#intracommunity ableism



a lot of shit i hear in the discourse reminds me of actual things homophobes say irl and it’s… really troubling?

  • “preteens identifying as ace is sexualizing!” whenever i headcanon a character as gay or bi/pan, my mom tells me, not everything has to be sexual. lgbt identities are viewed as inherently sexual and inappropriate for children.
  • “why do you feel the need to talk about being ace? it’s tmi, no one needs or wants to know about your sex life except your partner.” i’m not against your lifestyle, just keep it in the bedroom, okay?
  • “telling kids they can experience sexual attraction is grooming.” please stop conflating minority orientations to pedophilia, this has been used against gay people forever.
  • “asexuality is a disease and doesn’t naturally occur.” do i even have to explain this one?

what i’m trying to say is that it’s really hurtful for me, an ace lesbian, to hear this rhetoric used against me by straight people because i’m gay, then go into lgbt spaces–which are supposed to be safe for me–and hear other gay people saying almost word-for-word the exact same things, this time directed against my asexuality.

please stop using these arguments. don’t repackage homophobic rhetoric and use it against a different minority orientation.


Reasons it’s okay for someone to abuse you:

  • None. Literally none.

It doesn’t matter if you were in trouble, or they were having a bad day. It doesn’t matter if you’ve made mistakes in the past or feel you deserve it.

There is no justification for someone abusing you. You deserved better. And it was wrong.
