#incorrect quote


Lucas: I had a crush on someone once and I didn’t know how to handle it, so I filled their car with heart confetti.


Eliott: That’s so funny! Once I went to my car and I found it filled with heart-shaped confetti.

Lucas: How fun! I have to go water my dog now.

Eliott: Name a more iconic duo than my fear of abandonment and instinct to self-isolate, I’ll wait.

Lucas: You and I.

Eliott, tearing up:Alright.

Eliott: Can you imagine not being human and just living out your days as a weeping willow, though? Beautiful, by the water, unburdened? Ideal.

Lucas: I wanna be the one from Harry Potter that beats the shit out of everyone and everything.

Lucas: *sighs dramatically*

Eliott: What’s wrong?

Lucas: You haven’t looked at me for ten minutes.

Eliott: Babe, we’re watching a movie.

Lucas: Did I ask for an excuse?

Jacob: So what exactly is Will to you?

Nerron:The reason I wake up every morning.

Jacob:That’s… surprisingly nice.

[earlier that day]

Will, bursting into Nerron’s room: NERRON YOU’LL NEVER BELIEVE THIS—

Will: Keep an eye on Jacob today, he’s gonna say something to the wrong person and get himself punched.

Nerron: Sure! i’d love to see Jacob get punched!

Will: Try again.

Nerron, sighing: I will stop Jacob from getting punched.

Hentzau: Are you ready to commit?

Nerron: Like, a crime or to a relationship?

Nerron: I never understood why people get best friends until I got a best friend myself. This is Will and if anything happened to him, I would kill everyone in this room and then myself.

Nerron: My momma always told me I could become whatever I wanted. So I became a problem.

Will: Come on, Jacob, no one thinks Nerron is my boyfriend.

Jacob, turning to the rest of the group: Put your hands up if you think Will and Nerron are boyfriends.

Everyone: *raises their hand*


Fox: *walks into the kitchen where there’s spaghetti on the stove, counter, walls, and ceiling*


Jacob: Sorry about this you know how it is with spaghetti

Fox: No, I don’t.

Nerron, to Jacob: Let’s tell each other a secret about ourselves. I’ll go first: I hateyou.

Question: What did you do at your wedding that made a family member upset?

Nerron: My brother-in-law really didn’t like the part where I married my husband.


Crono: Hey bro, can I get a sip of that water?

Magus, holding a bottle: It’s not water.

Crono: Vodka! I like your style-

Magus: it’s vinegar.


Magus: it’s vinegar, pussy-


Crono, upon having just arrived at the Black Omen with the gang: So, what are our chances of succeeding?

Robo: Not high.

Magus, storming into the Black Omen: Do your thing, Dark Matter! SHAZAMMITYLAM!!

Lucca: Magus seems to be in high spirits, though!

Glenn: Or he’s finally lost it.

Marle, watching Magus tear the enemies limb from limb: He’s lost it.


Azriel: I’m very upset and there’s nothing that will make me feel better.


Azriel: No.


Azriel: Don’t.

Cassian: *brings Gwyn into the room*

Azriel, fighting back a smile: Fuck.

“Raise your words, not voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.”

Kili: When we met yesterday, you stole something from me.

You: I’m sorry, I’ll give you your wallet back.



Kili: I was going to say you stole my heart-
