#ryuunosuke tanaka


Character: Ryūnosuke Tanaka
Summary: His kisses tasted like chocolate ice cream. When you snuck out of your house to go skateboarding with Tanaka and Nishinoya, you alway got ice cream from the freezer of the corner store. 
Warning:Fluff, Confessions
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His kisses tasted like chocolate ice cream. When you snuck out of your house to go skateboarding with Tanaka and Nishinoya, you alway got ice cream from the freezer of the corner store. 

So when you kissed Tanaka he tasted like his favourite swirl flavour. He often let the remainder of the ice cream to kiss you under the streetlights in the park. Meanwhile Nishinoya was grinding across the edges of the fountain. 

  “Maybe one day she’ll get it.” You said as you cupped his cheek, “You’re pretty remarkable, Ryū.” You wiped some ice cream off the corner of his mouth before you went in for another kiss.

He kissed you again. You two weren’t technically together, you just existed in each other’s orbit. You spent far too much time together, that all you had to do was say the words and you’d be together. But you tried not to get your hopes up about the situation. You saw the way he looked at Kiyoko and in all fairness you could never compete with that. 

You could never be her, so you just existed in this grey zone until he got tired of you. But as the school year started to wind down, what started out as a few kisses here and there has turned into this long term position in this grey zone. 

Tanaka placed a hand on your bare knee and continued to kiss you. Your hand carded through his short hair. You wanted to be with him, even though he was loud at times, a little over the edge. He made you melt like the ice cream he forgot about tonight. 

The sound of a skateboard hitting the concrete as you kissed under the low light of the park. You didn’t understand what he wanted, or his intentions. You were in this limbo that pained you but the thought of losing Tanaka hurt more. This could end tomorrow but you’d still cherish the moments you spent together.

How he smiled when he bought you ice cream, how he invited you over the study. How you helped him in English and he tried his best to help you with math. It was like a little fantasy you lived that had a habit of breaking when he ever Kiyoko’s name left his lips. 

You didn’t hate her, you weren’t that pathetic. But the green monster inside of you often sprouted up whenever she was around. You were nice, friendly actually. You just wished she finally saw what you saw in Tanaka. 

He pulled away and laid out on the grass fully, his skateboard beside him. He pushed it back and forth with his hand as he looked up at the blank sky. “So, uh.” He said, refusing to meet your gaze. 

  “Yeah?” You asked as you pulled your knees closer to you. It was never a good sign when he got nervous. 

  “We gotta talk about something.” He said. 


  “Yeah. About this, um. The kissing and junk.” He said, still not meeting your gaze. His eyes firmly connected with the night sky. He continued to roll his skateboard back and forth. 

Your heart started to clench. This was it. He was going to break things off. This was all over. You felt yourself grow cold as he remained silent for a few moments. You managed to respond, “Yeah about it.”

There was a long stretch of silence between you two. Nishinoya’s skateboard was farther away now, obvious out of ear’s reach as to not hear your heartbreak. He knew what was going on and how you felt about Tanaka. 

  “It’s been really fun. I like kissing you a lot.” He started then stopped. He swallowed, “Why is this so hard to say.”

You laid there in silence for a moment. You wanted to cry, you knew this was going to happen but it didn’t make it hurt any less. You were losing him, he was leaving once and for all. He was finished with you. You should’ve known but still it left an ache in you. 

  “I understand Ryū.” You said, “You want to put your efforts into Kiyoko. I can’t blame you, I-”

He reached out and looked over to you with his other hand and grabbed your wrist, “Who said anything about her?”

You blinked at him, “Isn’t this about you not wanting to do this anymore. You want to be with her and whatever.” Your heart was racing. What was going on?

He shook his head, “No, she’s actually dating someone else. She told me to keep it quiet, but it’s not someone on the team. That rejection put some stuff in perspective.”

  “And what’s that?” You asked, your heart lodged in your throat. 

  “That I want to be with you.” He responded, he sat up and continued to hold your hand, “I’ve been a real jerk and I should be treating you better. I like you, and I want to keep doing this but make it official. Like a real couple. I want you to be my girl.” And he squeezed your hand, “So what do you say?”

You blinked at him, “Is this a joke?”

He shook his head, “No, I mean it. I was so obsessed with her that I didn’t seen the one I wanted to be with. You’re not a second pick, I was just stupid.” He leaned closer, “I mean it.”

You blushed deeply, “Oh, Ryū!” You threw your arms around him and pulled him into a deep hug, “Of course I’ll be your girlfriend!” And you felt him hug you back, “Of course! Of course!”

He beamed and kissed the side of your head then held you for a few moments. He snuggled up beside you, “Yes! Yes!” He howled as he threw his head back and the laughed.

You then kissed once more and you heard Nishinoya skate back towards you two. He was laughing too, having heard the confirmation of Tanaka’s confession, his two best friends were now dating. He threw himself on top of both of you and the three of you laughed. 

This was the start of the most mega awesome cool perfect relationship between you and Tanaka. 

daichi: I’m calling to check in before I get in the flight. everything okay?

tanaka: okay? let’s just say if the house could talk she would say ‘I’ve never been happier I love tanaka’

daichi: oh, that’s interesting because I think the house might say ‘tanaka’s a load and I’m on fire’.

tanaka: what’s that now?

daichi: the security company called me about the alarm.

tanaka: okay, the house was never on fire. noya was on fire and only on his pants and we put it out.

daichi: I’m coming home right now.


ok hi ik this is my art/edit sideblog but it feels better to post this here LMAOFJSHXHSH also i think theres a second chapter to this but idk where it is so if any of yall find it just lmk

here’s the official prototype haikyuu!! chapters that were published in weekly jump in early 2011

part one

part two

part three

part four

part five
