#games workshop

Empire Regimental Mascot! Loved painting this Middlehammer classic over the last day. Unfortunately Empire Regimental Mascot! Loved painting this Middlehammer classic over the last day. Unfortunately Empire Regimental Mascot! Loved painting this Middlehammer classic over the last day. Unfortunately Empire Regimental Mascot! Loved painting this Middlehammer classic over the last day. Unfortunately Empire Regimental Mascot! Loved painting this Middlehammer classic over the last day. Unfortunately Empire Regimental Mascot! Loved painting this Middlehammer classic over the last day. Unfortunately

Empire Regimental Mascot! Loved painting this Middlehammer classic over the last day. Unfortunately there was a varnish snafu, hence the white bits here and there. Should have waited for a warmer day, I suppose!

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Black Templars Intercessors, fun little kitbash of Primaris Crusader and Assault Intercessor bits. TBlack Templars Intercessors, fun little kitbash of Primaris Crusader and Assault Intercessor bits. TBlack Templars Intercessors, fun little kitbash of Primaris Crusader and Assault Intercessor bits. TBlack Templars Intercessors, fun little kitbash of Primaris Crusader and Assault Intercessor bits. TBlack Templars Intercessors, fun little kitbash of Primaris Crusader and Assault Intercessor bits. TBlack Templars Intercessors, fun little kitbash of Primaris Crusader and Assault Intercessor bits. T

Black Templars Intercessors, fun little kitbash of Primaris Crusader and Assault Intercessor bits. That brings my year end models to 207!

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Evil Sunz Shokkjump DragstaToday I finally finished off my Shokkjump Dragsta! I started this model a

Evil Sunz Shokkjump Dragsta

Today I finally finished off my Shokkjump Dragsta! I started this model as soon as I received the Speed Freekz boxed game and got really close to finishing it but then got distracted with other projects. This was the most enjoyable model I have ever painted! I really can’t wait to paint all the other new vehicles for my Evil Sunz army. I’ll be entering this in my FLGS’ painting competition next month. Wish me luck!

Miniatures completed in 2019: 12 (10 infantry and 2 vehicles) 

P.S. You can now follow me on Twitter at @InaHidingPlace 

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Forgeworld Kataigida Secutarii AxiarchAs part of my doubles tournament army I wanted to use some SecForgeworld Kataigida Secutarii AxiarchAs part of my doubles tournament army I wanted to use some Sec

Forgeworld Kataigida Secutarii Axiarch

As part of my doubles tournament army I wanted to use some Secutarii. I got a unit of Hoplites done (they are very nearly finished and will be shared soon) and to give them a boost I wanted them to be led by an Axiarch. As there isn’t currently a miniature available for this character I converted one from Inquisitor Greyfax which provided the perfect base due to her long coat. I used a Secutarii head and backpack and now she fits in perfectly. 

Miniatures completed in 2019: 11 (10 infantry and 1 vehicle)

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Forgeworld Kataigida Arch Magos PrimeI hadn’t yet painted an HQ choice for my Horus Heresy MechanicuForgeworld Kataigida Arch Magos PrimeI hadn’t yet painted an HQ choice for my Horus Heresy Mechanicu

Forgeworld Kataigida Arch Magos Prime

I hadn’t yet painted an HQ choice for my Horus Heresy Mechanicum Taghmata army and I needed one for the doubles tournament. I’ve always been a fan of the Myrmidon models so I thought one would make the perfect base to build on. I then just needed to convert it to make it look suitably imposing and different from the normal models in the unit. I’m really pleased with the end result which stands out well. 

Miniatures completed in 2019: 10 (9 infantry and 1 vehicle)

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Terrax Pattern Termite Assault DrillLast week I finished my Termite, ready for the Horus Heresy DoubTerrax Pattern Termite Assault DrillLast week I finished my Termite, ready for the Horus Heresy Doub

Terrax Pattern Termite Assault Drill

Last week I finished my Termite, ready for the Horus Heresy Doubles Tournament at Warhammer World. I’ve loved this model from the moment I saw it and picked it up earlier this year. It was a pleasure to build and I enjoyed every moment of painting it. I played with the textured technical paints for the first time and used a lot of weathering powder to try and give it a well-used appearance.

Miniatures completed in 2019: 9 (8 infantry and 1 vehicle)

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The FarstridersI’ve finished by third Warhammer Underworld’s warband ahead of a tournament this weekThe FarstridersI’ve finished by third Warhammer Underworld’s warband ahead of a tournament this weekThe FarstridersI’ve finished by third Warhammer Underworld’s warband ahead of a tournament this weekThe FarstridersI’ve finished by third Warhammer Underworld’s warband ahead of a tournament this week

The Farstriders

I’ve finished by third Warhammer Underworld’s warband ahead of a tournament this weekend. I wanted to give this group of Stormcast a go because I like their use of ranged weapons which has a different set of tactics to other warbands at the moment. I’ve played a couple of games with them so far and I’m really enjoying them and have seen some success. A deck built around layering loads of single points of damage and scoring objectives for doing so works very well against some warbands, but I’ve yet to play other Stormcast, Orruks or Mollog.

I’m really pleased with the finished result of these minis. The Forgeworld heads really give them much more character and I look forward to using more of these (especially the female ones) in the future.

Miniatures completed in 2019: 8

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After failing fairly spectacularly at Warhammer World’s Grand Clash (137th out of 164 players) I decAfter failing fairly spectacularly at Warhammer World’s Grand Clash (137th out of 164 players) I decAfter failing fairly spectacularly at Warhammer World’s Grand Clash (137th out of 164 players) I dec

After failing fairly spectacularly at Warhammer World’s Grand Clash (137th out of 164 players) I decided to rest Spiteclaw’s Swarm for a little while and try something different. I’ve liked the idea of The Farstriders since they were released as they all have ranged weapons which brings something different to the way they play. 

I’m not a big fan of the Stormcast Eternal deathmasks. I like faces on my characters so that you can see their expressions which often tell a story. I was therefore thrilled when Forgeworld released the two packs of Stormcast Eternal heads (one pack of male and one female). In my experience, Forgeworld sculptors haven’t always been the best when it comes to faces, but this time they have really knocked it out of the park. I just bought the male heads to begin with, but I will definitely pick up the female heads too for when I convert the other Warhammer Underworlds Stormcast warbands.

These are just some work in progress shots. I’m working on these models in-between other projects, but I hope to have them finished in time for a tournament on 17th March.

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Hobby Achievements in 2018I really haven’t posted many updates over the past few months. Moving hous

Hobby Achievements in 2018

I really haven’t posted many updates over the past few months. Moving house and a very busy time at work means that I haven’t really finished any projects since the summer. I should possibly post more WIP updates.

I’ve been a bit of a hobby butterfly recently, making good progress on a number of projects but not finishing anything. I was close to finishing my first unit of Ork Boyz but then had to paint my Adeptus Mechanicus for a tournament. I started on my Shadespire Skaven and then got attracted to the new Speed Freekz for Orks.

My hope is to finish off a few of these units that are nearly done in the first few months of 2019. I would also like to get a few more units of my Orks painted so I can take them to tournaments. I’m hoping for a fairly distraction-free year, but who knows what it will bring?!

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gallopsalot:Next step: HighlightingNow this is the step i’m worst at. I have yet to make an edge hig


Next step: Highlighting

Now this is the step i’m worst at. I have yet to make an edge highlight i’m satisfied with. Never the less, i’m determined to get better. 

I might change the highlight above his mouthpiece, and paint that part bronze instead. 

Great progress with the Forgeworld Kataigida Skitarii (see my examples and links for the tutorial HERE). 

You’ve done a great job with the edge highlights @gallopsalot. The nice thing about doing edge highlights on this is that you don’t want them to be too tidy. They are to represent chips and scraping on the rusty metal, so would generally be along edges, but you want them to be a little uneven and sometimes could scrape deep along the surface.

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Salazar Goldentouch - Battle Mage of The Drowned HagWith the release of Age of Sigmar 2.0 I am getti

Salazar Goldentouch - Battle Mage of The Drowned Hag

With the release of Age of Sigmar 2.0 I am getting back to work with my Pirate (mixed order) army, beginning with a small skirmish campaign to get more miniatures painted.

With magic being such an important part of the new edition I decided it was definitely time to paint a wizard. This is Salazar, a Gold wizard who is very popular with Captain Cutler for obvious reasons! Initially a captive, after being treated well with wenches and liquor Salazar decided a pirate’s life is not so bad and was officially welcomed as part of the crew.

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Warhammer 40,000 Battlefield TerrainHere are the latest completed additions to my terrain collection

Warhammer 40,000 Battlefield Terrain

Here are the latest completed additions to my terrain collection for 40K. Some storage containers and a few razorwire barricades. These are some of my favourite pieces on the battlefield and I’m really pleased to have them finished. Now back on to painting some miniatures again for a little while.

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Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire - Custom Blocked HexesAs a short break from painting miniatures foWarhammer Underworlds: Shadespire - Custom Blocked HexesAs a short break from painting miniatures foWarhammer Underworlds: Shadespire - Custom Blocked HexesAs a short break from painting miniatures fo

Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire - Custom Blocked Hexes

As a short break from painting miniatures following the long slog of preparing for the Warhammer World event last month, I decided to finish off some scenery projects that I had started. With my third Shadespire tournament coming up in a few weeks I decided to knock out my custom blocked hexes to enhance the experience. I’m pleased with the end result, which is simple but effective.

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Warhammer World Success!Me and my mates went to Warhammer World at the weekend for the Warhammer 40KWarhammer World Success!Me and my mates went to Warhammer World at the weekend for the Warhammer 40KWarhammer World Success!Me and my mates went to Warhammer World at the weekend for the Warhammer 40K

Warhammer World Success!

Me and my mates went to Warhammer World at the weekend for the Warhammer 40K Doubles Tournament. Our games didn’t go too well (1 win, 5 losses) but I did get an amazing result in the painting competition. I won in both the Hero and Company competitions. I was really hoping to win the Icon competition with my Knight Magaera, but it was a very tough competition and I can’t believe that I won the other two categories.

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Here is my converted Tech Priest Dominus. I decided that the Warlord for my 40K Adeptus Mechanicus a

Here is my converted Tech Priest Dominus. I decided that the Warlord for my 40K Adeptus Mechanicus army needed to be a bit more unique and threatening. I’m really pleased with the final look and can’t wait to get him painted.

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Last week I attended my first proper Grand Clash which was a part of the first day of the London Grant Tournament (LGT). I’m not here to write about the organisation of the weekend, which has been covered extensively elsewhere, but just the games. I played against four brilliant opponents and had a thoroughly enjoyable day. 

Based on my performance in previous tournaments I felt that I really needed to review my deck and playstyle. My deck has previously always straddled the fence between objective grabbing and killing, but I’ve always had more fun playing aggressive objectives, so I went with a full Garrek’s Reavers aggro build.

Round 1 - Garrek’s Reavers Vs. Garrek’s Reavers

The first round was a mirror match, for which I’ve had mixed results in the past. My opponent had a very solid aggressive deck and knew how to play with it well. I did feel that my dice and deck were against me somewhat at the start of the day, so I had a bit of a rough start, but learnt about how to play with my new deck quickly.

Result - 0-2 (Loss)

Round 2 - Garrek’s Reavers Vs. Steelheart’s Champions

Next up I played against aggressive Stormcasts. I’d only played defensive Stormcasts previously and in the first match I was taken by surprise and punished! Having a better sense of what I was up against and playing more conservatively in the following two matches I was able to beat them and win the round. The Reavers really proved their effectiveness with their superior speed and numbers when they are used correctly.

Result - 2-1 (Win)

Round 3 - Garrek’s Reavers Vs. Ironskulls Boyz

The third round was the match-up I dreaded most. I had never beaten Ironskulls Boyz before, even if I hadn’t truly played them since some significant changes in the meta. I managed to sneak a victory by one glory point in the first match. In the second match I started really well, causing three damage each to three of his boys in the first couple of activations. I wasn’t able to capitalise on it however and he turned the tide and beat me. It all came to the third match which I won a little bit more convincingly.

Result - 2-1 (Win)

Round 4 - Garrek’s Reavers Vs. Sepulchral Guard

The final round for the day was against Sepulchral Guard. I always enjoy playing this warband because they are so different to the others and each person seems to use them very differently. In the first match I did everything wrong and was really disappointed with my performance. I obviously lost. In the second match I learned from my mistakes and played much more optimally. I had good control of the whole match and secured a comfortable victory. It all came down to the last match and we both knew it would affect our placement in the rankings. We both played our top game and every moment was tense and exciting. With the final end phase we realised we had a tie! A great end to a brilliant round.

Result - 1-1 (Draw)

Final Results

I was really pleased with my performance and how much it had improved from previous tournaments. I placed 12th out of 35 which I was happy with and it meant that I secured a few extra goodies from the official GW prize support. Each event I play makes me fall in love with this game more. I just want to keep playing regular events and collecting more of the awesome prizes.

Yesterday I made my first ever venture to the awesome 4TK Gaming in Colchester for their Shadespire tournament. It was supposed to have 16 players, but sadly four people never showed. Regardless, it was a really fun day in which I learned a LOT!

The tournament was split into 4 rounds, each of which was a best of three games. Total glory points were also being kept in case of people with equal tournament points.

Round 1 - Garrek’s Reavers Vs. Steelheart’s Champions

My first round was against a very skilled player using Steelheart’s Champions. I really struggled in the first game which I am attributing to not playing in three months, but the second game was much closer. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to pull out a draw or a win, despite a decent amount of glory.

Result - 0-2 (Loss)

Round 2 - Garrek’s Reavers Vs. Sepulchral Guard

This was actually the first time I had ever played against Sepulchral Guard, which I was really looking forward to. I managed to pull off a narrow victory in the first game. The second game certainly didn’t go my way. I’d lost all my fighters after the first activation of the third phase, allowing the Harbinger with six Katrophrane Relics to generate 12 glory points and rocket them to victory. However, by changing the board set up and tactics in the third game I was able to clinch a second victory.

Result - 2-1 (Win)

Round 3 - Garrek’s Reavers Vs. Sepulchral Guard

Up against Sepulchral Guard again, and this guy found my Achilles’ heel. He was playing a heavily defensive, objective holding game. My deck was completely unprepared for this, with no ploys to shake him off the objectives. I fought hard, but both games amounted in the same result.

Result - 0-2 (Loss)

Round 4 - Garrek’s Reavers Vs. The Chosen Axes

This was another warband I hadn’t fought before and was excited to try against. The first game went fairly horribly for me as he managed to inspire three fighters in the first phase. The duardin become god-like when inspired and proved too tough for me to hold back. The second game was extremely close! I managed to kill two duardin in the first two activations and was scoring glory along the way. Unfortunately, in the third phase the duardin leader raced past my fighters to an objective and I was unable to stop him, costing me a valuable three glory objective which would have won me the game.

Result - 0-2 (Loss)

Final Results

It was a great day, with nine games of Shadespire played and many lessons learned. Due to my underwhelming performance I came in last place *sad face*, but it wasn’t all bad news because I did win the painting competition for my Garrek’s Reavers (you can see them HERE) and got a £10 gift voucher. With 20% off all Shadespire stock for the day, I quickly redeemed this towards two new warbands, or more importantly, a lot more cards!

All participants received some prizes for taking part, so I also came home with some lovely alternate art cards and activation tokens.

I’m really glad that I got this practice in before the Grand Clash at the London Grand Tournament on May 18th. Wish me luck!
