#house plants


Crassula ovata (jade plant)

saved this jade plant from the reptile section in petco; all dried up and had some dying leaves, but gave it a heavy watering and she’s recovering well


finally finished the terrarium

I have some live pothos and English ivy in there, as well as some various mosses; hoping they hold up well with the humidity. Still need to get a small food dish, but I cannot WAIT for the snails to arrive!!


Two milk snails are on the way, and I could not be more EXCITED! Will post more updates as I put together the terrarium and once they arrive  


hello there is a 25% off sale on wall art at my shop


prints, canvases, posters, etc

check it out i love you good bye

I want a varigated string of hearts so bad but I haven’t seen one in any store…! D::::

I want a varigated string of hearts so bad but I haven’t seen one in any store…! D:::: I need one for my collection

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deputychairman: Today was cool & cloudy and I repotted lots of my little plants, and sprayed thedeputychairman: Today was cool & cloudy and I repotted lots of my little plants, and sprayed thedeputychairman: Today was cool & cloudy and I repotted lots of my little plants, and sprayed thedeputychairman: Today was cool & cloudy and I repotted lots of my little plants, and sprayed thedeputychairman: Today was cool & cloudy and I repotted lots of my little plants, and sprayed thedeputychairman: Today was cool & cloudy and I repotted lots of my little plants, and sprayed the


Today was cool & cloudy and I repotted lots of my little plants, and sprayed their leaves and pruned - you know, like, all the gardening verbs I know, basically. And the rabbits hopped around behind me trying to nibble any plant I put down, intrigued by all the soil going everywhere like “you are like a little baby. We can dig in that huge plant pot and make more mess in 5 minutes than you could make in a LIFETIME” although the rabbit is an inscrutable animal and it’s hard to be sure *exactly* what they’re thinking. Anyway I felt like I was just a step away from going full solarpunk with my self-sufficient urban micro-farm on my balcony and foliage everywhere, and I chose not to engage with the part of that fantasy where we have to eat the rabbits.

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quietcacti: I own 45 varieties excluding my repeaters so here’s a small glimpse into my collection


I own 45 varieties excluding my repeaters so here’s a small glimpse into my collection

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My little garden just keeps expanding my favorite spot in my home

Don’t tell my other plants, but this one is my favorite

Repotted some of my plants the other day, and made a little succulent nursery! So stinking cute! But, in case you didn’t know, it’s such a pain to repot a cactus! Literally!

plantinghuman: Ohmygod, I need to make one planter like this. Imagine when the sun, a candle or a li


Ohmygod, I need to make one planter like this. Imagine when the sun, a candle or a light is shining on it and your room turns into a plant disco. That would be fun looking.

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aviesgarden: New plants! •Dieffenbachia •Alocasia poly •Haworthia zebra


New plants!

•Alocasia poly
•Haworthia zebra

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