#jungkook x reader


chapter 28-recovery is a process (and not linear)

Pairing: OT7 x Reader, OT7 x OT7
Details: hybrid!bts, a/b/o dynamics, asexual!reader
Summary: Jimin pushes himself too hard. Jungkook cries.
Warnings: The recognizable names and personalities do not reflect their real life counterparts. (death mention/past non major character, lowkey gender dysphoria, nudity, self doubt/self hate, weight loss/weight gain, eating disordered behavior, lying, body image issues, therapy, psych meds mention, ptsd, trauma flashbacks mention, insomnia)

seokjinIyoongi I hoseok I namjoon I jimin I taehyung I jungkook

Hoseok and Jin jogged up just as you were getting out of the car.

“[F/N]! [F/N]! [F/N]!” Hoseok bounced from foot to foot, grinning at you as Jin hunched over, leaning his hands on his thighs, panting. “You’re just in time to see me beat hyung to the gate!”

“Only because I was under the impression we were jogging, not full on sprinting,” Jin complained. He took off his hat. His ears flicked. His hair was damp and messy. It was getting a little long, bangs falling over his eyes. You brushed it out of his face. He sighed, closing his eyes a bit. His tail slipped out from underneath his oversized shirt and tapped against your arm.

“Are you that old, hyung?” Hoseok teased. “Can’t keep up with me?”

“Uh-huh,” Jin said. “Respect your elders. Carry me inside. Get me a cold drink.”

“Okay.” Hoseok leaned over, preparing to lift him. Jin shrieked and pushed him out of the way. Their eyes met and they dissolved into laughter. You smiled. “Ah, it is getting warmer, though. Almost spring.” He pulled off his newsboy cap. “I’m overheating a bit, actually, but gotta keep a low profile, and all that.” He ran a hand through his hair, frowning when he got caught on a tangle. You reached up to help him, but he dodged. “Don’t. I’m all sweaty.” His shirt was soaked through. “I need a shower…” His nose twitched. “You smell like jasmine.”

“Jasmine?” You sniffed your shirt.

Jin reached into the back of Hoseok’s shorts and pulled his tail out. Hoseok jerked forward. “Hyung!”

Jin cackled. “Chill out. I don’t want your tail cramping.”

“Dani hugged me before we left, so it must be her perfume,” you realized. “It’s a bit strong isn’t it? Maybe I need a shower too.” You unlocked the front door. All of you stepped inside, pulling off your shoes.

“Um, maybe the three of us could take one together?” Hoseok suggested tentatively. Jin glanced at him, eyebrow raised, and then looked at you. Your brow furrowed. Hoseok held up his hands. “Ah—we don’t have to, I just thought, it might be nice…”

“I don’t think three people will fit in my shower,” you thought. “And, even if they could… I think it might be a little overwhelming for me.” You chewed at your lip. “I mean, I actually don’t think I’d mind showering with one other person, but, um, I don’t want anyone to feel left out…”

“The two of you should shower together, I don’t mind having a shower to myself,” Jin said. Hoseok frowned.
“Are you sure?”

“Yes, yes.” Jin waved his hand. Hoseok looked at you.

“And you’re sure too? If you don’t want to, or if you’d rather with Jin—“

“I’m sure,” you interrupted him.

“I’ll go get my stuff then!” Hoseok practically bounced out of the room.

“One would think he’s the rabbit, instead of JK,” Jin mused. He pecked you on the forehead. “Don’t have too much fun without me, okay?” He started to move away.

“Your definition of fun might differ from mine, since you were out jogging this early,” you thought, grabbing his arm and pulling him back to you. He groaned.

“That was Hoseokie’s fault. I tried to say no, but he bribed me with breakfast in bed.”

“Hmm. I don’t think you do anything you don’t want to.” You kissed him on the cheek. “You’re a good mathyung.”

“Don’t.” Jin squished your cheeks in his hands, shushing you. “You’ll ruin my bad reputation.”


You and Hoseok stood in your bathroom, staring at the running water.

“Is this temperature good for you?” You asked. The water was hot enough so that a subtle steam filled the room, clinging to your skin. Hoseok dipped his hand under the water and nodded. “Okay, so we could get undressed and get in…” Neither of you moved.

“Are you sure?” He asked you again. You nodded.

“Just, if you could…” You played with the bottom of your shirt, your heart thumping in your ears. “Don’t look at me too closely, okay?”

“I promise. And I promise I won’t be annoyed or anything, if you change your mind.”

“I’m starting to get annoyed, with you asking so much,” you muttered. “I’m… I want to. I’m curious, and I think sharing that kind of intimacy with you could be nice.”

“…Me too,” he said quietly.


You averted your eyes. The rustling of clothes hitting the floor was impossibly loud as you stepped into the shower. You stared at the row of colorful bottles on your shelf—specialized hybrid shampoo, conditioner, body wash…

“Could you pass me my shampoo?”

You sucked in a breath and nodded, reaching forward for the first bottle. You nearly dropped it, your hands were shaking.

“Sorry.” Your fingers brushed as he took the bottle from you. You pulled back, hugging your arms around yourself.

“Maybe this wasn’t a good idea,” Hoseok thought. “If it’s making you this nervous…”

“Everything makes me nervous,” you reminded him. “That doesn’t always mean I shouldn’t do it.”

“I want to understand. Why is it making you so nervous? Is it, like, an asexuality thing?”

You blinked. “That could be part of it. Nakedness is, like, super sexualized where I grew up, but that’s something I’m unlearning, particularly with you guys, because it isn’t always sexual with you, right?”

“Well, yes. But… sometimes it is. I mean, sometimes I look at them and just… wow…”

You smiled. “So do I,” you told him. He made a noise of surprise. “Just because I don’t see you as sexydoesn’t mean I don’t appreciate the way you look.”


“Yes. You’re so handsome. I want to look at you all the time.”

“That’s not…” He cleared his throat. “Anyway, you were talking about what makes you nervous.”

“What, like how compliments make you nervous?” You teased. He giggled. “Hmm. So, there’s like, society’s expectation of nudity, and then, it’s a little overwhelming because I’m not used to it, but mostly… it makes me nervous to be naked in front of you, because my body isn’t…” You took a deep breath, focusing on the feeling of the water against your skin. “Well, it’s not really where I want it to be.”

“That’s…” Hoseok sighed. “I think, unfortunately, we all feel like that sometimes, maybe some of us more strongly or more frequently than others.”

“We don’t have to compare it,” you thought.

“Still… it’ll be a little hard to take a shower together without looking at each other, but… I’m still willing to try, if you are.”

“Let’s try.” You started washing up, Hoseok apologizing when his elbow jabbed at your side.

“Sorry. The angle’s kind of awkward. This really isn’t the biggest shower.”

“Namjoonie said Minho-ssi purposefully took the room with the smaller bathroom, separate from the others,” you recalled.

“Makes sense, given what we’ve heard about him,” Hoseok thought. “Can you pass the conditioner?” You twisted around, trying to pass it to him without looking. “You can look at me, if you want. I don’t mind. I still won’t look at you.” Hesitantly, you turned, still clutching the bottle of conditioner. You didn’t know where to look (so much skin!).

“That doesn’t seem fair,” you thought.

“Sure it is,” he disagreed. “Cause we have different sensitivities. You don’t mind taking care of all the spiders for the rest of our lives, right?” He smiled. His tone was half joking, but…

“I will,” you said, seriously. “You can rely on me. I’ll help you any way I can.”

“Well…” His smile flickered slightly. “There is something I could use your help with, right now. You can say no, obviously, but… it might be easier, if you helped me with my hair. If… I mean, if you’re okay with touching me.”

“More than okay.” You reached up, cupping the side of his face, running your thumb over the stubble lining his jaw. He sucked in a breath, eyes widening. You drew back, squeezing some conditioner into your hand and putting the bottle off to the side. “You can come closer.” Hoseok swallowed and then took a step, his feet just touching yours. You massaged your hands into his hair.

He sighed. “Feels good…” He leaned his head against your shoulder. “Okay…?”

“It’s good.” You could feel the warmth of his breath on your skin. He whined.

“Ah, watch the ears, they’re a bit sensitive.”

Hoseok returned the favor by washing your back. He had a firm touch and promises of a massage the next time your back acted up. You laughed when his fingers brushed your side, jerking away from him. His eyes glinted. “Don’t you dare!”

“Okay, okay.” He held his hands up, grinning.


You quickly dried off and got dressed as Hoseok stood in front of the mirror in his underwear, shaving and running through an impressive skin care routine. You decided to moisturize as well, as he started blow drying his hair. He caught your eye in the mirror and then turned to look at you fully, switching off the hair dryer.

“That is Jungkook’s,” Hoseok noted, tugging at the baggy t-shirt. “One of his favorite’s, I think.” You smiled sheepishly.

“Well, he left it in here—but you’re one to talk, you were wearing Namjoon’s yesterday!”

“Well, it was his, but he gave it to me cause it got too small on him,” Hoseok explained. “You know, since he’s been working out with Kook more he’s gotten…” He made a vague motion over his chest and then flexed his bicep, wiggling his eyebrows. You laughed. “So don’t drag me into your little t-shirt stealing ring. Between you and Jiminie, none of us will have anything left to wear.” He tapped his chin. “Ah, maybe that was the grand plan…” He sighed dramatically. “Such an inconvenience, to have to see all my sexy mates shirtless.”

“Horrible,” you played along. “I might go blind from all the beauty.” He flushed, laughing nervously. “Hoseokie can’t take a compliment? You don’t want to hear about how good you look? Your skin is such a pretty pink. Your hair looks so soft.”

“You’re a menace,” he muttered. You reached up, running your hand through his fluffy hair. “Ah, stop it.” He held your wrist. “I just got it the way I liked.” You drew back. “Ah, but it did feel nice. Maybe later?” He tugged on a strand of your hair. “Can I dry yours?”

“Um… maybe with a towel? I don’t like hair dryers.”

“Okay.” He started rubbing gently at your head with your towel. “How come you always leave it wet?”

“It dries soon enough. And hair dryers are scary.”


“A little too loud and too hot,” you explained. He snickered.

“You big baby.” And then he frowned. “Did me drying my hair in the same room bother you?”

You shook your head. “It doesn’t bother me too much when it’s not close to my head.”

“I sort of understand. Since my ears are so sensitive,” he said. “Next time you can just dry my hair for me like this…” You resisted the urge to close your eyes as he rubbed at your head again with the towel. You were glad you were able to keep them open to see his soft smile. “Looks like you’re enjoying yourself.”

“I am. Next time?”

“If you want to…”

You smiled. “Sounds good to me.”

Hoseok and you cooked dinner together. You snuggled up on the coach afterwards, as Namjoon and Taehyung cleaned.

Jungkook flopped on top of both of you.

“I’ve been wondering where this went,” he said, tugging at your (his) shirt sleeve. Embarrassment twisted in your stomach. You pressed your face against Hoseok’s shoulder for a moment and then looked at Jungkook.

“You left it in my room. I can take it off, if you want me to?”

“Why would I ever complain about you smelling like me?” Jungkook said. You smiled at him, the knot in your stomach untwisting.

“You should’ve complained,” Jimin said to Jungkook. “She was offering to take her shirt off.”

Jin rolled his eyes. “Not everyone wants to be shirtless all of the time, Jimin-ah.”

“Notall the time,” Jimin said. “Sometimes, I wear shirts.”

“Yeah. And most of them are ours,” Yoongi thought. Jimin shrugged. “Are you and [F/N]-yah starting a shirt stealing club?”

“Hoseok-ah made that joke already,” you told him. Yoongi reached over to give Hoseok a fist bump.

“You should take Namjoonie-hyung’s next,” Jimin told you in a fake whisper. “Nice and soft.”

“Why not mine next?” Hoseok whined, pulling Jimin into a headlock. Jimin bit his arm. Hoseok let go, pouting.

“I’ve worn your shirt before,” you reminded him. “It was a little tight on me.” Jungkook looked at you, considering.

“Boobs,” he said, eloquently. You looked down at yourself.

“I mean, yes? I’m a girl, I guess, sort of?” The stomach knot was back with a vengeance. Jin simultaneously rubbed your arm and flicked Jungkook on the forehead. Jungkook whined.

“You can have boobs and not be a girl,” Yoongi pointed out.

“I know that!” Jungkook said. “I do lots of chest exercises, but we can’t all have as good boobs as noona and Namjoonie-hyung.”

Everyone laughed.

“Huh.” Hoseok tugged on one of Jungkook’s ears. “I thought your thing was thighs.” Jimin grinned and patted his leg.

Jungkook pinched him, laughing at the indignant noise he made. “I can appreciate multiple body parts and body types, thank you very much. When I saw Namjoon-hyung for the first time, I didn’t know where to look. He’s just so…”

“Huh,” Namjoon said, leaning against the doorway. Jungkook spluttered. Jin whacked him on the back. Namjoon watched them in amusement. “I’m trying to decide whether I feel objectified, or flattered.”

“Por que no los dos?” Taehyung suggested, ducking under Namjoon’s arm, and squeezing next to Yoongi on the armchair. Yoongi grumbled, but there was a small smile tugging at his lips.

“I am looking respectfully,” Jungkook said, attempting (and failing) to wink. He and Taehyung giggled at each other. You exchanged a look with Jin. Namjoon plopped down next to you.

“I feel like I’m missing something…” Yoongi said.

“Memes, grandpa,” Jin told him. “Outdated, American, memes. Are we not Korean, boys?” Jungkook and Taehyung pouted at him.

“Actually, internet culture has given a rise to global—” Namjoon started.

“Does anybody have anything to bring up today for the family meeting, before Namjoon-ah gives us the lecture on memes that he is so clearly itching to give?” Hoseok asked. Namjoon rubbed the back of his neck. “Not that we wouldn’t love to hear it!” Hoseok patted at Namjoon’s chest.

Namjoon smiled a little sadly. “You don’t have to indulge me…”

“No, he’s right. I could listen to you talk about anything,” Jimin said. “Especially when it’s something you’re really interested in.”

Hoseok nodded eagerly. “Oh my God, the passion in your voice? I could melt.”

Namjoon covered his rapidly blushing face. Taehyung watched him fondly. Jin snickered.  

“Ah, but, before Joonie’s much anticipated lecture,” you said. Namjoon groaned and Jin laughed louder. “There was something I wanted to bring up.” Everyone looked at you. “The friend I went to see today, she’s a pretty well known choreographer. She works at the same company as Soonyoung.”

“Oh?” Hoseok titled his head. “I wonder if we meet her during that one dance practice of hers we saw, right before we met you the very first time.”

“It’s possible,” you said. “I mean, you might remember, because she’s one of the only darker skinned people working in that department.”

Hoseok’s brow furrowed. “I can’t remember very well. I remember being impressed with the dancing—enough that Soonyoung-noona noticed and suggested lessons, but so much happened that day, that it’s hard to recall any details.”

Jungkook nodded. “I just remember being really nervous.”

Namjoon grimaced. “Me too.”

“Me three,” you chimed in. “Ah, but I’m always nervous.”

“Less so, these days, I think,” Jin said. You made a noncommittal noise.

“No, he’s right,” Yoongi agreed. “You should be proud of yourself.” You pressed your lips together. Jin poked at your puffing out cheek.

“Did your brunch go well?” Jimin asked. You smiled and nodded. “I’m glad.” Jimin smiled back at you. “You seemed a little nervous about seeing her.”

“A bit,” you admitted. “Since we’ve mostly messaged each other over the years. I haven’t seen her in person since I was eighteen.”

Yoongi’s brow furrowed. “Nine years?”

“Why so long?” Taehyung wondered.

You chewed at your lip. “Well, that’s the last time I visited Korea. I was… Soonyoung debuted, and was doing well… not as well as she’s doing now, but the shows were still pretty crowded… she says she doesn’t mind, but I’ve always felt bad for not being able to support her more.”

“If she says she doesn’t mind, that must be true,” Yoongi said. “Soonyoung-ssi doesn’t seem like the type of person to lie to spare feelings.”

“She isn’t,” you agreed. You blinked. “Ah, but I’m getting sidetracked. I meant to tell you, Dani mentioned that Big Hit, or, at least, the dance department, is opening auditions to hybrids.” Hoseok made a surprised noise.

“What—what do you mean?” Jimin asked.

“Ah, I think there’s information online, but, from what she said… they’re auditions for background dancers. You know, for like live shows and music videos? Currently it’s only open to hybrids who are owned by people who work at the company, or by people who don’t work for other companies in the same industry, because they don’t want there to be a conflict of interest.”

“So… we could try out?” Jimin asked.

You nodded. “I’ll have to check to be sure, but, yes, I think so.”

“…I don’t think I could do something like that,” Hoseok said, after a moment of silence. Jimin blinked.

“What? But, hyung, you lovedancing!”

“Sure I do.” Hoseok nodded. “But my feelings on performing in front of an audience are… complicated.” Jin frowned slightly.

“Does this have something to do with that dance crew you don’t like talking about?”

Hoseok winced.

“Hyung!” Jimin hissed at Jin. “You don’t have to be so blunt!”

“It’s fine.” Hoseok grimaced. “I’m just… Seokjin-hyung’s right. I don’t like talking about it. I have my reasons, but… maybe it’s time I try to… it would help you understand.” He sighed. “I don’t… I don’t even know where to start.”

Taehyung’s brow furrowed. “You said you were called Neuron, and you disbanded after something bad happened,” he recalled. Hoseok nodded. “…Did you have a stage name?”

“It’s ah…” Hoseok tugged at his ear. “A little embarrassing, but… I was thirteen at the time, so I thought it was cool.”

Taehyung grinned. “Well, now I want to know even more.”

Hoseok laughed. “It’s not that interesting. They called me Hope. Hobi, for short, sometimes.”

Jungkook’s brow furrowed. “What?”

“It’shope in English,” Namjoon explained.

“Does that mean you own this house?” Jin joked. You giggled. Jimin let out a long sigh.

“Why did you choose that as your name?” Namjoon asked Hoseok.

“I read this book, on Greek Mythology, about this woman called Pandora. The gods gave her a box, and told her not to open it. So, of course, she did. And fear, and anger, and disease, and all these horrible things came out of the box, but at the bottom… the very last thing that came out of the box was hope.” His bow furrowed. “Or maybe hope was the only thing that was left in the box?” He shrugged. “Something about hope. There was a little happiness, despite all the bad. I don’t know. I liked the idea.”

“…What mean gods,” Jimin thought. “They had to know she’d open the box.”

“They did. They gave it to her to punish humanity,” Namjoon said. “But even still, there’s hope.” He smiled softly at Hoseok. “It suits you.”

“Does it?” Hoseok said uncertainly. “I just wanted to bring a smile to people’s faces. Maybe I should’ve called myself Smile, or something.”

“But then you wouldn’t own this house,” Jin argued, pouting.

“Hyung,” Jimin said. “Once is enough.”

“What happened?” Jin asked Hoseok, his expression turning serious. “What happened to make this such a painful memory for you?” Hoseok leaned his head back, blinking away sudden tears. Jimin scooted closer and hugged him from behind. Hoseok reached up and held his hand.

“Wonho… another boy in the dance trope, he was killed,” Hoseok said hoarsely. Jimin made a muffled noise of surprise against his neck. “He was… we were performing, and his hat fell off, and Hybrid Control… we ran, Taeyeon-noona took my hand and she hid us behind this dumpster. Later we heard, they restrained him so roughly… he didn’t make it.” Hoseok let out a long breath. “After that, the crew broke up. I haven’t seen any of them since. I stopped dancing for a while. I mean, I went clubbing, but that wasn’t the same.” Jimin squeezed his hand. Hoseok kissed his whitening knuckles. “I do love dancing, Jiminie. I’m glad I saw Soonyoung-noona’s practice, and she introduced me to Jiwoo-seonsaengnim and Kwangsu-seonsaengnim … but I don’t think I could ever perform in front of people again.”

“You don’t have to,” you assured him. “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”

“But…” Jungkook’s brow furrowed. “It makes me sad, and angry, that they took that away from you.”

“Me too,” Hoseok admitted.

“I have similar feelings about the piano,” Yoongi said. Hoseok looked at him, curious. Yoongi frowned. “Sorry, we’re talking about you right now.”

Hoseok shook his head. “Tell me. I want to know the things that are important to you. And this sounds important,” he said. Yoongi opened his mouth, but no words came out. Taehyung wrapped his whole body around him. “And maybe… maybe it’d make me feel a little less… alone, to hear about your feelings and experiences.”

Yoongi let out a long breath.

“Take your time,” Taehyung told him. “We’re here to listen, whenever you’re ready.”

“Nobody died, well, at least, no one I knew personally, but after so many years of being forced to perform in front of people who looked at me like a slab of meat…” His nose wrinkled. “It would be hard, to do that again. I could do it, I think, to survive, but it would feel… bad. Sometimes, I almost hated the piano, but I tried my best to keep loving it. Because the idea that those fuckers could take it away from me pissed me off. Because, other than my brother, the piano was the only thing keeping me going.” He sighed. “I mean, I lost both of them, when they sold me to the fights, but by then I was so drugged up I couldn’t feel anything anyway.” Taehyung nuzzled against him. Yoongi patted distractedly at his arm. “Without Soobinie, I would’ve run myself into the ground.” You grimaced.

“…Remind me to cook them a steak, or something,” Jin muttered. “What’s their preference—medium rare? Rare and bloody?” Yoongi snorted. Jimin unwrapped himself from Hoseok, frowning thoughtfully at the ceiling.

“Jiminie? What’re you thinking about?” You wondered.

“I think…” Jimin said slowly. “I want that.”

“A steak?” Jin said.

“Sure,” Jimin said. “Ah, but, I meant… I want to keep dancing for people, even though maybe I should hate it. I want to audition.”


Over the next month, Jimin spent most of his time at Jiwoo’s studio. Hoseok was with him more often than not, running through the routine Jimin was going to use for his audition.

“[F/N].” Hoseok nuzzled against your neck. “I was just getting drinks. Jiminie should be done changing by now.” When you entered the room, Jimin was still practicing. He moved the red fan like an extension of his arm, flicking it open like a flaming wing. Then he glanced at you. He leapt, his body seeming to hang in the air for a moment. Hoseok tensed beside you and Jimin was cursing and tumbling into a somersault. “Jimin…” Hoseok ran to him, you close behind. “Why are you doing aerials at the end of practice—huh?”

You elbowed Hoseok. “Are you okay?” You asked Jimin. 

“I’m okay,” Jimin said, rubbing the back of his neck. “I know how to fall. The only thing that’s bruised is my pride.”

“It could’ve been a lot worse,” Hoseok said, taking his hands. “You’re overworking yourself… you were shaking.”

“Was I?” Jimin looked down at his hands. “Well, I’m not anymore.” He shrugged. “I’m fine. Just embarrassed. I heard you enter, I wanted to look cool.”

“You are cool,” you assured him. He grinned. “But are you sure you’re okay?”

“I’m great!” Jimin gave you a thumbs up. You studied the dark circles under his eyes, the way his shirt hung more loosely off of his frame than it had last month. You sighed.

He started asking you to pick them up later and later at night, to the point where Jin stopped setting spaces for them at the table.

Hoseok had an odd look in his eyes when Jimin said they were picking up food from a convenience store nearby, and not to worry.

Jungkook was wiping down the table when he suddenly stopped and stared at nothing. The rag he was using dripped, dripped, dripped against the table.

Jin nudged his side. “What’s up?”

“Should I have gone with them today?” Jungkook wondered.

“Hoseokie and Jiminie, you mean?” Jin asked. Jungkook nodded. “Hmmm…” Jin picked up the stack of dirty dishes and took them over to the sink.

Taehyung groaned. “More?”

“Please and thank you,” Jin said, giving him a peck. “You’re doing such a good job.” Taehyung grinned and turned back to keep washing, handing them to you to dry. Jin glanced at his phone. “Almost time for our show. I’ll go fetch Yoongi-yah.”

“I can’t find the correct lid for this container,” Namjoon muttered, glaring at the leftovers he was attempting to put away. You grabbed one from the drying rack.

“Try this one.”

“Ah ha!” Namjoon gave you a half hug and then attempted to put the lid on the container. His eyes narrowed. “The container’s too full.”

You snorted. “Someone should just eat some more then.”

“I will gladly make that sacrifice,” Taehyung said, turning and opening his mouth.

Namjoon fed him a spoonful. “Baby bird.”

Taehyung hummed. “I’m a fox, actually.”

Namjoon snorted. You snapped the lid on the container and placed it in the fridge. Everyone made their way into the living room, where Yoongi and Jin were cuddled up on the couch, the TV playing on mute. Taehyung sprawled on top of them. Yoongi complained loudly, but was smiling.

Jungkook walked into the armchair and nearly fell over. Namjoon steadied him. “Jungkook-ah?”

“Maybe if Jiminie-hyung has more help with his routine, he won’t need to practice as much,” Jungkook thought, eyes still unfocused. You tugged him down to sit on the floor with you.

“I don’t think that’s how that kind of thing works, Kook,” Namjoon said, grimacing. “Not that I know much about dancing, but… I know something about losing yourself in determination.”

“What do you mean?” Jungkook asked.

“Well, I was fine when we had residents in the house, because then we were on a routine. But otherwise… I often got lost in my studies, holed up in my room reading for most of the day, forgetting to eat or sleep. Uncle would come in with food and try to encourage me to go for a walk with him.”

“He hasn’t been sleeping,” Taehyung said, straightening up. “Like, usually he has trouble, but at least he’ll lie down a bit. One time he fell asleep holding his phone and it hit him on the face…” Taehyung smiled fondly and then shook himself. “Ah, but recently, he’s been practicing footwork in our room at all hours. And I’m not sure he’s eating either. Jin-hyung’s been packing him lunch, but—”

“But I caught him dumping it out,” Jin said in a clipped tone. “And then he apologized—he tried to assure me that my cooking was delicious—” Jin scoffed. “As if that was what I was worried about.” He looked down at his lap. “…Well, maybe a little.” He looked up again, eyes blazing. “That wasn’t the main point, though!”

“So, he was trying to look after you without realizing that you were trying to look after him,” Jungkook mused. “Sounds like our Jimin.”

“Hoseok-ah told me they haven’t been going to the convenience store for dinner,” Yoongi said. “He was upset because he didn’t want to lie to us, but he didn’t want to betray Jiminie’s trust either.”

You frowned. “So, you spilled the beans instead?”

“Kitten, you know I value honesty,” Yoongi said.

“There’s a difference between honesty and…” You waved your hand in frustration. “We shouldn’t be talking about him like this. I mean, I know we’re all worried, but, talking behind his back feels…”

“If he’s going behind our backs to hide that he isn’t eating again, why shouldn’t we go behind his to talk about how we’re worried about him?” Jin replied.

“Ormaybe,”you said. “We could treat him like an adult, who has the right to make his own choices.”

“Even adults make mistakes sometimes,” Jin pointed out.

“Uh-huh.” You eyed him.

Jin’s jaw worked. “[F/N]-yah.”


“I think it depends on how bad it’s getting,” Namjoon said, after watching you and Jin frown at each other for a moment. “If Jimin-ah’s health—mental or physical, is badly at risk… then we might have to go behind his back, even if isn’t the most honest way to do things.”


Unfortunately, you were unable to come to an agreement. Before you knew it, it was the day of the audition, and no one had talked to Jimin about your concerns.

You and Hoseok sat off to the side while Jimin went through his routine for the last time.

He bowed, panting, straightening up when the judges thanked him and asked for the next contestant to come forward.

Jimin slumped against the wall next to you, gulping in air. His modern style hanbok hung off of his shoulder.

“Jiminie?” Hoseok kissed his bare skin and then pulled the fabric back over his shoulder. “How’re you feeling?” Jimin shrugged.

“Can we leave?”

“Okay.” You picked up his duffel bag. “You don’t want to change first?” He shook his head.

“Just want to leave.” The three of you walked in silence to the parking lot.  You unlocked the car and Jimin quickly hopped into the back seat.

“Not gonna fight me for the passenger seat like usual?” Hoseok teased.

Jimin shook his head. He was gripping his fan in his lap, staring down at it. Slowly, he drew in a shuddering breath, tears falling on the red fabric. “It was awful.”

Hoseok frowned. “It wasn’t.”

“Itwas.I made a mistake!”

Hoseok slid into the seat next to him, wrapping his arms around his mate. “You mean cause you fell?” He asked. Jimin gave him a hard look. “Don’t look at me like that.” Hoseok nipped the side of his face. Jimin’s nose wrinkled. “Jimin-ah, you fell, but you made it look so natural, so beautiful, I would’ve thought you did it on purpose, if I didn’t know your routine so well.”

Jimin blinked. “Really?”

“Really, really.”

“I thought you looked cool,” you said quietly. Jimin smiled a bit, hiding his flushed face against Hoseok’s neck. “Do you want to go out for lunch to celebrate?”

Jimin looked up, his brow furrowing. “Celebrate what?—we don’t know if I got in or not yet.”

“Still, you worked hard for this audition, that’s something to celebrate,” you thought. Jimin made an uncertain noise. “Do you want to go out to eat? Or… we could take a trip to the beach if you want?”

Jimin yawned. “Ah, maybe another time? I’m a little tired, I think I just want to go home and take a nap.”


“Jiminie? Taehyungie? Dinner’s ready…” You knocked on their door.
It opened. Taehyung grimaced at you.

“Okay, so, Jiminie may be just a little overtired.”

You frowned. “That’s sounding… I don’t know how to say it in Korean, but, oxymoronic.”

Taehyung raised an eyebrow at you. “I don’t know what you just said, but I feel like you insulted me.”

You clicked your tongue. “That’s not… anyway, what does ‘a little overtired’ mean?”

“…Come see for yourself.” Taehyung tugged you into the room and pointed at Jimin’s bed. It took you a moment to recognize the blue-grey cat curled in his white duvet. Your eyes widened.

“Is he okay?”

“Like I said, overtired, I think,” Taehyung said. “I’ll keep an eye on him. Let’s just let him sleep for now.”

“Okay.” You turned.

Taehyung grabbed your hand. “Noona?”


“Don’t tell the others yet, okay? I just… I don’t want Seokjinie-hyung or Hoseokie-hyung lecturing Jiminie right now, okay?’

You sighed. “Okay, Tae. But come get me if… if either of you need anything, okay?”

“Of course.” He kissed your hand.


The next morning, you woke up to someone gently shaking your shoulder. You squinted up at Taehyung.

“Tae? Did I oversleep? Is Jiminie okay?”

“It’s still early, we just couldn’t sleep. He slept a lot already, so maybe that’s why. Oh, and I think he’s a little hungry, but, really, he’s fine,” Taehyung assured you. You rubbed your eyes, noticing cat-Jimin perched on Taehyung’s shoulders. Tae reached up and stroked under Jimin’s chin. Jimin purred. “See?” Taehyung laughed as Jimin head-butted his face. Then he stopped abruptly, his brow furrowing. “Ah, but we can’t keep it from the others any longer, that wouldn’t be fair.” Taehyung bit his lip. “I just thought, ah, maybe we could walk into the kitchen together, extra reinforcements, you know, in case Jin-hyung is feeling huffy.”


“Morning!” Taehyung called as you entered the kitchen.

“Taehyung-ah’s awake before noon?” Yoongi teased.

“Yeah, well, Jimin-ah was hungry and he wouldn’t let me sleep,” Taehyung complained lightly. Yoongi turned, studying Jimin for a moment. Then he put down his coffee and moved over to the cabinet, pulling out a can of tuna. Taehyung made a happy noise and gave him a kiss.

Jin picked up Yoongi’s coffee and took a long sip, frowning at them over the rim of the mug.

“Seokjin-oppa…” You said warily.

“Hyung…” Jungkook said, walking into the kitchen and yawning.

“Yes?” Jin, Yoongi, and Taehyung said all at once (Jimin mewed as well). Jungkook laughed.

“Yoongi-hyung—you said you’d send me something for this week’s post, but you never did.”

“Oh yeah.” Yoongi’s brow furrowed. “Sorry, Jungkook-ah—I can work on something today if you want?”

Jungkook nodded, scratching Jimin behind the ears. “That would be great. Thanks.”

“You’ve been very serious about this blog recently, haven’t you?” Jin noted, pushing Jungkook’s hair out of his face. Jungkook made an agreeable noise, taking Yoongi’s coffee out of Jin’s hands and taking a sip.

“It’s fun. I like being able to share people’s stories like this.”

“You’re good at it,” Taehyung said, pulling him into a hug and nuzzling at his neck. Jimin hopped off of his shoulders, onto the counter, and batted at the can of tuna.

You climbed onto the counter to grab a bowl from the cabinet. Yoongi reached over, his hand hovering at your back.


After breakfast, Yoongi disappeared to work on his entry for Jungkook’s blog. Hoseok was video chatting with Daewon. You, Namjoon, and Taehyung sat at the coffee table in the living room, looking over some community center work while Jin and Jungkook set up a game.

“I’m just saying,” Jungkook said. “Other games besides Mario games exist.” Jin gasped dramatically.

“Blasphemous! You take that back!”

Jungkook laughed, rolling his eyes.

“And we’re sure we don’t need to take him to the doctor or anything?” Namjoon asked.

“Hmm?” Taehyung looked up from the thank you email you and he were composing to a donor. He watched Namjoon pet Jimin for a moment and then smiled. “Oh yeah, he’s fine. Trust us, okay?”

“…Okay.” Namjoon leaned down to bury his face in Jimin’s fur. Jimin purred. You frowned at your computer.

“Namjoon-ah, did I use the correct word here?”

Namjoon straightened up to look. Jimin hopped onto the table, stepping onto your keyboard.

“Aw, are you annoyed Namjoonie-hyung stopped paying attention to you?” Taehyung teased.

“Jimin-ah, stop being a kitten,” Jin scolded. “You’re going to ruin all their hard work.” He had a point, but…

“How can you scold him when he looks so cute?” You held Jimin up by the armpits, pouting.

“Oh no…” Jungkook held his hand over his chest. “Double cuteness attack. They’re too strong together…” You laughed and put Jimin down on the floor.

Jin snorted. “Jiminie’s always cute. I don’t see why this is any different than usual. You’re just weak, Jungkook-ah.”

“Against kitten Jiminie? Oh, for sure,” Jungkook said. Jimin made a pleased noise and stepped up onto his lap. “You’d have to be heartless not to be.” Jungkook picked him up. Jimin tucked his chin over Jungkook’s shoulder and held on with both paws. You cooed. Namjoon pulled his phone out to take a picture. Jungkook flashed a grin and a peace sign at him.

Jin frowned. “I’m not heartless. I’m also a very cute cat. Therefore, I’m immune.”

“Hmm, sounds logical,” you thought. “Namjoon-ah, you should take pictures of Seokjinie too, since he’s so cute, right?”

“Of course!” Jin laughed loudly, his ears turning red. Namjoon agreeably turned his phone towards Jin. “Wait, no, stop looking at me!” Taehyung chuckled.


When Namjoon suggested a walk, Jimin pattered after you.

“I thought cats don’t like rain,” you mused, as Jimin winded around your ankles, clearly insisting on being picked up.

“Jimin-ah does, though,” Namjoon said simply. Jimin rode on your shoulders. Light raindrops plopped against the yellow umbrella Namjoon held over your heads. “Can we stop at the nursery?” You nodded. “I think they’ve got some new stock in, since I was there last.”

“Spring is really here,” you said, looking around the nursery. The moisture clung to the newly blooming flowers in sparkling drops. Jimin hopped off of your shoulders. He moved hurriedly under the shop’s awning, leaving a trail of damp paw prints.  He stuck his nose into a pot of purple flowers and—sneezed! His whole body shuddered. You laughed. He mewed indignantly. “Silly kitty.” You scooped him up again.

“It’s almost a year, since we’ve met,” Namjoon noted.

You smiled. “Should we do something special, to celebrate?”

“If you like,” Namjoon said, shrugging. “Otherwise, spending time with you like this is special enough for me.” Jimin stretched out to head-butt Namjoon’s arm.

“He’s calling you cheesy, isn’t he?”

“Hmm? Suddenly I can’t understand the intricate body language communication of a hybrid in animal form. I guess we’ll never know what he’s saying.”


That night, Jimin and Taehyung joined you in your bed. You fell asleep with Taehyung’s arm wrapped around you. You could feel the vibration from his laughter as Jimin kneaded at his stomach.

When you woke up, human form Jimin was cuddled between you. “You’re back…” You brushed his hair out of his face and kissed his forehead.

“More kisses…” Jimin muttered, still half asleep. You laughed and pressed more kisses to his face. He giggled. Taehyung rolled on top of you, making shushing noises in your ear.

“Sleep more,” he grunted. “Not time to get up yet.”

You poked his side. He squirmed and then grabbed your hand. “But, Taehyungie, Jiminie is back.”

“That’s great, still wanna sleep,” he told you.

Jimin snorted. “Some soulmate you are. Don’t even care if I’m a cat or not.”

Taehyung flopped over so that he was on top of Jimin instead.

“Jiminie is Jiminie, no matter what,” Taehyung said, nuzzling against his neck. Jimin sighed, stroking his hair a bit. You tried to wriggle out from the covers, but Taehyung frowned, eyes scrunched shut as he gripped your shirt. “Stay.”

You groaned. “Taehyungie, I have to pee, and I have to drink coffee.”

“Ohhhh, coffee,” Jimin said in a longing voice. 

“Want me to bring you a cup?”

“Yes please.” His green eyes glinted. “You’re amazing.” You laughed as you got out of bed, nearly tripping on a pair of underwear on the floor, glancing at Jimin thoughtfully and then tossing the wrinkled item of clothing at him.

It hit him on the face. Taehyung, squinting one eye open, snickered.

“Ugh, gross,” Jimin said, sitting up and frowning at you. “What’d you do that for?”

“Please wear some clothes if I’m going to be getting back into bed with you,” you requested. “And I’m not sure you can call it gross when you’re the one who left it on the floor in the first place.”

“…I forgot we haven’t really seen each other naked yet,” Jimin muttered, clenching the underwear in his hands, his expression serious.

“You’re both disgusting,” Taehyung groaned. “Abandoning me for coffee. Honestly, if I wanted that, I would’ve slept in Yoongi-hyung’s bed.”

“I’ll bring you a hot chocolate,” you offered.

“…You’re right, Jiminie, she is amazing.”

You laughed again.


“Oooh, is that for me?” Jin asked, hugging you from behind as you mixed Taehyung’s hot chocolate.

“It’s for Tae Tae, but I can make you one if you like.”

“That’s okay.” Jin kissed your neck a couple of times before pulling back, studying the tray you were setting up. “You look like you have your hands full. Three cups… is Jiminie back, then?” You nodded, eyeing him warily. “Let me carry this for you.” Jin picked up the tray. You frowned. “I promise I won’t scold him, I just want to check on him, okay?”



Jin studied Jimin for a moment and then let out a long sigh. Jimin sat up, his body swaying as he glared. Taehyung sat up slowly, wrapping his arms around him, half hanging off of him, half keeping him upright.

“If you’re going to lecture me, let’s just get it over with,” Jimin said hoarsely. Jin put the tray on the bed and then tapped you on the nose.

“Don’t you spill that when you get back into bed, that would be just like you, clumsy kitty.”

“You’re the cat,” you muttered, very carefully getting into bed. Taehyung chuckled at you, voice still rough from sleep. You passed him his hot chocolate. Taehyung took a long sip and then kissed you.

“Thank you,” he murmured against your lips. “Tastes good.”

Jin snorted. “You shameless flirt.”

Taehyung hummed. “This is coming from you?”

“Coffee.” You placed the next mug into Jimin’s hands. He was still squinting suspiciously at Jin, who was hovering.

“…Do you want some soup?” Jin asked suddenly. Jimin blinked at him.


“Kimchi jigae—that’s your favorite, right? Or do you want something else?”

Jimin sniffled, rubbing his fist against his face, shaking his head. “K-kimchi jigae sounds good. It sounds really good.”

“Okay.” Jin smiled. “I’ll go make it for you.”

“Wait…” Jimin reached out. Jin walked over and took his hand. “You’re not angry at me?”

“Oh, I am furious,” Jin said. Jimin flinched. “Not at you Jimin-ah. I’m angry… I’m angry at whatever makes you feel like you have to push yourself so hard that you break.”

“But, that’s me,” Jimin said. “I did it to myself, so I probably deserve to suffer a little.” Jin’s brow furrowed. Jimin shook his head. “If I was good enough, this wouldn’t happen.”

“That’s not…” You bit your lip, frowning.

“We all have things we can improve on,” Jin thought. “Maybe something you can improve on… when your body transforms on its own, it’s trying to tell you that something is very wrong. So, it would be good if you could learn how to listen to your body, so you can rest and recharge before it gets to that point…”

“I knew… I saw the warning signs,” Jimin admitted. “I just… I ignored them. I thought if I kept pushing, I could get through it. And, well, I did, but then I… crashed.”

“So, again, maybe that’s something you can improve on,” Jin said. “Because you deserve a healthy body and mind, Jimin-ah.” Jimin made a noncommittal noise.

“You do,” Taehyung told him. “You deserve health and happiness, and no suffering.”

“Is it so hard to believe?” You asked Jimin. Jimin nodded sharply, avoiding eye contact with any of you. Jin sighed again. Taehyung hummed, pressing his face against Jimin’s.

“Okay,” he said. “Even if you don’t believe it, I do. Maybe today is a bad day. There will always be bad days, but I believe there will be good days too. Maybe it doesn’t feel like it right now, but we’re gonna be happy. I believe that.”


After drinking your coffee, you got out of bed, despite Taehyung and Jimin’s very convincing arguments that you should stay and cuddle.

You went onto the back porch to have a video chat with your sister. Hoseok came over while she was telling you about her new routine. He seemed interested, and the two of them (with you doing your best to translate) compared skating to dancing until she had to go.

“I forgot, I made coffee, that’s why I came out here,” Hoseok said, handing you a mug. He frowned. “It’ll be cold by now.”

“I don’t mind,” you said, drinking it anyway.

“And Seokjin-hyung’s starting to make lunch,” Hoseok said. “He was wondering if you wanted to help. He’s thinking of trying a new recipe.”


Lunch was almost ready when Jimin wandered into the kitchen, stumbling, nearly walking into the counter. His hair was sticking up at all angles, his shirt hanging off one shoulder as he squinted.

“Smells good,” he muttered.

“You smell a lot better!” Jungkook nuzzled at him. Jimin weakly smacked at his arm, yawning.

“In a matter of speaking,” Hoseok muttered, nose wrinkling as he collected the food waste in the compost bin.

“It smelled almost like you were sick,” Jungkook mumbled against Jimin’s ear. “You smell a little better, now that you’ve rested. I’m glad…” He nipped lightly at the arch of Jimin’s ear. Jimin snorted and whacked him again before turning in his arms and rubbing his face against Jungkook’s chest. “You do, like, seriously need a shower though.” Jimin groaned.

“Don’t want to be alone right now,” he admitted quietly.

“Okay,” Hoseok said. “Do you want me to shower with you?”

Jimin looked at you, biting his lip. You raised an eyebrow at him. “Noona, you, ah, took a shower with Hoseokie-hyung recently,” he said slowly. You nodded.

“I did. Did you want me to join you?”

“I, um, I would appreciate the company, but right now, my body’s a little…” Jimin waved his hand. “It’s just cause I’m not strong enough at the moment. Once I’m stronger I’ll work harder—“

“Sometimes, working harder isn’t the answer,” Hoseok said sharply. You frowned. Hoseok took a deep breath. His gaze softened. “We’ve all pushed ourselves too hard sometimes. Maybe that’s how we learn our limits. But… if you want to be a professional dancer, you need to take care of your body. You’re always checking in with us, seeing how we feel—you can do that with yourself as well, you know.”

“In theory… I know that,” Jimin said. “In practice… I’m not so sure.”

“That’s okay,” Hoseok said, squeezing his shoulder. “It takes time to build up these skills.”

“I find things easier sometimes when I break them down into small steps,” you commented. “One thing at a time. Like, if you need to take a shower, focus on that first.” Jimin nodded slowly. “And I think there’s a way I could keep you company while still giving you some privacy, if you want.”

“Yeah?” His ears perked up hopefully. You nodded again.

“But, Jimin-ah…” You bit your lip. “You know I’ll love you whatever your body looks like, right?”

Jimin grimaced. “Maybe. But I think you’d prefer it to look good.”

“I think my preference would be… you’d be healthy, and happy with the way you look.”

Jimin snorted. “Right. Like that’s so easy.”

“I didn’t say it was.”


You sat on the toilet, holding Jimin’s phone, humming along to the soft song playing from it.

When the water turned off, you stuck your hand through a gap in the curtains, holding Jimin’s towel out to him. You heard a thump. Jimin cursed. Your heartbeat sped up.

“Jimin-ah… can I open the curtain?”

Jimin let out a long breath. “Yeah…” He was sitting on the shower tiles, hugging his knees to his chest, his towel awkwardly tangled with his legs. “I tripped.” He rubbed the palm of his hand against his eyes, trying to force back the tears. “I’m a mess.”

“We all are, sometimes.”

He frowned. “But… I don’t want to be. I want to be perfect. I want you to like me.”

“I already love you, and not because I think you’re perfect,” you told him. He shivered. “Are you cold? Do you want another towel? Do you want help getting up?”

He sighed. “Alright. Fine. Both, please,” he said quietly. You got him another towel, wrapping it around him before helping him to his feet. “Hoseok-hyung is right. My body is so weak. Even if they did somehow accept my pitiful audition, I fucked up. I pushed too hard, and now I’m too weak, and I won’t be able to dance like this.”

“Step by step,” you reminded him. “You have time. You have months before the results are announced. Focus on what you need right now, at this very moment.” Jimin nodded.

“Step by step. I’m wet, and cold. I should dry off, get dressed.”

Soon enough Jimin was dressed in his comfiest clothes, sitting at the counter eating his soup, teasing Jin with compliments, and laughing when he blushed.


A week later, Jimin came out of his doctor’s appointment smiling.

You slipped your sketchbook back into your bag. “Good news? Ah, wait, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want…”

Jimin laughed. “It’s fine. I mean—it’s amazing to have the option to pick and choose what to tell you, but I don’t mind if you know most of it.” Jimin had been pleasantly surprised when Dr. Cho asked if he wanted you in the room or not.

“She said I can go jogging with Hoseok-hyung now, as long as I take it easy, especially at first,” he told you. You smiled at him as you got into the car. “Hey, do you want to stop at that bakery you like before we go home? We can get Jungkookie some of those cookies he likes—and I wouldn’t mind a slice of that cake!”

Your smile widened. “Me too!”

Jimin teased you about your sweet tooth, even after he kissed the sugar off the corner of your mouth.


The house was eerily quiet when you opened the door. No one greeted you in the hallway. You fumbled as you removed your shoes, nearly tripping over yourself. Jimin gripped your arm, keeping you upright.

Hoseok and Taehyung were in the living room, curled up on the couch, tightly around each other. Hoseok growled when you stepped closer. Jimin hissed back, pulling you behind him.

“What’s wrong with you?”

“Sorry, sorry.” Hoseok rubbed his blotchy face.

“What’s happened?” Jimin asked sternly.

“Jungkookie… I think he had a panic attack?” Hoseok said uncertainly. “That sent Jin-hyung spiraling—we had to separate them—Seokjin-hyung was fighting Yoongi-hyung all the way…”

“Jungkook—he’s crying,” Taehyung choked out. He looked at you. “I—he never cries. We used to tease him and try and get him to, because he never—“

“He cries sometimes, when we do,” Jimin argued.

“…Yeah,” Taehyung said in a small voice. “But that’s… that’s different, isn’t it? I’ve never seen him like this.”

“But, Jin-hyung and Jungkookie…” Jimin said. “Why would you separate them?”

Hoseok sighed. “They were making each other worse.”

You and Jimin hovered awkwardly. Then suddenly Jimin said, “Jungkookie’s not—he’s not alone is he? He shouldn’t—I mean, unless he wanted to—Did he want to be alone?”

“No, no.” Hoseok shook his head. “He’s latched onto Namjoon-ah, I don’t think he could let go if he wanted to. I think that’s part of what set Seokjin-hyung off. You know how protective he gets when he thinks Jungkook-ah is… vulnerable.”

“Jin-oppa wanted to protect Jungkook-ah from Namjoon?” You asked, surprised.

“Jin-hyung has tried to protect Jungook-ah even from us a couple of times,” Taehyung told you. “But, um, Seokjinie is with Yoongi-yah right now, so I think he’s starting to calm down.”

Your phone buzzed. Your whole body jerked, your hand shaking as you reached into your pocket. You somehow managed to not drop your phone as you processed the words on the screen. “It’s Joon… he’s asking me to come out—the backyard?”

“Is Jungkookie okay with that?” Taehyung asked. “We have to ask him if he’s okay with that—if he’s responsive…”

You texted Namjoon back. “Yeah… Jungkook says I can come out.”

“Then I should—” Jimin started.

“Let’s try one at a time,” Hoseok suggested. “We don’t want to crowd him.”

“Alright,” Jimin muttered, frowning.


They were under the tree.

“Why—why now?” Jungkook hiccuped. He was lying on Namjoon’s lap, gripping his hand so hard his knuckles were white. Namjoon was rubbing his back, brushing his hair out of his face. One of Namjoon’s ears swiveled towards you as you approached, while the other kept pointed at Jungkook. Jungkook’s ears were drooped. He tugged on one with his free hand, glancing up at you. “[F/N]…” His eyes were even larger than normal, his face puffy and red, streaked in tears and snot.

“Jungkook.” You crouched down, rubbing at his face with your sleeve.

His nose wrinkled. “Now your shirt’s dirty.”

“That’s okay.”

“But, you like that shirt,” he muttered. “A lot. I’ll wash it for you.” Your heart clenched.

“Okay. Thank you. But… later, okay? Right now… can you tell me what happened?”

“Hmm.” He hiccuped again. “I forgot how to breathe.” The pressure in your chest increased.

“Oh. That… happens sometimes.”

“Does it?” He asked. “To you?” You nodded. His chin jutted out. “I didn’t pass out though. I’m still… I’m not completely fucked up, you know.”

“I know.” You sat down fully, trying to keep a little space between you, but Jungkook’s hand jerked out and he pulled you closer so your legs were tangled together. You squeezed his hand. “We’re all a little fucked up. Doesn’t mean I love you any less.”

“…You love me?” His voice cracked.

You nodded. “I do. So much.”

“Me too,” Namjoon added. “Both of you.” Jungkook smiled slightly. And then his smile fell and he looked at you, considering.

“Noona, do you know why?”

“…Kookie, I don’t understand the question.”

He huffed. “Why…” He sat up a bit, leaning against Namjoon’s shoulder, still holding both of your hands. “I remembered some things today. I hadn’t forgotten… not fully… but… I pushed them away, I think. I pushed them down, but today they came back up—why today? It’s been good. Jiminie’s been smiling more. I beat that level I was trying to since last week—and Yoongi-hyung was showing Jin-hyung a new song, it was so romantic, and then I fucked it up, and now everyone’s miserable.”

“You didn’t fuck it up,” Namjoon told him seriously. “If we need to be sad right now, we’ll be sad. We can be happy again later, together.”

Jungkook let out a long breath. “Why today?”

“I’m not a therapist,” you said. Jungkook squinted at you.

“No fucking duh.”

You flinched at his tone. “Jungkook-ah…” Namjoon said, brushing his hair out of his face again. Jungkook grimaced.


You shook your head. “It’s fine. I just want you to understand. I’m not a therapist, but I’ve had… a lot of therapy, and one of my therapists told me… when you’re in it, sometimes, when you’re in survival mode, your brain doesn’t have the energy to process certain things. Then you come out of it, and… when your brain thinks you’re ready, certain things might come back.”

Jungkook frowned. “I don’t want it to come back. I want it gone.”

“I don’t know… I don’t really know how that works,” you said. “I think it could become easier to deal with, but… you might have to work through it first.”

Jungkook’s eyes glinted. “I can work hard,” he said. “That’s something I know how to do.”

“I know,” you said. “But this is… be gentle with yourself, please.”

“…I’ll try,” he said. “I’ll try my best.”

“Hmm.” Namjoon moved Jungkook’s hair out of the way so he could nuzzle at his neck a bit. “And we’ll do our best to support you.”


It took lots of phone calls and consultations for Jungkook to find a therapist he was comfortable with. There had been one that he said was ‘okay’ and stuck out for several weeks before that therapist encouraged him to see a specialist.

Jungkook was having nightmares (“Flashbacks,” he told you quietly at 3 am, tracing shapes on the back of your hand with his thumb. “Chinho-ssi says they’re called flashbacks…”).

During that time, both you and Jin found therapists as well.

“She gave me a long winded metaphor about a house having multiple support beams so it can be sturdy,” Jin told you, reorganizing his Mario figurines after Namjoon broke one (that, Jin told you, would take an entire session to work through). “I am happy, though, most of the time. Honestly, I am. When I’m sad, I’m sad, but when I’m not… I don’t think about it too much. Not anymore. There are more pleasant things to think about, for which I’m grateful.”

You were back on psych meds again, trying out different ones to see if any would stick. It had been almost two weeks on the latest one. You were sitting at the counter with Namjoon, going over some paperwork when arms wrapped around you from behind, a nose pushing against your neck. You stiffened, and then relaxed at the familiar sound of Jungkook’s inquisitive noises. 
“Noona.” He pulled back, his nose wrinkling. “You smell different.”

“Certain medications can do that,” Namjoon commented.

“Should I stop taking them?” You asked in a small voice. “I can—”

“No!” Jungkook looked horrified. “I wouldn’t ask you to do that! Not if it can help you feel better.”

Your shoulders slumped. You looked away from him. “But, you liked my scent a lot.”

“I still do,” he said. “Even if it’s different, because it’s you.” You continued frowning at your paperwork. “But you know what would make it even better?” You finally looked up.


“If it was mixed with mine.”

He scented you liberally every chance he got.

So, the scent issue seemed largely managed, but the medication side effects also included a significant weight gain, the kind you hadn’t had to deal with in years.

You asked Namjoon to hide the scale that had been in your bathroom.

When Jungkook started pestering you about working out with him, you gave Namjoon such a betrayed look that Namjoon had to take you aside and promise you he hadn’t said anything. He hadn’t said anything, but he thought maybe youshould say something to the others.

“Taking care of yourself is hard work,” Jimin said, as the two of you lay with a blanket pulled up over your heads like a shield.


It felt like work to admit to Jungkook that it was a little too intimidating to join his workout routine (although he said he was fine with it, you weren’t sure). It felt like wor

Dreaming of You - JJK M

Hello hello!

It’s been a while. I apologize for that but I’m back with some serious smut does that make it better???

Anyways, here’s a Kook crack fic because I am a simp for him.

Pairing: Jungkook X Reader (Jungkook X Reader)

Genre: Crack, Smut, Romance, Lil bit of Fluff

Warnings: *cracks knuckles* aight here we go. Smut Warnings: Oral, Female/Male Recieving, face fucking, throat fucking, cum swallowing, spit kink, daddy kink, name calling, degradation (Jungkook calls her dumb and stuff be she wants it I swear), unprotected sex (DON’T DO AS I WRITE pls), Creampie, lil aftercare, Jungkook is so in love, and so is reader pls save them.

Words: 8.9k

Rating: 18+

Summary: You and Jungkook had been dating a while, but you still hadn’t. You know. Got jiggy with it. So this is a story, about how you resolved that problem.

These past five months of your life had been, eventful, to say the least. Hell, the past 8 months have been wilder still. Your boyfriend, Jungkook, is a former boytoy. Playboy, man whore, fuck bucket whatever you wanna call it, he was that. You were a little sheltered. Not like, amish sheltered, but sheltered, nonetheless. You weren’t a virgin by any means, but that’s neither here nor there. Jungkook had been a notorious name around town. A server at the local diner, he was known to be flirtatious and entirely too handsome for his own good. And you? Well, you were a local high school counselor, helping the troubled youth of today.

More like: Helping teen drama queens and delinquents not kill each other on a day to day basis.

There was the odd time you did make a difference in some lives, but most of the time it was petty bullshit that could easily be solved by a little maturity. 

You two knew each other, it was a smaller town and most everyone knew everyone. You had graduated a year ahead of Jungkook but you both went to the community college together, although you knew each other and passed in the halls you knew he wasn’t a long term deal. He fucked a few times then ditched, that was his thing. He was notorious for running out of parties with different girls, it was what he did. 

You did your same old routine. School and work, funnily enough, at the same diner Jungkook still works at. But when you graduated college you realized home is where your heart lied. So you stayed. Grabbing a decent sized house near your grandparents that had raised you. And nabbing a new job that was infuriating yet rewarding.

Now, all you had to do was find a husband. According to your grandmother.

It’s not like she was forcing you, but she encouraged you to find a life partner, someone to share your home and life with. You know, real soft stuff.

But that’s when Jungkook had entered your life yet again.

In the form of a life saving event.

Very cliche shit.

You were drunk at a party on the beach and fell in the water, almost drowned but Jungkook saved your life. That’s when you two started to talk more. It wasn’t a big deal or anything like that.



Jungkook and you wound up dating-it totally wasn’t you drunkenly admitting you had feelings for him and then proceeding to throw up in his bathroom. No, that would be sloppy and unbecoming of a lady-you know what. It happened, and he somehow found it endearing enough to ask your frigid ass on a date.

At least that’s what your older brother Jin says. 

So, finally, you two have been dating for five months. It’s sweet and cute or whatever. 

But there’s one little problem.

You two haven’t fucked yet.

Not even like, a little bit.

Jungkook had said something about wanting to wait until you both were ready, and saying he wanted to do this right.

But for fucksake.

Five months? 

That’s a little long. At least you thought so. It was starting to make you feel as though you weren’t good enough. Now, before anyone thinks your worth is judged based on your sexual attraction to someone or something or however you play. You wrong, you’re worth much more. BUT. It hurt your pride. Just a little bit. 

You’d done the first kiss, an awkward little smooshing of lips between the two of you.

You’d made out of the hood of his car one night.

But everytime you go to take the next step?

“Not now babe, just wait a little longer.”

And you don’t want to pressure him, and you don’t want to go insane sexually… What else is a girl to do?

You’ve even done the classic going to bed in lingerie and wanting for him to come over, only for you to either fall asleep and him be too sweet to wake you or he winds up getting cold feet and not coming over at all.

It makes you a little sad, because you love Jungkook. You think about him when he’s gone. And how much you long for him to stay when he leaves in the mornings. Your sweet kisses that are shared on one of the many dates you do. You don’t just want to fuck Jungkook. You want to make love to him and all that hippie bullshit.

Okay, so you’re super soft for the guy.

He makes you want to be all smoochy and gross. 

There’s something about him though, that just makes your netherlands quiver, like some sex obsessed fiend. But you can’t help it. Jungkook is like a beautiful work of art, and you just want to tear into him like some fat piece of meat.

It’s all you could do to keep your hands off of him sometimes. 

The way he wears those fitted tops and just, ugh. He looks so damn good. But not only that, he has the personality of a fuckboy, flirtatious as a sinner and as sweet as honey. But his true personality. That’s what you love the most. A modest, nerdy guy who loved video games and banana milk. And, the cherry on top of it all. He loved you too.

You went out with a good friend of yours, Jimin, who was a former fuckboy himself. But was now married and had a boy on the way. To ask for his ‘sacred’ advice.

So, you were at the bar one night. 

That’s generally always a bad start.

Now, you’re drunk. 

Even worse off.

Thirdly, you’re listening to Jimin.

That is the fatal blow.

“Babes, listen to me,” he said, slightly buzzed from his cocktails.

“I’m listening o-sacred one,” you giggled.

“Good, cause my old ass is about to give you some good fucking advice,” he said, placing his hand on your shoulder.

“Less hear it,” you slurred.

“You need to be the prey in his eyes. You need to make him think that it’s all his idea. That you’re totally innocent in the things you’re gonna do. Like wear a short dress on your next date, or send a hot pic or something. Drop something and bend over in front of him to pick it up. Shake your ass a little harder to  Kayne for me, please. But that’s just a personal request, we’ll discuss those terms later.”

“Prey in his eyes huh?”

“Exactly, find out what his kinks are, play into them,” he suggested.

“How?” you sat on the edge of your seat.

This is what desperation does to a person, folks.

“Like, maybe he’s a dom, maybe he’s a sub. Start there. Does he normally take control of things, or do you?” He asked. 

“He’s normally in control,” you said, thinking of his lustful kisses.

“Okay, so probably a dom then,” Jimin analyzed.

“How do I figure out more specific things though? Like things I can do to turn him on,” you ask.

“Well, see if a certain title gets a reaction from him. Like sir, master, daddy? Any of those?”

“Okay, what else?”

“Well, is he an ass or tits guy?”

“He’s an opportunist,” you answered.

Jimin laughed at your answer, before getting serious.

“Does he have a breeding kink? Cum kink? Am I getting warm?”

“I don’t know, it’s not like I’m out here yelling about ovulating or something,” you stammered.

“You should try that!” Jimin encouraged.

“Jimin I don’t know,” you said, suddenly getting self conscious.

“Hey bitch don’t you start negative talk that’s gonna sabotage all my efforts here,” he warned.

“Sorry sorry, I won’t. He loves me, I love him, game face is on,” you teased.

“Good, listen to me though. If that boy doesn’t last longer than a minute dump his ass.”

“That seems harsh,” you pondered.

“It’s not, especially not for someone his age,” Jimin stated.

“I won’t leave him because of something dumb like that Jimin,” you said, feeling oddly protective over something you had no idea of yet.

“Just, try different things. Life’s too short not to fuck like bunnies while you can. I’m starting to get back pain if we go too long,” Jimin joked. At least, you hope he was joking.

“Okay, you’re right. I’m gonna go call him daddy and yell about ovulating,” you said firmly.

“That’s the spirit! Go!”

And you did. 

Go back home and pass the fuck out.

Listen, listen, listen.

You’re a notorious lightweight. 

But you had forgotten that Jungkook and you had planned a breakfast date that morning. So, when you hauled your ass out of bed you realized one: you had to puke. Two: you were late for your date. Three: Your period was four days early.

Scrambling to the shower you got in and turned the water up entirely too high making your head spin and fall out of the shower. Unfortunately, you had taken the towel bar down with you. Jungkook had his own key for your place now, so, naturally he let himself in. And when you fell, a cry came from your lips and a loud thud. Jungkook, ran in to find you on the floor, hungover and covered in towels. 

“Baby what happened?” he asked, rushing over and placing his hand on your head.


“What happened, did you fall?” he asked, looking at the running shower and your soaked body.

“Yeah,” you whimpered, Jungkook pulled you into his arms and patted your head to look for any sore spots.

“Do we need to go to the doctor?”

“No, I’m okay,” you whispered.

“Did you go out with Jimin last night?”

“Yes,” you said, wiping the water off your face.

“Sweetheart you drank way too much,” he chuckled.

“No,” you lied, biting your lip, trying not to die of embarrassment.

“It’s okay, big baby,” Jungkook laughed.

“Thanks… daddy,” you said softly.

You felt the harsh floor hit your ass as Jungkook dropped you.


“Sorry Y/N!” Jungkook hastily apologized.

He helped you to bed and the topic never even came up. As if dropping you was a regular occurrence. You couldn’t help but be slightly bitter. You really wanted that to work, cause it might have been a kink of yours. Can’t win them all you guess.

You reconveened the meeting of the minds with Jimin over a facetime later that night long after Jungkook had gone home.

“So your dumb ass was too hungover to get a sensible thought to go through your head?” 

“Listen,” you started. “I may or may not have been hungover, but don’t call a bitch out. Rude as hell, however I called him daddy and he dropped my fucking ass.”

“That’s oddly poetic,” Jimin commented.

“Shut up, I still have a bruise,” you complained.

“Well, Daddy’s out for now, so. Try just, doing something scandalous. Show off some sideboob hell, this is serious!”

“I can do my best,” you said, looking down at your girls with motivation.

A few nights later, Jungkook came over for dinner and a movie. You picked just a mindless action flick, but it would no doubt enthrall him. 

You dressed a little skimpier than usual. A tighter dress to show off some of your cleavage, you had Jungkook entranced at the door. 

He was way more touchy tonight you noticed. 

Coming up behind you and kissing your neck gently.

“Smells good baby, whatcha cooking?” he asked, leaning his head over your shoulder as his arms came around your waist.

“Just some cheesy alfredo noodles, nothing too crazy,” you said with a grin.

“Ooh, fancy pants,” he said, landing a tap on your ass that was gentle but noticeable.

“Not really, but I’m glad you like it so far,” you said.

“May I kiss the chef?” Jungkook asked, leaning for the corner of your lips. 

“Please do,” you agreed, turning to connect your lips with his. 

“Mmm, baby,” he smiled as you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him in tighter. 

“Missed you so much these past three days.”

“Yeah? How much?” 

“So much, Jungkook,” you whispered, breath fanning over his lips.

“Me too,” he agreed before bringing his lips back to yours.

Your mouths melded together as he led your hips towards his.

“So sweet, what are you drinking?” he asked, licking his lips.

“Peach soju,” you smiled.

“Mmm tasty,” he said, moving to turn away from you. No doubt to go slam the rest of that peach soju.

You grabbed the belt loops of his pants and pulled his pelvis against yours. “Baby, don’t leave me yet,” you whined. Jungkook made a small growl in his chest as he devoured your lips this time, gripping at the back of your dress with his fingers. You mewled at the action, leaning forward to press your body against his harder.

Jungkook pulled back suddenly, causing your head to swirl with confusion.

“Just a second, I need to go use the bathroom,” he said, waddling down the hallway.

Your dazed mind believed him.

But when he did finally come back he was flushed, like he wasn’t feeling well.

“You okay Kook?”

“Yeah, just, felt a little off for a second,” he said, skin returning to its normal color as he calmed down it appeared.

“You were gone for a long time, are you sure you’re feeling okay?”

Jungkook’s cheeks got warm as he looked at you.

“Much better,” he said, patting your leg gently. You’re not entirely convinced, but he brings his lips to yours briefly. You kissed him gingerly, but he pulled back before much else could happen.

“Well dinner is ready,” you said, bringing the dishes to the table. Jungkook hurried to sit down, ready for your cooking. You smiled as you set his meal in front of him, moving to sit down as well.

“Babe it looks amazing,” Jungkook said, eyes wide.

“Thank you, it’s nothing special but it’s always a fail safe,” you explained.

“Well I’m excited,” Jungkook said, digging in.

“I’m glad baby,” you answered before grabbing your own fork and eating.

The meal passed relatively uneventfully. You asked about work. He said it was the same as usual.

“Is Mrs. Lebanskyi still trying to set you up with her granddaughter?” You giggled.

“No, I think after the fortieth no, I have a girlfriend, she finally got it. That and I may have put a rather disturbing image in her head just for good measure,” Jungkook laughed.

“Ooh, disturbing image. Do share, do share,” you said.

“Don’t you know that mysterious guys are more attractive?” Jungkook teased.

“Oh I bet,” you said, sipping your wine.

“Well, how’s turf wars going?”

“Shelby is currently winning but Duke has been making some power moves lately,” you commented.

“Always liked that kid,” he said in reference to Duke. He was your troublemaker. But he had a great sense of humor.

The rest of dinner passed quietly. 

You and Jungkook both cleared the table, washing the dishes and settling down for a movie. Jungkook sat down on the couch, looking at his phone for a few minutes. 

Now it was time to initiate your newest plan.

“Hey babe, I’m gonna take a quick shower,” you said, moving towards your bedroom.

“Okay!” Jungkook said, head still in his phone.

“Be right back,” you stated.

“Kay,” he responded.

You got in the shower and washed yourself down. You shaved and put on Jungkook’s favorite lotion, then you forewent a bra, as well as putting some of your fancy panties on. Hopefully this next move would get those panties of yours to come off and get thrown towards some random corner of your bedroom. Or living room. Or kitchen. You weren’t picky at this moment.

So, you finally made it out to the living room, damp hair and shorts on. 

It’s time to put seduction plan number two into motion.

“Hey babe,” you said, sitting down and reaching over him to grab the remote.

That’s when you saw it.

Jungkook’s eyes were trained on your chest. You pretended not to notice, turning the movie on and settling into the couch with Jungkook. 

You sat with your arms crossed. Watching the action race across the screen. You stretched out your legs and had them draped over Jungkook’s lap. You watched the screen with tired eyes, when you felt Jungkook’s hand on your bare leg.

His eyes were still on the tv, but his hand was rubbing your leg slowly.

You tried to keep a neutral expression, but he was touching you… And his hands were so warm…

Jungkook turned to you for a moment, making your heart lurch into your throat for a second. Play it cool, play it cool.

You knew that Jungkook wasn’t stupid, but you weren’t sure if maybe this was pushing it a little too far. You could just do the adult thing and ask him if he wanted to have sex and why he hadn’t been more intimate with you but, where’s the story in that?

“You’re wearing that lotion I like,” he said, smiling.

“Well, you’re here so might as well spoil you a bit,” you said.

“I appreciate it,” Jungkook said, coming closer to bring your lips together.

“I was hoping you would,” you said, kissing him back gently.

Jungkook wrapped his arm around you, bringing your lips together sensually almost. The urge to rip your clothes off and have your way with him were strong in this one. But, you refrained. He has to think it’s his idea. His idea-oh god his lips are so soft, and plush beneath your own. Your mind almost went blank at the action of his hand coming up along your waist and pushing you onto your back.

Your lips parted as you stared up at Jungkook with pupils blown wide and breaths coming in short gasps. He looked at your eyes, then your lips as he connected your mouths again. You wrapped your arms around his neck and brought him closer. It wasn’t enough, you wanted him closer still.

Jungkook pulled away slowly, as if savoring your kiss.

“You’re so beautiful,” he smiled, brushing some of your hair out of your face.

“Thank you Jungkook,” you whispered, moving to capture his lips yet again when he put his hand on your shoulder.

“I think I’ve gotta get going, it’s almost eleven and I have to work in the morning,” he said, sounding just as disappointed as you felt.

“Okay Kook,” you said, sitting up to give him a hug.

That’s when you felt it.

A distinct prodding at your stomach.

You moved back to ask him about it when he placed a quick kiss on your lips, effectively dazing you before rushing towards the door.

“Bye babe! I love you!” he hollered, running out of the house and leaving you thoroughly confused and horny in your living room.

Soon after that even your work friends were starting to wonder if you were frustrated about something.

“Y/N, are you sure you’re alright? You haven’t touched your food,” Hoseok said, a good friend of yours who was the literature teacher. 

“Hobi, I’m gonna ask you something and you have to help me out. Jimin’s advice has failed me before and continues to do so to this day, but you-you’ve never led this lamb astray before, can I have some advice?”

“Of course, what’s the trouble?”

“My former playboy boyfriend won’t fuck me,” you said, covering your face in embarrassment.

Hoseok choked on his drink and looked around the office to make sure no one heard your debauched statement.

“Okay. Okay, rewind. Jungkook.”


“Your sweet loveable boyfriend Jungkook.”


“Good communicator and flirtatious server Jungkook.”

“That’s the one.”

“Have you thought of, I don’t know, asking him?” Hoseok said, smacking you upside the head gently with a few papers.

“Hey,” you whined.

“You’re such an idiot sometimes,” he laughed.

“What do you mean?”

“Firstly, for going to Jimin for some kind of advice that’d only work in a romance novel.”


“Secondly, for listening to any advice that came out of that idiot’s mouth,” he continued.

“This is feeling less like helping me and more like roasting me,” you complained.

“Partially because it is, but anyways. To the advice column of our paper,” Hoseok joked. “Well, talk to him and figure out what’s going on. Or if all else fails just show up to his house in a trench coat and lingerie, there’s only so many ways to seduce someone.”

Okay, you know this was a dumb idea.

But there wasn’t much else to do.

It’s the middle of the night, you’re standing outside of Jungkook’s apartment with a stupid peacoat on and your trusty pale pink babydoll. Your legs were freezing. You knocked on the door before you could think better of it and waited. Your heart was beating out of your chest. Eventually, a sleepy looking Jungkook answered the door. He looked at your attire and then up to your face.

“Babe,” he greeted.

“Hi Kook,” you said, biting down a shiver.

“It’s a little past midnight,” he said, looking at you with confusion.

“I know,” you answered.

Jungkook continued to stare at you before you couldn’t help the shiver that ran over you. Teeth chattering and body shaking, Jungkook’s eyes softened and he opened the door wider and urged you inside. Rushing into the living room you turned around to face Jungkook.

He was shirtless, a pair of joggers on and his phone in hand.

“We need to talk,” you said, looking at him with nothing but love and a little bit of lust because damn he looks so good-no! Damn it, try to focus Y/N.

“About what baby? It’s almost one in the morning,” he said, coming forward to take your hands.

“I don’t want to break up,” you said. Jungkook cocked his head to the side and pursed his lips.

“Okay-were you thinking that you did want to break up?”

“No! God no, not ever. I love you Kook,” you said, palming his cheek.

“Then why are you telling me you don’t want to break up? Are you drunk? Have you been out with Jimin,” he started to scold you, when you pulled him to your lips gently. He quieted down a little but pulled away nonetheless.

“Y/N, what is going on?” he asked.

“Jungkook, how long?”

“How long what?”

“How long are you going to make us wait?”

Jungkook’s eyes narrowed.

“What are you talking about, quit beating around the bush and just fucking tell me what-”

“Why won’t you fuck me?” you asked, blunter than you had intended.

Jungkook balked at you before he replied. “What?”

“Fucking, sex, making love whatever you wanna call it, why aren’t we doing it?”

“Baby-it’s one in the morning I don’t think this is the time or the place to have this conversation-”

“What conversation Jungkook? Are you just not attracted to me? Or is it someone else? Why?”

“Not attracted to you-Y/N, do you hear yourself?”

“My ears work fine,” you glared.

“Great, cause they’re about to get some use.”

You were going to argue some more, feeling rather defensive about the whole thing when Jungkook blocked your path.

“Not attracted to you huh? You think I haven’t noticed what you’ve been doing? Little fucking tease, that’s what you are. Calling me daddy, wearing no bra and those shorts as well as my favorite lotion. Now the trench coat-”

“It’s a peacoat,” you corrected.

“What the fuck ever, what I want…” he swallowed thickly. “What I want is underneath it anyways.”

“What do you want?” you asked.

“What I’ve always wanted from you,” he smiled. He approached and opened your peacoat, button by button.

Gently, he peeled back the coat and let it drop to the floor. Your lingerie decorated your body perfectly. But Jungkook didn’t even look at it. His head dipped as he came closer, your heart was in your throat. Was this actually working?? The fuck??

But, all you felt was Jungkook’s lips right above your left breast.

“This is what I want,” he said against your skin.

“My boob?”

“Your heart you idiot.”

“Lot of harsh words being thrown around right now,” you sniffed. But even you could help the small smile that came to your lips as Jungkook backed up. Carefully, as not to scare him away, you lifted your hand to his chest and laid your hand over his heart. “This is what I want,” you repeated.

“My boob?” he joked.

“Yeah,” you teased, pushing him back a little. When he frowned you sighed and nodded your head. “I want your heart too babe, always.”

“You’re such a softie,” he smirked, coming forward to kiss your head.

“Yeah yeah, only for you babe, only for you,” you warned.

“That’s all I care about,” he smiled.

“You’re such a little shit sometimes,” you growled.

“Sorry,” he said, trying his best to look sheepish.

“God sometimes I wonder,” you said, laughing.

“Anyway babe, about the other thing,” Jungkook said, looking at you.


“Have you forgotten that you’re literally standing in my house in lingerie and heels?” he asked, incredulous.

“Sorry, my bad,” you sighed. “Here hand me my jacket, I’ll get out of your hair so you can sleep,” you said.

“Wait babe-”

“No, I get it. This isn’t the time nor the place to discuss that, I shouldn’t have woken you up-”

“Babe if you walk out that door in that set and I don’t fuck you, I have done both of us a disservice.” 

It was your turn to look shocked. “What?”

“Babe, I admit I was holding out on you,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck. “I was used to being used, and people saw me as an object and not a person, but you changed all of that. You showed me what love is, how a relationship works. And I’m so grateful that you did. Because being with you is my greatest joy. Honestly. God I’m such a simp for you babe, for real. But-But with sex, I was worried that maybe all you wanted was that you’d slept with me exclusively. I know it’s dumb but I was insecure at first. Now-Now I’m ready to take that step with you, if you want.”

“Jungkook, don’t say something if you’re really not ready I’m being an idiot and-”

“Well you’re always being an idiot. But right now you’re onto something,” he encouraged.

“Okay, burn me, that’s fine. But, what do you mean I’m onto something?”

Jungkook groaned.

“Do you want me to spell it out? G-E-T I-N B-E-D-”

“Speak my language please,” you snarked.

“Get in my bedroom,” he said, walking and opening the doors to fucking heaven at this point.

“Are you serious?” you asked. 

“As a heart attack,” Jungkook responded.

“Holy shit-okay,” you said, walking towards the bedroom. Jungkook swatted your ass as you walked past him.

“Get on the bed, put your coat on the chair,” he said. You did as he asked, putting your jacket down and climbing onto the bed. You realized you still had your shoes on, moving to take them off you heard a snarl from the otherside of the room.

“Did I say to do anything else baby? Keep those heels on, it’ll be the only thing you wear when I’m fucking you,” Jungkook growled, walking towards you like a man starved.

Your heart wasn’t prepared for that statement, almost giving out at the last minute, before you could even suck his dick. What a shame, but a way to go nonetheless.

That’s when Jungkook’s hand gripped your jaw, not tight enough to hurt you, but enough to get your attention from your wayward thoughts. “Listen up babydoll, if you need to stop, say something. Make a safeword right now.”

“Uh-um, I’m really not good under pressure Kook-”

“I’m not fucking you until you think of one,” Jungkook said.

“Fine, fine. Uh-strawberry,” you answered.

“Alright, if you say strawberry at any point we’re done for the night okay? If you need me to slow down just say yellow, and if everything is okay tell me green,” he announced.

“Why couldn’t red be my safeword?”

“I just like to watch you struggle sometimes,” he smirked before bringing his lips to yours seductively.

You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him back fervently. Like this might be the last time you get to kiss this man in your life. Jungkook licked the seams of your lips, asking you to open your mouth for him. You did just that, opening your mouth and letting his slick tongue inside. You moaned when Jungkook wrapped his tongue around yours, showing you just a glimpse of the pleasure he could pull from your body.

“Baby,” you whined when he pulled back, mouth hanging open and chest heaving.

“I’m not your baby, sweet thing, no no. Call me Daddy,” he said, holding your head back so he could nip and suck on your neck.

“Wait, I thought you didn’t like that?” you asked, looking at him.

“What do you mean?” he questioned pulling away from you.

“You dropped me on my ass the last time I called you that,” you said, reminding him of your little experiment.

“Did you ever think that you shocked me by randomly calling me daddy outside of the bedroom?”

“Well, I mean I thought about it,” you sniffed.

“Clearly,” he snorted before pulling you back in, kissing you feverishly.

You whimpered into his kiss before wrapping your arms around his torso.

“Fuck, you’re so god damn sexy,” he groaned.

“You too Kook-”

“What did I say,” he snapped. “I’m not your baby, I’m not Kook, I’m your daddy. And you better start fucking acting like it before I punish you.”

His words sunk in and you nodded demurely.

“Yes Daddy, I’ll behave,” you said, biting your lip.

“You will huh? We’ll see about that,” he teased before pushing you down onto the bed, climbing on top of you and kissing your jawline, leaving wet kisses along your heated skin.

You moaned underneath him as he worked his mouth over your jaw and down to your chest.

“Such pretty tits baby,” he said, pulling them out of the lingerie. His eyes sparkled as he unwrapped his present like a kid on christmas. You arched into his touches, watching with rapt attention as he brought his mouth over your nipple. Your reaction was music to his ears.

“Fuck daddy,” you mewled, looking at him with stars in your eyes.

“Mmm, so sweet babydoll,” he said, laving his tongue over your breast salaciously. You moaned at the contact, shivering when he blew on the wet skin. He brought your hands up above your head, holding them there by the wrist. If you tried hard enough you could escape but you didn’t want to upset him, and a part of you didn’t want to escape him, you wanted all the pleasure and torture he could give you.

“Feels so good daddy,” you whined, rutting against him like a bitch in heat.

“Just playing with your tits and you’re already so responsive. Fuck I should’ve done this sooner,” he lamented, pulling your nipple into his mouth and sucking on it harshly.

Your cries were softened by the very torturous lips that were bringing you such pleasure. You struggled to keep yourself under control. You feared chasing him off originally, now you were afraid of the fucker teasing you to death.

“My beautiful doll,” he smiled, looking at you with adoration in his gaze. “Open your mouth.”

You didn’t question him, you just opened your mouth like you were told.

“Suck on these fingers, get them nice and wet so they can fuck you good,” he said, bringing his pointer and middle finger towards your mouth. You sucked his fingers lewdly, taking them so deep your lips hit his knuckles.

“That’s it, good girl,” he praised. “Now, you’re gonna take those panties off.”

You flushed, trying to keep your composure but-his voice was like pure sin. You couldn’t explain it better than that. You wanted to hear it more and more, you wanted him to talk to you like you were a dumb little bitch-which you weren’t (most of the time).

You weren’t sure if you were into that kind of degradation but, maybe, with Jungkook? Maybe you could see it as a thing.


“How many times-”

“No-time out for a sec before we really get into this,” you said, wringing your hands together.

“What is it? Do you wanna stop?”

“No! No no, I’ll literally die if you don’t fuck me but-”

“This sounds like it’s going to be a boner killing conversation-”

“Bitch what did you just say to me?”

“What did you want to say babe, what’s wrong?” he asked, rubbing your thighs gently.

“Well. I was wondering… maybe we could do like… I don’t know-you call me mean names and stuff?”

“Like degradation?” he asked, raising a brow. “Consider my boner intrigued.”

“Yeah. Are you down for that?” you asked.

“I think that could be hot, but I don’t want you to feel bad about anything,” he said, biting his lip.

“Nah, I know that’s not what you actually think about me, no worries babe. But like, call me a dumb slut or something I don’t know,” you said lamely.

“Well then, I’ll call you a dumb slut and go from there,” he laughed. 

“No! I’m serious! I wanna be degraded,” you encouraged.

“Alright I hear you I hear you, but I can’t just whip it out and be like-dumb slut! That feels weird to me,” he shrugged.

“We’re supposed to be having sex right now but I had to open my big fucking mouth and ruin it-”

“I wonder why some people like degradation,” Jungkook pondered.

“This is getting us nowhere, nevermind just forget I said anything,” you sighed. 

“No babe, I wanna do this how we’re both gonna like it. Maybe we should talk more about it tomorrow, and just sleep tonight huh?”

“No! Please please please don’t just sleep on me, I’m literally ready to go, I swear,” you answered. “Please Daddy, please fuck me.”

“See I’m not in it anymore so it just feels weird to hear you say that-”

“Jungkook are we really not gonna have sex after all this?”

“I dunno. I’m kinda tired,” he yawned to emphasize his statement.

“I’ll suck your dick, please, I’ll do anything to feel you-call me a needy bitch or whatever cause it’s true I’m a needy bitch for your dick daddy please.”

Jungkook’s brows raised in interest. 

“You want it that bad huh?”

“Yes. I want it so bad please,” you begged.

“Alright baby, alright I’ll give you my cock. That’s what you want isn’t it? My big fat cock in that tiny pussy huh?”

“Yes,” you moaned, laying back into the pillows. 

“I bet you do you whore,” he growled. “You come here in the middle of the fucking night because you’re so hungry for dick. I bet you’d crawl on the floor if I asked you to, huh? I might just have you crawl for this dick.”

“I’ll do it daddy, I’ll crawl, I’ll grovel, I’ll do whatever you want just please daddy,” you begged. 

“Alright, I’m gonna fuck you dumb,” he snarled before coming forward to kiss you again. 

You accepted his kiss and let him dominate the passionate exchange before whining and rutting against him. You were a dumb slut who wanted his dick more than anything in the world right now.

“Please daddy, give me your cock. Wanna suck it like a good girl,” you said. 

“Aww my baby slut wants to suck my cock huh? Should I give it to you? Do you think you deserve it?”

“I don’t deserve it,” you whimpered. “I’ve been so bad, coming to daddy’s house so late and demanding his cock but if you let me, I’ll be so good for you.”

“Mmm, come here my baby,” he encouraged, moving you down so your body was flat but your head was propped up on a pillow. “Gonna fuck that dirty mouth of yours. Then I’m gonna cum and you’re gonna drink it like the good little bitch you are, and you’re gonna thank daddy for giving you such a reward when you’ve been nothing but a disobedient little shit.”

“Thank you daddy,” you said before opening your mouth up to him. Jungkook wound back and pulled his pants down. You kept your mouth open, waiting for him to give you what you wanted.

Finally, you gave a small whimper and Jungkook freed his cock from his underwear and your eyes bulged. His cock wasn’t like-pornstar huge-but it was pretty big, thick and ready for your wet mouth.

“Open up wider, daddy’s cock won’t fit otherwise,” he said, scooting forward so that he was straddling your face. 

“Fuck my throat daddy, I’ll be good,” you pleaded. 

“That’s a good girl,” he smirked. “Nice and easy.”

He slowly eased his cock inside your mouth, giving you a few seconds to get adjusted before pushing a little further. You bobbed your head forward as much as you could but Jungkook was also thrusting at the same time, making you cough a little as he hit the back of your throat. 

“Gag on it, yeah, fuck like that,” Jungkook moaned. “Love watching you struggle to take it all.”

You struggled to keep your throat relaxed as Jungkook thrusted forwards, fucking your mouth and throat. You whimpered under him. Jungkook was whispering the nastiest shit to you the whole time, effectively ruining your panties as you struggled to keep up with him.

“Fuck you are a nasty little bitch aren’t you? Fuck, love watching you suck my dick. I’m gonna fuck your throat raw baby, gonna fuck it so deep and hard then I’m gonna make it all better by cuming down your throat to soothe the ache. Aren’t I such a nice daddy baby? Even though you’ve been so bad? Fuck your mouth is so hot, I love it. I love you,” he moaned. 

You wanted to respond but you were rather preoccupied. 

Jungkook was brutal at certain points, making your head spin with the lack of oxygen. But he seemed to know your limits pretty well because just before you’d want him to let you breathe, you would feel him let up. Giving you some air. 

Jungkook’s groans turned to whines above you as he continued to fuck your throat.

“Gonna cum baby, gonna cum down your throat and make all that hurt go away. And then what does my special girl say huh? What do you say after that?”

You choked on his cock once more in lieu of a response and let him do whatever he wanted.

“Here it comes you dumb slut. Drink my cum,” he groaned, body tensing before he shuddered a few times and you felt the warmth of his cum go down your throat. You choked again and Jungkook brought his dick out of your throat and let you swallow the rest. 

You wheezed a few times, feeling the sweet air in your lungs. 

Jungkook took your jaw in his hands and kissed you senseless for a moment. Jungkook’s lips were swollen from him biting them and from your previous kisses. 

“Thank you daddy,” you croaked, kissing him again. 

“You’re so welcome,” he beamed. “How do you feel about spitting as a form of degradation?” he asked, raising a brow at you.

“Do it, please daddy,” you hiccuped, feeling the ache in your throat more. 

“Open your mouth,” he said, pulling back.

You did as he asked and he spat right in your mouth, causing you to rub your thighs together as he growled. 

“Now swallow.”

You did just that. 

“What a good dumb slut you are,” he groaned. “So perfect for me.”

“Just for you daddy, only for you.”

“That’s right,” he snapped. “You’re all for me. My perfect stupid whore.”

“Daddy… My pussy… Hurts,” you whimpered. 

“Yeah? Let me look, let daddy see where it hurts baby,” he said, pulling your legs apart slowly. 

The sight before him knocked the wind right out of his lungs. Your panties were stuck to your center. That’s how wet you were for him. Fuck you looked so good, dripping and whining for him.

“I see the problem,” he said, biting his lips once more.

“What’s wrong daddy?”

“Need to eat your pussy baby, that way it won’t hurt anymore,” he said, placing an open mouth kiss to your core.

“Oh!” You gasped. 

“Take those panties off for me,” he demanded, looking just as impatient as you felt. 

You scrambled to get your underwear off, almost rolling off of his bed if it wasn’t for his gentle hands holding you. When you finally did get the blasted things off Jungkook’s mouth was quick to replace them. You moaned in surprise, but you quickly got a hold of yourself. 

“Fuck! Feels so good,” you mewled. 

“You taste even better,” he moaned into your wetness. He sucked on your clit lightly, causing your hips to buck and making his face smoosh into your cunt even more. You cried out at the feeling of his tongue moving against your sensitive center. 

“Daddy, oh god,” you hiccuped. 

“That’s right pretty, let it go for me, let me taste even more,” he said, licking and sucking on you like you were his last meal. The string in your tummy felt so tight like it could burst at any second. But fuck you just needed a little more. Just a smidge. 

“Daddy… C-Can I-oh fuck me, can I have your fingers please,” you asked, trying so hard to be good. 

“Being polite now huh? Now that I’m gonna make you cum? Well, I wanna see how tight this pussy is, wanna stretch you out before you get shoved onto my cock.”

You could feel the frustrated tears welling up in your eyes. You wanted it so bad and if he didn’t give it to you, you weren’t sure what was going to go down-oh…

“Fuck!” you screamed as Jungkook entered two fingers into you. Your walls clamped down on the intruders and Jungkook huffed into your center at the sensation.

“Shit you’re so tight baby,” he groaned, licking firmly at your clit as he struggled to keep his control.

“Daddy, m-my pussy, so full,” you hiccuped, feeling the tears finally start to trickle down your cheeks. 

“I bet it is, but you’re still gonna take this big cock. I promise it’ll feel so good baby. Hot and throbbing in your pretty pussy,” he said, not yet noticing that your cheeks were swelling from your salty tears. 

“Daddy,” you said, feeling yourself shaking as Jungkook began to thrust his fingers inside of you. 

“Fuck, gonna feel so good on my dick. You’re such a good girl, daddy’s good girl huh?” he said, like someone might say to a young pup. But here you were, eating it all up. Fuck, the tears wouldn’t stop. It was almost too much. But you didn’t want him to stop. Not yet. God not yet.

“Mngh, your fingers are so good,” you whispered, arm going over your eyes to help shield them from Jungkook’s heinous activities downstairs. 

Because if you kept looking you might pass out. 

You sniffled and felt Jungkook pause his fingers inside of you. 

“Are you crying baby?”

“N-No.” You swallowed to try and keep the shudders at bay but his fingers wickedly started up again.

“Hm, you aren’t? Well, let me take a look then,” he said.


“Y/N, are you alright? Just move your arm,” he encouraged. 

“I-I can’t,” you said.

“Then let me help you,” Jungkook answered, moving your arms away from your face and pinning them to your sides. 

Jungkook was slightly blurry, your eyes now doubt slightly swollen and red from your tears. You weren’t sure why you were crying so much but you were certainly overwhelmed. 

“Do you want to stop?” he asked, wiping your tears away with his thumb.

“No Daddy, I don’t,” you said, looking him square in the eyes. 

“Alright,” Jungkook said, kissing up your throat, and onto your chin. Next, claiming your lips in a harsh exchange. But a sweet peck was placed right after to soothe the sting. Jungkook then kissed your cheek. You felt a wet sensation, and realized. He was licking you. More specifically-your tears. 

Holy shit.

Jeon Jungkook has a crying fetish. 

You wanted to laugh, but you were so turned on all you managed was a slight wheeze, which was interrupted by Jungkook’s plush mouth coming back to yours. 

Jungkook grabbed onto your lingerie and pulled it up and off, baring you fully to his hungry eyes. He looked at you like you were everything he’s ever wanted and more. Fuck, was this love? Is this what all those teen fanfiction authors are spurring on about?

Cause, if it is, they’re onto something. 

The tears poured down harder as Jungkook came back to you. 

“My baby, so emotional huh?” he whispered, biting on your ear gently. 

“I just love you-so much,” you said, intertwining your fingers. 

“I love you too baby, more than I could ever say, but maybe I could show you,” he said, pulling his underwear off and onto the floor. 

“Yes, yes please I want it,” you begged, spreading your legs wide for him. Jungkook moved slowly, crawling up the bed towards you like a hungry jaguar hunting the antelope. 

“I know you do, so do I, fuck are you sure you’re wet enough? Do you want me to use a condom?” he asked, mind probably spiraling at the thought that this was actually going to happen now. 

“I’m wet enough, believe me, but you don’t have to use a condom. I’m on the pill,” you said softly, touching his cheek. “And I trust you.”

“Okay, whatever you want… might even give you my cum if you ask like a good girl,” he smirked, licking his lips before lining up with your entrance. You felt his tip rubbing against your clit for a few seconds before pushing down against your hole. Jungkook groaned when he sank in. Because fuck, it felt too good.

“You’re so tight, and wet and-shit, feels so good baby,” he praised you. 

A soft whimper and tear came from you as Jungkook slowly pushed in. Your breathing shallowed and Jungkook felt you tensing. 

“Ease up baby, I’ve got you, it’s okay,” he shushed, pressing gentle kissing to your sweaty hairline. 

“So big,” you mewled. 

“Almost there. Be a good girl and take it,” Jungkook moaned out. 

“Want it all,” you said, gripping his hips tight.

“Oh fuck,” he whispered as he bottomed out. Your cunt was stretched to its max it felt like. Jungkook held still as he could until you gave him the okay by tapping his side gently. 

“You sure you’re ready? I don’t want to hurt you,” he said, concerned. 

“I’m okay, please move,” you said, bucking your hips against his softly.

“Alright baby, hold on tight,” he smiled, before bringing your lips together and setting a slow pace. With each draw out and push in he felt incredible. So hot and big inside of you. But he wasn’t rushing either. You could feel every inch when he pushed in, and the slight ache when he pulled out. It didn’t hurt, it was more like you just wanted him there always. 

“Fuck, feels so good, daddy. Wanna cum, wanna cum please!” you cried, gripping his forearm. 

“Yeah? Wanna cum on this dick you dirty girl. Coat my dick, coat it in your cum for me,” he egged you on so much it made your head spin. 

You’d never felt like this during sex. Most of the time you were chasing after your orgasms. Sometimes having to finish yourself off after your partner had long since fallen asleep. But right now? You were being throw towards your end at a rapid pace. He’d barely been going a minute and you were already such a mess. 

“Shit so tight, fuck, come on baby. Cum, cum hard I wanna feel it,” Jungkook growled, leaning forward and capturing your lips in a tight lock. 

You moaned and cried against his lips as finally-finally your orgasm washed over you. Jungkook felt your walls flutter around him and he bit down on his lip as he pulled away from you, letting you ride through the afterglow slowly. Jungkook halted his movement when you started whimpering. 

“Too sensitive? Does it hurt?” Jungkook asked, eyes sparkling in the dark. 

“It doesn’t hurt, just want more,” you begged. One orgasm was never going to be enough with Jungkook. Because he felt so good, knew exactly where to touch and when to touch you. Fuck it was so god damn good you were still teary eyed. 

“My greedy slut wants another one?”

“Yes, yes please!” you said, moving against him, already feeling pleasure rather than the sharp ache. You cried out when Jungkook left your needy hole empty. 

“Lift your ass up in the air,” he demanded. Knees wobbly after your climax you almost fell, but Jungkook’s gentle grip was there to stabilize you. 

“L-Like this?” you asked, spine curved and hips jutting outward. 

“Just like that baby,” he said, approaching you with a gentle smack to your ass. 

“Oh!” you gasped, and Jungkook just laughed. You knew it didn’t hurt but you weren’t expecting to feel such a rush from it. 

“Like being spanked pretty?” he asked, landing another one on the other cheek. 

“Fuck!” you cried out, falling forward on your elbows. 

“I think you do baby slut,” he smirked, rubbing his fingers through your slick. He rubbed at your clit a little, enhancing the sensations all the more. 

“Daddy, fuck,” you said, arching your back. 

“Take my cock baby,” he said, rubbing it against your wet pussy. 

“Yes, yes,” you whispered to yourself. But Jungkook heard it as he pushed into you once more. Your warm walls welcoming him as he pushed inside your wet heat again and again. 

“That’s right, daddy’s cock is all you want isn’t it? Say daddy’s cock is all you need,” he encouraged. 

“D-Daddy’s-ah!” you cried out as Jungkook landed a sharper whack to your ass. 

“Say it,” he demanded. 

“Daddy’s cock is all I-hngh fuck! All I need!” you said, struggling to speak as Jungkook’s cock battered your core. 

“That’s it, that’s what daddy wants to hear. You’re my good slut, aw fuck, feels so fucking good,” he said, pushing forward harder. 

“So good daddy, feels so good,” you murmured, feeling your sanity slipping away from you. 

“Gonna fuck you dumb, you’ll be full of cum and uh fuck-jesus christ you’re so tight-and you’ll want more of it. In your mouth, in your pussy and on those fucking gorgeous tits, yes baby fuck it,” he groaned, molding his back to yours as he interlocked your fingers. 

“Uh uh uh, daddy I want it, pleas-s-se give me your cum,” you said, unable to really speak coherently at this point. 

“Fuck I’m gonna cum,” he whined, rutting into you harder, causing stars to erupt from behind your eyes. 

“Me-e too, fuck!” after a particularly harsh thrust Jungkook kissed your neck and you could feel him tensing up. 

“Right there baby, right there,” he groaned, gripping your hands tighter. 

“Jungkook,” you cried, orgasm finally taking you causing your walls to flutter around Jungkook’s cock. He’d already felt your climax once, but twice proved to be too much. Jungkook whispered your name into your neck as he came inside of you with a firm thrust. 

Your vision blurred as you felt Jungkook give a few more shallow thrusts inside of you, before pulling out and looking down at the mess you’d made. 

“Y/N? Sweetheart?” Jungkook’s voice was soft as he approached you. 

“Yes, kook?” you said, turning over.

“Wanna take a bath baby?” he asked, kissing your shin and up to your knee. 

“Mmm, yes. Wanna take one together?”

“Sounds perfect.”

Jungkook started the water and you both got in, relaxing against one another. Jungkook brought your body close to his, wrapping you up in his arms as he kissed your head, whispering sweet nothings into your ear. 

“Love you so much,” he said, bringing your fingers to his lips. 

“I love you too kook,” you said, bringing his head down to meet yours in a sweet kiss. 

This must be love. You thought to yourself. You may have almost puked because of how sweet your thoughts had turned. But you couldn’t help but let yourself be smooshy and gross with him. Because it was Jungkook. And he was everything you could ever want and more. 

Before you got too far into that, Jungkook pulled the plug on that bath and had you wrapped up in a towel. 

“Go get changed baby I’ll be right out,” he said, moving towards his sink no doubt to brush his teeth.. 

When you two finally got settled down and wrapped up in the sheets you kissed Jungkook’s chest before laying your head on it. 

Listening to his heartbeat lulled you off into a peaceful slumber.

This must be love.



↳ Thank you to @kim-seok-jin for the beautiful banner and dividers, and to @chillingtae​ for helping her with it! ^^


Heartbroken and done with relationships, Y/N decides to vent about her breakup to the sweetest bartender. Yet just a glance in his dark eyes is enough to tell her that maybe, just maybe she won’t spend the night crying for an ex-boyfriend, but drowning in her lust for him instead.


↠ Pairing: Jungkook × f.reader

↠ Word Count: 10.9k

↠ Genres: Angst, smut, fluff, (slight) crack (if you squint)

↠ Rating:18+

↠ Trigger Warnings: Breakups and toxic relationship, cheating, swearing, physical fight, drama, alcohol, oral (m&f receiving), unprotected sex, hinted voyeurism, one night stand, long foreplay, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, spanking, degrading, creampie


This story was written as a birthday gift to @rubinora. We hope you had an amazing day! :D


Soojin:Y/N come quick.

You take a deep breath. I’m almost there, Soojin, I’m almost there. The sound of your footsteps against the pavement is the only thing you hear. You would’ve made it. You would’ve made it in time if it wasn’t for your pesky co-workers.

To the usual person, it is a cool Friday night. 

To you, it is one of the worst days of your life.

… Or maybe you wouldn’t go as far as to call it that. Maybe, in the future, you would even call this one of your good days.

But for now? 

You smile bitterly, uncaring who sees. Right now- there’s nothing more you want to do than scream. Yell. Anything to take away the fury and pain burning bright in your chest.

Your eyes fall on a couple as you pass them by, reminding you of the reason you’re out in the streets this late at night, instead of relaxing at home. 


Your boyfriend. 

Someone you had a deep admiration for. Someone you loved

Someone who doesn’t feel the same way anymore. 

Keep reading



↳ Thank you to @kim-seok-jin for the beautiful banner and dividers, and to @chillingtae​ for helping her with it! ^^


Heartbroken and done with relationships, Y/N decides to vent about her breakup to the sweetest bartender. Yet just a glance in his dark eyes is enough to tell her that maybe, just maybe she won’t spend the night crying for an ex-boyfriend, but drowning in her lust for him instead.


↠ Pairing: Jungkook × f.reader

↠ Word Count: 10.9k

↠ Genres: Angst, smut, fluff, (slight) crack (if you squint)

↠ Rating:18+

↠ Trigger Warnings: Breakups and toxic relationship, cheating, swearing, physical fight, drama, alcohol, oral (m&f receiving), unprotected sex, hinted voyeurism, one night stand, long foreplay, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, spanking, degrading, creampie


This story was written as a birthday gift to @rubinora. We hope you had an amazing day! :D


Soojin:Y/N come quick.

You take a deep breath. I’m almost there, Soojin, I’m almost there. The sound of your footsteps against the pavement is the only thing you hear. You would’ve made it. You would’ve made it in time if it wasn’t for your pesky co-workers.

To the usual person, it is a cool Friday night. 

To you, it is one of the worst days of your life.

… Or maybe you wouldn’t go as far as to call it that. Maybe, in the future, you would even call this one of your good days.

But for now? 

You smile bitterly, uncaring who sees. Right now- there’s nothing more you want to do than scream. Yell. Anything to take away the fury and pain burning bright in your chest.

Your eyes fall on a couple as you pass them by, reminding you of the reason you’re out in the streets this late at night, instead of relaxing at home. 


Your boyfriend. 

Someone you had a deep admiration for. Someone you loved

Someone who doesn’t feel the same way anymore. 

Keep reading


↳ Thank you to @kim-seok-jin for the beautiful banner and dividers, and to @chillingtae​ for helping her with it! ^^


Heartbroken and done with relationships, Y/N decides to vent about her breakup to the sweetest bartender. Yet just a glance in his dark eyes is enough to tell her that maybe, just maybe she won’t spend the night crying for an ex-boyfriend, but drowning in her lust for him instead.


↠ Pairing: Jungkook × f.reader

↠ Word Count: 10.9k

↠ Genres: Angst, smut, fluff, (slight) crack (if you squint)

↠ Rating:18+

↠ Trigger Warnings: Breakups and toxic relationship, cheating, swearing, physical fight, drama, alcohol, oral (m&f receiving), unprotected sex, hinted voyeurism, one night stand, long foreplay, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, spanking, degrading, creampie


This story was written as a birthday gift to @rubinora. We hope you had an amazing day! :D


Soojin:Y/N come quick.

You take a deep breath. I’m almost there, Soojin, I’m almost there. The sound of your footsteps against the pavement is the only thing you hear. You would’ve made it. You would’ve made it in time if it wasn’t for your pesky co-workers.

To the usual person, it is a cool Friday night. 

To you, it is one of the worst days of your life.

… Or maybe you wouldn’t go as far as to call it that. Maybe, in the future, you would even call this one of your good days.

But for now? 

You smile bitterly, uncaring who sees. Right now- there’s nothing more you want to do than scream. Yell. Anything to take away the fury and pain burning bright in your chest.

Your eyes fall on a couple as you pass them by, reminding you of the reason you’re out in the streets this late at night, instead of relaxing at home. 


Your boyfriend. 

Someone you had a deep admiration for. Someone you loved

Someone who doesn’t feel the same way anymore. 

It had all started when you had seen him come home hours later than usual. You gave him the benefit of the doubt. You told yourself that he must be out in town with his friends while you were at work, since he must’ve been bored alone. Because the deal is, he wasn’t employed. He had neither a job nor a penny in his bank account.

And that’s where you helped him. You were the worker. You put a roof over his head, you were the reason he had food on the plate everyday. You were there when he needed to buy anything. It felt more like you were a single parent providing for a child rather than a real, romantic relationship. And that should’ve been more than enough of a reason to leave him but you didn’t. 

And now you regret it.

The next thing that came were the hickies on his neck. Purple bruises put on display, with his flushed cheeks- sometimes he was even drunk. Still, you helped him. Still, you gave him the benefit of a doubt, even when his ears turned red when you asked him if he was lying about just hanging out with friends.

Because there was no point in asking and answering. You already knew what he was doing, already saw the truth in his eyes. 

And somehow still, everytime your friends would show you Jihyuk kissing some other girl, every time they’d tell you that they saw him out with some chick, you’d tell them they had to be seeing things. That the pictures could be photoshopped. Or maybe this was just a joke to make you dump him. But those things weren’t things you were saying to them, as much as it was to yourself, to convince your mind that what you saw or heard wasn’t it. It wasn’t the truth. 

The truth is everything that has yet to be revealed today.

And at this point, you had gotten over the crying, the weeping, the sorrow and the regret. What is left is the anger- the feeling of being used. 

You had given him everything, literally everything, only for him to treat you like some side doll. It hurt then. It hurt even now. It hurt a lot, especially on those nights, when you’d greet him after he came home, the smell of perfume thick on his body, lips bitten and swollen, cheeks red and flushed.

“Do you want dinner?” you’d ask, your eyes wandering anywhere but his face. 

“Uh, no, I’m full. I ate out with friends, one of them treated the group.” 

Lies. So many lies, told just so you’d keep him under your wing, protected and financially secured. 

You smile widely even though inside, your heart wrenches. Why couldn’t he just tell you? It wasn’t like he thought you hadn’t noticed his aloof behaviour. How it affected you in turn.

Or did he? Maybe, he just thought that you were actually that dumb.

Maybe you really were that ignorant.

“Oh… okay. Well… I still have to eat,” you waited for this douche. You can’t believe it. Starved yourself so you could eat dinner with him when he probably was out with a girl. “So… do you want to talk as I eat?”

“Uhm,” his eyes met yours for a moment before he turned them away. “Uh- babe, I’m sorry… I’m tired after the long day, so,” he gave you a small smile. A smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “If you really want, I can go, but uh, let me take a shower first? Honestly… my, uh, friends can be so rowdy… I’m exhausted, but I guess you were waiting for me and all…”

You bit your lip as the warring thoughts of indignation, and yet also guilt filled you. “No- no, nevermind. If you’re tired,” you clenched your fists, “you should- go rest now.” 

“Are you sure, babe? I wouldn’t want you to think I was avoiding you. Maybe I should-”

“No! No, I told you, I’ll be fine.”

“You’re the only person who understands and loves me best,” he praised you-and you felt a spark of fury, of hate and love grow in your chest. Was that all he could say to you? “See you tomorrow, then,” he said, his smile fainting away before walking past you to the bedroom. You stared at him until he left, until you couldn’t see him anymore as his silhouette disappeared upstairs. 

The next day went similarly. You had arrived at your empty home.


Then there were days where you felt a little too insecure and asked him instead. 

“Baby, are you… cheating on me?” 

His body froze. He didn’t say anything for a moment, sitting on the couch as you had begged him a little earlier to watch a K-drama with you. Maybe it would’ve made the relationship a little better. Maybe you could’ve bonded. But he only seemed to be interested on his phone screen.

“What makes you say that?” Still, his eyes did not lift up to look at you. 

“Eun says she saw you with this girl,” you muttered quietly, so quietly that you thought he wouldn’t have heard it. But he did. “She must have seen someone else,” he replied in a nonchalant manner.

“But it really looked like you, she said…”

“Do you believe her over me?” You watched him as he finally looked at you. “I’m your boyfriend, for God’s sake,” you bit your lip, then sighed heavily. It didn’t let all the words escape you. “I know, but…”

“If you want to end this relationship, I won’t stop you. But just know, you won’t find a better guy than me. After all, here I am, taking the time to watch with you, and you accuse me of cheating?” 

Maybe you won’t find someone better. But even so, you knew that you didn’t deserve this. Didn’t deserve the late nights, wondering where he was, why he wasn’t home, if you’d done something wrong. No, you deserved better- and even if that better wasn’t from someone else, it certainly wouldn’t be from him. 

Jihyuk huffed before standing up, wearing his coat and moments later, you heard the front door open and close. Moments of silence filled the room. You waited for Jihyuk expectantly, waiting for it to open and reveal him, but it didn’t. 

“I wish I didn’t meet you.”

You are so over it. You are so over him. 

You and Soojin had decided to catch him in the act. Your best friend had come up with the plan, and initially you had been in denial of it. But you had to end this cycle. You were so tired of it, of the constant stress you had to live with, of the burden that you weren’t supposed to carry.

You chose to set him up. If he agreed to Soojin’s advances, you were going to catch him red-handed and break it off right there and then. 

And he had done exactly what you didn’t want him to. 

Of course he had. You should’ve caught onto him a long time ago, but you really were a fool. And now that disgusted you. Hate intended for him enveloped you for your own self. 

Walking into the dim-lit club, you are greeted by the sight of bodies pushing up against each other on the dance floor, the faint smell of alcohol lingering everywhere you step, and a bar, shining the brightest in the place. Silhouettes with their lips’ on one another, people drinking down glasses of liquor by each second that passed. A part of you is disgusted that Jihyuk took Soojin to a club, and the other isn’t surprised at all. No wonder the marks on his neck, his swollen lips.

Y/N:I’m here.

Soojin:Ok I’m in the bathroom hiding he was getting too close

Y/N:Right… lets meet up at the bar then.


Walking swiftly to the bar, you hope Jihyuk doesn’t see you, though in the wild crowd, you know he likely won’t.  

You search for a familiar face as you reach the bar. Your eyes wander and land on the blonde that seems to be looking slightly lost. 

“Soojin!” You call out and walk over to her, knowing fully well what is next. “Where is he?”

“Follow me,” you hear her voice above the loud music. Her disheveled figure makes its way to the seats. You can barely see her in the dark place, if not for the neon lightings flashing here and there.

You take a deep breath in.

Under a stray lighting, you catch sight of the hair you used to so fondly caress. Another one beside it, too close for them to be anything but sitting close, closer than friends, and definitely strangers. A few steps closer and you’d be close enough to see them clearly, close enough to catch him cheating perfectly.

Your heart feels numb, for a moment, contrary to before, but- 


It’s funny how you can hear your heels echoing even in this noisy club. Or maybe that’s the beating of your heart.


Thinking back on everything that you’d gone through with him, if there’s any emotion that you think you should be feeling right now, it’s disbelief. Why? Did all the tender touches, all the kisses, all the ‘I love you’s mean nothing then?

It must, or else this wouldn’t be happening at all.


Yet even so, your ever traitorous heart still weeps at the sight before you, as your gazes both match.

Jihyuk’s eyes widen as he sees you. His lips are pressed to the side of a girl’s neck, and even under the dim lighting, you can see the dark splotches of color on her pale skin. The girl beside him whimpers, leaning in closer, seeking his touches, the way he used to make you feel oh so good, your mind whispers.

He only pushes her away, frozen in place as he locks you down with guilt in his eyes. 

The loud, deafening music somehow doesn’t matter anymore.

“Y/N,” his voice can barely be heard, but for someone like you who’s watched him utter your name with adoration before, you hear him perfectly. 

“Well… I guess I’m not that surprised.” Your words are dry, devoid of feeling. Your fists are clenched. Your smile is wry. “What do you have to say for yourself?” you are going to do this quick, you tell yourself. But the crowd of people overhearing the matter already have their eyes on you. 

As it is, even people lost in the rhythm of the club’s music are interested in your confrontation, bodies stopping in motion, only for strange eyes to stare at you with curiosity instead. 

It’s scary. You can’t do this, a part of you wants to say- but how long has it been since you’ve kissed someone and felt the butterflies dance in your stomach, telling a tale so similar to the one of your lips? How long has it been since you’ve wanted to do something like that?

Your heart burns.

Truth be told, too long. Too fucking long. You’ve spent too much time in misery for you to turn your back on the person that brought you it. You want to be free. Breathe air without feeling suffocated, sleep without having to think about a person being next to you as you do so.

Free, at last. 

“I-” he tries to speak, but you look at him quietly, face devoid of any emotion, only your lips tightening a clue to your current mood.

“Don’t you feel like shit? Leaving me alone on those nights when I actually put a roof over your head, when I’m the main reason you get to eat food every day? Why did you do this to me?” 

You know you sound desperate. Here he is, clearly in the arms of another, yet you’re asking him, staring at him, waiting for an answer, an excuse, but he is able to give none. It only makes it all the worse, it only makes you gasp for more air, because each time he doesn’t reply, the walls get tighter and tighter.

Fuck, if you wanted someone to give you a good time in bed, why couldn’t it have been me? We were in a relationship!” you exclaim. More people are gathering around, but at this point, you can’t care less.

“Could you not control yourself for once?! Do you have no shame coming home each day smelling like sex? Do you not love me?” The last words leave you as a whisper, your voice choked up and your tone vulnerable. It is evident he didn’t love you, if he did then he wouldn’t have done this. But you still wanted to ask. In case there was the smallest chance that he would give you something to hold onto.

“What about the times that you lied? Do you have no heart?” A single tear slips down your cheek. 

Fuck. You hatethis.

Seconds pass, and nothing but his silence answers you. And when he does- it does nothing but rile you even further.

“Babe…” There’s the guilt in his eyes, that’s true, but it’s eclipsed by the panic, the way he’s obviously trying to assuage your anger. Instead of just admitting it. Instead of asking for your forgiveness.

Not that you would at this point, even if he begged on his knees.

“I didn’t think you’d be here,” he winces and you sharply smile.

“What, you can, but I can’t? Besides, shouldn’t I be the one telling you that? There I was, wondering where my boyfriend was, someone without a job staying out so late without even a message,” you laugh, as though the entire matter is funny to you, but anyone can easily hear the mockery in your voice. “Then I find out he’s in a club, busy whoring himself out.”

He bristles at that, guilt fading into anger as he stands up. “I’m whoring myself out?”

“Well, what else would you call it? You certainly don’t have any money, after all, not even to afford partying at this club. Isn’t that right? Isn’t that why you ask me for money?”

At that, you turn to face his previously ignored companion. Seeing the surprise and growing disgust against your soon-to-be-ex, you ask her gently. It’s all too obvious she didn’t know, after all. And as angry as you are, you won’t blame her for something that’s not her fault.

“Miss, dare I ask, did he have you pay for the drinks?”

She startles, but answers you steadily after a moment. “No, not at the start… but he did insist we pay for our own drinks, and then later on, he told me he left his wallet at home…” Realization colors her features as he reddens in embarrassment and anger. “That asshole, I must have spent more than a hundred dollars by now!”

“Tsk, tsk,” you mockingly shake your head at him, a part of you roaring at the highly humiliated look on his face. Just a glance downwards, and you can see how his fists are clenched, perhaps as tight as yours, veins already bulging out. Just a little more, and you could get him to explode. “Here I was, all but raising you, looking after you and feeding you, taking care of you, and you can’t even learn to have basic decency. Maybe I should feel ashamed, after all… more than being a couple in a relationship, our relationship turned more like mother and son, didn’t it?”

At the very end of your words, you raise your head, laughing. Jihyuk’s face colors to the point that it’s almost violet, and you feel vindictive satisfaction fill you.

“Y/N, you bitch!”

“What,” you scoff. “Did I say something wrong?”

If glares could kill, Jihyuk’s would have long gutted you, but it doesn’t, so you continue to hold your head high, smiling nonchalantly. 

His next words make you hiss.

“If you weren’t always so busy, I wouldn’t have to look for someone else. When you came home, you never want to have sex with me, so why is it my fault if I look for someone else, huh!?”

You feel the flames inside you consume you even further, raging inside you and there’s nothing you can do to help relieve yourself of it. Before you know it, you’re stepping forward, arms being raised-

All you want is to make him hurt, like he did you, even if it’s only a fraction of what he’s made you feel. That motherfucker, daring to place the blame on you!?

Hell no.

Hitting him all that matters at the moment- that’s all that runs through your head- but then you suddenly find yourself unable to move, restrained. When you look back, you see Soojin’s face, twisted in worry. 

“Soojin,please, let me go!” You hiss furiously, struggling in her hold, trying to get away. Yet, to her credit, Soojin keeps a tight hold on you, not letting you take another step forward. “Are you seriously stopping me from hitting him!? Are you taking his side!?” You ask her in disbelief, even if you know it’s not like that.

“Y/N, I’m not!” Immediately she shakes her head, yet she doesn’t let you go. “But you know you can’t start this here, you-” she bites down on her red lip, shaking her head. “You can’t. Please, you know he’s crazy, what if he hurts you!”

It doesn’t matter, I’m already hurt where it matters most anyway! You want to shout at her, but then you change your mind, glaring at the man you were once stupid enough to call yours.

“If I was ever busy, or tired, I hope you realize that it was always for you! And if I didn’t want to have sex, what did that have to do with you cheating!? Do promises mean nothing to you!? I never asked you for anything more than you being faithful to me, even when you kept asking me for money, even when you lived free at my house, even when you made me into your personal bank and caretaker! You asshole, motherfucker, I hope you rot in hell where cheaters like you belong!”

“Shut up!” He yells back at you, beginning to step forward, and Soojin is dragging you away- but you hold your ground. Let him come, if he wants-

“Shut up!? How can I when I’m not even done yelling about what you did! What, are you ashamed now!?” Only a step away. “How can there be someone as stupid as you who dares to cheat but can’t admit they did!?” His hand raised, curled into a fist. “Not only that, you just took advantage of me because I loved you! You no good, lying, coward-”

You see his punch descending down on you now, yet still you stubbornly look up at him, gritting your teeth. You won’t say sorry, if he wants to punch you, then let him punch you. 

Yet still, at the last second, your eyes shut by themselves. You’re angry, yes, you’re furious, but it doesn’t take away the fact that you’re well aware Jihyuk’s stronger, and you’ve never been punched before-

A second passes. You feel nothing. Not the feel of his hand against your face, not the harsh, stinging pain that’d come with it, not the screams of Soojin as she cried.

Two seconds pass. Time is a mere fraction of what it used to be, and yet it’s slowly returning to you as you open your eyes, realizing you were seemingly waiting for nothing at all.

Three seconds pass. Your eyes land on the stranger holding Jihyuk’s wrist with a strong grip, brows furrowed with an intimidating scowl on his face. You step back out of fear.

“I assume, when you came in, you knew the rules of this bar,” the stranger says, voice low, a certain weight behind his every word. “No starting fights. What makes you think you’re an exception to that?”

“Let me go!” Jihyuk hisses, struggling to free his arm from the stranger, yet the other just easily holds him back. “Fuck, you heard what that bitch said about me!?”

“You mean, your ex?” The stranger sighs. “I don’t know if you’re just as stupid as she said you were, if you don’t realize that it’s your fault-”

Whatever he says next, you don’t hear, as you take this advantage to step forward-

-and slap Jihyuk as hard you can. 

Your palms immediately sting, but you can’t be bothered to care about that, not when you see the bright red imprint left behind on his face, and the stunned look on his face. Grinning viciously, you hiss at him.

“That’s just a part of the pain you owe me, but considering you’re too dumb to understand something as simple as respect, I’ll just take this as payment.”

“From now on, I want you to fuck off and never appear in front of me again.”

The ringing silence that follows makes you feel like you can finally breathe again.

“… Satisfied?” The unknown man raises a brow at you- and your heart skips a beat for the first time in a while as you swallow, finally calming down a little… It’s loud, crashing, dizzying all at once but you nod at him. Your hands are trembling. You’re about ready to cry but still.

The rest of the words your now ex screams out blur out into the background as Soojin thanks the stranger, leading you away.

The rest of the events happen in what feels to be a flashback you get as you’re taking a sip of beer from the cup leisurely.

The stranger, Jungkook, he had told you his name, was told by your best friend about the problem. He called security, but came first to mediate just in case. After that, he let them take care of Jihyuk. The crowd around you dispersed upon finding out that the scene you had created was over, and Soojin went home after giving you the tightest hug someone had given you in a while now. 

Though she tried to persuade you to go home too, you were in obviously no mood to go home- where every inch of the walls was filled with the presence of your- your ex.

It was only after a lot of convincing and reassuring her that you were safe with Jungkook did she leave, her own baby calling for her.

And you stayed at the bar, quietly watching Jungkook work.

During that time, you find out that he’s, overall, a nice guy. He has a cute smile that shows off his teeth perfectly, dark hair that you could imagine him brushing through with his hand, and the cutest, biggest eyes you’ve seen, like a deer caught in the headlights. Adorable.

What surprises you is that he works as a bartender at this place. Which does make sense now that you think about it. But between your dunk mind and slurred words, every little piece of logic is thrown aside.

He had asked if you wanted him to walk you home. You being… well, you, denied almost immediately. Tonight seemed like a good night to get wasted, after all.

“Whatever you say… but you do have the keys to your apartment, right?” the dark-haired man asks, face resting on his hand. He blinks at you under the bright lights of the bar, staring as you take another sip of the alcohol. “Just so your ex doesn’t get in?”

“Of course, I locked it too,” you roll your eyes slightly, glare set on the table below you as you seethe, remembering him. “He’s probably gonna stay at some friend’s place for the night, the jerk. I hope he does, all his friends live miles away. I took the car keys so he can’t drive either, only either walk or take a cab. And considering he barely has any money left…”

You smirk.

A fleeting smile touches on Jungkook’s face as he regards you with awe. “Huh. I guess you put more to your plan than just charging in and breaking up with him, huh?”

“I’m heartbroken, not stupid. It’s an emotional stupidity, not a mental one.”

You huff, once again laying your head back on the cool glass of the table. Fuck, you’re tired. Not just emotionally, but also physically. The night’s events leave you wanting nothing but to stay and drink your sorrows away, uncaring in which bed you’ll be waking up tomorrow.

After all, it’s not like you’ve been to any besides your own for the past few months. Maybe that will bring you some variety at least. The thought makes you laugh bitterly, and in turn down another glass of alcohol.

You hear someone sigh beside you.

“…Right,” he mutters in response, eyes widening shortly after you take another huge gulp of your drink. You suppose, if anything, Jungkook knows how to make delicious drinks. “Don’t drink too much, Y/N, you’re already-” you watch with droopy eyes as he reaches out to you, your head only propped up by your elbow, before stopping with a sigh. “You’re already drunk.”

Ignoring him momentarily, you finish your drink, savoring the taste.

“Sh-shhhuddap,” you slur, the end of your words becoming a sigh. You set the cup aside, only for your head to plop back onto the bar table, a deep breath making your chest rise up- then down. Jungkook frowns at your small figure laying over the bar, the frown forming into a quiet pout.

“Let me… lemme just drink a little bit more, m-m’kay? ’ll jus…jus’ drink ‘nough to not f-feel…”

Whatever words you’re about to say dissolve into incoherent mumblings as you yawn, feeling the effects of numerous glasses of alcohol finally taking their toll on you.

“‘Night, Kook…”


When you wake up, your surroundings are awfully quiet, awfully dark. That is, until you rub your eyes and can see straight. Jungkook’s body comes into view, hand shaking you awake. His low whispers are barely addressed by your ears, and you numb them out until he kneels down to meet eye to eye with you.

Then a sweet smile plays on his lips, and wow. 

For a moment, you wonder if this is what heaven feels like.

Then he flicks your forehead, and you’re hurtled back to earth.

“Good, you’re finally awake,” he remarks, smile turning wry on his face. You pout in response, getting up. Your head hurts, it hurts bad, and there seems to be nothing you can do about it as you lean over the bar for support. 

“So…urgh, so tired… feeling sick,” you utter beneath your breath, sighing when you realize Jungkook heard it. 

“Why’d you even get wasted then? You’ll have to deal with it now,” he frowns, patting your back. 

“You don’t get it, dumbass. I’m trying not to remember my ex?” you cross your arms, eyes wandering the place.

The club’s a lot less crowded now, barely any people left except for the ones who are cleaning it up. The music is quieter, playing softly in the background as you turn to Jungkook. Closing time already, you guess.

“… sorry,” you finally say, feeling remorse make space in your heart. “I don’t mean to be so crabby, but fuck, I just feel-” You scrunch up your nose as you try to mull over what you say next. “Actually, I don’t even know what I’m feeling. Except- what the fuck was I thinking, letting it go on for so long?”

Jungkook hums, shrugging. “Everybody makes mistakes, everybody has their own stupid moments. I completely understand.”

“Yeah, and mine lasted for god knows how many years,” you grumble.

For a moment he pauses, and you watch him put away bottles.

“You know, you fell asleep quickly earlier,” he suddenly mentions, making you flush. Ah. Right.

“Oh… yeah, I’m sorry about that,” you sigh. “I must’ve caused you a lot of trouble, having to look after me while you’re also busy with your work.”

“You don’t have to apologize,” he shakes his head. “You just broke up with your boyfriend of how many years again?”

“Besides,” he continues, smiling. “If anything, your performance earlier more than made up for it. His face when you slapped him was hilarious.”

That startles a laugh out of you. “It was, wasn’t it?”

“Yeah,” he agrees. “… You looked amazing then too.”

“Thanks. … to be honest, just a single slap wasn’t enough, so I definitely had to make it count,” you say, scoffing at the end. 

“Yeah, I figured,” the hint of laughter in his voice makes even you smile. “You didn’t yell at him enough, huh?”

“Nope,” you emphatically shake your head. “Which is a shame, because let me tell you- I have a whole speech in my head for him and his douche-assery. I didn’t even touch on the other major fuck ups he did!”

At that, he really does laugh, and you can’t help grinning yourself. “No, I mean it! I was hyping myself up all evening, but then when I actually saw him, my head blanked and- damn it, I should have let him have it even more in front of all those people,” you dramatically groan.

A smile forms on Jungkook’s face, even his eyes curved into a pair of crescent moons and somehow, it makes you somehow feel better just by looking at it.

“Well, there’s only the two of us left inside now, but if you want, I’ll listen to your speech,” he nonchalantly states. 

“What, really?”

“Really.” He takes a deep breath, turning your body around so you completely face him. “C’mon, shout at me. Vent. I’m the bartender, I’ll listen. Besides, I’m curious to hear how terrible this guy was that you went so far to set him up.”

Reluctantly listening to the alcohol, you sigh before you start listing off all the reasons for why you’ve never felt okay with your relationship with Jihyuk. Jungkook hums and nods along in all the right pauses, quietly telling you to continue.

“… and not just that, he never came home when I needed him most, ghosted me on dates, forgot our anniversary two years in a row, made me break off friendships, never once paid for his own food, never made me cum even once. Like, what a dick!? And I mean the bad kind, not the good one-”

“Wait wait wait…” Jungkook raises a brow, stopping you. “He- He never… made you cum? Not even once?” He stares at you in bewilderment, shaking his head with a smile of disbelief. “He must’ve really had it good,” he crosses his arms. 

“I know, right,” you moan. “What was past me thinking? At this point, I don’t think any man will ever treat me right.” 

The man shrugs, “I don’t know. Maybe the next one will.” 

You feel the urge to laugh at the ridiculous statement, though you hold it back. “You’re kidding, right? I’m never getting a boyfriend ever again,” you huff, shaking your head in disapproval. “Boys, pfft- no, thank you.”

Jungkook only turns his back to you in response, walking to the stools of the bar. He huffs loudly as he sits back down, and you can barely contain your laughter before it bursts out of you, ringing loud in the club. Nudging him by the arm to get his attention, you try your best to turn him around, but when he doesn’t, you move to sit next to him instead, on the bartop. The cool glass makes you initially shiver, but you don’t let it show.

“Did you say something?” You grin as you look at him, at the way he rolls his eyes just a little. “I know I heard you say something.”

“It was nothing,” he scoffs.

“Come on,” you cajole him. “You listened to me earlier and let me rant. I’m not going to laugh or be snarky, I swear.”

A moment passes, while you wait for him to speak up. At this point, the silence of the bar is comfortable, though while you look around, you see that no one else is left inside but the two of you.


You look back at him. “Hm?”

“I think it’s just a little sad to declare that every guy out there is hopeless, because of one jerk,” he repeats, back turned to you as he fiddles with the display case.

You lean back on the bartop. “I guess so,” you say. “But it’s true that it’s disillusioning. I used to have high expectations when the relationship started, you know- but now that I ended it, it’s like- what happened? When did my expectations get so low? I deserve better, you know?”

“But it didn’t seem that way to me then. He seemed so great, so amazing… and now here we are. It scares me a little to think that I might fall for someone, only to find out how much of a jerk they are years down the road.”

“But you’ve got to try again, don’t you?” He softly says. “After all, you said it yourself. You deservebetter.”

At that, he finally faces you - before glancing down and turning away just as quickly.

“Eventually, though,” he clarifies, a faint blush spreading across his cheeks. “I’m not saying you should right now. Just that you shouldn’t give up on love.”

You chuckle softly. “Alright, alright, I get it.”

Quiet fills the room again, a comfortable one. You watch Jungkook clean the last of the bar, wiping the surfaces and glasses.

And as you do, you can’t help but think of something a little too inappropriate.

‘I wonder how it’d feel to ride him.’

Okay, maybe it’s absolutely inappropriate. But it’s not your fault, you tell yourself. Not when Jungkook looks that good. Clad in a neat outfit with a silk black vest and a cute bow tie around his neck, he seemed as though he was a five star meal- and you feel yourself starving.

It really doesn’t help that you haven’t had sex in months, nor have you orgasmed in that time. You need release, one way or another.

Still, it’s bad form to ask him, this kind bartender who literally was just consoling you moments ago from a nasty break up if he wants to fuck, so you try to keep the thought down, but-

You extend your leg, toes barely brushing against his back, watching as he shudders at your touch.


You bite your lips to stop yourself from grinning.

“Hey Jungkook… why aren’t you facing me?”

“I-I need to clean up the bar,” he huffs, but you hear the slight stammer in his voice, and oh, does it make you feel even bolder.

“Yeah,” you nonchalantly respond, “but you’d think you could at least try to appear like you’re listening to me, especially when we were having such a good chat.”

“You-” He stops, sighing, and you goad him even further, slowly feeling more sure the longer he hesitates.When he turns around- finally- you laugh as you slide your arms to rest on his shoulders, trapping him in front of you.

Furthermore, you cross your legs, a daring smirk on your face as you lean forward and over him close, close enough that as you look down at him, the tip of your noses brush against each other. The slight tremors that you elicit out of him at this close range doesn’t escape your notice, and you feel a rush of giddiness fill you up.

“You know, you were so insistent earlier, when we talked about what I deserved. But considering my past experiences, that feels a little hard to believe… do you think you can convince me otherwise?” You hum, fluttering your eyelashes at him. To his credit, Jungkook stills for only a moment, onyx eyes staring straight back at you. As if to ask permission, as if to wait for your next move. But you only continue to smile, letting him know you want this, asking him if he wants it.

Just as you think he’ll pull away, he only answers you back with a smirk of his own- and then, you can’t help but be entranced by the sudden, daring gleam in his eyes. Just as your arms are perched on his shoulders, you feel fingers gently trace over the edges of your lips.

“Why don’t you find out?”

You wouldn’t, normally. One night stands aren’t your thing. You rarely give your heart away, and even more your body.

But tonight, staring at the man in front of you, the challenge and interest visible in his eyes, you find yourself wanting to do otherwise.

Maybe I will, you think. 

And then you dip down to kiss him.

Immediately, you can taste the hint of mint on his lips, the sweet aftertaste of what seems to be banana milk- it’s strange and surprising, not exactly what you’d think a bartender would taste like. It isn’t something you’ve tasted on someone else before either, but as his tongue glides over your lips, silently asking for permission, you find yourself coming to like the flavor. Especially when he kisses you hard enough to make you feel like you’re drowning.

You whimper in pleasure when you suddenly feel him press his bulge against your core for one moment, breaking the kiss only to groan again as he repeats the gesture, grinding your lower bodies together. You can only hold on to his back as tight as you can, feeling the rising tides of lust slowly pull you under its current. A breathless moan leaves you, echoing loudly in the quiet of the empty bar.

“Got something to say, sweetheart?” Jungkook coos, and the words are soon accompanied by a sharp pain on your neck, something that makes the pleasure taste all the more sweeter in comparison. That doesn’t even take into account his hands, which you now notice to be gliding over your stomach, stopping under your breasts as he fondles them and makes you arch back in pleasure for a moment.

“God, just continue doing that,” You whine out and he pauses to laugh, smirk turning into something softer, but just as wild. “Jungkook,” he corrects you, flicking your nipple and you flinch as a sharp wave of pleasure rushes over you. “Don’t call out anybody else’s name but mine, or I’ll punish you.”

How can I think about anybody else when you’re making me feel so good right now?’ You almost tell him that, you want to tell him that, but as Jungkook switches his attention from your collarbones to your breasts, tongue lavishing over each mound equally, you find your thoughts slipping away from you.

You don’t even register that you’re being pushed to lie back until the cold glass makes you jerk - and Jungkook firmly keeps you pinned down, another moan leaving you as you feel his fingers probe against your core. You feel him place butterfly kisses down your legs, the touch light yet the effects tremendous on you as you shiver and tremble from each one.

“We barely started and you’re already this wet, huh,” he grins as he slides a finger up your panty, where your slit would be. Juice already coats his finger well, and even though he only teases you against your panties, you find that you’re sensitive, too sensitive not to feel even more turned on by such a small gesture. “Or were you already wet earlier? What a naughty girl.”

“Fffffuck,” you groan, thrusting against his fingers so that they rub against you harder. “Just slip it in already,” you whimper. “Don’t be a fucking tease.”

“I don’t know, sweetheart,” Jungkook purrs as he flicks your nub, making you clench hard at the frustration and anticipation. It infuriates you even more when you feel his fingers leave your skirt, and he leans away a little. You can clearly see the smirk on his face again, amusement swimming with lust in his eyes. “You weren’t being so nice earlier either. Maybe if you were a good girl, I’d listen.”

At that, you pull yourself up, coming closer to him until you bite his shoulder, leaving marks over his neck as well as you can under the raging pleasure. “Or you can listen now, before I make you regret it.” You roll your hips against his, relishing in the quiet groan that leaves him as the delicious friction threatens to drown you both in pleasure.

Honestly, in the face of Jungkook’s ministrations, you find it’s all too easy to let yourself loose, to wantmore.

You’re surprised when he bends, pushing you back down - and the flash of pain and pleasure on the inner part of your thighs makes you hiss.

“What are you doing?”Jungkook’s answer is light, but the cocky tone is all too evident anyway. “Didn’t you challenge me to make you cum?” Another hickey blooms on your thighs and you whimper as he leaves a trail of them on his way down. “So I’ve made it my mission to make you cum as much as I can tonight.” You feel his nose nudge your panty and you can’t help groaning in anticipation. “Starting with eating you out.”

“You don’t mind, do you?”

“A-Ah, I’ve never been eaten out before,” you stammer, heart beating fast as you can clearly feel his hair brush against your skin. Lust, excitement, and yet also nerves envelop you then.

For some reason, you can’t help but feel a little self conscious. No one, not even your past boyfriends have done this, after all.

Still, Jungkook only chuckles. “How mean. There I was, making you drinks the whole night, but you won’t even let me have a taste of you now that I’m thirsty.” You can’t see him over the skirt you’re wearing- why, again, are you still wearing it- but you can imagine the chiding smile, the mischief in his eyes. Especially when you feel him blow on you down there, making you shudder. 

“Look, you’re even overflowing. Bet you’d taste sweeter and better than any wine here.”

With that, your skirt is taken off, and you gasp as you suddenly taste something on your lips. Yet that isn’t the end of it as for some reason, you suck on his fingers, imagining it to be his cock. 

Fuck, you taste good.

Just as that thought reaches you, you think- you want to taste him too.

“Can I, sweetheart?” He asks you again. “I’ll make you feel good.” There’s a chuckle in his words, but before he can say anything more, you tug him up.“Wanna taste you too,” you admit, before blushing. Still, you continue. “So get up here.”

“On the bar top? Kinky,” he grins, but follows your instructions. Moving so that your whole body is laid down on the bartop, you hiss as the cool temperature of the glass makes itself known to your thighs. Not for long though- as the warmth of Jungkook’s body envelops you moments later.

In this position, Jungkook’s crotch faces you, and you find your mouth watering over it. Eager hands cup it for a moment, before you pull down the zipper and admire his member.

God, even his dick is pretty. 

Long and veined, what it lacked in girth, the slight curve certainly made up for it. You immediately took it into your mouth, moaning around it when you felt him move your panties to the side and immediately dived in.

On Jungkook’s side - he loves it, every single second of it. He loves how he can make you a mess, how he can wreck you, you bucking up your hips to meet him as you suck and moan around his dick. There is something about you that he couldn’t help but be attracted to. He can’t believe your ex had cheated on you. Just from that moment in which you confronted your ex, he could sense that you were far, far more better than any girl he had ever seen.

Moans and whimpers filled the room as you tremble under Jungkook. Every lap of his tongue, sucking on your nub- hell, just the way he moves his tongue inside your walls is enough to make you push your thighs together.

The pleasure inside you only rises higher and higher, making you continuously grind your hips against his face. True, it’s the first time someone’s eaten you out, but all the same you know you wouldn’t cum just from it if the other person wasn’t good enough.

Jungkook aims to go beyond your expectations it seems. In response, you take him in even deeper, slightly gagging on his dick. One hand reaches out to fondle his balls, rolling them over your hand. Soft, pliant in your hold. You squeeze them slightly, and a sense of accomplishment fills you as you feel him physically stutter, thrusting his dick deeper into you. Jungkook is obviously way more experienced though, or perhaps it’s a sense of competitiveness that’s driving him to make sure you come first, because as you feel something inside you continue to tighten - you pant, recognizing the signs of an impending orgasm. A distant part of you is amazed you could reach an orgasm so quickly - the other is very, very pleased.

“I’m… so close,” you say through uneven breaths, chasing your high. His tongue works at an even faster pace, making you cry out in pleasure. Your walls tighten around his finger, and your eyes roll to the back of your head as you feel it. “Then come for me, sweetheart,” you hear him say.

And that does it.

White warmth, inside and out. Your lower body jerks against him, but Jungkook only rides out your orgasm with you, lapping up the juices that gush from you, the messy sounds of slurping and sucking turning you on even more, if that’s possible. You feel feverish, your oversensitive clit being given a little too much attention. What more, the feeling of your body contrasting against the cold surface of the bartop, shivering a little when his finger traces the curves of your body as you continue to feel the last trembles from your orgasm.When

 he finally leans back, Jungkook smiles at the glistening digit and licks his fingers clean. You taste even better than he thought. Truly, you’re an angel. Just as he prepares to get off of you, you give one good suck to his dick, making him jerk. For you, you can feel his hard member twitch in your mouth - and it doesn’t take much to figure out that Jungkook himself is close to release. Still, as he lets out a quiet groan, he moves away. You make to protest, but-

The way he quickly moves on top of you, fingers deftly unbuttoning your shirt and grinding his member against your core makes you moan, long and loud.

“I don’t wanna cum just yet,” his voice is distinctively lower now, and something heady rushes through you at the realization that you did that. He hisses when you experimentally roll your hips back against him.

Hunger like you’ve never known spreads across you like a wildfire. You want all of what Jungkook has to offer.

“You ready, sweetheart?” He cooes. “You’ll have to be quiet if I put it in, don’t want anyone else hearing how beautiful you sound when I’m fucking you thoroughly.”

Instead of answering, you meet him up in an eager kiss, your hands spreading across his chest - God, you don’t know when he unbuttoned his shirt, but you’re definitely thankful he did. Otherwise, how could you so clearly feel the muscles on his smooth skin?

And then you feel him enter you and fuck.

If what you felt before was something new, then this was definitely out of this world.

Jungkook’s dick fills you up just perfect, the wetness of your vagina and the slick on his dick makes the slide inside so much smoother, and both of you sigh in pleasure. For a moment, you’re both content to lie like that, just basking in the feeling of being connected to each other. 

He himself doesn’t know how to explain it, how you differ from others. Everything you do somehow seems to draw him in, and in this moment- he feels like he could just stay like that forever and be content.

You, on the other hand, feel different.

“Jungkook, please, move already,” you eventually plead. Your body arches up as he pulls out for a moment, before beginning to thrust his hips into you at a fast rate, clearly giving you no mercy. Fuck, how in the hells did you ever think any previous sex you had could compare with this?

It’s easy to lose all coherence in this moment, the overwhelming feeling of bliss making you think of nothing but Jungkook’s dick, and the way he drags it against your walls, teasing you before slamming it inside, drawing out the pleasure and then drowning you in it.

The sound of flesh hitting flesh resounds in the empty room, alongside your mixed groans and whimpers. Jungkook spares you no mercy, and you soon find yourself hurtling towards another orgasm, this one even more intense than the last. It doesn’t help that you feel him leave hickeys over your chest, biting and then soothing them afterwards, sliding his tongue over them. Tears prick your eyes as the pain and the pleasure mix together, making each feeling all the more intense to you.

Fuck, where had he been all your life? You’ve never felt so good in sex- not like this, not with your previous encounters. But right here and right now, you swear that if there’s a god, then Jungkook must have been his favorite, and you were blessed to have been touched by him.

“J-Jungkook, I-I’m coming again-!” Rather than slow down, it seems your words just urge him to fuck you harder, faster, making you sob as another wave of pleasure threatens to drown you under

“Then come all you want,” he growls, dragging you into a fierce kiss, wanting to taste you- but also to silence you. 

“A-Ah!” You scream out, panting, as you ride another wave of orgasm-

The harsh smack on your bottom makes you jerk off the table with a sob. Jungkook hisses as he pulls out, leaving you feeling empty- but not for too long, as you’re turned over, and he shoves his cock back inside your hole. You moan, long and loud in pleasure, before you feel another smack on your bottom.

“What part of ‘keep quiet’ didn’t you understand?” He reprimands you sternly, each word accentuated by a hit on your bottom that makes you jerk, each time. “I told you to be quiet, or we’d both get in trouble. There’s still the club’s bodyguard standing outside. If he heard us, how much do you want to bet he’d come in and see your pretty little body all laid out under me, huh?”

“I-” You try to explain, but end up heaving deep breaths instead as he thrusts his hips particularly hard, leaving you a whimpering mess as you drop your head onto the table again, the ache at the back of our head barely being addressed by your numb mind.

“Youwhat?” He growls, hands snaking forward to pull your head back with your hair- making you groan as he lowers himself right next to your ear. “You what, Y/N? Got nothing to say right now?”

He tsks. “Or maybe him seeing you is what you want. How many hours has it been since we just met, and how you’re gladly taking up my cock in your cunt right now? I guess you’re nothing but a slut.”

“I-I,” You try again, but all that remains in your head is him calling you a slut. The humiliation it draws from you, reddening your cheeks, somehow only serves to make you feel even more aroused. You can’t think of anything else, but how to just push yourself back into Jungkook’s dick because clearly, he is drawing it out and depriving you of what you need!

“What are you, Y/N?” his voice is hoarse as he asks, his dark hair a mess that covers his beautiful face. “…Wanting others to see you looking so pretty for me,” the knot in your stomach tightens as you try to think of a reply, yet nothing comes. Fuck fuck fuck.

“I don’t, I-” you stop. You can’t, you just can’t, if you don’t get what you want right now, you might as well die.

“Disappointing,” he clicks his tongue dismissively, and you feel your eyes burn out of desperation. “And here I thought you’d be good for me?”

“I’m sssssorrryyyy!” You whine out when he won’t let you off, the tears falling down your face now. “I’m a slut! A fucking slut! Your slut,” you cry out. “P-Please, put it back innn!”

“Mm, I still don’t know,” he drawls. “I already warned you to be good earlier, but you just kept on pushing me. And now you clearly disobeyed me. Only good girls, not sluts, get rewards, don’t you think?”

“I’m s-sorry,” you repeat, whimpering. “Please, I can be good, so please-!”

Hands rub your bottom, a slight sting reminding you that he’d already hit you there earlier. Yet somehow all it did was make you even more sensitive to not just the pain, but also heightening the pleasure you felt.

“If you take your punishment obediently, I might let you off,” he suddenly offers. Jungkook’s voice has become sweet again, soft and sticky and coaxing. Not that you need it though, considering he has you in his palms either way.

Not to mention that the thought of the punishment at hand makes your core throb.

You bite your lips, hoping that he doesn’t see how flushed you are. You don’t doubt that you’re dripping down so much on the glass bartop that at this point, that there must be a puddle right below your cunt. But at the thought of what he’s about to do, you feel yourself secreting even more. “Oh?” He chuckles, dragging a finger along your clit. At this point your labia are puffed up, swollen with Jungkook’s relentless attacks on it, but still it doesn’t hide how aroused you are at this moment. All it is is overly sensitive, and still asking for more. 

“Seems to me that you like that, huh? I guess I was right. Being good doesn’t suit you at all, slut,” he tsks. “You just wanted to get punished.”

“I-I can take it,” you meekly tell him, shaking your ass a little. At the sight, Jungkook smirks wickedly. “Alright then. I want you to count each strike, sweetheart. And if you lose count, we’ll be starting all over again. … Do you understand that?” 

Near the end, you hear Jungkook’s tone soften, and it’s all too easy to hear the way out he’s offering you. You want it, though. “H-How many?”

He pauses, before continuing. “How many do you think you deserve?”

You swallow loudly. “I… I don’t know.” You bite your lips. “I’ve, uh- I’ve never been spanked like this before.”

You feel embarrassment course through your veins for a moment as Jungkook freezes, and you wonder if you should’ve just said a random number-

But then the loud smack of a hand against your ass rings out loud in the room, and you jerk wildly against the bartop, a silent scream in your throat.“Until I say stop, then. That was one already,” Jungkook purrs. 

You whimper, but nod along as he starts.






“F-Four,” you whimper.

At each hit of his hand against your ass, you can’t help moaning, louder with each one. Jungkook’s hands are swift, and absolute- no mercy left for you, only his feather-light gentle caresses after each hit making you weep.

At the eight count, you’re absolutely gone, panting, a mess of tears and pain and pleasure and overall just too fucking sensitive. But the sheer amount of thrill and joy that settles in you as Jungkook finally stops is just short of euphoria, and you look up at him, your eyes pleading for his praise and reassurance.

Sure enough, Jungkook doesn’t disappoint.

He slides you off the counter and into his arms, your legs crossed around his, into a long, sweet kiss, swallowing up the sounds that leave your lips, the little whimpers and groans.

“You took your punishment so well,” he compliments you as he pulls back, making you preen. “I suppose you deserve a reward then, don’t you?”

“P-Please,” you plead, rutting your core against his erect cock. It slides against your core all too easily, making you groan. Still, you don’t dare put it inside, waiting for Jungkook’s permission first.

“Since you asked so nicely,” he grins, and-

Jungkook’s kiss swallows up the scream that leaves you as he thrusts back into your hole in one smooth movement, bringing you back into that land of sheer pleasure and lust.

In this position, held up in the air only by his arms, you keenly feel every movement of his cock inside you as he bounces you, forcing you to go up and down repeatedly. You’re almost delirious, your hands no doubt leaving scratch marks on his body as you hold him as tight as you can, feeling everything just too much.

It doesn’t take more than a minute or two to bring you to your third orgasm. It seems that Jungkook himself senses that as well, because the moment you feel it coming, he speeds up his thrusts again, making you scream. 

“J-Jungkook!!” You wail out his name as one final jerk of his hips brings you crashing down, bliss enveloping you fully as you almost white out, spasming and losing control of your body for a moment.

When you come to, a second later, you feel him desperately moving in you, but the stuttered way he does so tells you all you need to know.

“W-Where should I cum?” He grits the words out his teeth, and you hiss in pleasure, in over-sensitivity and pain as his member remains inside of you even after you’ve orgasmed for the third time. You’re determined to get him to come as well though, something warm blazing in your chest. You don’t owe favors, and you won’t anymore, so maybe that’s the reason why.

For whatever reason it truly is, though, you tell him with a steady voice. “Just come inside me,” you give him permission. Jungkook groans at that, looking straight at you, as if to ask, are you sure?

You nod, drawing him into a sweet kiss. There’s nothing but elation inside you at this moment.

When you squeeze his member inside your cunt, you moan as you feel him paint your walls white, something hot and warm and sticky filling up your cunt. If your nails didn’t leave marks before, well, they had to by now.

It’s only when you feel it drip out of you that you finally pull back from the kiss.The both of you are panting, visibly exhausted, though you’re pretty sure Jungkook can still run a lap around the club, while you’re all ready to collapse on the floor. Fuck, where does he get all that stamina from?

“I work out at the gym.” The amusement visible in his eyes as he answers you tells you that you probably spoke out loud. Sheesh.

“Yeah, you were.” Jungkook’s chuckle brings your attention back to him, and you blush for the first time since a while now, burying your head in the crook of his shoulder. Honestly, if you tried to move right now, you don’t doubt you’d just lay down on the floor, so you opt to remain in his hold.

That decision definitely wasn’t influenced by how secure you felt in his arms, or how good he smelt, even after you both just had sex.

His chuckles turn into laughter- and you’re only dimly aware of it as he sets you down on a nearby sofa, grabbing a washcloth nearby to start wiping you off.

When you look down at him again- it’s as if he’s seamlessly switched back to the adorable guy you met earlier. Huge, doe eyes and bunny smile on display as he grins happily.

It’s then that you hear the door to the bar being clicked open, and you’re thrown back into reality. 

“If you’re done fucking on top of the bar, I think it’d be good if we officially wrap things up around here,” you see a blond man barge through, wearing a poker face despite the words that make even more heat rise up to your cheeks. The connotations of the sentence… you’ll ignore that.

“And I think that included your dick, but okay,” he eyes Jungkook warily. He looks at you for a brief moment, before clicking on his tongue as he shakes his head.

“Anyway, out of this place, both of you, before Seokjin-hyung threatens to kill me again for not being a good enough caretaker.”

“And what exactly were you doing while we were… in here, Yoongi-hyung?” Jungkook raises a brow out of suspicion. 

Sleeping. Now hurry up.”

Peals of laughter escape Jungkook, even as both your cheeks redden at being caught.

“Alright, alright,” Jungkook reassures him, before turning back to you. “Let me just finish up cleaning that mess, and we’ll get you home for real,” he tells you softly. Placing a soft kiss on your forehead, he lays you down to rest.

“Take a quick nap in the meantime, okay?”


Giggling under the blanket of the dark night, you run under the bright stars as the stars reign the heavens above your heads. With Jungkook hand in hand, you experience freedom like you’ve never felt before.

The gentle breeze of the cold wind at 2 am, in perfect contract to the feel of his warm hand enveloping yours is the sweetest sensation, one of accepting, letting go and moving forward.

You swear you’ve never laughed like you do when you dash through the abandoned streets of neighborhoods too hazy for you to remember in detail. His laugh rings in your ears like the song of an angel, a far cry from your own booming on



↳ All credits go to @kim-seok-jin for the banner and dividers! Thank you to @lvnatrgraphics ​for helping her with it!


Though Alice ‘Y/N’ Liddell is overshadowed, and she doesn’t seem to think much of it, she yearns for a world which notices her- gives her a chance- a part of her wanting for a turn to be on the pedestal. But of course, nothing can change that-

Or can it?

One chance encounter with a boy with bunny ears and a strange hole, and she arrives at the world of Wonderland- a world of magic, mystery and madness.

What more when everyone seems determined to capture her heart?

Take care, Alice…


➠ Pairing: Seokjin × reader, Yoongi × reader, Hoseok × reader, Namjoon × reader, Jimin × reader, Taehyung × reader, Jungkook × reader, OT7 × reader

➠ Word Count:20.6k

➠ Genres: Fluff, angst, mystery, fantasy, isekai (going to another world), alice in wonderland!au

➠ Rating: PG-15

➠ Triggers Ahead: Hints of creepy/obsessive behaviour, kidnapping, reader’s manhandled, stolen kiss (?), violence and weapons, physical fights, suggestive dialogues, confusion, madness

↳ A/N: Since the post is a little too big to be reblogged on mobile Tumblr, consider doing it through your internet browser instead. Feel free to send us your feedback through submissions, or an ask about the story in general. We hope you enjoy!

➳ Stygian’s Masterpost
➳ Stygian’s Prologue Teaser

Warning!In entering this game, be warned, dear player. You are an outside force, imposing your will on this world. You may have great power, but this power only comes once. Use it as you wish- whether you wish to control the story, or let it consume you. You may choose to leave the story, the world, without an end, or you may also stay, and search for the true end.

Here, it is your choice that matters. If you believe in this world, they will exist in your head. It will be up to you to direct the story however you want- because, in the end, if there was no Alice, then there would be no Wonderland. Wonderland comes into existence because of the person named Alice- and so this story will be if you choose to exist in it.”

Now Playing :House of Memories— Panic! At The Disco’

“Alice, dear, how is the tea?”

You find your attention focused on the cup before you, a thread of hesitation running through you at the sound of your older sister’s voice. Lorina seems as beautiful as ever, really. The sunlight luminates her features, giving her an ethereal glow. 

Fingers pin back the stray hair behind your ear, and you idly wonder how much you pale in comparison. Ah well. At least, in this moment, seated at the tea party, that your family is best known for… even if no one is there to witness it but you both, no fault can be found in your manners, an unachievable hunger for perfection having long been instilled in you.

After all, that is the expectations set on you as a daughter of the Liddell family. Or rather, not just from your family, but also from the noble society. Intelligent, beautiful, refined. To always be a lady in every way. 

Still, no matter how well you hold yourself, you muse as you take a sip of your tea, it’s not like it will ever matter. It’s quite simple if you think about it- when everyone’s eyes are already turned to someone else, there won’t be any left to glance your way.

Keep reading


Alice in the Madness of Wonderland: The Stygian Fairytale | Walkthrough


↳ Banner and dividers made by @kim-seok-jin​. Thank you^^. 



Alice in the Madness of Wonderland: The Stygian Fairytale

Stygian (the madness corrupts me, and you, my saviour)


Though Alice ‘Y/N’ Liddell is overshadowed, and she doesn’t seem to think much of it, she yearns for a world which notices her- gives her a chance- a part of her wanting for a turn to be on the pedestal. But of course, nothing can change that-

Or can it?

One chance encounter with a boy with bunny ears and a strange hole, and she arrives at the world of Wonderland- a world of magic, mystery and madness. Protecting her life is one thing, but-

What more when everyone seems determined to capture her heart?

Take care, Alice…


✉ Information: 

➠ Pairing: Seokjin × reader, Yoongi × reader, Hoseok × reader, Namjoon × reader, Jimin × reader, Taehyung × reader, Jungkook × reader, OT7 × reader

➠ Genres: Angst, fantasy, alice in wonderland!au, reverse harem, isekai (teleported to a fantasy world), mystery 

➠ Overall Rating: PG-18

➠ Warnings: Violence, suicide, comatose, disturbing scenes, weapons, fights, yandere, insanity, mental illnesses, torture, massacre, serial killers, violent riots, executions, murders, large amount of people die, stalking, people lead other people on, threats, madness (but it’s wonderland so), tea parties and the white rabbit


✉ Character Profiles:

March Hare ‘

Ace of Hearts ‘

King of Hearts ‘

Cheshire Cat ‘

Clockmaker ‘

Mad Hatter ‘

White Rabbit ‘


✉ Beta-player [a.k.a. me, blog writer and walkthrough maker!] comments:

Several crashes may occur while playing the game, as the developers told me. This is still a beta version of the game, after all! The game also contains a lot of violence… hrmm, well, you’ll see for yourself. I’ve been told not to give too many spoilers, but the developers hinted to me that as the player, we have a special power!

If you complete a route, you don’t have to continue to the next one. You can pick whichever route you’re on and make it your true end. When that option pops out in the game, and you pick yes, Wonderland will close, and Alice and her suitor will be able to leave! It’s our choices while reading that matter!

Or… at least that’s what they said. Still, I’d warn you guys to be careful in choosing! This game is tricky, and it has several bad ends too… ah, I shouldn’t spoil anymore. This is an online game, so I put the links below if you want to play the beta version too! Careful though~ It links straight to the prologue, so for any players replaying, just choose the route after!

Oh, and one last thing- though all of the main cast are dateable characters; it’s of course, only one character per route though… or is it? Hehehe!

If you go through all routes, you might get a secret ending! Bonus scenes! So complete the full game when it comes out, okay?

No, the developers totally didn’t ask me to say all that to promote the game~

Have fun playing, and I hope this walkthrough helps you!

Reader discretion advised.


Preview the Prologue here.

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[Routes are still in development, please visit from time to time to check for a new update.]



[Sidestories will be available after the release of the full game, please look forward to them.]


All rights reserved © 2020 kimtaejin [bangtan-dreamland | taerseok]. No editing, copying, translating, or reposting allowed.


↳ All credits go to @kim-seok-jin for the banner and dividers! Thank you to @lvnatrgraphics ​for helping her with it!


Though Alice ‘Y/N’ Liddell is overshadowed, and she doesn’t seem to think much of it, she yearns for a world which notices her- gives her a chance- a part of her wanting for a turn to be on the pedestal. But of course, nothing can change that-

Or can it?

One chance encounter with a boy with bunny ears and a strange hole, and she arrives at the world of Wonderland- a world of magic, mystery and madness.

What more when everyone seems determined to capture her heart?

Take care, Alice…


➠ Pairing: Seokjin × reader, Yoongi × reader, Hoseok × reader, Namjoon × reader, Jimin × reader, Taehyung × reader, Jungkook × reader, OT7 × reader

➠ Word Count:20.6k

➠ Genres: Fluff, angst, mystery, fantasy, isekai (going to another world), alice in wonderland!au

➠ Rating: PG-15

➠ Triggers Ahead: Hints of creepy/obsessive behaviour, kidnapping, reader’s manhandled, stolen kiss (?), violence and weapons, physical fights, suggestive dialogues, confusion, madness

↳ A/N: Since the post is a little too big to be reblogged on mobile Tumblr, consider doing it through your internet browser instead. Feel free to send us your feedback through submissions, or an ask about the story in general. We hope you enjoy!

➳ Stygian’s Masterpost
➳ Stygian’s Prologue Teaser

Warning!In entering this game, be warned, dear player. You are an outside force, imposing your will on this world. You may have great power, but this power only comes once. Use it as you wish- whether you wish to control the story, or let it consume you. You may choose to leave the story, the world, without an end, or you may also stay, and search for the true end.

Here, it is your choice that matters. If you believe in this world, they will exist in your head. It will be up to you to direct the story however you want- because, in the end, if there was no Alice, then there would be no Wonderland. Wonderland comes into existence because of the person named Alice- and so this story will be if you choose to exist in it.”

Now Playing :House of Memories— Panic! At The Disco’

“Alice, dear, how is the tea?”

You find your attention focused on the cup before you, a thread of hesitation running through you at the sound of your older sister’s voice. Lorina seems as beautiful as ever, really. The sunlight luminates her features, giving her an ethereal glow. 

Fingers pin back the stray hair behind your ear, and you idly wonder how much you pale in comparison. Ah well. At least, in this moment, seated at the tea party, that your family is best known for… even if no one is there to witness it but you both, no fault can be found in your manners, an unachievable hunger for perfection having long been instilled in you.

After all, that is the expectations set on you as a daughter of the Liddell family. Or rather, not just from your family, but also from the noble society. Intelligent, beautiful, refined. To always be a lady in every way. 

Still, no matter how well you hold yourself, you muse as you take a sip of your tea, it’s not like it will ever matter. It’s quite simple if you think about it- when everyone’s eyes are already turned to someone else, there won’t be any left to glance your way.

Which is fine, really. No one might acknowledge your success, but your failures go unseen as well. To anyone else, those words might seem bitter or jealous, but you know yourself that you say it with relief. You do not ever want to be in Lorina’s position, where everybody pays attention to her every move.

You don’t, you think to yourself. You really don’t.

“… -ice? Dear? Alice?”

You snap back to attention at her voice. Gently setting down the cup in your hands, you finally address the elephant in the room with a deep breath, unable to bear it anymore.

“Lorina, dear sister-” you pause, trying to find the right way to say it without hurting her feelings. “I’ve missed you terribly,” you start. “To be able to see you again in person is a pleasure, but- I worry about your health, coming to see me when you must have pressing matters to attend to.”

Lorina’s face brightens in that moment, to your surprise. “Alice, dear, for an important matter such as this, I simply could not wait to tell you- other matters can wait,” she beams, clasping her hands together.

“An important matter…?” You echo, confused. You’d received no prior notices or any hints as to what your sister is talking about. Your brows furrow, a puzzled frown lacing your expression. At your reaction, she only seems to smile even more, excitement showing.

“Yes, you see- my engagement with Malchin has been approved by mother and father!”


Malchin. Lorina’s suitor of four years. A name you hoped you wouldn’t hear for the rest of your life. You exhale discreetly, trying to keep up a pretense of happiness, if only for Lorina’s sake.

“Really?” You smile at her. “Congratulations, Lorina!”

She giggles, and in the setting of the golden afternoon sun, Lorina glows. Happiness suits your sister, or rather, it always has. “There was nothing more that we wanted than to bring you the news in person. As my sister, you know how much he cares for you! He was just as excited to tell you this as I was- oh, we came straight here without notice… I’m sorry, Alice dear,” she suddenly murmurs, brows furrowing. You can’t help but frown as you hear her words, especially at the mention of him.  

Even so, Lorina’s guilty face prompts you to answer her, so you keep the smile plastered on your face. “It’s alright. Why would I ever refuse a visit from my beloved older sister? … and from my ever so wonderful future brother-in-law,” you add hastily, in case she notices.

“What a relief then, for there’s nothing more I’ve wanted since our last meeting, than to see you again,” another voice joins the conversation- and your grip on the cup tightens, the necklace around your neck sitting colder than ever before.

Speak of the devil, and he shall appear. 

Soft, caramel eyes that twinkle, a chiselled face, white-blond locks and sharp yet features that soften as he smiles, a being you’d only be able to picture in the novels you read, Malchin, the subject of your conversation, joins your tea party. 

Foreign, a history shrouded in mystery, and yet impossibly skilled with diplomacy, Malchin is the picture perfect fiance for a daughter of your house. Yet even so, you find him to be someone you want nothing to do with. If you were to speak honestly, his words were seeping poison and his presence a headache.

Sometimes, you ponder over what made Lorina like him so much- but in the end, you aren’t in a position to do anything about it. After all, that has long been a tradition of your house. A Liddell journeys on her own to choose a suitor of her liking. 

And Lorina, for some reason you will never understand, has chosen Malchin.

Looking up, you see his lips set in a smile as he faces you. And as always- the moment that your eyes meet, Malchin pauses, before his eyes turn too piercing, a trace of unexplained deep fondness becoming visible. Of course, he’s always been rather…affectionate towards you, and even if you found it uncomfortable in the past, nothing comes close to the tension you can feel it building up to right now.

You immediately avert your gaze when his lingers for too long to be considered appropriate, heart beating fast. Taking your cue as what it is, he starts walking- to Lorina, you hope, not wanting to be near him in any way. 

When he’s about to pass by you, you tense, your focus entirely on your plate, there’s nowhere else you’d rather look-

You shudder as you feel the brush of his hand tuck away a loose strand of your hair, before his voice resounds. 

“You look stunning, as always, dear Alice,” his voice is near shy of a purr, and you wrack your brains for a suitable response, your hackles raised. His next sentence comes out lower, and if you were sitting anywhere else, you might not have heard it. As it is, you have the front seat for his theatrical acts. 

“Any man, if he were to see you, would fall in love immediately.”

“T-Thank you for the compliment,” your words come out stilted, and you almost stutter. What he means by it, you don’t want to contemplate too deeply into it. You should look at him as you respond, but- no. “A roundabout way to tell of how Lorina’s beauty captivated you deeply?” You redirect his words to your sister immediately with a false giggle. “After all, I’ve been told I am the picture perfect copy of Lorina. Really… you are as charming as always, Malchin.”

Guessing by his expression, he’s caught off-guard, if only for a second. Lorina’s shy giggle rings in your ears. His pupils dilate before he bursts into a sweet smile too, one that could never make someone paint him as the demon he is under that mask of his. 

“Of course Lorina is very beautiful, and so are you, dear Alice,” he chuckles, laugh airy and soft and oh-so-toxic it makes you want to run, red sirens going off in your head. “If a man sees two flowers growing ever so beautifully, is it not his duty to state what they are? And if he likes one so much, enough to want it for himself…”

The feel of a hand subtly gliding through your hair makes you squirm- just a little, you’ve been trained not to show discomfort- and you keep the tight smile on your face, though it strains the longer he stays near you.

It seems mercy has finally come upon you though, as Malchin finally strides over to Lorina, slowly as if he seems reluctant, seating himself beside her- though not without fleeting overly fond looks your way as well. You try not to meet his gaze as often as you can, though you can’t imagine just how or why Lorina can stand this. She can see it, can’t she? It’s frustrating, truly frustrating and as Lorina chimes happily with a, “Alice, dear, more snacks?”-

You find yourself looking at her and trying to ignore the person on the side. It doesn’t help that the table is small, just enough to fit two people, and Malchin’s addition has made it incredibly crowded as he sits beside you. When his knees brush over yours- you almost jump. Your mind tells you to escape, but how?

Not even three minutes and all you want to do is leave.

You send a soft smile (or what you hope is one) to her, thinking over the words in your head, unwilling to stay a moment longer-

“Lorina, love-” the brief, fleeting glance your way snaps you out of your trance when ‘love’ rings in your ears, fortunately just in time to hear the next words being spoken, “-we seem to be running out of snacks, shall I call for the maid-?”

“Oh no,” you instantly cut in with an apologetic smile that you hope is believable. “I had the maids leave the garden for today, to give us privacy,” you sigh, looking at Lorina under your lashes as if to imitate the sorry but well-meaning child. Before Malchin or Lorina can speak further, you continue forward. 

“Never worry though! Calling for a maid in the mansion is not too much- and besides, I believe you two have some words to speak to each other that I should not be hearing,” you giggle, playing the part of a mischievous, adoring younger sister this time. You see Lorina blush, and Malchin looks at you with amusement. The way his lips tilt in fondness and want, behind the facade makes you all the more relieved you are leaving.

“If it’s not too much,” he softly repeats, a cup raised to his lips, before you see something dart out- and you look away before you have to see more than his tongue pressed over his lips.

You quickly flee away.


If there is anything that gives you comfort right now, it’s the sight of familiar bushes, of familiar roses and hedges that make up the maze in the garden you are in. It’s no secret that the Liddells- your family- are people who indulge in beauty and luxury; the gardens that encircle the lands your family owns only attests to that.

Another thing that reminds you awfully a lot of your high status in society other than the large gardens and your last name is the chain of silver hanging down your neck. It comes down to a tear-shaped red tourmaline, and you faintly remember sitting under a certain tree, thinking of how it looks to be a real tear made of blood. Or perhaps a raindrop, you think idly. All that you know is that it’s a very special heirloom. Sometimes, it still baffles you- why your esteemed mother and father would give it to you, rather than Lorina. After all, it’s apparent that she’s the better child in their eyes.

Still, talking of gardens, this one in particular has been, and always will be, your favorite.

When you round a corner, you smile softly as you reach your destination- the clearing that lies in the very center of the maze. Inside, you see the huge tree that has been a familiar face since you were but a child, the croquet holes that are scattered around, the grass that tickles your legs as you pull up your skirt- the feel of the breeze…

… the… body lying down near the… tree…?

You pause in your steps, confused. Is that a new servant of the manor? It’s the only possible explanation for the unknown person to be sleeping in the garden that you’ve explicitly told them not to sully. You try to keep your temper in check as you stride over to the- boy? No, man- in quick steps, disregarding the danger-

You stop, for the second time, in surprise.

Having crossed the distance between him and you, the image of this sleeping man is now much clearer. Details previously blurred are now all too easy to see. What you thought was a mismatched uniform seems to be something else entirely, his whole outfit something you’ve never seen before. A red coat with an off-white shirt, paired with his white pants makes for an overly bright attire, though the black bow with white speckles does make it more coherent.

But as you look up, you retract all your other thoughts.

It’s the pair of bunny-like ears on his head, huge and brown and floppy that are mismatched with everything you know. How- why? What?

If that’s not enough, as the man shifts in his sleep, the ears twitch, and you let out a small gasp, your curiosity taking over the fear that should have been your first response. Instead of wanting to run away- you find yourself intrigued. Who exactly, or rather- what exactly is this man and why is he sleeping in your garden?

If you’d known what would happen later on, you would have scolded yourself, curiosity be damned. It has always been your one crippling weakness since when you were a child.

But in this moment you crouch, coming closer, tempted to touch his ears and see if they’re real. The man murmurs something in his sleep though, and you find your gaze attracted to his face instead- and you fall even more silent, if that’s possible.


Where his ears drew your attention before, his face certainly seems to take your breath away just as much. You’ve never seen someone as handsome as him- how do you describe the angel in front of you? Long lashes, the cutest nose, soft pink lips. Now you’re more than sure he isn’t someone from the staff- how could someone with his face work as a mere servant? 

Peering down to his wrist, you see a purple gem, a garnet, you realize thanks to the academy’s constant pressure on noble women knowing their gemstones, shining under the glass of the wristwatch, even in the shade of the tree. It’s pretty, very pretty, you think with a soft smile. Befitting his awfully formal attire.

The ears twitch again and you turn to watch with fascination as his nose in turn twitches at the same time. Then his ears flop over, and into your hand-

You bite back the squeal building in your throat at how utterly soft his fur is. Unable to help yourself, you let your hands run over his ears. They’re addicting to touch, and it’s only when you hear the man below you make a sound that you halt to a stop, embarrassment coloring your cheeks red.

What in the hell have you been doing?

Observing someone sleeping without their consent- what more to touch them so casually-?

In a single moment yet again, you seem to have renounced everything you learned back at the academy. The mere thought of it makes you shudder and you hastily move to put distance between the two of you, but-

The hand that grabs your wrist in turn makes you squeak in shock.

“… Who…?”

Huge, doe-like eyes that fittingly make him more handsome stare at you and you find yourself unable to say a word, your heart unable to do anything but beat fast as you find yourself in close quarters with quite one of the strangest strangers you’ve encountered yet.

“A… Alice…?”

Then he immediately grins, and you’re broken out of your trance.

“Oh, I knew you’d come!” He beams at you- even his teeth resemble that of bunnies, you dazedly think- before shuffling closer until your noses are only a breath apart. “I only had to wait, and you’d come back one day. I knew you would. I knewit.”

“Let’s go home!”

“I-I beg your pa-!?” Your words are cut off as he suddenly, effortlessly tugs you close, and in a single move, sweeps you off of your feet. With your body cradled in his arms, your feet left dangling in the air, your head tucked to his chest and his arms tightly holding you, you aren’t given even the slightest bit of leeway to break free.

More than that, all the words in your throat die down as you’re suddenly brought close close close, so close to this (infuriatingly) handsome stranger’s face, such that you can clearly see the mischief in his gaze as he looks at you. There’s a touch of glee in there too, but more than that- ecstasy? Hope? Relief? The myriad of emotions he displays on his face confuses you, but then you stop that line of thinking when you feel him start to move.

“Let me down!” You hiss at him, trying- and failing- to move in any way.

“Why would I?” He asks, an innocently curious note in his voice. The rabbit ears that you’d earlier wondered if true proudly flop in the air, folding over and sometimes standing tall. Just like a real rabbit, you can’t help but notice, before his words sink in and you scowl.

“What do you mean, ’why would I’- for one, you’re basically manhandling me, and another, I’m not whoever you think I am! For both of our sakes, let go of me already, you-!” You squeal when you suddenly notice the hole that has- how, how!? You’d remember if there was a hole like that in your garden, let alone beside the tree’s roots!- appeared, huge and gaping. That’s not what makes your heart drop in fright though-

It’s the fact that it’s pitch black, even under the bright sunlight. It’s as if there’s a wall of some sort that prevents light from passing through, making you want to curl up in fear.

“… I guess you don’t remember, but that’s alright. It’s the rules, after all. When we return, you’ll surely remember me then, won’t you, dear Alice?”

And before you can ask him what that means, or even to ask him where he’s taking you- 

-he jumps, and your scream is swallowed by the air as both of you fall down the hole.


Now Playing : BST Orchestral Cover (Reimagined Ver.) — MDP’ ♪




You don’t know how long you’ve been falling, though internally you’ve counted at least two minutes, it feels as though an hour has passed instead. The only thing that keeps you grounded is the sensation of arms holding you close. Not even your voice echoes out. 

In this space, you feel as though you’re weightless, in a void, enough to daze you that-

‘Let’s play a game, Alice!’

You see a flash of blue, of red, of different colors and there is innocent joy in the laughter that follows. Still, it flutters out of your reach like a butterfly…

- your heart aches. The sudden, sharp pain that makes itself known in your chest makes you gasp silently, scrambling for air as your lungs burn-

-and when you open your eyes again, all you can see is blue.

Blue, reaching as far as your eyes can see, white clouds that hang lazily in the air, the sun hidden behind them… the wind, suddenly loud and screeching in your ears. When you speak, you can barely hear yourself, but having experienced the void, this feels like a blessinginstead.

“What happened!?”

You didn’t mean that question for anyone, if anything it is just the expected reaction for someone who fell into the ground, only to realize they’d somehow gotten from under the ground to above the sky.

Still, your insane captor answers your question. “We’re back in Wonderland!”

Wonderland. Immediately do you feel your heart pound hard and fast, the emotions from before making itself known yet again. An hour ago, you never would have heard about it before in your life, so- why, why was it so…

… familiar?

More than that though, as the blue of the sky makes way for a startling amount of green, you’re reminded of your situation at hand.

“We’re still falling!?” You scream, tugging him closer, the pounding in your heart being replaced by fear, sharp and cold. “We’re going to die at this rate!”

The smell of something surprisingly manly, with a mix of flowers makes itself known, and his voice rings in your ears. “Don’t worry! I won’t ever let you get hurt,” he reassures you, hands cradling you even closer, tucking you into his arms enough that your head is now pressed under his head, your nose brushing against his neck. 

The sudden proximity shocks you into silence, and you still. Thinking about it clearly though, as insane and fast-paced as the past few minutes have been, clearly- clearly he would be familiar with this, right? And it’s not as if you know how to make it safely to the ground either.

With that in mind, you gulp, deciding to trust your kidnapper, as infuriating and stupid as it may sound.

Seconds after you think that- you almost let out a gasp as you feel a soft sort of force envelop you both, visibly slowing down your descent- and when you finally open your eyes, you really do let out a gasp.

Below you both is what seems to be a gigantic tower of some sort, the balcony only a few meters away. 

“What is that…?” The question falls from your mouth without you even thinking about it, dazed as you are. Yet again your kidnapper happily replies.

“It’s the clock tower- we’re almost there! Just a little bit more, okay, Alice?” 

You gulp nervously. Still, it’s obvious to you that if you want to get away, or do anything- you have to reach the ground first, so you remain compliant in his hold until the two of you drop to the balcony.

The second that you hear his feet touch the floor- with a swift kick to his waist, you finally release yourself, although you squeak when instead of cringing in and holding his waist, he holds on to your arm instead and pulls you close, and-


-he kisses you. 

You freeze.

Soft, warm- and you heart suddenly feels like it could collapse in and of itself, red flooding your face and your movements halted. You can’t even find the words, your eyes wide with shock while his eyes are closed.

And then they flutter open, a flash of something wet across your lips and- you’ve had enough.

If before you held back a little somehow, right now, there’s nothing more you really would like than to just dropkick him off the tower- and with that feeling driving you, you punch him, straight in the gut.

Creep lets out a choked sound, immediately falling to his knees and you grin, but you forget the tight hold he’s kept on your arm, and-

-he pulls you straight down on him, making you hiss as you make contact with what has to be solid muscles, what the-

“-don’t just-!”

“-brat, don’t you know the meaning of eldest first-!”

“-so you’re admitting you’re an old… man..?”

And for what seems to be the nth time of today, you’re given yet another surprise.

This time, in the form of several men bursting through the previously unnoticed door to the tower. At first you notice a man with grey hair and spectacles, but then just as immediately as you see him, he’s pushed to the side by two more men. Both of which are not only fighting, but upon seeing you, immediately fall silent with a shocked gaze. 

Still, you’re just as confused… as…

You follow their line of gaze down, down, down, to meet with…

… the eyes of Crazy, who’s- who’s flushedred, eyes wide and a dazed sort of smile on his face, frame trembling and you give up, you really give up, what the hell is going on-

“Jungkook, you little shit!”

All proverbial hell breaks loose as you suddenly find yourself gently but still firmly pulled away, the sudden movement making you dizzy. In the span of two seconds, you find yourself some distance away from Mad, and instead with-

Your eyes widen as you notice the similar looking bunny ears that seemed in fact longer than Crazy’s.

“Are you alright?” If the man before you notices your sudden bewilderment, he doesn’t say anything. He looks at you with worry, lips raised into a heart-shaped pout as he pats you on the head.

“I…” What are you even supposed to say to that question? In the span of what has to be half an hour, you’ve been kidnapped and then thrust into what seems to be another world entirely. Only the fact that panicking would not help is keeping you from bursting into tears. You swallow, coming back to reality when you notice how all too close he is to you. Hastily taking a step back, you smile at him, albeit shakily. “I’m alright, thank you.”

He beams at you, and you’re abruptly reminded of sunshine.

Or maybe it’s his clothes.

Clad in what has to be the strangest fashion you’ve ever seen- nothing is color-coordinated, it looks like the most wonky, tacky thing you have seen in awhile. His rainbow-colored tie clashes badly with the neon green jacket he’s wearing, while his pants- you can’t even figure out if they are jeans or trousers, stripes covering them. The strangest thing yet might be that he actually pulls it off quite well.

One of his large ears is home to a ring sitting on the tip of it, adorning a bright green emerald in the shape of a simple rectangle. It’s beautiful, you find yourself thinking. Very mismatched with his outfit (apart from the jacket), but still… gorgeous.

Oblivious to your inner confusion (and how you’re practically drooling over the gem when it’s not your place to do so), he gives you another smile. “That’s good, I was worried Jungkook did something to you,” he earnestly tells you.

“Technically, he did already steal a kiss,” another one murmurs. You glance over, once again being overwhelmed by how handsome the person speaking is. With hair that seems as though it was spun from silver, the uniform that he wears complements his appearance well, a sword sitting sheathed, ready to strike at any moment. “Though it seems Alice herself doesn’t seem to mind?”

Your eyes settle on the cyan stone- apatite, you dazedly think- fixed in place on the handle of the sword, gleaming and reflecting the sun’s rays. It’s hypnotizing and draws you in, and you would’ve dared to touch it if not for the unwanted attention on each and every single movement of yours.

Your smile stiffens as you register his words moments later into the curious silence. “I don’t believe that can be considered as a kiss, at least on my end,” you reply, your hands clenched around your dress. “It would have to be consensual first.”

“PerhapsI will be the one to first claim a kiss from our Alice then,” you squeak as you suddenly heard a new voice come from beside you- and when you spin around, taking a step backward, you’re met with the face of one of the men from before- boxy grin in place as he unabashedly stares at you with mischief in his eyes. You aren’t quite sure what to say then, speechless from everything that was going on. Too much, too fast.

“Speechless?” He murmurs, his grin turning into a smirk. “Well, I’m not surprised. I do have that effect on people, don’t I?”

“I know you’re confused right now, Alice, but- it’s not that hard to understand. Trust me- we’ll explain everything to you very soon!” Mr Bunny Ears Part 2 says brightly, before frowning as he looks behind you. “Well… as soon as they’re finished.”

It’s only then that you remember the previous events. Turning around, you aren’t quite sure what you were expecting to see. If the men from before were any indication, then the remaining two men would be a sight to see as well.

Still, it doesn’t fail to take your breath away.

A formal outfit, chain of gold with a clock at the end placed neatly on the tuxedo he wore. His hair lightly falls over his face in a side bang, though you can make out his eyes very clearly, with a pair of glasses putting everything together. Smart, is the first thing that came to your mind. Like the sort of person who’d worry over others excessively, you add.

“I mean- you shouldn’t have just kissed her like that.”

“Yeah! What about the ‘everyone gets a chance’ part?” Beside him, the last member of the group finally comes into clear view, huffing the question with a frown.

All that comes into your mind is that he looks like… a king.

The red, fluttering cape behind him, the crown inlaid with gems, the sceptre he currently wields; everything pointed out to a single conclusion. The gem that stands out the most, however, is the red ruby in the middle, charmingly dazzling and basking in the attention of the nature around it. It flickers as you land your eyes on it, finely cut to add to its extravagant flare.

Still, when his words sink into your head, you can’t help wondering if he’s truly a king, or merely wearing clothes like one.

“How are we supposed to lure her in if you hit on her when we aren’t even there? That’s not fair.”

Insane scrunches up his nose, pouting. “It isn’t my fault you’re so slow and old!”

“What did you just say?”

“I said you’re old. Suck it up!”

You bite back the laughter in your throat as you let them settle their argument. You aren’t deficient in the head to intervene without a thought, the situation does not quite require one nor are you comfortable enough to do such a thing.

After all, no matter how friendly these men seem, it is an irrefutable fact that you are in unknown lands. Being excited and careless is the least that you feel you should be. With that, you use the time they argue to observe them instead.

Even if what you’ve been learning so far about them hurts your head instead.

It is only then that Mr Wise seems to remember the situation at hand. Quickly glancing at you, he tries to placate the other two. “Guys, she’s still here-”

“Shut up, Namjoon! I’m being insulted and all you care about is-”

It’s then that his eyes seem to meet you once more, as he stops and stares. “Oh.”

You smile though you feel quite awkward inside, one of the many things you’re experienced in.

In this moment, all attention falls back onto you, and while you’re thankful for the brief opportunity to truly talk and figure out the matter at hand, there’s a certain type of disquiet inside you at having strange, gorgeous men stare at you.

King (you really should learn their names, a part of you murmurs) gives you a faint smirk. “Alice,” he smoothly says your name and- really, that’s another matter that has you on edge. How do these people know your name?

You grip your dress tightly, willing yourself not to show weakness. Curtsying to him, of course- what else are you supposed to do- you open your mouth to introduce yourself, but then-

“I see you know your manners,” he cuts you off, looking quite… pleased? You’re unsure of how to take the tone in his voice. Is he trying to be formal and give you a command, or trying to make you feel at home with the compliment? It isn’t even a compliment, really. The last thing some random strangers as the ones you have stumbled upon would do was make sure you’re comfortable.

…Which you’re not. But they don’t seem to care.

“Unlike some other people,” the last part is added by King in a bitter manner, as he scowls at Insane with a side glance. You are quick to take your mind off of that detail. “Whatever the King orders, you oblige, correct?”

“I- yes, your majesty…?” Your reply is more of a question than an answer, but it seems as if the quick reaction to his words actually made him even more pleased, guessing by the ever-growing smirk of amusement on his face. Should you be scared…?

“Tell me honestly.“ He charges forward as he says, brushing a strand of your hair. You hold your breath, heart palpitations sounding louder in your ears with each beat. The others, unfazed, simply watch.

“Who do you like best from us?”

If not for his steel-cold gaze holding you down, you’d run, run faster than you have ever before. But you’re stuck, frozen, and it’’s not only because of the question he asks, but the way his fingers softly slip through your hair. 

Truth be told, you like none of them.

Crazy, is… well, exactly that, completely unhinged and a psychopath. He dared to steal a kiss from your lips- and you had only met him for less than an hour!

And as for the others? Mr Bunny Ears Part 2 is interesting, that was true, a little questionable with his attire but friendly. Perhaps a little toofriendly.

Boxy Grin gently hinted at the same thing Crazy had done. King, the one standing before you rightnow, well… You bite down on your bottom lip. Yeah, he definitely isn’t your favourite. The rest- a minute of meeting did not an accurate analysis makel, so it isn’t as if you can say anything about them.

Really, it’s ridiculous that you’re even thinking for an answer, when you know there’s none.

“Well, obviously, she likes me more. She just isn’t saying it because someone is glaring daggers at her,” Boxy Grin says, rolling his eyes.

“Ohplease, be a little humble, will you?” King frowns. You don’t say anything- what is there to say? You don’t like any one of them… however, of you bring that up, murder did not seem to be far off the list of their reactions. Your current goal, as simple as it may seem at the moment, is to survive, and then hopefully head home.

“Jungkook, tell Taehyung to be humble. He simply can’t understand me, not that I would expect a plebian to do so.”

Crazy is starting to blush even more, you notice, turning red when you look at him with a grimacing look on your face. “W-Well, I-”

“You’re all really stupid, aren’t you?” Mr Bunny Ears Part 2 starts, “The only reason Alice hasn’t spoken yet is because she likes me best.” You would want to tell him ‘no’ firmly, but… He continues before you can say anything at all. “Seokjin, you’re glaring at her again.”

“It isn’t glaring if you do it to encourage someone!”

“What does that even mean-”

“Breaking news! The King of hearts is actually begging someone for the first time in history.” The silver-haired man, presumably a knight from the outfit, speaks.

"As his right-hand man, shouldn’t you be more supportive of him trying to be humble?”

“Spreading news of our great King becoming more humble is a way to support him, Namjoon,” he crosses his arms. “I always endeavor to spread tales of his greatness whenever I can.”

“Oh, for my flamingos’ sake, I am not trying to beg her!”

“Who even cares about your flamingos?”


“Should I sit down? This seems like it’s going to take a while, isn’t it?”

“Rather than sit down, I can already see this devolving into a fight-”

“Oh, I’ll definitely give you a fight alright, how-”

You startle as you see one of them pull out a- is that a gun!? How is it that a simple argument somehow devolves into a gunfight!?

“-howdare you people obstruct the king!? Why, if you’re looking for death, then I’m not opposed-”

Not to mention how the others seem to be getting just as agitated, the bright flashes of swords and the glints of metal from guns attracting your gaze. You look around- is no one going to stop it-?

“You’re the one being an obstruction!”

The resounding dark looks, yells, and the jerky movements all tell you otherwise, and you debate on leaving while they’re preoccupied. You’re not about to stay in a what seems to be soon a warzone-

“-All of you, stand down!”

With that, everyone turns quiet. The voice that last spoke seems to ring through the suddenly quiet air, as everyone turns to him.

Mr. Smart Guy looks at them with what you could only describe as burningrage, towering over the rest in the midst of the fit of anger. He’s the tallest, you realize, with how easily he’s able to intimidate everyone in the room. Even you are taken aback by the sudden stern voice of his, cold and unnerving.

“I will not tolerate any fights in this place. I assume you all know that by now?” Hastily as they should, the six other men nod to his words. Not all are willing, most are more than reluctant. "Yet it seems I deal with toddlers instead of adult men, who seem to forget the rules of this tower everytime.”

“This tower is a neutral area, and therefore it is not a place for you to hold your violence-happy, warmongering, amnesiac idiotic selves, and for clock’s sake-”

He sighs, loud and irritated, and you spot one of the men hastily putting away a weapon.

“… At this point, nothing will get done until the next cycle. Well then, if you can’t behave yourselves to be better than at least children, then I suppose it is partly my fault for believing you could do so. … I will correct that now,” he nods. The men look at him, confused, before Glasses guy points to the door behind him.


You keep mum in the silence that follows.

“… Well then, what are you waiting for?” He raises a brow, a frown on his face as he meets his eyes with everyone.

“But Alice-”

Go,” he repeats firmly. “I will take it from here, since you people seem to be too inept to do so. Just wait for Alice in your territories.”

His lips curl. “That is, if she picks you.”

“This is breaking the rules, Namjoon,” King grumbles. Beside him, Crazy nods frantically. 

“We’re supposed to tell her about Wonderland together!”

“And have you guys actually done anything in regards to that?” He asks skeptically, before shaking his head. “I believe I already told you. I will not budge on this issue- leave. If there are consequences to deal with for breaking this rule, then I will gladly bear it, if it means having you people out of my tower,” he scoffs. “I will call you when we can start the official introductions, and I hope you will be ready by then to act as the role holders that you are.

With that, the group seemingly deflates as one, though they finally start to leave.

King shoots you a last look before he turns away swiftly, the sunlight making his crown shine above anything else, its looming shadow falling over your small figure.

“I am leaving. Come to my castle when you have the least bit of respect for me and my flamingos.” He huffs, theatrically, might you add, taking a sharp turn from you to the door they had entered from.

“All hail the King of hearts!” Exclaiming so, the Knight leaves rather slowly than you’d expect for the energy in his voice, trailing after the King himself. You can see his figure sigh a little before the door closes behind him.

“Well you know what that means,” Boxy Grin says, a little while after the doors close. “I’m having a tea party tonight to the King of hearts becoming more humble and begging Alice.” Saying so, he takes off his awfully-decorated top hat to reveal a teapot and two cups. “Hoseok, dear, have some tea,” it’s a broken british accent that he speaks in. You have the desire to cover your ears in case he goes too high and potentially breaks his voice-

But he doesn’t.

Instead, Mr Bunny Ears Part 2, Hoseok, you catch his name, takes the offered teacup and begins walking towards the door. “You’re all invited!” And with that, andBoxyGrinchasingafterhim, they leave too.

You let out a sigh as soon as they left. “H-Hi,” oh no. Oh goodness, why? Why can’t they leave you alone for a single second?

It’s Crazy. 

“Sorry for… all of that,” he’s still tomato red, but you refrain from paying that too much attention. “They are a little crazy.” Andsoareyou, you want to say. Clearing his throat, he sighs, albeit shakily, “Well! I should, uhm, leave now that the King of hearts is gone. They’ll be expecting me,” it takes him all of his courage to walk away- but not before giving one last sad glance, as though he’s a puppy being forced to part with its owner and why did your thoughts even go that way?

You sigh, and upon making eye contact with him, you glare back like there’s no tomorrow.

It’s quiet now. There may still be two strangers remaining that are looking at you weirdly, perhaps even whispering things to each other, but at least it’s a bit more calm now. 

You can hear steps coming towards you, but you only look up when you hear a familiar voice call your name.

“Alice,” it’s the one man that you had thought looked smart- though you did not get his name. “It was a pleasure meeting you. I hope they did not scare you too much. Please find me as soon as you’ve taken everything in. And please feel comfortable, this land is now your home too.” And with that, he gives you a little smile, scrunches his nose and fixes his glasses, then leaves.

You blink at the last man standing- he has cat ears? How did you not notice before? If you remember correctly, he came with the rest of the men but hadn’t said anything, right?

You expect him to say something, anything, but he just takes a step, and another, and then another, until-

A click and thud of a door. He’s gone, just like the rest of them. 

You feel a sigh rip its way out of you.

You slide down, down, down until you’re practically sitting on the ground, for once, uncaring if your dress is dirtied. In this situation though, you find that you can’t care much, if at all.

For a few moments, you find yourself struggling to realize just what, exactly, should you feel. Even when you think back on it, everything feels like a blur, too fast, too intense for you to process.

What- and pardon yourself here- the ever living fuck has just happened? 

You’ve been having these thoughts earlier, but now they seem to continuously repeat in your mind. Did that really happen? Haveyouactuallygoneintoanotherworld? 

You don’t want to believe it. Who would? Here you are, without friends or family, surrounded by unknown people, in an unknown land. How are you going to get home? How are you going to survive?

… What more, the strange, focused attention the men earlier held for you. You have no idea what happened then, nor how they knew your real name. It’s a huge problem- especially when you remember that Crazy stoleakiss from you, and the others don’t seem to be far off from doing the same thing, given the incentive.

Looking down to peer at the treasured heirloom, you find it’s red color brightening into a pink, shining and dimming consistently, almost as if there is a light inside of it. It scares you, it really does, becauseitlooksasifthetear’sglistening, but that next to everything else and the fact that it has never done this before your entire life, only when you stumble into a strange world…

Just then, a strong gust of wind blows by, and with it, you feel the urge to burst into tears.

What the hell are you going to do now?

Your body trembles, you’re lost and you’re scared-

It’s okay. It’s okay, it’s okay, you’re going to be okay, right? You are. You’re going to survive, you’ll get out of this somehow, you will.


You’ve survived until now. You survived the mansion, their stares, your mother, the school-

You made it through. You tell that to yourself repeatedly. Youmadeitthrough



Exhaling gently, you forcibly push all lingering feelings of panic and despair down, deeper down. You can’t break down now. You have to find a way to get through this. 

Going home is your priority, has to be your priority. There lies everything you’ve worked for and understood in your life, but you have to face reality- perhaps you can’t go home right at this moment.


First of all. You need information. Merely staying where you are is no good, either. Your options, you gather, are to-

      A. Go with King, and the silver-haired guy. You guess that they reside in the huge, red castle south of where you seem to be.

      B. Go with Boxy Grin and Mr. Bunny Ears Part 2, who, after minutes of squinting, you haphazardly guess to live in the huge mansion a little ways off the red castle. You say so because of the huge garden connected to it, where there’s a white table with what you assume to be decorations and food on it.

     C. Go with Smart guy, he hasn’t gone far yet, you hope.

     D. Go into the town, and brave your luck to find a house willing to house you.

However, each option has its pros and cons.

Option A. You… are highly uncomfortable with King, although Silver haired guy seems okay if not a bit weird. Although they would probably easily let you stay, you aren’t eager to find out what happens when the King decides to pursue his delusions of you liking him. Silver haired guy might help him too since he’s a subordinate.

So. Very low chances for that.

Option B. Seems to be slightly better than Option A. However, considering Boxy Grin casually assumed you liked him, and… Hoseok? The thought that his name seems slightly familiar flashes in your mind, but you will it away. For now, you don’t feel okay calling them by their names (truthfully it doesn’t seem to suit them as much as their nicknames [that you gave to them] do, so…) Bunny Guy Part 2 did the same, you aren’t sure you want to go there either. Even if the thought of tea parties reminds you of home.

Option C. The one most promising so far. Everyone so far seems to be… not quite right, so to say. But Glasses guy seemed to be the best and most normal one yet, if just as exasperated as you. He’s just as unknown as the others, that’s for sure, but you can reason with him better than you can with the others, and that makes him the best candidate so far.

Option D. Under Option C it seems. Blindly trusting people is just another way to say ‘please trick me and use me!’, and you are not that desperate to risk that. Perhaps if you really had no other choice. You don’t know the current state of the town, and you could find out later if needed.

Still, now that you’ve reviewed your options, it seems that Option C is the best one so far-

And with that in mind, you resolve yourself. 

You arrived- no, you got abducted into another world. Fine. Alright. You’d live. You then got left behind bytheverysamepersonwhoabductedyou, but fine! That is fine too. More than peachy. You’ll find a way to survive and get back home.

And the first step is to find Mr. Smart Guy.


It’s the faint sound of movement that finally draws your attention, alerting you to the possibility that there’s someone in the room nearby. What feels like half an hour of wandering around, and you’ve managed to tour around a bit of (what you now know) to be a tower. Built in a square structure, with what seems to be an endless amount of stairs connecting each floor, the tower has quite the number of floors. You aren’t sure, but between guessing how tall each floor is and the distance to the ground, you guess it to be around twelve, maybe fourteen flours, including the balcony from before. It’s amazing, it truly is, but-

The fact that it took you six floors before finding the first hint of life beyond dusty rooms, not as much.

You stop by the door, listening for any warning sounds inside. 

But you don’t hear anything- except for the sound of things being opened and closed, presumably side tables. Was this someone’s bedroom? Pushing the door ajar just a little, you peep through.

Ah. Finally.

He’s still wearing those glasses, hidden behind a stack of papers. To his right is a bookshelf, to his left, a few drawers. Not a bedroom, you think, more like an office of a sort. You frown a little, trying to make out the expression on his face, but open the door a little more, and you might make an unwanted creak and give up your location. Or the fact that you were staring at him in a rather creepy position.

So you’ve found Mr. Smart Guy.

Yet, still, you stand there, frozen and unwilling to move. You shouldn’t be scared of him though. He doesn’t seem intimidating at all, so why can’t you just approach him? You bite down on your bottom lip, before letting out a heavy sigh.

Remember your main objectives.

Clearing your throat, you make your presence known to Mr. Smart Guy as you open the door and enter the comfortable-looking office. 

“I- I’m sorry to disturb, but, good afternoon.” Your voice comes out as a whisper, though you hope he hears it in the silence of the room. Looking up towards you, you see relief color his face.

“I wondered when you would come,” he smiles, though his hands still hold the clock gears, he gestures to one of the chairs nearby, “It’s alright, please, sit down.”

You follow his words with barely any hesitance, though you remain cautious. Still, it’s a relief to think that maybe you’ll finally get a clue on what seems to be going on. The man coughs once seemingly thinking over his words, before he starts.

“I’m certain you’re feeling confused right now, so if you have any questions, please.”

Thank god. You take in a deep breath and ask not the first question that’s been driving you crazy, but the one that you need the answer to the most. “Do you know how I might get home? And if not that, then at least, an idea of where I might stay? I… the discussion earlier left me at a loss, since everyone immediately came and left without answering a single question of mine.” You look down, biting your lip in distress. When you speak again, your voice is a few sizes quieter. “And perhaps… why did they seem so fixated on asking who I liked best…?”

The expression on his face falters to a more solemn, stiff one at your words. He fumbles with his pen, the frown widening by the second. For a moment, he seems to think over his words- before he answers you.

“Hm, I suppose you’re right. It must have been terribly confusing earlier, to be caught up in the antics of the toddlers. … I’m afraid I can’t answer all your questions right now, since doing so for some of them goes against the rules of this land.” And he blinks at you, lost in thought. “However, you’ll find a place to stay by tonight, you need not worry.”

“And as for your earlier question…”

He runs his hand through his hair, brows furrowed, before he resumes speaking.

“This world is named Wonderland- a parallel world to your own- which people here call the real world. All those who inhabit this place are bound by rules, and as Alice, if you desire to go home, then it is in your best interest to complete the game.”

You blankly stare back at him. Not even several sentences in, and you’re already feeling blindsided.  “The game…?”

He smiles wryly. “… I’m afraid to say that that question will have to be asked at a later time. For now, what’s important is for you to pick a territory that you might be comfortable having a discussion in… as well as a faction to stay with.”

“…What,” you softly say, shocked and stunned and possibly bewildered as well. “I- you have to be kidding me,” you mumble, “That’s…”

Smart Guy easily shrugs, looking at ease in contrast to you. “…I assure you, I am not joking. Although I am not at liberty to say why or how, Alice has the right to choose where to live during the remainder of her stay. Although it was to be decided earlier, the others were…” he grimaces before continuing, “…a little too rambunctious, so I sent them on their way. Besides, with how the argument was unfurling, rather than letting you choose of your own free will, it was more likely that coercion, and then a brawl would happen. Hence, why I believe it’d be best for you to have some information, if not a choice about which people you will be staying with. And so-” 

Here he pulls out a map from a nearby drawer, smoothening it out on the desk near the two of you. It unfurls, revealing quite a quirky landscape.

Surrounded by mountains, you see a mishmash of villages, a mansion, castles- isthatthetoweryou’rein?- and what seems to be an- an amusement park?

“Your options,” the man gestures first to a huge red castle on the bottom right. You can see miniature mazes and rose gardens drawn around, along with a crown. “Hearts Castle, where the King of Hearts, along with the Knight of Hearts and White Rabbit reside.”

Your mind flits back to the men from before- the pompous king, who’d quite honestly irritated you, the knight who seemed more inclined to snark than to serve, and-

You hold back the annoyed twitch as your thoughts go to the young man with rabbit ears from before, the one who’dkidnappedyouandstoleakissfromyou

Yeah, you aren’t going there.

His finger by now moves to the mansion in the middle of the town. You spot two guns in a cross, circled by roses. “Hatter Mansion, where lives the Mad Hatter, as well as the March Hare.”

The one with the tea cups from before, you assume. You question their sanity, but looking back on it, they were much more preferable to living with, rather than the first three.

Still… remembering how one of them- the Mad Hatter himself, probably- assumed you to be falling for him… perhaps not.

Finally, he points to the amusement park that sits on the upper left corner. “Or the Amusement Park, the territory of the Cheshire Cat.”

Cheshire Cat? Who…? 

Might be the one who left last, you deduced. No, you won’t be going there either. You aren’t keen to share a living space with someone you barely know anything about, even less than you do the others.

You pick your options carefully. There’s only a little chance of success, but…

“Come to think of it,” you change the subject as gracefully as you can, smiling sweetly at him. A step forward is all it takes before you’re standing close to him, and you fix an interested look on your face. “I wasn’t able to learn your name earlier.”

He exhales, eyes now seemingly turned and glued to the clock that you now notice he’s fixing on the table. “It’s Namjoon. Kim Namjoon.”

…Instantly do you notice the weird way he’s told you his name, though you refrain from commenting. “My name is Alice, Alice Liddell. But please do call me by my first name, I wouldn’t mind at all!” You feign cheerfulness. “Would it be okay to call you by your first name, Namjoon?”

“Youare Alice, after all,” is his only reply. You suppose that’s as much as a confirmation you’re going to get- the short replies that you’ve suddenly been getting all but telling you he’s losing interest in your conversation. Still, his words are confusing. The way he’d called you Alice seemed more than your name, but rather a title-? 

And he all but agreed that his first name is Namjoon. Kim Namjoon. You’ve only met one person who introduced themselves with their family name before their first.

A flash of intrigue, one that makes you wary as he bends down a little to smile at you. “My name is Malchin. Lee Malchin. I’m ever so pleased to meet you, dear Alice.”

The mysteries keep piling up, you suppose. More questions that come as answers arrive.

“Do you live here alone, perhaps?” The tower is full of empty rooms, the upper floors full of dirt and dust. As grand as the tower seems to be, it’s surprisingly empty. Lonely. 

“Actually, I do,” he looks at you for a split second before averting his gaze down to the clock he seems to be fixing. And he’s trying hard, you notice. You’re not very educated on clock fixing though, so you’ll skip over the details.

You scramble your brain for a way to keep the conversation moving, although the other person seems more than uninterested. “You must be quite an important figure then,” you eventually say.

The sound of metal on metal, the clock being repaired slowly dies down.

Namjoon turns to you- his lips purse and he briefly gives you an irritated look. “Alice, may I ask for your reason in doing this? I presume it’s obvious I have no desire to talk to you.”

You wince minutely at the harsh tone he sports. “I…”


“…What about the Clock Tower? Could I stay here?” 

Namjoon stills. You hold your breath, suddenly feeling nervous, but…

“…It would be foolish to choose my domain,” he eventually says. Namjoon’s face is set into a frown as he speaks to you, words clear and cutting. “As I have no interest in participating in this game. You’re better off winning over the other role holders.”

“But-” you hesitantly push forward. “Why not? I mean, so far you seem to be the only one who-”

He cuts you off.

“I am the Clock Maker. My duty is to Wonderland more than it is to a game where we pander to the whims of a girl for a chance at a world unknown to us,” he smoothly says, but- you shiver as you hear the undertone of scorn. All previous gentleness and warmth has disappeared from him, leaving only the coldness of a man who is annoyed- before he thaws a little, seeing the timidity in your eyes.

He stands up, and you take a step back, confused- and then he steers you by the shoulders


sweven | moodboard

sweven (n.) a vision or dream (coming soon)

copyright © 7deadlysinsfics | no copying, reposting, translating, or modifying my works

Prompt list

Main masterlist

A prompt list because i can’t think of anything . Just select a member with the numbers and you can tell me if you want the ending to be happy or sad. It can be smut too! And they can be of any au’s whether it’s ceo or mafia

Request open!


  1. Fuck you aren’t making it easy for me
  2. You promised you wouldn’t leave me
  3. Let me make you forget him
  4. Can i kiss you?
  5. You know i would do anything for you babygirl
  6. I need you
  7. I can’t fucking live without you,can’t you see that?
  8. Let’s get married
  9. I can’t do this anymore
  10. I love you more than him
  11. I’m in love with you
  12. Let’s stop this
  13. I don’t fucking care
  14. You are the only one for me
  15. Is she mine?
  16. You’re my everything babygirl
  17. Do you love him?
  18. I’ll protect you
  19. I’ll fucking kill myself if anything had happened to you
  20. He will regret this
  21. I’ll never let anything happen to you
  22. I’m not letting you walk out on me
  23. I’m sorry for walking out on you
  24. Just know that i love you more than anything
  25. You’re pregnant?
  26. I can’t believe my own daughter would betray me like this
  27. You’re nothing to me
  28. You’re mine before him
  29. You’re mine
  30. I never stopped loving you
  31. I hate you but i hate myself more because i can’t stop loving you
  32. Fuck the things you do to me
  33. Burn that dress. I’ll buy you another one
  34. No baby, I’m in charge here
  35. You’re so fucking beautiful
  36. No you’re not going anywhere
  37. Are you fucking crazy?!
  38. Do you want to die?!
  39. Thank you for not leaving me
  40. Talk to me baby
  41. I don’t care you’re married
  42. I love you dammit
  43. I swear she is nothing to me
  44. Please believe me baby
  45. I can’t believe you
  46. Do you even care anymore?
  47. You’re making me crazy y/n
  48. Fuck I’ll shoot a bullet in her head if she tries to hurt you again
  49. Can’t you see that he is just using you?!
  50. Why do you have to bring that up every single time?!



Pairing: Jungkook | Reader
Genre: ANGST, Fluff and soft Smut
Word Count: 19k

Keep reading

this fic is so angsty, it stepped on me, called me broke in 15 languages and proceeded to kick my face with everything it had to offer- craziest thing about that? I LOVE IT TO DEATH

Jungkook, y/n, just everyone in this whole thing is now the love of my life and i will sell my soul to this fanfic because it genuinely deserves it. for anyone who has not had a taste of this delicious goodness, PLEASE do read it- it almost reminds me a little of The Fault in Our Stars and i’m dying, sitting here, crying over 19k words

absolutely beautiful, i love the angst, LIVE FOR THE ENDING, and am now weeping my eyes out

thank you



There was something in that enormous tank, hidden in the murky water. All you knew was that you weren’t allowed inside the room and that it used to hold something dangerous.

pairing: merman!jk x reader

genre: sci-fi, fantasy, merman/siren au, fluff, angst, smut.

word count: 10.1k




warnings:a little more smut, uh… feelings.

© Drown for You is copyright vinterjeon 2020, all rights are reserved. This fic can not be modified, re-posted, or translated without my permission.

author’s note: honestly i can’t believe it’s over… my first finished fic… it’s bittersweet as heck… i might do drabbles (then again i’ll just say that now but then i won’t end up actually doing them lmao) thank you to everyone who read this fic, it was what got me most of my followers and i really hope you stay with me after this as well!! (and as always, don’t mind the mistakes, i’ll prob go back and edit it some time.) 


“Don’t worry, I’ll behave.”

Jeongguk had headed towards the door, and you’d gone to stash the scales away someplace safe, accepting that the argument would have to be resumed later. You didn’t go through all that with Jeongguk just for Taehyung to accidentally crush the box or—god forbid—anyone noticing what the source of any eventual hurt feelings was.

A few moments later, and with the scales hidden away, you returned to the hallway, your friends and former colleagues already inside and busy taking their shoes off.

There was Hoseok, Namjoon, Taehyung, Mina, and then finally… Jimin. 

Keep reading

i’m hurt it’s over but like,,, the ending is so amazing so it doesn’t even matter???? i’m so happy for y/n and Jungkook and that they finally got their happy ending- they deserve it after everything they went through.

the characters, plot, dialogues- EVERYTHING was so well-done and amazing and i love how it ended with ‘Fin’, and the song at the end sums up their journey do beautifully and is so good too <33

MUST READ for anyone who hasn’t,,, such a heartfelt and emotional story. i have cried too much over this,, it is just- beyond amazing.


[1:49 A.M.]

Pairing: jjk x reader

Word Count: 1121

Warnings: pwp, jungkook fingers reader in a club, semi-public sex, some teasing


Genre:smut smut smut

Summary:This night, it’s your turn to endure Jungkook’s touches, but how long can you last when he’s determined to get you to give in?

A/N:Written for the ‘Drinks and Drabbles’ hosted by me and @bangtan-headquarters! It took a really long time but *finger guns* sorry and thank you to the anon who requested this!!

 If you don’t mind, I’d like a jungkook+cocktail ? 


Jungkook’s fingers brush against your inner thighs under the table, light and almost unnoticeable to others, but definitely noticeable to you, and you have half a mind to swat it away. He’s been doing this ever since you two arrived at the club, and- well. You’re finding it harder and harder to rationalize to yourself that dragging Jungkook into an empty room and letting him have his way with you is not something you should do.

In fact, with every second that passes, with every touch of his that lingers, you realize you’re fighting a losing battle, and something about the way Jungkook smirks tells you he knows, too.

Keep reading



Summary: “So you’re a human?” The alienthat looked and acted like a human asked. The only difference between him and you was that he had two upside down triangles starting from his jaw going down under his shirt. Also, he was huge. “I’m talking 8 foot tall” huge.


Warning: Daddy kink, Dirty talk, size kink, cunt slapping, Jungkook being rlly big, fingering, nipple sucking (?), Dom/sub themes, and Jungkook being a curious alien.

Genre: Fluff, Smut

Word Count: 6.3k

Pairing: Jungkook x Reader


COVID-19 vs Human kind. Human kind was pretty much fucked. In front of your eyes, the world population went from a staggering 8 billion people to an exponentially low 1 million. Within two years. It was in October 2020, when scientist realized that instead of working on a vaccine, they needed to discover a place where those free from this deadly disease could live. Safely and peacefully.

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I love alien JK and the worldbuilding and the characters argh <333 so beautiful and such a sweet plot too!!




the bangtan boys are a group of seven popular youtube vloggers and friends who each have their own respective channels and can be found often featuring in one another’s videos. the shenanigans they get up to are pretty entertaining, to say the least, even though they claim their videos aren’t scripted clickbait. but, hey, at least their view count is pretty good. 






analytics: kim seokjin x reader / neighbours au / fluff / smut

description: instead of today’s usual eat jin mukbang video, the boys come up with a different idea to replace it that they promise will be great. but jin definitely did not sign up for having his instagram followers decide what he does in a day, much less having them plan a blind date for him. above all else, when namjoon promised that he had the perfect date for jin, he could have never expected it to be you, his next door neighbour. be sure to hit the notification bell for any potential updates on this date if jin doesn’t humiliate himself into oblivion first!





analytics: min yoongi x reader / enemies-to-lovers / smut

description:we interrupt your regularly scheduled MIN PD vlog by having yoongi’s channel momentarily being taken over by the boys who’ve come up with a prime video idea: getting handcuffed to his “crush,” aka you, for twenty-four hours — only yoongi’s pretty certain “crush” is a funny word for it because you’re definitely sworn enemies. here’s hoping namjoon doesn’t lose the key before you try to kill each other. please subscribe so yoongi knows this was all worth it!





analytics: kim namjoon x reader / smut

description:in this episode of unsolved, namjoon and the boys risk their lives by spending overnight in an abandoned and supposedly haunted mansion in the hopes of finding some ghouls — but the boys are pretty certain the real reason for the spooky moaning isn’t allowed to go on youtube. ***warning: veryscary!!!***





analytics: jung hoseok x reader / friends-to-lovers / smut

description:in today’s vlog, hoseok and the bangtan boys try not to die by spending twenty-four hours in the wilderness without any help from technology. except you’re pretty sure hoseok is taking disconnect and chill to a whole new level when he finds some time alone with you. you won’t believe what happens next!





analytics: park jimin x reader / meet cute au / fluff / smut

description:alone in paris for twenty-four hours, jimin sets out on a mission to find his soulmate — if possible — before the time is up. then he meets you, a random stranger in the streets, and he knows his viewers will think it’s too good to be true but he swears it’s not clickbait. watch till the end for a special surprise!





analytics: kim taehyung x reader / friends-to-lovers / fake dating au / fluff / smut

description:taehyung would like to apologize in advance for tricking his viewers for an entire week by pretending to be dating you, another popular youtuber. but it’s not all lies. the outcome of the video ends up being pretty damn good. remember to like, comment, and subscribe!





analytics: jeon jungkook x reader / enemies-to-lovers / roommates au / fluff / smut

description:on today’s stream, watch as the king of gaming jeon jungkook gets totally pwned by some newbie player on overwatch (he swears he was stream sniped)! to make matters worse, he can’t seem to focus anymore when you’re in the room but he promises that’s not because he’s in love with you or anything. use code ‘jungkook’ on any game purchase through steam at checkout for 25% off so that jungkook has something to feel better about!



All rights reserved to © jeonscript. I do not allow reposting, translating, or any sort of modifying and reuploading of my work.

to be honest, even if just one part of this series is out as of now, i still look forward to it! i’m so excited for more to come and each and every plot looks so unique and interesting, i can’t wait to dive in!!

Sketch our love

Instagram profiles.


Pairing: Jungkook x reader

Theme: Fluff, angst, friends to lovers au, coffee shop au.

Warning: Swearing


Synopsis: Nobody really knows how Jungkook and Yn fit together like they do. It didn’t look like the healthiest relationship either. But who were they to say anything when the two of them shut down any mentions of not seeing each other. Will their relationship survive the test of time? Or will it crumble like a home with a weak foundation?





Sketch our love

1. Twitter Turmoil

Pairing: Jungkook x reader

Theme: fluff, angst, friends to lovers, coffee shop au soulmate au.



WHAT IF…(prompt)

What if pre-buff Jungkook meets his buff and flirty s/o in the gym while he tries the treadmill. He gets so flustered by their words that he loses his footing and his s/o falls in love with him <3

Little Penguin

Pairing: Poly BTS, Taekook x reader

Genre: Fluff

Synopsis: Taehyung can’t help but find Yn adorable af.


“Can you not be this cute for a second? I need to breathe.” Tae groaned, his eyes sparkling as he watched a very pregnant Yn cry over brother bear an old and honestly speaking under rated Disney movie.

“How could you say that??” Yn brawled, Taehyung reaching out to take his very emotional partner into his arms. It was silly, how the pregnancy hormones made Yn more emotional than Jungkook.

He had her lean back onto his chest as he wiped her tears with his sweater sleeve. Yn was seven months pregnant and very similar to a ticking time bomb. She had mood swings and she cried over the most trivial things and pattered around the apartment like a little penguin.

Taehyung rocked her in his arms as she drifted in and out of sleep. Crying had drained all her energy and now sleeping was important for her. She needed to regain all the energy she had lost.

She was having trouble sleeping, she always hated sleeping on her side but now with the baby bump, she had no choice but to do so. She wrapped he arms around Tae’s waist as he continued watching the movie.

Tae was glad that it was him that was at home and not Jungkook, Kook hadn’t had to face an emotional, crying, hormone fueled Yn yet and Tae was sure Jungkook would end up crying with her instead of stopping her from crying.

His hands were on her tummy, feeling the round shape of it, a soft smile taking over his features. This baby was a blessing to all eight of them and he was sure the child would grow up never lacking love and affection.

He looked down at a soundly sleeping Yn, a little drool dripping onto his shirt as she wandered in dreamland. ‘Gosh I love her so much’ he thought as he tucked a stray strand of hair away, making sure he didn’t wake her up suddenly.

He could hear footsteps outside the door and he prayed that who ever it was would not knock the door, he did not have the heart to open it if they did. He let out a sign of relief when he heard the sound of keys jingling, waiting patiently to see which of the members had come home first.

Jungkook peeked into the living room, his eyes easily finding Yn and Taehyung on the couch. “Does she need a support pillow?” he whispered to Tae, stopping on the way to his room.

“I don’t think so” Taehyung answered, letting Jungkook go to get changed and started on tonight’s dinner. Their menu had been limited in the last one month because Yn couldn’t keep even a small bit of any kind of spicy food down and yet she insisted on eating it because, let’s face it, she can’t live without spice.

Any kind of take-out food was banned by a very overprotective Yoongi who refused to let Yn even get the scent of any kind of spicy food, if they did order take-out it was in the middle of the night when they all knew Yn was sound asleep and wouldn’t wake up till morning.

Jungkook tip-toed back into the room, smiling when he saw the movie playing, “Did she cry?” he asked as he gathered the groceries from the bags h had brought earlier. “She did - a lot” Tae answered with a smile as he kissed her cheek.

“We cried together when we watched it last time” Jungkook laughed, making his way into the kitchen, the sound of dishes being placed on the stove top being drowned out by the hum of the T.V. , it was a good night in the Bangtan house.





Better man

Seokjin x reader

Jin feels insecure about his masculinity and his role in your relationship.


The Reaper’s Call

Theme: Heartbreak, death, what the boys feel when they lose you to the reaper, hospitals, lots of crying and breakdowns.

Pairing: OT7 x reader





Put that mouth to use

Pairing: hard dom Seokjin x sub reader

Genre: Smut 18+, Dom Jin and Bratty Sub Reader

Warning: Oral (m and f receiving), pet play, punishment, angry Dom Jin, unprotected sex (wrap before you tap kids :P), degradation, cum play, etc.

Jin doesn’t like being interrupted or spoken over, he definitely doesn’t like it when you’re being a brat and not shutting that bratty, spoilt mouth of yours. So, he takes it into his own hands to punish you and put you jn your place.


Climb on

Pairing: Namjoon x reader

Theme: Slice of life au, fluff and fluff and a lil smut.

Warning: Smut (very little) , no swearing (Namjoon doesn’t swear and yn doesn’t swear around him because he scolds her for having a foul mouth :P)


Walk to the afterlife

Pairing: death!yoongi x dead!reader

Genre: Fluff

You die and death appears before you to take you to the afterlife. You expect a dark and cruel creature, like they tell of on earth but he’s actually….. a dork. He’s a pale, skinny kid with dark hair falling into his eyes, wearing jeans and a hoodie.


Bulletproof Crime Organization

Ch 1||Ch 2||

Pairing: OT7 x reader

Genre: fluff, smut, angst, gore, mafia au, poly au

      “Why do you keep lying?” he asked as he got up from his seat, he really didn’t want to hurt this pretty girl but he had no choice, if he needed information he would have to hurt her. She didn’t answer hid question, “is it loyalty?” he asked as he got closer to her, picking up the knife on the table on the way.


I summoned you

Pairing: demon!OT7 x witch!reader

Genre: fluff, poly au, demon au.

Synopsis: The seven most powerful demons in the world were summoned for the first time in over a hundred years only to find out that their summoner is a little witch who was being hunted by witch hunters. She seeks protection from them but at what cost?


How we were.

Pairing: Jungkook x reader

Genre: fluff, angst, ex-bestfriends.

Warning: mentions alcoholism and swearing

“Why did you come to get me? I’ve been horrible to you” he asked feeling a pang in his chest remembering all that he had done to her, to sweet, sweet Ynnie who never saw wrong in anyone.

“You weren’t horrible Gukkie, you were just hurt, you didn’t hurt me or anything” she said, her eyes on the road, she refused to look at him as he spoke.

“Stop saying that, I put too much effort into hurting you for you to say that” he whined as un-shed tears pooled in his eyes,


Types of kinks (hyung line)


Nsfw thoughts

1 || 2 ||


Yoongi with breast kink (requested)

Yoongi x reader


Pt 2


Little Penguin

Pairing: Taekook x reader


Synopsis: Taehyung can’t help but feel endeared by Yn.


Fall together

Pairing: Jimin x reader

Genre: angst, fluff, pining, best friends to lovers au.

Synopsis: Jimin decides to kiss his best friend who he had been in love with, not knowing if she felt the same.



Pairing: Doctor! Yoongi x Patient! Reader

Genre: Angst, fluff, smut, ex’s to lovers au.

Synopsis: When Yn was taken to the hospital after falling down the stairs of her office, the the doctor who was left in charge of her was none other than hen ex-boyfriend Min Yoongi.


Sexy Killer

Pairing: Taehyung x reader

Theme: Crime!au, fluff, angst, etc.

Warning: None
