
Quaaase deu Quem quer fazer o terceiro golaço!? Valeu Brasil

Quaaase deu Quem quer fazer o terceiro golaço!? Valeu Brasil

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Dá uma…dá duas…nãaaoo, dá trêsEsse é o palpite da Musa!! Muita bola entrando nesse g

Dá uma…dá duas…nãaaoo, dá três
Esse é o palpite da Musa!! Muita bola entrando nesse gol….vaiii BRASIL

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It was a good game Brasil, but now it’s time to go back to our reality and face a bright futur

It was a good game Brasil, but now it’s time to go back to our reality and face a bright future for our country ! And keep being who we really are , true battlers !

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Neymar JR & Kobe Bryant 

Neymar JR & Kobe Bryant 

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- Deus no céu e a seleção em campo 

- Senhor Deus proteja o menino ney 

- rumo al ékissa 

- O que é as quedas do Neymar perto da queda que tenho por você?

- A copa é na Rússia, mas quem Moscou foi você que não me quis. 

- Não sei se o Hexa vem, mas se você chamar eu vou. 

- Sexo não sei, mas se quiser vim aqui em casa assistir a queda do Tite em modo replay, pode. 

- O Felipe Coutinho que habita em mim saúda o Felipe Coutinho que habita em você

- queria que o Felipe Coutinho desse um chute na minha vida.

- sou hexassexual 

- shamina mina ê ê waka waka ê ê 

- coutinho chupa o bico do meu peito 

( desculpem pelo último, me empolguei ok? mas sou uma mocinha rs

dê like se gostar/usar). 

Cenários de Pedrinho e a Chuteira da sorte, curta da Viu Cine.Some sceneries I made for the short fiCenários de Pedrinho e a Chuteira da sorte, curta da Viu Cine.Some sceneries I made for the short fiCenários de Pedrinho e a Chuteira da sorte, curta da Viu Cine.Some sceneries I made for the short fiCenários de Pedrinho e a Chuteira da sorte, curta da Viu Cine.Some sceneries I made for the short fiCenários de Pedrinho e a Chuteira da sorte, curta da Viu Cine.Some sceneries I made for the short fiCenários de Pedrinho e a Chuteira da sorte, curta da Viu Cine.Some sceneries I made for the short fiCenários de Pedrinho e a Chuteira da sorte, curta da Viu Cine.Some sceneries I made for the short fiCenários de Pedrinho e a Chuteira da sorte, curta da Viu Cine.Some sceneries I made for the short fiCenários de Pedrinho e a Chuteira da sorte, curta da Viu Cine.Some sceneries I made for the short fi

Cenários de Pedrinho e a Chuteira da sorte, curta da Viu Cine.
Some sceneries I made for the short film “Pedrinho e a Chuteira da sorte”

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(Continuação… Primeira parte: https://sublimemalenudity.tumblr.com/post/135217241995/vesti%C3%A1rio-do-clube-12)

Cheguei lá, aquele clima de descontração, galera falando alto e rindo enquanto tiravam o uniforme, chuteiras… E eu lá no meio, sendo apenas mais um sócio aleatório do clube que precisava de um banho, mais um homem entre homens num lugar onde caras podem ficar pelados sem problemas na frente um do outro. Estava lá, invisível. Comecei o meu ritual, mas prestando atenção no pessoal, tentando me sentir pertencente àquele grupo. Fomos para os chuveiros e tomei meu banho, escutando eles rindo e falando alto. Nesse dia, os caras eram mais velhos, na faixa dos 30, 40 anos. Tinha uns 2 que pareciam ser mais novos, no máximo 35. Eram também os mais próximos um do outro e com os corpos mais legais. Não serei hipócrita, não ligo para o corpo dos caras, porém é muito mais agradável a experiência quando os pelados que te acompanham têm um corpo jovem, bonito e saudável, acho que porque é mais raro ver novinhos tocando o foda-se para a nudez. Eles sabem que têm um belo corpo e não ligam de se expor, pois sabem que estão entre iguais. Pode ser exibicionismo, mas isso também não é de todo ruim, faz parte do mundo de dominância masculina.
Enfim, um dos 2 mais jovens começou a falar mais alto, interrompeu seu banho, passou pelo chuveiro do lado onde estava seu amigo e ficou lá na frente dele, porém apoiado na parede para falar com outro que ainda estava na parte dos armários, metendo sua cabeça no corredorzinho que ligava a parte dos chuveiros com o corredor dos armários (esse chuveiro do amigo que ele parou na frente, encostado na parede, era o primeiro chuveiro). Achei legal o foda-se do cara de ficar assim pelado na frente do amigo, querendo ir falar com outro que ainda estava na parte dos armários. Também fico imaginando se o amigo não ficou reparando no corpo dele enquanto sua cabeça estava no corredor… Ninguém nunca saberia. Enfim, não sei se expliquei direito… Só sei que, ao terminarem o banho, os dois foram conversando pelados um ao lado do outro até seus armários. Um deles sentou nu sobre a toalha enquanto o amigo parecia desabafar sobre alguma coisa, gesticulando enquanto abria seu armário. E ficaram ali, trocando uma ideia, peladões, enquanto iam arrumando suas coisas e se vestindo.
Achei demais aquele dia e passei a ir mais vezes aos sábados. Final de semana era legal, pois era mais cheio. Já peguei 2 amigos que estavam correndo e resolveram ir tomar um banho de piscina, daí um se trocou na frente do outro totalmente de boa… Já achei um pai, seu filhinho e o amigo do filho indo tomar banho juntos, onde o pai ajudava e dava instruções para as crianças… Tinha de tudo.
Outro dia de futebol foi muito legal também… Era um pessoal mais jovem, entre 20 e 30 anos… Chegaram rindo do treino, cantando, exalando testosterona. Provavelmente tinham ganhado alguma coisa, sei lá…
Um deles estava cheio de graça, fazia piada, se intrometia no meio das conversas, falava alto, chamava a atenção por nada… Como por exemplo, quando começou a falar para que todos ouvissem “Eita… Esqueci de trazer minha cueca hoje…”.
Daí ele tirou toda a roupa e colocou a toalha por cima do ombro. Eu infelizmente, nesse dia, já tinha tomado banho, estava me secando já, apenas lá… Ele falou mais umas coisas nu, na frente dos colegas que ainda estavam sentados tirando a roupa ou de pé só de cueca e foi em direção às duchas, fazendo suas redondas nádegas levantarem e abaixarem alternadamente com cada passo. 
Porém, do nada, ele escuta alguém falar alguma coisa e resolve voltar, antes mesmo de chegar no chuveiro, andando de forma apressada e fazendo seu membro viril balançar elegantemente. E começa a comentar do lance no jogo: “É, porque o cara pegou e veio pra cima com um chute assim (pega e imita como o cara chutou para os amigos)…” E eu só olhando por trás o movimento que suas pernas faziam, como seu corpo se comportava… Dava para ver seu saco balançando por trás… Os amigos nem pareciam prestar tanta atenção, ele devia ser um colega meio hiperativo e que gostava de chamar a atenção… Então ele dá uma pegada no saco, estufa o peito e volta a andar em direção às duchas. Eu nem lembro o que fiz para enrolar tanto, só sei que fiquei lá até ele terminar o banho. Por coincidência, na hora que ele estava saindo, eu estava na frente dos espelhos, próximo aos chuveiros, terminando de passar o cotonete. Ele passou por trás de mim com um dos amigos, lado a lado, conversando, os dois nus e com suas respectivas toalhas sobre o ombro. Joguei o cotonete fora e fui logo atrás deles, em direção aos armários. Não conseguia parar de olhar o movimento da bunda deles enquanto caminhavam e conversavam de boa. Aquilo foi demais para mim, peguei minhas coisas e fui embora, tinha enrolado demais. Foi muito bom.
Depois disso, tive a brilhante ideia de experimentar usar a sauna do clube, que ficava dentro do vestiário. Mas isso fica para outra postagem (https://sublimemalenudity.tumblr.com/post/164795317410/sauna-do-clube-%C2%BD).


Hey guys ! You can now find on WattPaddmyImagine Masterlist with all the imagines I have ever wrote (requested or not). You can still find on Tumblr my Masterlist of gif imagines right here !

Hope you’ll enjoy ! :)

Hey guys ! You can now find on WattPaddmyImagine Masterlist with all the imagines I have ever wrote (requested or not). You can still find on Tumblr my Masterlist of gif imagines right here !

Hope you’ll enjoy ! :)

Vídeo novo no canal!! Seja um homem, e não um jagunço!!! >_<Assista aqui: https://www.youtube.

Vídeo novo no canal!! Seja um homem, e não um jagunço!!! >_<

Assista aqui: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=df54_TvLS_Q

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New work in the current issue of NPLH Magazine for a story about a historic soccer match, an outlawe

New work in the current issue of NPLH Magazine for a story about a historic soccer match, an outlawed flag, and the fall of a fascist regime ⚽️

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smalldarlinglesbian: Lesbian Athletes:Frida Maanum - SoccerNorwaypro career 2014 to presentcurrentlysmalldarlinglesbian: Lesbian Athletes:Frida Maanum - SoccerNorwaypro career 2014 to presentcurrently


Lesbian Athletes:

Frida Maanum - Soccer

  • pro career 2014 to present
  • currently plays for Arsenal

with her girlfriend, also a footballer, Emma Lennartsson

for more lesbian representation:   instagram///tips

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#Repost @cerati9 ・・・ Making their debut. - Miami - 12.6.2015 @kickstothepitch #YeezyAce #CopaBasel #

#Repost @cerati9
Making their debut. - Miami - 12.6.2015 @kickstothepitch #YeezyAce #CopaBasel #KicksToThePitch #KTTP #BestOfBothWorlds #ArtBasel #Wynwood #Miami #Florida #WynwoodSoccer #soccer #football #fútbol #futebol #KanyeWest #YeezyBoost350 #Yeezy #PirateBlack #boots #cleats

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futebolonly: santos fc headerslike ou créditos no @futebolpacks no twitterfutebolonly: santos fc headerslike ou créditos no @futebolpacks no twitterfutebolonly: santos fc headerslike ou créditos no @futebolpacks no twitterfutebolonly: santos fc headerslike ou créditos no @futebolpacks no twitter


santos fc headers

like ou créditos no @futebolpacks no twitter

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Minha amada sempre foi tricolor, mas depois que começou a transar com aquele amigo da academia, acab

Minha amada sempre foi tricolor, mas depois que começou a transar com aquele amigo da academia, acabou desenvolvendo uma certa simpatia pelo Flamengo - principalmente porque a maneira preferida de ele comemorar as vitórias do seu time era entre as pernas da minha menina. Quando o encontrávamos sempre rolava aquela corneta saudável, mas no fundo todos torcíamos para que nosso amigo rubro-negro tivesse motivos para vir festejar em nossa casa.

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List of qualified countries and their groups

Australian goalkeeper Andrew Redmayne dances Socceroos into World Cup finals

#fifa qatar 2022 world cup    #australia nt    #socceroos    #andrew redmayne    #penalty shootout    #qualifying play-off    #football    #fussball    #fußball    #fodbod    #futbol    #futebol    #soccer    #calcio    

2022 FIFA Puskás Award winner

#football    #fussball    #fußball    #fodbod    #futbol    #futebol    #soccer    #calcifer    

Netherlands national team during a training session at the KNVB Campus celebrating the National Football Day. 

The Netherlands squad warmed up in the kits of their first amateur club today to mark National Football Day in the country.

#netherlands national team    #oranje    #national football day    #first amateur club    #football    #fussball    #fußball    #fodbod    #futbol    #futebol    #soccer    #calcio    

Some Wales football fans are to boycott the Fifa World Cup in Qatar due to the host country’s stance on gay rights.


Wales qualified for the tournament for the first time in 64 years after winning their play-off final against Ukraine.
However Tracy Brown, of Wales’ official LGBTQ+ supporters’ group, said many members did not believe it was safe to travel to the Middle East in November.
Homosexuality is illegal in Qatar and punishable with prison sentences.

In the Senedd on Tuesday First Minister Mark Drakeford said Wales should “not look the other way” from human rights concerns in Qatar.

Ms Brown, from the Rainbow Wall supporters’ group, said: “I, for one, won’t go.

"On one hand I’m stoked that we’ve got there, it’s been a long time coming.

"If it was anywhere else in the world I would be thinking I want to be there supporting.

"But I’m going to be sat at home watching us play, because I don’t feel safe to go.”

Equality campaign group Kick It Out previously announced the formation of a working group to look at inclusivity issues in Qatar.

Fatma Al-Nuaimi, communications executive director of Qatar’s supreme committee for organising the tournament, told BBC Sport: “It’s a tournament for everyone, a tournament of firsts, and a tournament where everyone will be welcome.”

But Ms Brown said that had not convinced her, or others, to change their mind.

“Just saying it’s safe while a competition is on doesn’t seem right,” she said.

“So Fifa said you’re safe to be yourself for the period of the World Cup, but when I leave there’s still an LGBTQ+ community who pretty much live in hiding.

"They’re not safe and I have to stand by my values.

"I want to go to a country where I feel safe and welcome all the time.”


At first minister’s questions in the Welsh Parliament Mark Drakeford said: “We should not look the other way from reservations that we would have as a nation from some of those human rights issues that we see there.”

He said Economy Minister Vaughan Gething raised human rights issues with Qatari authorities when he visited in May.

“We must ourselves make sure that those opportunities are not missed while the eyes of the world are on that country,” he added.

The decision by Fifa to host the World Cup in the country has been widely criticised, with Qatar’s wider record on human rights also under scrutiny.

Amnesty International have also been critical of Qatar’s record on gay rights, as well as its treatment of migrant workers.

Felix Jakens, head of campaigns at Amnesty International UK, said the organisation had “multiple concerns”.

“This is a time when footballers in our own country are finally coming out as gay, where there’s more acceptance around LGBT people’s participation,” he said.

“It’s shocking that the World Cup is being held in a country where being gay is criminalised.”

The Independent newspaper’s international editor, David Harding, worked as a journalist in Qatar for four years.

He said supporters who were planning to go to the World Cup would need to be prepared for a very different experience to previous international events.

“People will have to modify their behaviour. That is just a given, you’re going to a very strict, conservative, religious country,” he said.


Mr Harding said he was confident most LGBTQ+ supporters who chose to go to Qatar would not encounter serious problems, with authorities eager to avoid controversy.

“The LGBTQ community in Qatar are very angry at what Fifa and Qatari officials are doing,” he said.

“In effect, they’re saying for three weeks we’ll go easy, we won’t do anything, and then we’ll treat Qatari LGBTQ people as bad as we treat them all the time once the World Cup is over.

"There will be some crunch points, if people wave flags or start a protest. I think these sorts of things could lead to problems. The police will not take your side if they feel you are breaking the law”.

Ms Brown said she did not know of any LGBTQ+ supporters from the UK who planned to travel.

“Some of my friends are part of [England’s official LGBTQ+ supporters’ group] the Three Lions Pride Group and they are also having the exact same conversations,” she said.

“The vast majority of us wouldn’t feel safe.

"I feel like we’re missing out on a huge competition because we’re choosing to be our authentic selves.”(BBC)


Harry Kane is now the 2nd highest England goalscorer of all-time.

“To celebrate Pride Month, our England team captains will wear rainbow armbands for our June internationals as we stand in allyship with LGBTQ+ communities around the world.” (England Football’s national teams)

Nottingham Forest win the Championship play-off final to secure promotion to the Premier League after 23 years.

AC Monza have been promoted to Serie A for the first time after a playoff win against Pisa.

Stade de France - Saint-Denis - Paris 
28 May 2022 

Vinícius Júnior 59’



Liverpool’s Champions League final against Real Madrid was delayed amid chaotic scenes outside the Stade de France. 

Fans were seen up against the fence shouting at people to sort the situation out and let them in. Riot police were in attendance with tear gas being used.

Liverpool fans with tickets were reportedly left locked out. 

NSC Olimpiyskiy Stadium - Kyiv, Ukraine
26 May 2018

Karim Benzema 51’
Gareth Bale 64’, 83’
Sadio Mané 55’


1. Roberto Baggio

One of the most talented footballers of all time, Baggio’s creativity, vision, unpredictability, and technical skills made him the archetypal trequartista and arguably Italy’s most beloved player ever.

The ability of the Buddhist star nicknamed the ‘Divine Ponytail’ was such that there were riots in the streets of Florence following his move from Fiorentina to Juventus in 1990, but he went on to win the Ballon d’Or – as well as Serie A, Coppa Italia and UEFA Cup titles – while in Turin.

Baggio’s list of honours doesn’t do credit to the quality of the player. He finished his career with just two Serie A titles to his name, while his international career is unfairly blemished in the memories of many by the decisive penalty he missed in the 1994 World Cup final – a game the Azzurri would never have made it to in the first place, were it not for Baggio’s creative genius.

Still, Baggio remains Italy’s joint-fourth top scorer of all time and the Italian FA left no doubt about the regard he’s held in by making him the very first inductee to the Italian Hall of Fame in 2011.

2. Paolo Maldini

One of the greatest defenders of all time, Maldini is synonymous with a glorious era of success for AC Milan, where he spent his entire 25-year-long playing career.

A roaming, technically gifted left-back who later evolved into an intelligent and composed centre-back, the elegant Italian helped the Rossoneri win 25 trophies including five European Cup/Champions Leagues and seven Serie A crowns.

He also had remarkable longevity, playing until the age of 41, while he played at four World Cups – although he retired before the Azzurri’s 2006 triumph and never won a major honour with his country.

Maldini remains the outfield player with the most appearances in Serie A on 647, and his reliance on timing and reading of the game rather than aggression and physicality made him stand out.

As he famously once quipped: “If I have to make a tackle, then I’ve already made a mistake”.

3. Gianluigi Buffon

Buffon’s name will always come up in debates about who is the best goalkeeper of all time – and for good reason.

Since making a stunning breakthrough for Parma as an eye-bogglingly agile teenager in 1995, he won almost every major honour imaginable – with the notable exception of the Champions League.

Juventus made Buffon the most expensive goalkeeper ever by paying €52m for him in 2001, but that proved to be outstanding value; he won a record 12 Serie A goalkeeper of the year awards and 10 league crowns in Turin, and holds the league appearance record.

Buffon won the Golden Glove after keeping a record five clean sheets as Italy were crowned world champions in 2006, and his remarkable longevity – he’s now at Parma in Serie B – has been largely down to his ability to adapt his game, relying less on the explosive agility that used to mark him out, and more on world-class positioning and reading of the game.

4. Gianni Rivera

Nicknamed the ‘Golden Boy’, Rivera’s stardom started young. The playmaker’s first goal for Milan was a winner in a 4-3 victory over Juventus aged just 17, and the fleet-footed fantasista never looked back, becoming one of the most iconic players to ever pull on a number 10 shirt.

The outstanding natural ability of the attacking midfielder soon made him a key player at San Siro, as he led the Rossoneri to three Serie A titles and two European Cups, forming a close bond with coach Nereo Rocco, who described him as a “genius”, and winning the Ballon d’Or in 1969 after inspiring Milan to European glory with a virtuoso display in a 4-1 final victory over Johan Cruyff’s Ajax.

Rivera’s passing and vision are the stuff of calcio folklore, largely thanks to his success with the national team too.

He made his senior Azzurri debut aged 17 and went to four World Cups, scoring the winner in the famous 1970 epic semi-final against Germany, as well as winning the 1968 European Championship – although he heartbreakingly missed the final against Yugoslavia after picking up an injury in the semis.

5. Giuseppe Meazza

Meazza was so good, they named Italy’s most iconic stadium after him. It might be better known as San Siro, after the surrounding area, but the ground’s official moniker pays homage to a double World Cup-winning superstar who represented both of Milan’s big clubs.

That said, Meazza certainly achieved far more in the blue and black of Inter. Milan famously rejected Meazza when he was a child due to his slight frame, and it turned out to be a costly error.

The Nerazzurri snapped him up, and the boy who grew up playing with a rag ball on the Lombard city’s streets became one of the most prolific strikers in Serie A history, winning three titles and three capocannoniere crowns.

However, it was Meazza’s feat in Azzurri blue that earned him true legend status. The striker is one of just three players, along with Giovanni Ferrari and Eraldo Monzeglio, to win two World Cups, winning the Golden Ball at the 1934 victory on home turf and captaining his country to a successful defence four years later.

6. Francesco Totti

The Roma legend never earned the silverware that his talent deserved, but Totti’s decision to remain a one-club man made him a legend in the Eternal City.

Totti could do things with the ball that others wouldn’t even dream of, and his ability to create and score goals was unmatched in his heyday; the Roman ended his career in 2017 as the second-top scorer in Serie A history with 250 goals.

He was also crucial to Italy’s 2006 World Cup success, playing every match despite pre-tournament fitness concerns and scoring a crucial penalty to beat Australia in the last 16, before eventually finishing as the tournament’s joint-top assist provider on four, level with Argentina’s Juan Roman Riquelme.

7. Franco Baresi

Baresi made his Milan debut aged 17 and would stay at the club for the remainder of his 20-year long career, winning every major honour on offer.

The centre-back was an irreplaceable part of Arrigo Sacchi and Fabio Capello’s great sides of the 1990s, forming one of the greatest defences of all time alongside Paolo Maldini, Alessandro Costacurta and Mauro Tassotti.

Baresi was runner up for the Ballon d’Or in 1989, behind team-mate Marco van Basten, after captaining the Rossoneri to back-to-back European Cup successes, and he went on to win three straight Serie A crowns between 1991 and 1994 out of a career total six, with Milan’s rock at the back helping them concede just 15 goals in 1993/94.

Although he failed to win any international honours, coming closest when he missed a spot kick in the 1994 World Cup final against Brazil, the Italian is remembered as one of the greatest centre-backs ever due to his combination of physical, technical and mental attributes, as well as his leadership and intelligence.

8. Andrea Pirlo

One of the best proponents of the deep-lying midfielder role that the game has ever seen. Pirlo oozed class and possessed a staggering coolness and composure in possession, not to mention the vision and technique to unlock defences or send dipping free-kicks over walls.

Pirlo started off as an attacking midfielder, playing alongside the great Roberto Baggio at Brescia in his younger years, but it was his spell at AC Milan that propelled him into Europe’s elite.

Two Champions League and two Serie A titles came at San Siro, and another four league crowns later at Juventus, as well as a 2006 World Cup winner’s medal.

The midfield maestro’s ability on the ball was perhaps best put by Juve great Zbigniew Boniek: “To pass the ball to Pirlo is like hiding it in a safe”, he said.

9. Dino Zoff

Like a fine wine, Zoff’s achievements got better with age. The Italian goalkeeping great won his first and only World Cup aged 40 in 1982, the oldest player ever to do so, earning the goalkeeper of the tournament award in the process.

It was his second major international honour of a remarkable career, after clinching the 1968 European Championship, and Zoff was no less successful at club level, winning six Scudetti, two Coppa Italias and the UEFA Cup at Juventus.

One of the finest keepers ever to pull on a pair of gloves, Zoff was only ranked behind Lev Yashin and Gordon Banks when the International Federation of Football History & Statistics named their greatest goalkeepers of the 21st century, while he was elected as Italy’s outstanding player of the past 50 years for UEFA’s Jubilee Awards in 2004.

10. Alessandro Del Piero

Legendary inter-war striker Silvio Piola is the only Italian to have scored more goals than Del Piero’s 346, while the striker is the Juventus record holder for goals (290) and appearances (705).

But forget the numbers. It was Del Piero’s remarkable technical gifts, his eye for spectacular goals and his free-kick prowess that established him as one of his country’s greatest-ever attackers, not just his outstanding rate of return.

Del Piero was instrumental to Juve’s last Champions League win in 1996, scoring six goals on that run, and he also helped the Old Lady claim six league titles.

But perhaps the climax of his career came when he scored in Italy’s second in a 2-0 semi-final win over Germany in the 2006 World Cup (above), before converting a spot-kick in the final shoot-out against France.

(Source: FourFourTwo Magazine)
