#healthy meals


Yes, everyone! Each new journey, starts with a single step, a single effort! ❤️❤️❤️

Glazed Cauliflower in the Instapot! Meatless Monday! One day a week! Give it a try!

Meatless Monday! One day a week! Give it a try!

eggy sandwich with Valentina and an orange! with a side of yogurt, bran, and granola!

a great 1pm breakfast for this thicccccccc goth.

tomorrow I get to tattoo pig skin, which is a HUGE step in my tattoo career!

For anyone who doesn’t know I am a tattoo apprentice and professional body piercer

Tomorrow is going to be a good day, right ?

I’m back!

It’s been a few weeks, and I’ve fallen off the wagon (again, big surprise!) but here I am, worming my way back to feeling less like shit- or at least that’s the goal.

I have been eating pretty well. It hasn’t been all fried chicken and fast food - there has been a lot of bubble tea though. That’s my weakness right now, bubble tea .

I’ve been packing lunches that have been healthy, lots of veggies and hummus, but now I’m going to put my attention back into this blog.

Today I’m boiling a chicken carcass to make chicken soup for the week. I have a vegetable mix that I’m going to add, if I remember I will take more progress photos.

Work lunch of cucumbers, strawberries, rice crackers, banana, cheese, olives, and leftover farmer sausage.

Featuring my critters hopping around as I try to take my photos they were too cute to crop out!

I’ve been physically ill for the past week but I feel like I may be starting to feel a bit better, slowly but surely. Today I am apprenticing so hopefully everything goes well!

Friday lunch box vibes

Many different kinds of cheeses with some kielbasa, olives, pickles, and rice crackers.

I really love the texture and crunch of rice crackers and have always enjoyed snacking on them. I find them very salty and tasty!

yogurt with granola and bran and a leftover turkey sandwich.

my life has been weirdly chaotic, my BPD has been a rollercoaster.

I’m sorry for being absent

I did end up ordering myself some lunch yesterday- Vietnamese vermicelli bowl with BBQ pork. I did really enjoy this, I didn’t feel ill after eating it and the sauce was enjoyable. The only heavy part of this meal was the meat.

I wish they had a vegetarian or at least a tofu option. I am not a vegetarian, however meatless meals are a preference of mine 90% of the time. I find meals without meat are much more gentle on my guts and digestion!

I’m Canadian, and we don’t have Trader Joe’s, so this is a new experience for me, but when I spent the night with Ruby I was introduced to this spice blend in the morning and Woah, I think my life may be changed forever.

This blend is delicious on toast. I had it just on toast with some margarine and I’m truly shocked, I can’t wait to try it on fried eggs and hard boiled eggs!

American followers : what do you like to put this spice blend on?

Breakfast on a sunny fall Monday!

This week is hopefully going to be a good one, tonight I’m spending the night with my dear friend and fellow artist Ruby where hopefully we’ll make art and watch movies and have a really nice time!

Egg sandwich with yogurt and bran ✌

small flatbread wraps with lettuce, cheese and turkey pastrami for lunch with some peppers, Turkish apricots, yogurt and granola.

Today’s lunch was a good one but reminded me how much I really don’t love wraps or sandwiches unless they’re Donair

I got this yogurt in the states this weekend, I’m not used to weird American food flavours but I enjoyed this one!

recent meals I forgot to post!

Monday I wasn’t feeling the greatest emotionally so I decided to slip into something comfortable and easy to prepare, which ended up being chicken noodle soup ( yes the Liptons kind from a package, we all have our weird food loves ) and two small grilled cheese sandwiches. I enjoyed this meal and it ended up being the only thing I ate Monday, I really truly was so emotionally checked out that this was all I could handle.

The other forgotten meal is actually last Friday’s lunch!

it’s almost the same lunch! but this one is a bit different.

I’m so excited that today is Friday. I’m going to be without my favorite coworker at work today because she’s super sick, which is a bummer, but at least it’s Friday and then I have my weekend to really catch up on some sleep!

what are you looking forward to this weekend?

I’m very into pasta salad these past two weeks, next week I’m going to mix it up and have something else but right now this has been a good lunch.

This one I made with tortellini, with some peppers and strawberries, some matcha alligators from Squish for a little sweet treat, my life’s blood - double bergamot, and a banana.

Yesterday was a really tough day emotionally. I couldn’t find myself invested in anything that went on, and I couldn’t really bring my energy levels up.

Today I’m running our Curse of Strahd D&D campaign for the first time in a couple months. I’ve been emotionally seperated from it for a while so it’s intimidating to start up again, but all I can do is my best.

2:00 brunch!

Yogurt, berries, bran and granola with a homegrown toasted tomato sandwich!

I slept super well last night which was nice, I can’t remember the last time I slept that well. The cool breeze through my windows and the smell of damp fall leaves was so comforting it was almost hypnotizing.

I love fall, I love Halloween, I can’t wait for more fall things in my life!

I haven’t been feeling well the past few days.

Barely sleeping, barely eating, general unwellness.

I made this lunch for myself yesterday and didn’t end up touching much of it due to feeling so unwell so that is both yesterday’s lunch and today’s.

Please note this is not a good example of proper eating and this is not a frequent pattern for me, but being honest about food here is important to me. People should be eating everyday and I stand behind that, but illness and sickness will impact that for sure.

Grocery Day!

Tuesdays are my last day off before my work week, being a piercer means my hours and weeks are a bit strange, but it’s nice to not have to get up before 9am!

I’ve never been a morning person, I find it very easy most days to intermediately fast between 9pm and noon, is a 14 hour fast enough? Maybe I should google it

I hate spending money but I do love grocery shopping. I find a lot of fun and comfort, especially doing it on a weekday afternoon when things are quieter, in picking foods for my next week or two, trying to mix and match fruits and veggies for my lunchboxes and explore new recipes.

All the cucumbers and tomatoes are home grown by my mother, and the squash are from the local farmers market, I even decided to pick up some kiwi, which I basically never eat. Here’s to trying new things

For breakfast/lunch yesterday I had yogurt,granola, and bran buds, along with some double bergamot Earl Grey and a toasted tomato sandwich. I really love fall for all the apples and tomatoes I get to enjoy from our yard.

What are you eating this week?

My inbox is always open

I’m no longer counting days, it’s getting weird and confusing and hard but September is Health Goth’s 3rd month.

Today I was sick and running a fever so I consumed a lot of water, as you should when you don’t feel well! I also had a nice fried egg sandwich with ham for breakfast and made some fajita pasta with pork for dinner.

I plan on meal prepping for my upcoming work week tomorrow so stay tuned for that!

Health Goth Update:

i’m going to work on getting back into daily posts starting tomorrow (with today’s meals).

Yes i have been struggling a great deal mentally, and yes that has translated into my eating- but i feel ready to get back on top of things:

why? because of your messages.

Some of your fellow Health Goths have sent me some incredibly kind, meaningful messages about how this blog has helped or inspired them- so if that’s the case, i better step up and keep up, right?

I am so grateful to all of you for participating in this blog and coming along for this ride with me.

Like Dracula, over and over, Heath Goth will be revived.

ps this is pumpkin pie icecream and it’s insane.
