#exo incorrect texts


Taeyong: What do you got there Haechan?

Haechan: Oh, you know just a Mother’s Day card for the best mother in the world

Taeyong: Aw Haechan-

Haechan: [Looks Taeyong dead in the eyes as he hands the card to Suho]

Incorrect Chanbaek

Chanyeol: we’ve known each other for a while now and i’ve been thinking that maybe it’s time to take a step forward to our relationship.

Baekhyun: what?

Chanyeol: *kneels down on one knee*

Baekhyun: …

Chanyeol: *pulls out a sticky note* here. my wifi password.

Incorrect Chanbaek

Baekhyun: god it’s cold.

Chanyeol: here, take my hoodie, i’m not even that cold.

Baekhyun: thanks, i’ll give it back tomorrow.

[later at home]

Baekhyun, aggressively inhaling in Chanyeol’s hoodie scent while curled up inside it: yeah, i’m not giving this back

Incorrect Chanbaek

[in court]

Baekhyun: *whispers to lawyer*

lawyer: this has nothing to do with the case

Baekhyun: just ask

lawyer: *sighs and looks at Chanyeol who’s the judge* do you think he’s cute? be honest

Incorrect Kaisoo

[Kyungsoo on a date]

Kyungsoo: So what do you think of Kim Jongin?

Them: I only like him for his abs.

Kyungsoo: *pulls out gun*

Incorrect Chanbaek

[after practice]

Chanyeol: *whispering* Baekhyun kissed me.

Suho: *gasps* Okay… so was he holding you? Or were his hands, like, on your back?

Chanyeol: No, actually first they were… They started on my waist. And then they slid up and then they were on my hair.

Suho: Oh, God!

[in the gym]

Baekhyun: I kissed Chanyeol.

Sehun: Tongue?

Baekhyun: *smirks* Yeah.

Sehun: *smirks* Nice.

Incorrect Kaisoo

Kyungsoo: I want to be like a caterpillar. Sleep a lot. Eat a lot. Wake up beautiful.

Jongin: You know most of them have a lifespan of about a week, right?

Kyungsoo: That’s just another highlight.

Incorrect Chanbaek

Chanyeol: did you eat all the sugar powdered donuts?

Baekhyun: *mouth full of food* no…

Chanyeol: then what’s that on your pants?

Baekhyun: that’s cocaine.

Incorrect Chanbaek

Baekhyun: *walks worriedly into hospital room* what happened??? how’d you break your legs?!?

Chanyeol: haha, i guess i was too weak on the knees for you

Incorrect Chanbaek

Sehun: you’re staring again.

Chanyeol: what??

Sehun: you’re practically drooling.

Chanyeol: *wipes* no, i’m not! Shut up.

Sehun: yeah, you’re right, what would you ever see in Baekhyun.

Chanyeol: WHAT!? Baekhyun is amazing, he’s cute, funny, beautiful-

Sehun: …

Chanyeol: …

Sehun: *snigger*

Chanyeol: i can’t believe i fell for that…

Incorrect Chanbaek

Suho: don’t you just love space?

Chanyeol: yeah, personal space


Suho: you’re literally cuddling Baekhyun like your life depends on it

Incorrect Chanbaek

Baekhyun: *tries to slap Chanyeol’s ass as he walks past*

Baekhyun: *misses*

Baekhyun: *trips*

Baekhyun: *falls*

Chanyeol: *tries to catch Baekhyun*

Chanyeol: *overbalances*

Chanyeol: *tries to grab chair to stop his fall*

Chair: *breaks*

Chanyeol: *falls on top of Baekhyun*

Kyungsoo: *watching mournfully from the sidelines* it’s like watching two animals do an out-of-sync and very destructive mating dance

Incorrect EXO

Baekhyun and Kyungsoo: [screaming]

Suho, running into the room: Kyungsoo what’s wrong?!

Baekhyun: why are you only asking him!? we are both screaming!!

Suho: because Kyungsoo doesn’t scream unless it’s an emergency. you, on the other hand, scream whenever you have the chance.

Baekhyun: wanna hear the best joke ever?

Kyungsoo: what is it?

Baekhyun: my life! because my life is a joke!

Kyungsoo: don’t say that…

Baekhyun: aw that’s sweet-

Kyungsoo: it has to be funny to be a joke
