#incorrect hxh


Kurapika: I can’t believe you two got yourselves in a fight on the first day of school.

Killua: In my defense, I tried stopping Gon from punching that guy.


Killua: Gon, stop punching him!

Killua: Kick him! That hurts more!

Leorio: How did none of you hear what I just said?

Kurapika: I’ve been zoned out for the past two and a half hours.

Gon, sheepishly: I got distracted about halfway through.

Killua: Ignoring you was a conscious decision.

Kurapika: I want to sleep for like 40 hours.

Leorio: Yeah, you know that’s a coma, right?


Kurapika: God, that sounds so refreshing. I could totally go for a light coma right now.

Gon: Look we’re under the mistletoe, you know what that me—

Killua: Gon, that isn’t even mistletoe.


Killua, waking up in the middle of the night: Oh my God, he was flIRTING WITH ME!

Gon:[staring out a window looking pensive]

Killua: He’s so handsome…So thoughtful…I wonder what he could be thinking about?

Gon, whispering to himself: Wed-nes-day…whensday..? Wendesday?

Leorio: You’re offered $50,000, but if you accept, the person you hate the most in the world gets $100,000– Are you taking it?

Killua: Why would I miss out on a chance to get $150,000 dollars?

Leorio: Do you mind if I slyly mention that you’re single?

Killua: No! Don’t do that!

Leorio: You won’t even notice!

Gon, walking in: Hey, Killua! You wanted to see me?

Leorio: He’s single.




Killua: I wasn’t that drunk!

Leorio: You told your father that he was revoked from his duties because you found a new daddy.


Leorio: Your father. Who is a top tier assassin.


Leorio: Gon had to run away begging for forgiveness

Leorio: *wakes up in the middle of the night to see Gon an inch from his face*

Gon: So me and Killua had this idea—

Killua, standing at the doorway: *to Leorio* Stop screaming.

Gon: —so we had this idea

Gon: Remember that time you dared me to lick the swing set?

Killua: No, I said, “Gon, don’t lick the swing set,” and you said, “Don’t tell me what to do” and then you licked the swing set.

Kurapika: Accidentally indulged in a little too much “me time.”

Kurapika: Turns out I’ve been reported missing for over six months and presumed dead by most local and national authorities.

Killua, without looking up: You look really nice today.

Kurapika: Oh, thank yo—wait, you’re not even looking??

Killua: I don’t have to. I can hear Leorio’s heartbeat and it doubled when you walked in.


Killua: How the hell are you two friends?

Illumi: We’re not. Keep your friends close but your enemies closer.

Illumi: Intimately close. Seduce your enemies.

Hisoka: Marry your enemies and poison the wedding cake.

Illumi: I’m not marrying you if you bring the wedding cake into it. That’s just unnecessary.

Hisoka: You’re right, I went too far.

Hisoka: I apologize.

Killua: Please just…forget I asked.
