#dungeons and dragons 5e homebrew


Context: So this was our first session of the campaign, and our Arakokra Druid was just killed for good. Our entire party had been getting awful rolls, and there hadn’t been a single nat 20. So the Teifling Warlock ( and my characters sister ) decided to make a deal.

Warlock OOC: Okay so we all know { Druid } is suffering…
Druid: [overly dramatic dying noises ]
Warlock OOC: Hey, { me } if I roll a 20, you have to buy us all drinks.
Me, making up a mourning speech: Alright, hit me.

Everyone went silent as our Warlock rolled, and to my dismay got the first nat 20 of the night. Needless to say, I bought everyone a drink.

So… I was playing a one-shot with my friends and we were trying to kill this gorgon with increased hit points. I’m playing a wood elf ranger, and we have a gnome bard and a half orc rogue. Everyone is getting *garbage* rolls including the DM. Nothing but 3’s and 7’s. At this point we’re trying anything, and my friend who’s playing the half-orc rogue made the terrible mistake of asking us what we thought she should do.

Rogue: Guys, what should I do?

A small moment of silence.

Me: Go for double penetration up its ass with your daggers.

Rogue (laughing): Ummm… ok?

Bard (losing his shit): If you get a nat 20…

Rogue gets a nat 20. She then proceeds to rip its asshole apart. She was using 2 daggers and was getting sneak damage, so she rolled 2d6+2d4. She rolled 2 sixes, a two and a four, and then doubled it because of the nat 20. She dealt 36 damage and brought it down to 4 hit points. We go through another round of everyone missing their attacks, but then the rogue rolled an 18, which was enough to hit.

DM: So, how do you want to kill this thing?

The rogue then made a big mistake.

Rogue: Any ideas?

Me: climb inside it and kill it from the inside.

She did exactly that.

Dm: I’m not describing that… it’s dead… everyone roll a constitution saving throw to see if you throw up.

We all failed.

And that was how we saved the village.

Context: So our party had just freed a few salves from a mine, and one of the slaves happened to be a witch. She decided to give us some gifts as a thank you. The gifts consisted of magical items, some of which were pretty cool. Then, it was our half-elf Druid’s turn to receive her gift…

Witch: And for this brave half-elf….*pulls out a tiny bird shaped bell* The bird keeper’s bell!
Half-Elf: Ummm…thanks? *awkwardly receives it*
Half-orc: Ha! But that’s so plain compared to the other gifts!
Witch: On the contrary! With this bell, she will be able to summon a bird friend to aid her in battle.
Party: Huh?
Witch: And not any bird either. Using this bell, Aethel now has control over a giant dodo.
Party: A DODO?!
Party and DM: ROTFL
