#in love


Pensé que al no hablarte te olvidaría, no me importaría.

Pero carajo, te extraño más que nunca, eres como una adicción, no puedo dejarte.

Eres la razón por la que sonrió en mis días difíciles, y realmente te necesito en estos ahora mismo.

No sabes la cantidad de emociones que provocas en mi, diablos.

Eres increíble, y lo peor es que no lo sabes cariño, ya me cansé de no tenerte a mi lado.

Vamos, escapemos un rato de la realidad.


Ciegos parecemos en las noches

Ciegos parecemos cuando no notamos

Ciegos parecemos cuando hay sentimientos

Ciegos parecemos tomandonos de las manos

Ciegos parecemos al no ver el atardecer

Ciegos parecemos cuando no nos damos cuenta

Pero más ciegos parecemos al amarnos sin censura.


Life is too short to not bet on yourself

I feel so strongly about this and want nothing more than for other to unlock their true potential

If you feel stuck or feel like you’re in a life that is not brining you peace or happiness I promise you can change it it’s hard and you have to show up for yourself everyday and cheer yourself on when no one else is but the self love, accomplishments, strength, and growth you’ll achieve is worth it

IG - @ MeganJohnstonPhotos

Friday Feels! I’m extremely thankful for the journey I’ve had with photography and the amount of growth I’ve seen over the past 13 years when I first fell in love with photography.


Know that when you work with me, this isn’t just my career/job…. this is my passion that I pour my heart and soul into

Good morning gorgeous,

yeah YOU! The one reading this! I just wanted to tell you that you’re absolutely amazing, there’s no one else like you, & most importantly you can accomplish anything you set your mind to! Don’t forget it! Sincerely, your hype girl!

Small business owner at: www.MeganJohnstonPhotography.com

When they ask you to be their forever Valentine ❤️ - Amber thought they were just taking family pictures but little did she know, she was actually getting engaged I’m not crying you’re crying


If you received a special gift “” this Valentine’s Day Contact me to start planning your dream engagement photos and wedding photos!

I really want to be wanted

I want someone to wake up and send me a good morning text or if they can’t sleep I want to be the one they call at 2 am (cause let’s be honest, I’ll be awake anyway)

I want to be sent random memes and be told “this made me think of you” or “I saw this and just had to show it to you”

I just want to know that I’m on someone’s mind, is that too much to ask for?
