#heartbreak songs


she couldn’t take it anymore.

“I LOVE YOU, OKAY?!” she screamed.

“is that what you want to hear?” all of the pent up frustration, anguish, and emotions that had been building those past months suddenly burst out, pouring out of her until there was nothing left, and suddenly, it was calm again.

“i love you. i do. and you broke my fucking heart, but i still love you. i can’t stop. i don’t… i don’t know how to stop.” her words, quiet now, escaped into the air like a ghost.

-i don’t even know if i want to stop. c.r.

“i know i was not easy to love,

but please,

know that i would have loved you til we became one with the clouds,

til all the stars in the sky finally died,

til the universe was born anew.

i would have given you everything.

but you chose to mask the reality of who i was for the idea of a girl that was easier to love.

can you blame me, then?

can you blame me, for not being her?”

-can i blame you for wishing i was someone else? c.r.

every night, i think back

to what we had and where it went wrong

all my friends said, “he’ll hurt you”

guess i really should’ve known it all along

i wonder if i’ll see you someday,

flashback to when we first met in your lonely little town

i’ll smile tightly and say “you look good”

and i’ll get deja vu when you say, “you too”

god, i really should’ve known right from the start,

that someday you’d shatter my heart

and the only thing that break really did was break us apart

and the girl you love now, was she worth it?

are you happy with the life you chose?

maybe you hate me now, maybe you blame me for what happened,

but darling,

our shadows, they know what they know

-can you blame me for running? c.r.

Some of my all time favorite songs that soothe the mind and heal the heart if you have any suggestions based on this playlist, let me know!

IG: @quirinebrouwer
