

Man and Woman in the bathroom

whenever i feel insignificant i think about the fact that the universe is so vast and endless and infinite to the point where we can’t even grasp its very concept … and yet how intricate and beautifully accidental must it be for mangos to exist and for us to enjoy them and to be aware of the fact that we’re enjoying them, or for two people’s hands to fit together, or for someone to bake bread for someone else. there is no end to space, and yet we have favorite songs, and we tend to little plants, and we leave our footprints on the sand until the waves wash them away, and we help bees back outside with our silly cups and pieces of paper !! existence is so miraculous & we are here & small & coincidental, and so i love & love & love

whenever i feel insignificant i think about the fact that the universe is so vast and endless and infinite to the point where we can’t even grasp its very concept … and yet how intricate and beautifully accidental must it be for mangos to exist and for us to enjoy them and to be aware of the fact that we’re enjoying them, or for two people’s hands to fit together, or for someone to bake bread for someone else. there is no end to space, and yet we have favorite songs, and we tend to little plants, and we leave our footprints on the sand until the waves wash them away, and we help bees back outside with our silly cups and pieces of paper !! existence is so miraculous & we are here & small & coincidental, and so i love & love & love

They can Bickering all The Time, but They Truly Believe in the Power and Potentiality of Each Other.

If this isn’t True Friendship I don’t know what it is :,)





This time of year is always very nostalgic for me bc I used to be the Token Gentile at an office and every few months there’d be a Jewish holiday and my friend would be like “Hey, I need you to do Gentile things for us” and I’d be like hell yes dude. Gentile Things often meant I’d sign things in exchange for a few dollars on venmo but Pesach was a special time for me because it meant everyone gave me boxes of pasta, cereal, and other baked goods. The first time my friends were like “Hey for reasons we won’t bother getting into we’re going to give you all of our bread” I was like, it is a powerful responsibility but as an Ally I cannot refuse. Best time of the year, frankly

Reminds me of the year I spent in a house with a Muslim housemate, and he ate nothing during the day throughout Ramadan - then of course he would be hungry af and buy a fuckload of food as soon as he got off work in the evening. Around midnight, he’d realize he just couldn’t eat everything he’d bought on his own, and come knock at my door to ask if I felt like having dinner again.

I always felt like having dinner again. 

I misread that as ‘Tolkien Gentile’ and felt let-down by the post.

On the contrary, it feels very Tolkien for people with unfamiliar customs to show up and give you a bunch of their food with barely an explanation. Like a reverse of the opening of The Hobbit where the dwarves show up and eat all Bilbo’s seed cake, or something.





friendships happen naturally, if you have to keep asking for somebody to be close to you chances are its not gonna work out

related- sending someone an ask saying “let’s be friends” is one of the worst possible ways to make friends and will probably just make them very uncomfortable and MAYBE will get you a forced pity response at most if they feel bad for you. Please don’t do that

im begging some of you to go outside


1. Accept that not everyone is going to want to be your friend. This doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with YOU. Maybe they’re feeling stressed and don’t have the emotional energy. Maybe they just don’t like talking to strangers online. Maybe your schedules don’t match up so talking is difficult. Maybe they saw your ask and just didn’t have time/energy to respond to it. Maybe they just don’t feel like making new friends right now. Maybe you’re thirteen and they’re 22 and they’re trying not to be a creep. 

2. Understand boundaries. Saying very personal things (like joking about how you want to die) to strangers is usually bad. Asking super personal questions is usually bad. You’re not going to start off as a level 10 friend; you’re going to have to start as a level 1 acquaintance.
***IMPORTANT TO NOTE: different people are gonna have different boundaries, and you’re going to misjudge it occasionally. Social interaction takes practice. Scary, I know. 
***ADDITIONAL NOTE: Understand people interact differently with level 20 friends and level 2 acquaintances. Just because you see them teasing and joking around with some of their mutuals doesn’t mean they’re going to be okay with you also doing the same thing. 

3. Online, a good way to start talking to people is follow ups to things they’ve posted (ie, things they’ve shared with the world as information they’re willing to expose to randos). For example: “hi, i saw your post about macaroni art. do you have any tips about how to get bowtie pasta to stick?? mine keep falling off :(” OR “hey i just found your blog and ive never thought about professional macaroni art but it looks AMAZING. how long have you been doing it?” If the person reacts positively to this, you can follow up to it– “Hey, remember a few weeks ago when you gave me some tips on hot gluing glitter? Here’s the finished product! Have you been working on anything new?”

4. If the other person IS interested in talking to you (or strangers in general), you will be able to start a conversation that develops ~naturally~. I recently I found an old ask from a friend, back when we were only occasionally messaging each other, that said something like “I could rant about this for pages but I’ll spare you.” A year and many conversations later, my friend regularly sends me entire rant-essays. This is an example of leveling up in friendship. 

5. Being bitter because you feel entitled to another person’s friendship is… not going to make that person want to be friends with you. Friendship is a two-way street where you BOTH have to be considerate to each other’s feelings. If you’re overstepping boundaries with someone, you’re not being considerate of their feelings. If you feel like someone isn’t putting as much effort into a friendship as you, you can bring it up with them, but it might be that you just have to drop it.**
**If you’ve been friends for a long time you’re more likely to work out a problem like this; if it’s a recent friendship it’s probably a symptom that the relationship just isn’t going to work. 

6. You can’t really… just DECIDE to be friends with someone. A LOT of factors have to match up, depending on how much time and energy the both of you are willing to put into it (and you can’t really EXPECT people to want to put a lot of energy into a new friendship that may not work out). One time I asked a new guy in my lab if he wanted to go see some skeletons, and he looked at me with Deep Concern. Later I asked another person the same question and she was like HELL YEAH and we went together to see the skeleton display case in the biology department. The first interaction was a moment of “hm maybe we’re not cut out to be friends,” while the second one was a moment of “oh cool, shared interest!!” Later, I noticed the skeleton-hater playing Pokemon Go, and we ended up going to fight a gym together. Then he transferred to another lab and I haven’t seen him since. So, friendship failed due to differences in schedules. You’re not always going to be successful on your first try, and sometimes you’ll have an opportunity to try again, but sometimes you just gotta let people go. 

As I wrote on the back, I had been holding on to this postcard I got in London for 17 years, over ha

As I wrote on the back, I had been holding on to this postcard I got in London for 17 years, over half my life, and decided it was time to send it on. When I think of Em J, I think of her on the coasts of England so she seemed an appropriate recipient. 

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The D.A.’s Forever: Just 99¢ through 12/3/16

The D.A.’s Forever Attention lovers of nostalgic fiction! My novel, The D.A.’s Forever (which is unrelated to the legal profession), is on sale for 99¢ now through December 3, 2016. Click on the title to go straight to its product page on Amazon; or, if you’d like to learn more about the book, please visit its official website. Both the Amazon page and the official site allow you to read a sample…

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“Un’ amica è colei alla quale puoi rivelare i contenuti del tuo cuore, ogni grano e gran

“Un’ amica è colei alla quale puoi rivelare i contenuti del tuo cuore, ogni grano e granello, sapendo che le mani più gentili li passeranno al setaccio e che solo le cose di valore verranno conservate, tutto il resto verrà scartato con un soffio gentile.” - Proverbio persiano ✨❤️ Gli amici che contano sono quelli che possono essere chiamati alle 4 del mattino o alle dieci di sera dopo aver trascorso pomeriggio e cena assieme essere arrivate a casa dall'altra parte della città e accorgersi di aver dimenticato la borsa e sentirsi dire: non preoccuparti, ti vengo incontro a metà strada così non devi arrivare fino a qui!! mercoledì sera è successo molto di più: tornata a casa da questa bellissima serata tra amiche mi accorgo di aver lasciato la borsa li, si lo ammetto ero furiosa, ero stanca, avevo guidato per molto e volevo solamente farmi una bella doccia e andare a dormire. Mio moroso era tornato tardi dal lavoro e stava ancora cenando e mi disse: aspettami due minuti che finisco e ti accompagno. Io insistetti dicendo che non c'era bisogno ma lui volle venire. Così partimmo sulle dieci e mezza per arrivare venticinque minuti dopo nel punto d'incontro con la mia carissima amica. Ecco, durante quel viaggio realizzai una cosa: ero davvero fortunata, si, nella sfiga che avevo avuto mi era stata data la possibilità di rendermi conto che avevo con me l'amore e l'amicizia. Due persone pronte ad accompagnarmi e aspettarmi nel momento del bisogno. Che cosa chiedere di più alla vita? Forse alle volte dovremmo imparare a buttarci giù e lamentarci meno guardando le cose da un'altra prospettiva e sapendo apprezzare le cose che abbiamo nella nostra vita prima che sia troppo tardi! ❤️ #imblessed #thankyou #godblessthem #grazie #amicizia #amore #friendship #valori #preziosi #oro #friendstime #gesti #importanti #feliceadesso #fortunata

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