#encanto brainrot


What if the camp half blood met Encanto? I had to do this, I mean, that would have been a cute idea i think?? idk I hope you liked these!


“Yeah I’d like that”

Y/n panted as, finally, she reached the top of the torturous stone steps leading up to the fortune tellers cave- well she called it a cave but it was probably his room.

She had heard of the Bruno Madrigal and all the rumors that came with it, warning her to be cautious and wary, but y/n didn’t care. She wanted her future told and she was gonna be a big girl about what came of it. She wasn’t going to blame the guy for what happened, she was just curious

Bruno met her at the entrance of his fortune cave- he honestly thought she was joking when she, a very pretty girl, approached him for a vision ‘but then again if it’s a bad fortune she’ll probably flip like everyone else’ he thought as she brushed off her skirts and sent him a beaming smile

“You seriously climb those stairs every time you want to go to bed- god I pity you” she spoke softly never once loosing her smile “I manage-I suppose” Bruno muttered opening the circular door to the cave and gesturing her in “after you”

Y/n span in a slow circle on the spot, taking in the small area, it was quite bleak but she supposed that it wasn’t what most people focused on in the room, she watched as Bruno started drawing a circle around her with sand and decided not to ask questions ‘he probably gets tired of people asking to detail what he’s doing’ she thought as the circle became complete.

“If you could kneel down? I’m sorry it’s just easier that way” Bruno uttered- too scared to actually push her to do what he wanted, he didn’t need ‘pushing a beautiful girl to the floor’ on his list of bad deeds the town seemed to have.

Y/n did as she was told and watched excitedly as he started his ritual, throwing sugar and salt over his shoulder and lighting sage in the four plies of sand he’d made.

He opened his hands out towards her “you might wanna hold on, it gets really windy” y/n happily put her hands in his, feeling a small spark go off at the contact. She smiled at him and said “I won’t judge what you see, I’m simply curious”

Bruno gave a small smile and breathed heavily, that’s what most people said before something bad happened.

He started to view the future and y/n gasped at the beauty of the sand storm mixed with jade she was in the center of. Then through the mist she saw images coming together:

Her holding her fathers hand on a walk

Her with a small bunch of flowers

Her cat in her arms, dead

And lastly her standing infront of La casa Madrigal

The vision stopped and Bruno caught the vision and closed his eyes- ready for the enslaught of negativity, the poor girl would loose her cat and she would blame it on him- just like the lady with the goldfish

She sighed and whispered “I knew he was gonna go soon” and he looked up, she wasn’t shouting or breaking the vision- she was simply looking at it and smiling softly

Y/n looked up at Bruno and said “I wonder why I’m standing infront of your casa? Maybe I come back for more visions? I wouldn’t mind it- they’re very beautiful” and Bruno felt his heart beat faster

This girl

This beautiful girl, had received a bad vision- and wasnt blaming him, wasn’t shouting and crying but saying she would come back.

But not for his sisters and not for his Mamí but for him.

He felt himself smiling softly and stood, offering her a hand- “yeah” he muttered “I’d like that a lot actually, maybe I’ll do something about the stairs for next time” she giggled and held his hand again “maybe a pulley system” she held the vision out to him “so you keep these or should I take it with me?”

Y/n watched as he pondered on it then pushed the vision back to her “you should keep it miss Er” “Y/n, just Y/n to you” they chuckled and Bruno felt a small surge of courage

“Could I possibly walk you home? If you don’t mind that is” Bruno rambled ‘she wouldn’t want you to walk her back, imagine the villagers reactions’ she grabbed his hand once more and headed for the cave door

“Yeah, I’d like that”


this took me 4 hours plz let this reach the #encantobrainrot

Eliza and Julieta remind me a lot of each other, and I think they’d be good friends! :) they’re both such good mothers and they even wear similar colors! I love them both so very much, they simply radiate comfort

The brainrot is real, I just called a nurse from my hospital Isabela instead of Isabelle.
