#flash cards

Negative Adjectives: __________Disgusting: Mazui / まずい / 不味い - (i-adj) also ‘unpleasant’; refers tNegative Adjectives: __________Disgusting: Mazui / まずい / 不味い - (i-adj) also ‘unpleasant’; refers tNegative Adjectives: __________Disgusting: Mazui / まずい / 不味い - (i-adj) also ‘unpleasant’; refers tNegative Adjectives: __________Disgusting: Mazui / まずい / 不味い - (i-adj) also ‘unpleasant’; refers t

Negative Adjectives:


Disgusting: Mazui / まずい / 不味い - (i-adj) also ‘unpleasant’; refers to taste, appearance and situation.
Stupid: Baka / ばか・バカ / 馬鹿 - (na-adj) also ‘idiot’, ‘jerk’, ‘folly’, ‘dunce’, etc. Used as an insult (vulgar language) or when describing something idiotic.
Ugly: Minikui / みにくし / 醜い - (i-adj) also ‘unattractive’.
Annoying: Wazurawashii / わずらわしい / 煩わしい - (i-adj) also ‘troublesome’.

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Top 8 words used when talking about weather. ____________________________________________ Weather: TTop 8 words used when talking about weather. ____________________________________________ Weather: TTop 8 words used when talking about weather. ____________________________________________ Weather: TTop 8 words used when talking about weather. ____________________________________________ Weather: TTop 8 words used when talking about weather. ____________________________________________ Weather: TTop 8 words used when talking about weather. ____________________________________________ Weather: TTop 8 words used when talking about weather. ____________________________________________ Weather: TTop 8 words used when talking about weather. ____________________________________________ Weather: TTop 8 words used when talking about weather. ____________________________________________ Weather: T

Top 8 words used when talking about weather.


Weather: Tenki / てんき/ 天気
Hot: Atsui / あつい/ 暑い
Warm: Atatakai / あたたかい/ 暖かい
Cold: Samui / さむい/ 寒い
Hail: Hi / ひ/ 冰
Snow: Yuki / ゆき/ 雪
Rain: Ame / あめ/ 雨
Storm: Boufuuu/ ぼうふうう/ 暴風雨
Lightning: / でんこう/ 電光
Wind: Kaze/ かぜ/ 風 


For sample sentences and phrases about weather, check out: Rocket Languages - Weather in Japanese

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Studying for my first OChem test which is tomorrow! I had a Quant Chem test yesterday and I have a Life Bio I test on Monday followed by a Life Bio Lab test on Wednesday… 4 TESTS IN ONE WEEK! Send coffee

(p.s. do you hate the HUJI filter? I never know how to filter my pics!!!)

16/01/2021 I started a course in French. I had some classes in high school, but now I want to learn 16/01/2021 I started a course in French. I had some classes in high school, but now I want to learn

16/01/2021 I started a course in French. I had some classes in high school, but now I want to learn it properly. So far I have really enjoyed it, I finally have a reason to make flash cards again! I’m also trying to get through my TBR pile, but it is quite difficult because I keep buying new books… At least I still have plenty of books to read. Happy weekend!

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✎ 11.20.2021 // today i took several practice tests for my licensure exam to see what areas i’m lacking in—i really need to buckle down and start seriously studying for this bad boy. i’m nervous to fail but i know that more review will only make me feel more confident in myself!

[ friday october 20 9:30 am] still working on government notes + flash cards, but at least now i get

[ friday october 20 9:30 am] 

still working on government notes + flash cards, but at least now i get to be at home with my favorite candle. :-) it’s vanilla and pumpkin scented, which is so basic but i love it so whatever (this is it). also the light in my apartment today is making me feel v cozy and i just want to snuggle lol. happy friday and have a great weekend, everyone!

currently listening: deep focus playlist


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lotta-studies: 10.12.2017 ✨ ig: gorapadeokstudiesthe other day, an older student told me just how malotta-studies: 10.12.2017 ✨ ig: gorapadeokstudiesthe other day, an older student told me just how ma


10.12.2017 ✨ ig: gorapadeokstudies
the other day, an older student told me just how many ppl usually fail linear algebra 1, so in a mild panic reaction, i started making a bunch of flashcards to review the stuff we did at the beginning of the semester (iM STILL PANICKING THO help)

i haven’t really posted in a while, i hope you guys are doing great!!

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