#dungeons and daddies


and we danced all night to the best song ever

(wanted to draw the teens in their dance outfits and then immediately regretted that decision when i got to taylor’s outfit haha.)

nick doodle that spiralled … wanted to be self-indulgent teehee

nick doodle that spiralled … wanted to be self-indulgent teehee

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the likelies!also a ver here with the trans flag because i swear i had a request for it that i cant

the likelies!

also a ver here with the trans flag because i swear i had a request for it that i cant seem to find :-(  

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i think about this meme everyday because Ron is untouchable during all the right times and rolls a nat 1 to tie his shoes

henry and glenn are literally the 2 dudes from ‘The Road to El Dorado’ but if both of them were a notch smarter- but still dumb, less colonizer-y, and if only 1 of them could sing

im bored so heres dnd podcasts im listening/will listen to + ones that were not my cup of tea- pls dont kill me for those

dungeons and daddies (ep 45/45)

amazing. nonstop shits n giggles- i think its my all time favorite dndpodcast atm just because its so funny and lighthearted even in serious situations and the cast? mwah. funniest people in the world and beth is like a cherry on a sundae + possibly has the best one-liners in history

naddpod (ep 57/100 and currently taking a break)

another fav- love the story and the plot twists, theres so many inside jokes you really feel a part of the journey/game. idk smth about the only girls in an all male dnd cast- they become the star of the show. emily is so chaotic you really just have to see her terrorizing other dms in other podcasts. cast are absolute sweethearts i love them all they make me soft. only thing is that i take between saga breaks otherwise i get burned out.

join the party (ep 7/63 quit but might try again)

was a good podcast theres literally nothing wrong with it- the theme song is so catchy i could listen to it for hours. the characters and cast have this like cozy feeling to them? idk how to explain. but despite this i really couldn’t get into the podcast- i didnt really like any of the characters besides tracey(tr8c?) so its more of a personal issue rather than with the podcast. the way the dm describes shit is amazing i rlly felt like i was there. i quit listening cause of the characters but later on i might relisten in order to try and warm up to them more.

taz (stopped ep 2 of graduation)

please dont attack me for this i have a family. i loved taz balance and was okay with taz amnesty and bruh i have a good reason for not listening anymore. i didnt like the way the podcast started to work? like at the beginning of balance it was like whew! yes! adventure! puzzles! and a story?! but as the podcast went on it became like a movie- a bunch of cutscenes. and although its so good when things click into place it felt like everything was planned from the beginning in amnesty even though that’s probably not true. i just like when the players have more chances to completely destroy the dms plans than just having a forked path onto which way to go- so sorry

anthony:talks about how he loves glenn as a character and how he’s a fan favorite for a reason

me: aww how nice!

anthony, in his mind:im going to kill him c:

“d&d stereotypes arent accurate and are stupid”

end of episode 65 of dndads:

a barbarian, a rogue, and a druid having a group hug + cry sesh. a bard walks in straight from some marathon sex.

do you listen to episode 29 of dungeons and daddies because its a good portrayal of the dads and their fathers or are you emotionally unstable and just listen to hear the way willy speaks to ron because it reminds you of your own parent.

maybe grant should see his therapist again

lark isn’t normals dad but he absolutely could be heros dad

“That was Before the war”

The Pokemon Go the the Polls one shot done by Dungeons and Daddies is so Good, guys​

Taylor’s got a weird lil room


and we danced all night to the best song ever

(wanted to draw the teens in their dance outfits and then immediately regretted that decision when i got to taylor’s outfit haha.)

rabdoidal:almost caught up w dndads! here are my HC designs of the grandkids i half extrapolated fro


almost caught up w dndads! here are my HC designs of the grandkids i half extrapolated from the official art, half scrounged from my brain

✨ kofi link in bio if you’re feeling generous ✨

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Finally happy with Min-su and Ari-rae’s designs. Ari is an ancient elf now and Min is a red head with green/pink scales

Alexi Borshov the BBEG for my dnd campaign set in mine and my housemates homebrew world. He’s for a homebrew Curse of Strahd inspired game with a focus on Werewolves/Werewolfbears

Miljan got revamped for D&D to once again fill his role as a good Dockmaster/gang leader

Same character 5 years and 3 universes apart. I missed Miljan so much once again despite having him as a worgen.




Oh my god it’s happening!!!

Doodle for one of the recent episodes of dungeons and daddies. good podcast. It was an “oh no he’s hot” moment


Odyssey designs done! Now to do the Quest kids :V

I drew the milfs- ahem I mean MOMS- from dungeons and daddies

From left to right: Morgan, mercedes, Samantha, carrol

I also drew the sons and the dilfs. That one I said on purpose.

I wish the dungeons and daddies boys all the happiness

Left to right: terry, nick, sparrow, lark, grant

See the one of the dads here

See some hot moms here

Y’all I got into dungeons and daddies and CONSUMED all episodes and all I have to show for it is this piece of fan art and my five dollar patreon subscription

Somebody said on the discord that there is no way Glenn isnt short. And they were right. So I present to you this: Glenn is wearing platforms

I also drew the sons!

And the moms

I think I’m man enough to admit I cried for over an hour to episode 61 of dungeons and daddies

Did not expect to be full on sobbing to a podcast called dungeons and daddies

[please no spoilers I’m only on ep 14]


Close up of the patches I made for my podcast jacket! Every time i finish/catch up with a podcast I love, I make a commemorative patch and add it to my jacket. I’ve been doing this for about 2 years now, and finally I have made a patch for every podcast I love.

There are twelve( two more in the reblog)

They are, in order:

The Adventure Zone, I am in Eskew, Mabel, The Far Meridian, The Magnus Archives, Dungeons and Daddies, Hello From the Hallowoods, The Penumbra Podcast, Wolf 359, Archive 81, The Underwood Collection, The Strange Case of Starship Iris.

dungeons and daddies and doodles and diners and drive ins & Knuckles

You cannot tell me Nick and TJ wouldn’t be the most fashionable of the kids

{image description: A group photo of the kids from dungeons and daddies. They’re all cool kids wearing hip clothes. Lark and sparrow have Ace bracelets and Nick has a non-binary bracelet. Standing from right to left if Sparrow and lark oak, Grant Wilson, Terry jr, and Nick close.

Sparrow is wearing a t-shirt and blue jeans is bangs are dyed a light pink. Lark is in a tank top and cargo shorts, he’s wearing socks under his Birkenstock sandals, his bangs are bleached white. Grant is the tallest and he’s wearing a brown hoodie with khaki shorts. Terry jr. is wearing a t-shirt under an open orange button up and dark jeans. Nick is wearing a light pink button up under a dark sweater vest, a half plaid skirt and knee high socks.}

Meanwhile with Walter

{ image description: A digitally drawn photo of Terry jr., Grant Wilson, and Nick Close sitting together on a white background. Terry jr. is a young dark skinned boy with black curly hair, wearing mostly dark grey colors. He is on the left, leaning back while he says “Listen, if Ron Eff Stampler can talk feelings, your dad can too.” Grant is a young white boyis in the center, he’s pale and wearing light warm colors, he’s a young boy with medium brown hair. He’s saying “He’ll pay attention eventually, Nick.” Finally, Nick is furthest to the right. He’s a young Asian boy with tan skin, his hair is shaved on the sides and dyed red at the ends. He’s wreaing dark jacket and jeans, with a red shirt and shoes. Hes got a trans flag bracelet on. He’s sitting with his knees hugged to his chest and he says “I hope you guys are right”}

Listen,,,, if she’s not important I’ll riot

{Image Desriptions: two pictures, the first is of a tall, thin, young blonde lady wearing a long light green dress. She’s smiling at the camera, she’s barefoot and is wearing a dark green fannypack. Off to her side her name, Canary, is written in green and white. The second image is of the Brooklyn 99 meme of Rosa Diaz holding a puppy. The puppy’s head is replaced by The head of Canary from the previous picture. The text has been edited to say “I have only had canary for a day and a half, but if anything happened to him, I would kill everyone in this room and then myself”
