

Grocery Day!

Tuesdays are my last day off before my work week, being a piercer means my hours and weeks are a bit strange, but it’s nice to not have to get up before 9am!

I’ve never been a morning person, I find it very easy most days to intermediately fast between 9pm and noon, is a 14 hour fast enough? Maybe I should google it

I hate spending money but I do love grocery shopping. I find a lot of fun and comfort, especially doing it on a weekday afternoon when things are quieter, in picking foods for my next week or two, trying to mix and match fruits and veggies for my lunchboxes and explore new recipes.

All the cucumbers and tomatoes are home grown by my mother, and the squash are from the local farmers market, I even decided to pick up some kiwi, which I basically never eat. Here’s to trying new things

For breakfast/lunch yesterday I had yogurt,granola, and bran buds, along with some double bergamot Earl Grey and a toasted tomato sandwich. I really love fall for all the apples and tomatoes I get to enjoy from our yard.

What are you eating this week?

My inbox is always open

Grocery Haul | Grocery Shopping in Mexico | Vegan Living
