#iwaizumi hajime

Some doodles I did for Mermay (Days 17 & 18: Lily Pad & Warrior)… So meet fierce LilySome doodles I did for Mermay (Days 17 & 18: Lily Pad & Warrior)… So meet fierce LilySome doodles I did for Mermay (Days 17 & 18: Lily Pad & Warrior)… So meet fierce Lily

Some doodles I did for Mermay (Days 17 & 18: Lily Pad & Warrior)… So meet fierce Lily Pad King Oikawa, and his strongest knight, Iwaizumi.

Bonus (when you realise how small lily pads actually are):

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They’ll never tell you that a coin has more than two sides,They never talk about that secret edge inThey’ll never tell you that a coin has more than two sides,They never talk about that secret edge in

They’ll never tell you that a coin has more than two sides,
They never talk about that secret edge in between,
hidden between the heads and the tails,
the connecting divide. 

They’ll never tell you that there is a secretive grey,
That sits in between the collective darkness and light.
That grey which flows through every known thing,
free from the path we chase. 

They’ll never tell you an angel can fall from above,
and that a yearning demon can rise up from below. 
That the two can meet in the middle,
and that is where you find love.

Finally finished my piece for Fantasy Haikyuu Week, Day 3: Afterlife (Angels/Demons)! Please enjoy! 

*click the pictures for better quality*

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elfiore: hajime  Oooh… Iwa-chaan is hot!



Oooh… Iwa-chaan is hot!

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“if only it had been you” iwaoi soulmate!au, my submission for @hqbb! for @xxpoorunfortunatesoulxx‘s

“if only it had been you”

iwaoi soulmate!au, my submission for @hqbb! for @xxpoorunfortunatesoulxx‘s “i won’t let you complete me

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warm-up sketches trying something new with a new brush?? haikyuu is so wildly popular here,,,

warm-up sketches trying something new with a new brush?? haikyuu is so wildly popular here,,,

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Iwa-chan - apocalypse AU(he lost his right eye while protecting Oikawa during a zombie fight)

Iwa-chan - apocalypse AU

(he lost his right eye while protecting Oikawa during a zombie fight)

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Transgender! Oikawa Tooru x Iwaizumi Hajime Oikawa Tooru have a beautiful sad brown eyes, forded smiTransgender! Oikawa Tooru x Iwaizumi Hajime Oikawa Tooru have a beautiful sad brown eyes, forded smi

Transgender! Oikawa Tooru x Iwaizumi Hajime

Oikawa Tooru have a beautiful sad brown eyes, forded smile, scars on the him soul and a lot of dresses and skirts in the closet.
Iwaizumi Hajime have a ordinary brown eyes, beautiful smile, patches on him fingers and desire to help his friend (friend?) don’t stay alone in this cruel world.

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kuckoonut: ☆ 7th Day of Kuckoo’s IwaOi Week: Dragonrider AU ☆ An AU where Iwaizumi is a Dragon Transkuckoonut: ☆ 7th Day of Kuckoo’s IwaOi Week: Dragonrider AU ☆ An AU where Iwaizumi is a Dragon Transkuckoonut: ☆ 7th Day of Kuckoo’s IwaOi Week: Dragonrider AU ☆ An AU where Iwaizumi is a Dragon Trans


☆ 7th Day of Kuckoo’s IwaOi Week: Dragonrider AU ☆

An AU where Iwaizumi is a Dragon Transformer who forms a partnership with a knight, his Rider, Oikawa. They have a wonderful partnership battling evil demons and vanquishing monsters, until the day Oikawa’s desperately kept secret began to unravel itself.

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Hi everyone!

I’m finally here with the fourth chapter of this short fic! Why? Because today it’s my favorite boy’s birthday: The one and only Oikawa Tooru! It may sound stupid, but his character helped me a lot during the last years to understand myself and what I was going through. Even today it’s the character I feel more similar too. That’s why I couldn’t not celebrate his birthday!

I’ve wanted to write this chapter from the start of the ff and, please be aware, IT’S SLIGHTLY NSFW; There are no explicit sex scene, but there is mild sexual content and explicit sexual references, so don’t force yourself to read something that makes you uncomfortable :3 I’m not that good at writing these kind of scene, even if I’d like too, because sometimes it’s very difficult to describe a scene with high emotional tension in another language. Don’t wask me why, it just is.

I hope you’ll like it, I’ll soon post the final one!

IwaOi, Spy!IwaizumixProPlayer!Oikawa, (NSFW)


To protect you

“Don’t say a word or your boyfriend dies. Don’t call for help, don’t scream, don’t panic. Do what I tell you or we shoot him.”

Oikawa’s world shattered.

His breath hitched, and the pulse of his heart quickened, thundering in his ears.

It couldn’t be. It couldn’t be. It couldn’t be.


The brunet jolted as the unknown hand grabbed his wrist, the phone fell from his trembling hands. Raising his eyes, he met green.

“Is everything alright?”

Agent-san. His agent.

Oikawa felt like crying and crashing into his arms, against his firm and safe chest, but he couldn’t. Moving on reflex, he quickly bent to pick up the phone.

“Y-yes it’s fine…” He stuttered unconvincingly. He caught sight of another message.

“Find an excuse.”

“Are you sure?” Iwaizumi pressed, narrowing the eyes.

“Sure, why, Hiri-chan?”

The agent looked at the way he clutched desperately the phone and raised an eyebrow: that wasn’t fine. That was fear and chaos.

“Oikawa, who wrote you?”

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Oikawa stuttered something.


He had to find an excuse. He couldn’t let Iwaizumi know. He had to protect him.

Everything, he needed just-

“Suga!” He squealed panicking.

Iwaizumi blinked, confused.

“Suga?” He repeated, clearly not buying it, “Your best friend?”

If Oikawa couldn’t lie, then he would have to mislead him.

He nodded, without trying anymore to hide his panic.

“He’s just texted to me he’s had a big fight with his husband! He’s told me he has left the house! It’s the middle of the night in Japan!” He explained gesturing widely with his hands, “Oh my God he has nowhere to go! What if it happens something to him? What if he gets lost or hurt or-?”

“Oikawa, Oikawa, slow down,” Iwaizumi took him by the shoulders, with a gentle but firm tone, “Slow down.”

“He’s my best friend!” Oikawa muttered with glassy eyes, I’m sorry for lying, he added in his mind.

“I know, but you need to stay lucid. Has he said anything else?” Iwaizumi spoke calmly as he rubbed small circles on the brunet’ shoulders, reassuringly.

He had bought it.

Oikawa shook his head.

I don’t want to, please don’t hate me, he thought again.

“Then, first try to understand what’s happening, then we’ll think about what to do. I know you’re worried, but Sugawara is a capable adult. Maybe right now he’s only speaking out of rage and hasn’t left home yet.”

Iwaizumi was trying so hard to be helpful, to comfort him, that Oikawa’s guilt only grew. He could feel a knot in his throat. What if this was the wrong choice? What if lying would have hurt them more?

He had to think. He had to calm down and think.

“C-can I sit down and text him?” Oikawa whispered, and Iwaizumi nodded immediately, gently guiding him to a chair.

“Can I do something for you?” The raven asked softly, brushing his hair.

Oikawa pointed at the chair in front of him, “Can you stay with me?” And, possibly, where you can’t look at my phone?

Iwaizumi chuckled, “Sure, I’m not going anywhere, I told you.”

The agent sat down and let him focus on his phone.

Oikawa let out a small sigh of relief.

Alright, the first emergency had been avoided.

Now, he needed to think. He needed to understand what to do.

Who were them? Where they were? How were they spying on him?

“Wow, nice act, Oikawa-chan!  I’m also worried about Suga now.”

Oikawa clenched his teeth. This bastard even dared to joke.

“What do you want?” he texted back.

“Meet us tonight in the garden. Alone. We’ve things to sort out.”

“Who are you?”

“People mad at you, princess. Do what I told you.”

“What if I refuse?”

“Your plain boyfriend is getting shot. Neat and simple.”

“Fucker,” Oikawa muttered.

“Suga? Or the husband?” Iwaizumi asked, genuinely worried.

The brunet stifled a smile, “He’s being a baby and made me worry for nothing. He’s closed in the bathroom.”

Iwaizumi chuckled and resumed scanning the surrounding.

“Wow, that’s not a nice word. I wouldn’t call uncute things the guy with the gun.”

Fine, they could hear him. Pretty clearly too, since he had only whispered. But, what about…

Slowly, trying not to catch Iwaizumi’s attention, he raised a middle finger in the air. He felt stupid but kept the hand there and waited.

No new messages.

They couldn’t see him.

Oikawa smirked: finally, an opening.

He returned texting.

“If I come, will you let Hiri-chan alone?”

“Yeah, we’re not interested in the nerd. Unless you make us mad.”

Oikawa let out a small grin.

Fucking idiots.

They didn’t know about the agent’s real identity.

“Better?” Iwaizumi patiently asked.

Gosh, he was really worried about his best friend. Oikawa’s heart throbbed.

“Yeah, better, you were right,” he replied with evident relief. It wasn’t a lie: Finding those small openings had already helped him calm down.

He felt like he had a chance.

He just had to put all the pieces in the right places, he couldn’t risk making the smallest mistake.

Oikawa closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

His objective was to protect Hiri-chan.

So, the easiest course of action would have been doing as the Yakuza asked and sacrifice himself. Problems with this solution? He was sure he would have never been able to escape the agent’s surveillance, and he risked blowing up the cover altogether.


“I truly want to keep you safe. So, please, don’t do anything stupid and let me protect you.”

He had promised, he had promised to trust him and let the agent protect him. Sacrificing himself just to leave the weight of his own death on the agent’ shoulders? How egoist. He would have never forgiven himself for that. He couldn’t damn Iwaizumi to a life of regrets.

There had to be a better solution.

Think, Tooru, think!

He had to let him know they were being spied, he had to trust the agent he could protect them both. If he had told him, Oikawa was sure he would have known what to do.

But how?

Writing on a piece of paper?


Oikawa looked around; with every probability, the infiltrated man had put something on him as they took the photos, and that meant he was out there. Even if there wasn’t a camera, he could have been watching; and what if there were snipers? Oh hell, why he hadn’t thought before about the snipers? No, he couldn’t reveal it in public.

Then, it had to happen in the bedroom.

But in the bedroom, Hiri-chan would return to be Agent-san, and it would blow the cover.

Oikawa couldn’t let this happen either. Them not knowing his real identity was their trump card, he had to make sure to protect the secret.

That meant avoiding the agent could make smaller, ambiguous comments on the mission for the entire day, especially after their return to the bedroom and…

That was it.

That was the idea.

It was embarrassing, it was a gamble and it was all Oikawa had.

He had to try.

In one way or another, Oikawa had survived until that night without getting them shot. It hadn’t been easy since the agent sometimes would lean and try to whisper him something about the situation, but Oikawa promptly stopped him by either talking over him or stuffing his face with food. Except for that one time he had moved the fork too quickly and risked stabbing his cheek, it had worked fine. Sure, the agent was suspicious and unnerved, but that was exactly what Oikawa wanted. He didn’t know what the agent was suspecting, but it was enough.

Especially because he was going to embarrass himself to death in the next ten minutes, so the agent had better understand quickly.

Oh shit, now he was feeling nervous for the wrong reasons.

It’s a life or death situation, try to act cool, he repeated to himself, but he really felt like passing out. His legs were trembling and his hands sweating enough to make him highly uncomfortable. What if the man punched him? Shit. Shit. Shit.

He hated Yakuza.

“Oikawa?” the agent called him for the second time as they walked down the empty corridor, towards his bedroom.

The brunt jumped with a terrified expression.


Iwaizumi blinked, unsure if he wanted to laugh at the ridiculous face he was making or get mad at him for hiding something.

He didn’t know what it was, but he was sure Oikawa was hiding something and didn’t want to talk about it. Whatever it was, Iwaizumi needed to know. He had a bad feeling.

“Are you sure everything alright?” He asked in a mutter, eyeing him not convinced.

Oikawa faked another smile and nodded, “Yes, Hiri-chan!”

Iwaizumi really hated that stupid smile. Fake, fake, fake.

He opened his mouth to say something, but Oikawa squeezed his hand. Hard.

A desperate urgency shined in his eyes.

Don’t ask.

With a growl, Iwaizumi stopped in front of their bedroom door and searched for the keys. Once they were alone, Oikawa wouldn’t have any way to escape his questions.

“Remember. Alone. 3AM. Or he’s dead.”

“I know. I’ll make sure he won’t be able to stand by that hour.”

“Wow, you’re so bold and passionate. Maybe we can have fun later.”

Oikawa’s blood went cold.

He gulped and tried to muster his courage.

Everything was going to work out.

He just had one thing to do.

Only one.

“I missed you.” He blurted those words before he could realize. He felt his cheeks growing warmer.

Iwaizumi, with the key in his hand, froze. He slowly raised the eyes to meet his, flabbergasted.

Oikawa bit his bottom lip, shaking. This was so stupid. So embarrassing.

“I missed being alone with you,” he repeated, lowering the voice in a purr.

The other man was still staring at him, speechless. Oikawa could almost see his brain trying to understand what the fuck was going on.

The brunt felt like crying. The worst thing was that part of him wanted what was going to happen, but not like that. Not forcing it on him, not because he had to save their lives, not just as an act. He would have wanted it to be better, he would have wanted to find a way to treasure their relationship and let it grow naturally. Tooru would have wanted to respect and treasure the feelings he was starting to harbor.

But that wasn’t an option anymore.

He could only hope the raven wasn’t going to hate it or him afterward.

“I-” Iwaizumi tried to speak, but his mouth had gone dry. Had he really heard it right? There must have been a mistake. It wasn’t possible. But there Oikawa was, with red cheeks and dark eyes.

Fuck, he was beautiful.

“Do you need help, Hiri-chan?” Oikawa giggled, teasingly, and leaned to take the key from his hand. Their fingers brushed, and Iwaizumi could have sworn he had felt the electricity in the air.

“You’re so helpless,” the other continued, smirking.

There was something wrong.

There was.

But Iwaizumi was too distracted by the man being so close, by his words and the sweet tone to remember what.

Sorry, Agent-san.

It happened in a second.

The door opened, and the brunet took a step into the dark room.

Before Iwaizumi could do or say, or even think anything, Oikawa turned, grabbed his tie and pulled him forward. He closed the door with a kick and slammed the confused raven against it. He cupped his cheeks and brought their lips together.

Iwaizumi stilled.


Oikawa Tooru.

Oikawa Tooru was kissing him.

He could feel the softness of his lips, the warmth of his body, the slender hands cradling his face. The hesitancy in his movements, the way his fingers trembled, the sweet vanilla scent…


Iwaizumi brought a hand behind the neck of the brunet to pull him closer and kissed back, lips hungry and rough. Oikawa opened his mouth to let out a small, surprised moan, and the raven seized the opportunity to deepen the kiss.

Tooru forgot everything. The yakuza, the fear, the mission…his agent hadn’t hit him, hadn’t rejected him. No, he was kissing the hell out him. He didn’t even remember kissing could be this good.

Iwaizumi wrapped a muscular arm around his waist and swiftly inverted their position, blocking Oikawa against the wall. His hands roamed under the man’s shirt, running over the milky skin of his sculpted back, as the brunet held onto him, grabbing his black hair in a way that stole Iwaizumi’s rationality.

He bit teasingly, hungrily Tooru’s lips and then left a trail of kiss and bites down his jaw, till the neck. Painfully slow, as to taste the man centimeter by centimeter. Oikawa raised a hand to cover his mouth and silence any sound, but Iwaizumi growled and pinned it to the wall.

“H-hiri…” Oikawa moaned, between ragged breaths, throwing back the head to make it easier for the man to mark his neck.

Something wrong.

“Tooru…” the man replied, out of breath, as his teeth grazed lightly Oikawa’s skin, eliciting another moan. Iwaizumi pressed their bodies closer, a sudden urge not to stop, not to lose that moment. Not to return to reality. Not yet.

“Hiri-chan!” Oikawa repeated, a bit higher, and even if his voice was still filled with the desire, there was an edge that put Iwaizumi on alert.

“Why you don’t call me Hiri-chan in private?”

“…I don’t want to get attached to a false name.”

Hit by the sudden realization, Iwaizumi stopped and slowly raised his head to meet Oikawa’s gaze. His eyes were glassy, the hair disheveled and his lips red and wet.

The brunet nodded slowly.

“Hiri?” Iwaizumi repeated automatically as his brain frantically put all the pieces together.

The sudden kiss. The anxiety. The way Oikawa had avoided to talk about the mission for the entire day.

The breakdown after the photos.

Iwaizumi’s eyes widened.

“I told you to call me Nezumi in the bedroom, Tooru,” he replied in a dark, low whisper. Oikawa shivered.

They were being spied.

Iwaizumi tensed and looked around, adrenaline kicking in. Oikawa tapped lightly his shoulder to have his attention and then brought a finger to his ear.

Ah, they could only listen.

Iwaizumi nodded in understanding, thinking as fast as he could. If Oikawa had resorted to that, probably the enemies had managed to put a bug on him and probably… blackmailed him? Sugawara must have been a cover. He was amazed Oikawa had managed to plan it all to protect his identity, without doing anything stupid.

In that case, there was only one solution left.

“Sorry” he mouthed in silence to the brunet, who was anxiously waiting for the next move.

Before the other could understand, Iwaizumi resumed what they were doing. He cupped Oikawa’s cheeks and kissed him passionately; even if part of him was focused on the mission, his body was still burning with the fire the brunet has started.

Without a warning, he moved the hands under Oikawa’s thighs and smoothly picked him up. Tooth let out a surprised squeal and wrapped his legs around Iwaizumi’s torso, clinging with the hands to his shoulders.

“Nezumi?”Please, throw me on the bed.

“Shower. Now,” Iwaizumi replied in a gravelly voice, moving towards the bathroom as if the athlete in his arms weighted nothing.

Oh shit. Even better.

Tooru, “to keep the act going”, ran the fingers through his spiky hair and kissed him again, the fear of falling already forgotten. The agent picking him up like that had only increased his desire. Shit, why couldn’t that be all real and normal? He wanted more, more of how he was being held, touched, kissed…more.

The two stumbled in the bathroom and Iwaizumi broke the kiss just the time to put Oikawa down in the shower and tore his shirt off. He also took off his own, showing the chiseled abs and tanned skin, and threw it in the shower. Oikawa unabashedly stared at him with a flushed, adoring expression that risked making Iwaizumi lose his focus once more.

The idiot, staring at him like that, as if he hadn’t the body of an Adonis. Iwaizumi couldn’t tear his eyes off him.

But they had to continue.

With a smirk, Iwaizumi unfastened the belt of his trousers.

“Like what you see?” he teased, knowingly.

Oikawa blushed at first but then grinned, licking his lips.

“That’s my question,” he replied, imitating the raven.

They both got ridden of their trousers and threw them in the shower.

They stopped for a second, gazing with desire and curiosity at the body of the other. The way the muscles drew curves and lines, the scars on Iwaizumi’s chest, the moles on Oikawa’ skin, the curve of the neck, the sharp jaw, the squared shoulders…

Iwaizumi moved first.

He pushed Oikawa against the tiled wall of the shower, gently but with enough strength to make his head spin. The brunet felt like his legs could buckle in a matter of seconds.

Iwaizumi towered over him, hands at the side of his head. He brushed with the lips against his ear, teeth grazing a sensitive spot that made Oikawa sigh in pleasure.

“I’m going to fuck you senseless, Tooru.”

Then he opened the water, and it coldly poured on them. He kissed the boy so that he couldn’t curse or squeal for the sudden icy shower while moving frantically the hands through his soft hair and over his body.

In a few seconds, something sparkled, and there was a small explosion. Oikawa let out a yelp, crouching as he brought a hand to his head.


Iwaizumi knelt rapidly and took the smoking bug out of his hair, throwing it on the floor. He quickly closed the cold water.

“It’s done, they can’t hear us now,” he told him, trying to stop his urges to resume what he was doing. Shit, he had a boner to calm down. The only thing that made it less awkward was the fact that Oikawa had the same problem.

The brunet raised his head, still seated on the floor.

“The bug…?”


“The cover?”

“Intact. Thanks to you.”

Under Iwaizumi’ surprised gaze, Oikawa’s eyes filled with tears. With an ugly sob, the brunet curled in a ball and stifled his cry against the arms.

They were fine. They were fine. They were fine. They were fine-

“Hey, hey, hey!” Panicking, Iwaizumi crouched again to his side and pulled him into an uncomfortable hug. “It’s fine, everything it’s fine. We’re safe for now. You did a good job, a wonderful job. You save both of us. I don’t know how, but you saved us. I’m so proud of you. Fuck, you’re the most brilliant man I’ve ever met…” Iwaizumi murmured reassuringly, drawing circles on the naked, wet back of the brunette.

“They said they were going to shoot you! They blackmailed me! I had to lie! I couldn’t let them know! I didn’t know what to do!” Oikawa blurted, letting out all his accumulated fear, holding onto the agent as if he was the anchor in a stormy sea.

“I’m sorry,” Iwaizumi grimaced, “I hadn’t thought they could do something like that. I’m sorry you had to go through something like this, alone. I should have known better-”

“Don’t apologize!” Oikawa scolded, voice muffled against his shoulder. “Just. Don’t.”

Iwaizumi frowned, confused, and tried to steal a glance at his face, but the man hid against the crook of his neck.

“There’s something wrong? It’s fine,” Iwaizumi gently tried to put him at ease, “You can tell me what you want I-”

“Sorry,” Oikawa cut him off.


“Sorry,” the boy repeated a bit louder, “for forcing myself onto you.”

Iwaizumi blinked. Frowned. Tilted his head.


He sighed.

“Oikawa,” he called him, but the brunet curled even more.

“Tooru.” At his firm but soft tone, at the mention of his given name, Oikawa couldn’t resist and perked up.

Okay, the agent didn’t seem angry. Nor disgusted.

“Yes?” he asked in a trembling voice.

Iwaizumi cleared his throat, aware his ears were turning red.

“I…would prefer you didn’t apologize. For that.”

Oikawa kept looking at him like a deer caught in the headlights, the wet locks falling over his wide eyes.

Iwaizumi sighed again. So dense.

“I don’t know how I could have given you this idea, but there’s nothing you have to apologize for. Nothing you forced onto me. There wasn’t nothing I didn’t like nor didn’t want to do. Hell, Oikawa, what part of me didn’t seem into it?”


Oikawa’s heart froze and then started beating like crazy.


He blushed furiously, biting his bottom lip.

“M-M-me too…” he replied awkwardly, “I enjoyed it. Like, I wanted.”

He felt like dying inside. Where was his smooth flirty side when he needed it?!

Iwaizumi chuckled, “Dork.”


“But I’m glad, really glad you’re alright.” His eyes softened, and the lips curved in small, warm smile, as he gently brushed away the strand of hair from his face.

And Tooru felt on cloud nine, heart bursting and fuck it all, he would have done it all over again, he would have fought the entire Yakuza barehanded if it had meant meeting him.

“Now come on, you’ve a match soon. I can’t risk you catching a cold,” Iwaizumi reminded him as he helped him standing up. “Take a hot shower first, I’ll bring you some clothes, and then you’ll tell me all that happened.”

Oikawa nodded, starting to feel the cold, and hugged himself to stop shivering.

“You’ll stay here, right?” he made sure, still feeling weak and exposed after that hellish day.

“Sure, call me and I run to you,” Iwaizumi assured him “I’ll contact my team in the meanwhile.”

At the mention of his friends, Oikawa grimaced.

“Wait…the thing… it wasn’t working while we, uhm, you know, right?”

Iwaizumi made a resigned, guilty face.

“They haven’t listened, right?” Oikawa tried again, shame tinging his skin a deep red.

Without a word, Iwaizumi left the bathroom and closed the door behind his back.






Buy Me A Flower


Haikyuu Smut: ♡SiNfUl CoLleCtIoN♡

*****************************Minors DNI*****************************

*****************************Minors DNI*****************************

GimmeMattsunsDick’s MxF Masterpost (NSFW)

Sometimes you really love a Timeskip!Haikyuu boy but theres never enough content for them. I present to you, my book of smutshots. Each smutshot is a potential book that i shoved into 10,000+ words because then Id have far too many books to write


Oral Sex, Rough Sex, Fingerfucking, Hand Jobs, First Time Blow Jobs, Vaginal Sex, Light Dom/sub, Body Image Issues, Porn with Feelings, Praise Kink, Size Kink, Heterosexual Sex ,Mating Press, Breeding, Arranged Marriage ,Creampie, Pregnancy Kink, Cunnilingus, Spanking, Dacryphilia, Humiliation, Breastfeeding, Masturbation, Mutual Masturbation, Squirting, Anal Fingering, Anal, Rimming, Implied/Referenced Cheating, Explicit Sexual Content, Shower Sex, Drunk Sex, Collars, Light BDSM, Mean Dom, Dry Humping, Angst, Rape/Non-con Elements, Lactation Kink

♡♡♡♡♡♡♡Pick Your Story Below♡♡♡♡♡♡

Keep reading

Updated :D
