.

Wonder when are they saying the same stuff to heterosexual dudes (at least Zinnia does, I’ll give him that).

Reblogging to see how many of these Tumblr accounts exist in 10 or even 5 years, after the whole trans fad is over.

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lydia-oh-lydia: sadfemradfem: lavender-hopes-dreams:archdruidess:terfyderf:phalloid-destroyer:lydia-oh-lydia: sadfemradfem: lavender-hopes-dreams:archdruidess:terfyderf:phalloid-destroyer:lydia-oh-lydia: sadfemradfem: lavender-hopes-dreams:archdruidess:terfyderf:phalloid-destroyer:lydia-oh-lydia: sadfemradfem: lavender-hopes-dreams:archdruidess:terfyderf:phalloid-destroyer:lydia-oh-lydia: sadfemradfem: lavender-hopes-dreams:archdruidess:terfyderf:phalloid-destroyer:lydia-oh-lydia: sadfemradfem: lavender-hopes-dreams:archdruidess:terfyderf:phalloid-destroyer:lydia-oh-lydia: sadfemradfem: lavender-hopes-dreams:archdruidess:terfyderf:phalloid-destroyer:lydia-oh-lydia: sadfemradfem: lavender-hopes-dreams:archdruidess:terfyderf:phalloid-destroyer:lydia-oh-lydia: sadfemradfem: lavender-hopes-dreams:archdruidess:terfyderf:phalloid-destroyer:lydia-oh-lydia: sadfemradfem: lavender-hopes-dreams:archdruidess:terfyderf:phalloid-destroyer:









I naïvely thought that rhetoric like this was dying out, but it’s probably because I’ve been blocked by main perpetrators. Anyway!

1. Not liking dick isn’t a lesbian thing anymore, also I’m implying that lesbianism is a thing that can be updated to fit to current ideologies and not just a word to describe female homosexuality!

2. “Falling in love with someone just because they have the right junk is gross”. Homosexuality is gross! If you require your partner to have the same sex that you have in order to develop attraction and an emotional connection, you’re disgusting!

3. Genital preferences, aka, innate sexual orientation, is something you need to unlearn and repress in order to be a truly virtuous person! Get with the times and fuck an entitled trans person!

4. Defining lesbian as female homosexuality, aka females sexually attracted to females, is not inclusive. Instead lesbian can used by anyone who is attracted to girls even slightly! There’s no difference between bisexuality and homosexuality, because then you’ll have to acknowledge the reality of biological sex!

5. Overcoming your sexual boundaries is how you achieve personal growth! That’s right, your insistence on not fucking me is actually a personal failing on your part! Grow up, you immature lesbian!

6. Genitalia has no place in sexual attraction, despite their function in, y'know, sex. Don’t get it? Shut the fuck up!

7. Those filthy homosexuals nearly achieved true love and genuine attraction to the other sex, but their abnormal fetishes prevented them from achieving true love! If you experience a superficial attraction to someone you have assumed is your own sex, this supersedes everything else about your sexual orientation!

8. A penis is analogous to a tattoo! If you don’t want to touch one, you’re a shallow person!

9. Don’t want to touch a dick? That’s okay, here’s some ways around that! What? You still don’t want to be near a dick or the person attached in a sexual situation? God, you’re so uncreative and boring

10. Refusing to date a trans person is transphobic! Just like how a straight guy refusing to date a gay guy is homophobic, right? Makes perfect sense!



some more receipts

Being compared to straight white boys makes my blood fucking boil.

Also, when has a straight boy ever 1. eaten pussy, 2. not treated it like a chore and 3. actually made a woman orgasm? Fuck outta here.

“they’re like the straight white boys of the lgbt community.”

projection is hilarious

When will these idiots get it through their thick skulls that lesbians do not want to have sex with them??

“but nobody’s saying you HAVE to have sex with trans people”

“you just have to answer a million what-if questions designed to test your boundaries as a homosexual”

Reblogging for the receipts and Janelle Morae.

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gay-converse-boy: triggerdt:bitter-bitchbites:gendercriticalbear:bitter-bitchbites:lydia-oh-








Lesbians will never like dick, die mad about it. This about takes the cake for most homophobic thing said on that shit-fire thread.

Homosexuals who won’t have sex with the opposite sex aren’t homosexuals. If you’re a homosexual, you’re a sleazy ass pervert who’s just out there shopping for meat.

@bitter-bitchbites what’s it like to be a raging homophobe?

idk, what’s it like to be a vag fetishist and reduce women to their genitalia ? my gay ass cannot comprehend.

also who wanna bet these “no dicks” “””””lesbians””””” got themselves a collection of dildos.

Why the fuck do all these shemale fetishists think dildos and dicks are the same

ah right ! dicks come with people, which would require you to be with a person, which would demand you to treat your partner like a human being !! my bad. it’s unfair of me to ask that of you, should have known it’s just too hard.

but forcing porn tropes onto people because respecting their gender identity is too hard for you ! now that’s smtg that does not at all contradict your “feminist” positions. /s

You are a human being

A male human being

Which is why no lesbian will ever date you

“Terfs” are a convenient displacement target to explain away the reason why you’ve spent your formative years crying on tumblr about all the pussy you’re not getting

Newsflash: your motives are transparent and we all know you’re an unfuckable shitnerd

6,000 falsely constructed microidentities and at the end of the day you’re still an obvious incel lmao

^ things I wish trans “‘lesbians”’ would realise

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the-stars-are-terfs: triggerdt: bitter-bitchbites: gendercriticalbear:bitter-bitchbites:lydia-oh








Lesbians will never like dick, die mad about it. This about takes the cake for most homophobic thing said on that shit-fire thread.

Homosexuals who won’t have sex with the opposite sex aren’t homosexuals. If you’re a homosexual, you’re a sleazy ass pervert who’s just out there shopping for meat.

@bitter-bitchbites what’s it like to be a raging homophobe?

idk, what’s it like to be a vag fetishist and reduce women to their genitalia ? my gay ass cannot comprehend.

also who wanna bet these “no dicks” “””””lesbians””””” got themselves a collection of dildos.

Why the fuck do all these shemale fetishists think dildos and dicks are the same

ah right ! dicks come with people, which would require you to be with a person, which would demand you to treat your partner like a human being !! my bad. it’s unfair of me to ask that of you, should have known it’s just too hard.

but forcing porn tropes onto people because respecting their gender identity is too hard for you ! now that’s smtg that does not at all contradict your “feminist” positions. /s

You are a human being

A male human being

Which is why no lesbian will ever date you

“Terfs” are a convenient displacement target to explain away the reason why you’ve spent your formative years crying on tumblr about all the pussy you’re not getting

Newsflash: your motives are transparent and we all know you’re an unfuckable shitnerd

6,000 falsely constructed microidentities and at the end of the day you’re still an obvious incel lmao

When the incel hits

Love that they’re actively trying to kick us out of our own community no lesbian wants you, we love women and pussy, die mad about it

Why doesn’t OP create a version for heterosexuals men?:

Again, transphobes can’t be straight men. If you only love one type of women with one type of body and privates, you’re not a straight man. You’re a sleazy ass pervert who’s out there shopping for meat.

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it’s fucking laughable that when a lesbian says “i don’t like dick” people roll their eyes and sigh “no…no.. you just don’t getit - it doesn’t have to go insideyou it’s not like heterosexual sex, oh my god” like shut up lmao???  i never want to see a dick, i never want to touch one, i never want to make anyone hard, the whole fucking concept is beyond disgusting to me.

not only do these people have zero empathy for lesbians (so much for tumblr caring about triggering people about sexual situations that are traumatic to them), they act like lesbians never given thought to non-piv sex in our lives lmfao

yeah the idea that lesbians don’t know how to have non piv sexual interactions is absurd on its face but it’s not like these people care about lesbians’ lives or experiences

there’s something so distinctly male about demanding a pity fuck

I do not want to please male bodies in any way, The concept is repulsive to me. Not sorry. I don’t want to make males feel good and I am not interested in any of their body parts in any way.

This is how they sound: 

“hmm well you could be with someone who’s body actually turns you on, someone whose body you love to be sexual with and someone you actively want to please, but you know what you should do instead? Be with someone whose body makes you uncomfortable, someone with genitalia you don’t want to touch or look at, engage in sexual acts that you have no interest in, find repulsive, or could potentially be traumatizing for you. All because THEY want you to. Doesn’t that sound great? Oh, and if you don’t you’re literally the scum of the earth.”

then they move on to “relationships don’t require sex”

and that never works because if a lesbian dates a trans woman under the pretence that there is no sex she’ll get coerced into it anyways, aka raped.

You know they get off on it. They get off on forcing their access into areas they don’t belong.





Radfems like to say “what is your definition of a woman” as a sort of rhetorical kill-switch, assuming that trans women (and our allies) will say that womanhood is some list of traits about femininity. In fact, our definition of woman is nothing. We don’t define womanhood. Any definition of a woman (or of any particular gender) assumes that gender is innate and has a True State of Being. Whether this definition is based in gendered traits of partiarchy or in the genital-worship of “biological sex” it enforces roles of gender upon women. If you insist that woman has a factual definition, you’ve already lost. 

Definition of a woman: when she says she is a woman. Nobody else could ever possibly ‘define’ it when they don’t live inside her head.

And then what is the definition of “woman”?

And if it’s “all in her head”, as you say, how is it that men know who to rape in war, and how is it that they know who to mutilate with foot-binding, acid-attacks and infibulation?

Throughout history, there has always been a class of people — women — who have caught the end of the shit stick.

Do you believe men are mind readers? Or do you see women as identifying as the class to rape, torture and consider less-than human?

If it’s only something you can understand and is in no way explainable to anyone else then why should society change to fit you? Why should women sacrifice their rights and safety for something you can’t even explain? Something that goes against all logic and that goes against something definable and tangible that has consequences and has had consequences all throughout history. Why? What gives you that right considering you have no evidence or even a definition?


Why should women sacrifice their rights and safety for something you can’t even explain?








Radfems like to say “what is your definition of a woman” as a sort of rhetorical kill-switch, assuming that trans women (and our allies) will say that womanhood is some list of traits about femininity. In fact, our definition of woman is nothing. We don’t define womanhood. Any definition of a woman (or of any particular gender) assumes that gender is innate and has a True State of Being. Whether this definition is based in gendered traits of partiarchy or in the genital-worship of “biological sex” it enforces roles of gender upon women. If you insist that woman has a factual definition, you’ve already lost. 

Definition of a woman: when she says she is a woman. Nobody else could ever possibly ‘define’ it when they don’t live inside her head.

And then what is the definition of “woman”?

And if it’s “all in her head”, as you say, how is it that men know who to rape in war, and how is it that they know who to mutilate with foot-binding, acid-attacks and infibulation?

Throughout history, there has always been a class of people — women — who have caught the end of the shit stick.

Do you believe men are mind readers? Or do you see women as identifying as the class to rape, torture and consider less-than human?

@tumblunni So why is “misgendering” wrong? You and the original OP are asserting that the word “woman” has no factual definition. That it means absolutely nothing. That it’s just a noise that can have any meaning attributed to it at all.

So why does “misgendering” matter at all? 

It’s almost like this argument is just a disingenuous excuse to justify calling men women.

Woman means anyone who identifies with feminine qualities

How does that follow, if what is feminine is culturally variable?

^femininity in China

^femininity in Afghanistan

^Padaung femininity

^femininity for Suri and Mursi women

So if a “woman” is anyone who is drawn to femininity, why do all these painful body modifications (and in some cases, like foot-binding and breast-ironing, body mutilations) all target a group of individuals whose only commonality is their sex:


Furthermore, if “woman” is anyone who is associated with femininity, then do you believe

Lea Delaria isn’t a woman?

What about:

Her? Woman, or man?

Just one of the many examples of transgenderism upholding gender stereotypes…


dropping the T in LGBT

the T should never have been there. the first trans people were homosexual persons who transitioned to escape homophobia. the first trans men were lesbians trying to pass with their female partners as straight couples. the first trans women were gay men trying to pass with male partners as straight couples. there is a community of same sex attracted persons, and all same sex attracted persons are GNC by virtue of SSA because the first gender role is the expectation to marry a person of the opposite sex and rear children with said spouse. homosexuality is at odds with hetero marriage, and gender roles exist to uphold the institution of traditional marriage, so all persons who experience SSA are GNC. furthermore, if we dropped the T, who’s really being excluded/“kicked out”? not SSA trans men, who are still included as lesbians under the L (females exclusively attracted to females.) not SSA trans women, who are still included as gay men under the G (males exclusively attracted to males.) but if we dropped the T, who WOULD be excluded? heteros who fetishize homosexuality. fujoshis and autogynephiles who think homosexuality is bigotry. since they don’t experience SSA, the “T” is their ONLY claim to membership to the “queer club” they think we comprise. transgenderism exists only because of the heteronormative society in which we live. if we abolish gender, homosexual persons would never feel a need to try to pass as straight. would some individuals still experience dysphoria? perhaps, but the number of those who do would be far fewer. bottom line: heteros envy the SSA community and milk the “T” as a way to gain “access” to us and harrass us for being SSA. dropping the T does not drop any SSA persons, since the LGB already covers them. dropping the T serves only to exclude heteros, who by default aren’t SSA.






This is the guy who praised Iran for their progressive stance on transgender rights.

Pro gressive Stan…ce……………



Riley. Progressive. Riley.

Go away. You homophobe.

He’s not an educator he’s a fucking tyrant

conversion therapy is kweer positive

you have to know at least one correct thing in order to be an educator

from the horse’s mouth:

“Gay men often pride themselves on being disgusted by vaginas, and the same goes for lesbian women with penises. It’s difficult because some queer people have built their sexual identities on these repulsions, but I don’t think they’re innate at all.”

dont forget about the aversion project that happened in south africa. they specifically targeted homosexuals and forced them to undergo sex change surgeries when electro shock therapy didnt work (it never did)

Back on my bullshit

A little bit more education oriented but just as mean. Anyone who dislikes it can lick a cactus



Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf Terf

“If you hate Spicy Transphobes, you hate wOmEn! ”

You know, I had this whole post typed out explaining why we as trans people are not wrong or misogynistic for hating terfs, but I had like a moment of clarity. I had written almost ten paragraphs of beautiful metaphors and passionate explanations. But I just. Stopped. Because I knew that no matter how much I explain that hating someone for trying to deny you basic respect is perfectly reasonable, all these fucking terfs will ever reply is “BUT TRANS WAMENS R MENNNN WAHHHHHH”. All they’ll ever see is a “tra” trying to BrAiNwAsH them into respecting trans people’s identities. It just makes me so fucking depressed. They ignore us when we present facts, they ignore us when we bargain, they ignore us when we beg, they ignore us while we die, they ignore us when we try to push them out of our spaces. But the moment we finally snap and get angry, when one of us finally gets tired of being ignored and says “Terfs can choke on glass”, they start listening. “LOOK AT THE TRAS GOD THEYRE SO VIOLENT I JUST DONT UNDERSTAND, WE ARE ALWAYS SO CALM AND RATIONAL AND THEY SAID I DESERVE TO DIE?! THIS IS PROOF THAT TRANS PEOPLE HATE ALL WOMEN!” No, we don’t hate women. We hate you. You, very specifically. We hate TERFs. We hate being told that we do not deserve to exist. We hate being told that nothing we feel matters more than what our bodies look like. We hate you. I love women, ESPECIALLY trans women.






Terfs lost their" human" badge when they decided to join a movement to oppress trans people. They’re just a trash can painted with human features.

Terf = “Trash erasing real feminism”

Interesting how we’re always being told that “Terfs” are dehumanizing trans people by pointing out which sex they actually are and in turn why their rhetoric is inherently sexist and then they use that as an excuse to actually depeople and dehumanize women who speak out. 

We know what is in our pants you blithering idiot, the issue is that it’s none of your fucking business. You aren’t fucking me, feeding me, or financing me, which means your opinion is worthless to me.

Also, that “trans pewplw awe sexist wahhh” shit needs to stop. We are trying to exist in a way that makes us happy, and you want to prevent that. That’s the two sides of the argument.

One side (us) wants to exist in peace, wants to be respected as human beings and not have our existence debated.

The other side (you) wants to prevent that.

But no obviously us horrible transes are the problem. It’s amazing how salty terfs get when we dare to fight back, and god forbid we get angry right.

k, thanks for being a misogynist lol

Have you ever heard of chilling the fuck out, op? women are allowed to have dissenting views. Not everyone has to politely agree with your politics, especially if you’re spewing toxic shit like that ^.

Women? Yes

Terfs? No

All terfs may be women, but all women are not terfs. And your “dissenting views” are being forced on our lives and our bodies. I don’t have to agree politely with you either





Terfs lost their" human" badge when they decided to join a movement to oppress trans people. They’re just a trash can painted with human features.

Terf = “Trash erasing real feminism”

Interesting how we’re always being told that “Terfs” are dehumanizing trans people by pointing out which sex they actually are and in turn why their rhetoric is inherently sexist and then they use that as an excuse to actually depeople and dehumanize women who speak out. 

We know what is in our pants you blithering idiot, the issue is that it’s none of your fucking business. You aren’t fucking me, feeding me, or financing me, which means your opinion is worthless to me.

Also, that “trans pewplw awe sexist wahhh” shit needs to stop. We are trying to exist in a way that makes us happy, and you want to prevent that. That’s the two sides of the argument.

One side (us) wants to exist in peace, wants to be respected as human beings and not have our existence debated.

The other side (you) wants to prevent that.

But no obviously us horrible transes are the problem. It’s amazing how salty terfs get when we dare to fight back, and god forbid we get angry right.

k, thanks for being a misogynist lol

Terfs acting like dumbasses: The Novela



Terfs lost their" human" badge when they decided to join a movement to oppress trans people. They’re just a trash can painted with human features.

Terf = “Trash erasing real feminism”

Interesting how we’re always being told that “Terfs” are dehumanizing trans people by pointing out which sex they actually are and in turn why their rhetoric is inherently sexist and then they use that as an excuse to actually depeople and dehumanize women who speak out. 

We know what is in our pants you blithering idiot, the issue is that it’s none of your fucking business. You aren’t fucking me, feeding me, or financing me, which means your opinion is worthless to me.

Also, that “trans pewplw awe sexist wahhh” shit needs to stop. We are trying to exist in a way that makes us happy, and you want to prevent that. That’s the two sides of the argument.

One side (us) wants to exist in peace, wants to be respected as human beings and not have our existence debated.

The other side (you) wants to prevent that.

But no obviously us horrible transes are the problem. It’s amazing how salty terfs get when we dare to fight back, and god forbid we get angry right.


Terfs lost their" human" badge when they decided to join a movement to oppress trans people. They’re just a trash can painted with human features.

Terf = “Trash erasing real feminism”

The terfs feel dehumanized. Gee. I cant.. Imagine… What that… Would feel like…. Hmmmm……

Terfs lost their" human" badge when they decided to join a movement to oppress trans people. They’re just a trash can painted with human features.

Terf = “Trash erasing real feminism”






Trans women: *have no uteri and no uterine lining to shed*

Trans women: wow my lower abdomen hurts and i haven’t pooped in 3 days must be my period someone pass me some chocolate before i commit homicide uwu


Trans women DO have periods, and not just small stomachaches. True, they cannot menstrate, but they experience all of the symptoms (cramps, cravings, irritableness, etc) because just like in cis women, their levels in estrogen drop during this time.

hey I’m a girl who gets her period, i dont get cravings, im not irritable, and i rarely cramp during my period. this doesnt mean i dont have a period, because a period is the shedding of the uterine lining out of the uterus. males do not have a uterus or a vagina. the period is not a stomach ache, a bad mood, or a want for chocolate. your misogyny is showing

I don’t even know why I’m bothering to answer a sexual predator who hides behind radfem rhetoric

But just because you don’t experience the symptoms doesn’t mean they aren’t tied to periods. Their period, just like a cis women, is caused by hormones. They experience all the syptoms of a period for the same reason cis women, a cycle of hormones.

For someone dedicated to pretending trans people are horrible and inhuman, you sure don’t know a lot about us.

a sexual predator??? how???

and dont transwomen take a steady dose of estrogen regularly? how does that cause a period with low estrogen then

It appears sex ed has failed you. Here’s an account from various trans women

And another article

There isn’t a lot of research on the topic, but here’s what I know. There are two types of estrogen in cis womens bodies, one hormone is made from the other. Trans women get prescribed the first one, and (after a while) their body naturally converts it into the second type (just like cis women). Their hormones fluctuate after that, and settles into a cycle, which is their period. Cis women who have their reproductive organs removed and have to take hormones report the same cycles and symptoms.




Trans women: *have no uteri and no uterine lining to shed*

Trans women: wow my lower abdomen hurts and i haven’t pooped in 3 days must be my period someone pass me some chocolate before i commit homicide uwu


Trans women DO have periods, and not just small stomachaches. True, they cannot menstrate, but they experience all of the symptoms (cramps, cravings, irritableness, etc) because just like in cis women, their levels in estrogen drop during this time.

hey I’m a girl who gets her period, i dont get cravings, im not irritable, and i rarely cramp during my period. this doesnt mean i dont have a period, because a period is the shedding of the uterine lining out of the uterus. males do not have a uterus or a vagina. the period is not a stomach ache, a bad mood, or a want for chocolate. your misogyny is showing

I don’t even know why I’m bothering to answer a sexual predator who hides behind radfem rhetoric

But just because you don’t experience the symptoms doesn’t mean they aren’t tied to periods. Their period, just like a cis women, is caused by hormones. They experience all the syptoms of a period for the same reason cis women, a cycle of hormones.

For someone dedicated to pretending trans people are horrible and inhuman, you sure don’t know a lot about us.













a penis will never be female and a vagina will never be male! and you know why this isnt validating to trans people? because neovaginas and phalloplasties arent real vaginas and penises! because an open wound that serves as a fuck hole isnt a vagina, and a tube of flesh from your arm isnt a penis! the dictionary is on google!

Oh my look at that edge….looks like mutilation lingo’s back in TERF fashion this month.

ok but a neovagina is literally an open wound, that’s why you need to dilate it? and that’s how you do a phalloplasty tho??? like it’s literally how it works??? ksjdksjs

And there ya go just digging deeper.

You really do need to do this stuff really badly don’t you?

I also didnt say anything about mutilation bro but ok

Not a bro, never a bro.

And yet you still went with the theme even if you didn’t use the exact word.

Strawman all you want on this but ya literally went there and you’re hard defending the choice.

Like I said you really do need this kinda of stuff badly.

Can we discuss the hypersexualization of trans people by this terf? “”“"open wound that serves as a FUCK HOLE”“”“”“

But then they accuse us of being predatory??? The only people I’ve heard use the term “fuck hole” in place of vagina are incels and rapists. And now terfs.

hello??? a transwomans surgery hole isnt a vagina

Neither is your skull, but you’d flip shit if I called that a fuck hole

this is the dumbest shit I’ve seen in my life

you cant fuck a skull

a neovagina serves NO PURPOSE besides fucking

you know why?

because it cant give birth

You can, in fact, fuck a skull. Google it livestream your response lmfao some weird shit.

Vaginas, which they are called stop with the neo shit, aren’t there for the sole purpose of having sex with. And its pretty fucking gross to say that about anyone, especially a woman. Why do you sound like an incel

jesus christ I’m not talking about female vaginas

I’m talking about the inverted penis of a trans identified male

it’s not a vagina. you know why? because the vagina is the tunnel that leads to the cervix

which males do not have

please please PLEASE fact check for once

You’re trying realllllly hard to cover up your misogyny and it’s sad. Calling ANYONE’s body, be them cis or trans or nonbinary, is misogynistic and ties heavily into incel/rapist rhetoric. People like you are why everyone hates radfems, even though they like to pretend you don’t exist. They all want to pretend the radfem movement is all civil and peaceful and us horrid transies are the violent ones.

Let me add to their hate: Go fuck a blender blade set on pulse









a penis will never be female and a vagina will never be male! and you know why this isnt validating to trans people? because neovaginas and phalloplasties arent real vaginas and penises! because an open wound that serves as a fuck hole isnt a vagina, and a tube of flesh from your arm isnt a penis! the dictionary is on google!

Oh my look at that edge….looks like mutilation lingo’s back in TERF fashion this month.

ok but a neovagina is literally an open wound, that’s why you need to dilate it? and that’s how you do a phalloplasty tho??? like it’s literally how it works??? ksjdksjs

And there ya go just digging deeper.

You really do need to do this stuff really badly don’t you?

I also didnt say anything about mutilation bro but ok

Not a bro, never a bro.

And yet you still went with the theme even if you didn’t use the exact word.

Strawman all you want on this but ya literally went there and you’re hard defending the choice.

Like I said you really do need this kinda of stuff badly.

Can we discuss the hypersexualization of trans people by this terf? “”“"open wound that serves as a FUCK HOLE”“”“”“

But then they accuse us of being predatory??? The only people I’ve heard use the term “fuck hole” in place of vagina are incels and rapists. And now terfs.

hello??? a transwomans surgery hole isnt a vagina

Neither is your skull, but you’d flip shit if I called that a fuck hole
