#harry potter x hufflepuffreader


Meanwhile, what other students talked about that weren’t in the book

Stud A : This ink keeps on spilling, wish we have something to replace this quills

Stud B : Have you heard of a pen? Muggles use those

Stud B : Pen? Is it edible?

Stud A : My friends got knocked out on the quidditch field

Stud B : Are they okay?

Stud A : They don’t remember me now

Stud A : You owe me ten galleons

Stud B :*giving A 100 galleons*

Stud A : Do you think it’s too much?

Stud B : I don’t know, I can’t do math

Stud A : How do babies born?

Stud B : Uh, i though they fall from the sky?

Stud A : I though i was apparating to my parents’ house when i was a baby. Don’t remember doing that, though

Stud A : I heard those muggleborns laughing on a piece of block. They should be admitted to st mungo’s

Stud B : Some of them talk to the block! What a weird creature

Stud A : Man, poor that new professor

Stud B : What happened?

Stud A : Fell off the grand stair case on the first day. Never be seen again

Harry Potter and Taylor Swift’s Songs

Dumbledore : The old dumb dumb can’t come to the phone right now, ‘cause he’s dead! *dead*

Harry : I think he did it but i just can’t prove it *looking at draco aggresively*

Ron: Knew he was a killer first time that i saw him

Hermione : It’s death by a thousand cuts!


Snape : He did it

Harry : How’s one to know?

Snape : Wind in my hair, i was there, i remember it all too weeeeellllll

Your girl is going to be a second year student in a couple months!

Although they share the same name which is Aurora Ranvier, her traits are 100% different than how i portrayed her as y/n here and in my drawings. This Aurora is everything that tumblr Aurora isn’t. She’s grumpy, sensitive, hot headed, quiet, awkward, but she’s quite bright. While tumblr Aurora is as chaotic as the twins.

I wanted to do some character development throughout her times at Hogwarts. She’s pretty adventurous, but she is nowhere fearless, she’s scared of ghost. I would love to share her background stories here as well in the form of fanfic. But for now, here’s first year Aurora and second year Aurora side by side

Oh, if you’re wondering what’s this is about, she’s a character that I created on Hogwarts.io orrrrrr if you are French, you could visit poudlard.fr instead

Sirius : We’ve all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on, that’s who we really are

Y/n : I choose you, the darkling

Harry : Wrong fandom! Besides, you already have George!

Brb, i’ll be obsessing over the darkling

Triwizard tournament first task

Dragon : Roar roar!

Harry :*standing nervously*


Harry :*throw his wand at the dragon*

Sorry i was just so busy these couple dayssssss and super long delays on answering your asks :((((((

Harry : Look, the great hall filled with slytherin flags

Y/n : Don’t be sad! It will change soon!

Harry : How do you know?

Dumbledore on the podium : HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!

*slytherin flags turn into the pride flags*

HAPPY PRIDE MONTH TO EVERYONE WHO’S OUT OR STILL IN THE CLOSET, I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART! Although i am not a part of it, i support all genders and sexuality 100% ❤️️‍
