#fuck my life

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Just your favourite nympho nymph, hangin’ out and looking cute as heck.


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It says; how dare you believe I deserve better

(inspiration taken from a board I saw on Pinterest)

Crudely drawn but idc

So, when I was about 8 or 9 years old, I once went to this dentist by where I live. Now, as a kid, I didn’t have the best oral health, so I was going in for a root canal. I had been to this dentist before for fillings and cleanings and stuff, but on that particular day, my dentist was out of town, so I got a different one. Now I go in and sit down, she introduces herself, whatever, that whole thing. After that, she gives me the novacaine, which is one of the parts only because of the damn needle they have to shove in your damn mouth. So it starts to make my mouth numb as usual, only this time something was a little off. I noticed that I could still feel the area around my tooth she would be working on. I tried to tell her, but she waved me off saying that I was imagining it. Then the drill came out. She told me that if I felt any pain to raise my hand, and that’s what I did almost as soon as she started drilling. And I shit you not, she put my hand down and told me that I shouldn’t be feeling it, and to stop lying. It is, to this day, the most painful thing I have ever experienced in my life. Pure, unrelenting, pain. The thing was too, that she didn’t even finish, they had to the rest of it another time. From that point on, I LOATHED going to the dentist, and I still flinch whenever I hear that damn high pitched drill noise. So yeah, fuck that dentist chick.

Why tf does my leg hurt so bad, I can’t even fall asleep because of it. The pain in my hip and leg muscles is so bad that it’s making my surgery scars hurt and swell up, what is this hell

me @ my best friend: how do i get him to like me. i want him to want to take me out. i want him to want me. How. Help

him: i like you lets date

Me: great

me @ my bf: how to i softblock someone irl



You can’t be with someone when your demons don’t dance well with each other… You can care with your entire heart but in the end you just end up hurting each other… I need someone that can handle my drunk ass. Not someone I hurt because I am who I am. It’s not even anyones fault which makes everything I’m feeling so much worse… If two people are equally as fucked up sometimes it works where you better each other. But that also involved careing about someone more then just yourself. If you don’t then you just keep breaking each other. Which in turn will rip your heart out. It can’t be one sided. I can’t be the only one to give a fuck… Fuck my heart hurts.

Never mind. I’m not even good at music and my grades were so shit this year no college is gonna ever accept me. I give up, I’m a failure.

Legendary fusions
