#last one



Lucas | 1.5K | fluff | domestic au | happy valentines day!

 —Inspired by song by Troye Sivan! “But strawberries and cigarettes always taste like you.”

You couldn’t help the giggle that slipped past your lips as you swung your legs back and forth from your spot on the counter. You could only catch minimal light to your left from the kitchen window, but it was dulled and blurred due to your vision being obscured by a black blindfold, or, more specifically, one of Lucas’ ties. 

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the zack and cody-fication of adrien and félix

ldobmm: Style Switch! 


Style Switch! 

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Years ago back when I worked in cubicle land, we were hiring junior software developers. They didn’t have to have a ton of experience, just a willingness to learn, and some demonstration of their software skills. Like: show me a program you wrote (any language) or a web site you designed. Anything.

And there was this one guy I talked with who seemed super sharp, but had virtually zero experience writing software. When it came time to do the show-n-tell part of the interview he whips out his laptop, brings up a website, and spins it around to show me what he made.

A website of tiny ceramic frogs.

Not for sale. Just… all these ceramic frogs, organized into categories. Frogs on bicycles, frogs with hats, frogs sitting on lily pads. It was a virtual museum of ceramic frogs in web form.

I scrolled through his online collection of frogs, slightly baffled.

“This is your website?” I asked finally.


“You coded this yourself?” I popped into view-source mode and poked around some incredibly well-formatted, well-commented html. I nodded slowly. This guy was meticulous.


“So… where’d all the frogs come from?”

“I made those too,” he says, beaming. 

And while I’m processing this he rummages in his bag and pulls out a little ceramic frog working at a computer terminal. He places it on the table before us, next to the laptop.

“And THIS one,” he says, “I made for you! As a thank you for the interview.”

It was adorable. I hired him on the spot. I mean, why not? Worst case he’d wash out in 90 days and we’d hire somebody else. He turned out to be one of the best developers on our team. 

And yes, his cubicle was loaded with ceramic frogs.

لا أدري ما إذا كانت فكرة “ الحياة السابقة ” صحيحة أو خاطئة ، أو حتى محرمة أو أنها مجرد عزاء اختلقه أحد ليخفف عن ذاته فكرة “ الموت ” ، و لا رغبة لي بتحليل هذِه النقطة حالياً ، فما يعنيني منها الآن هو فكرة “ التكرار

في آخر محادثة ، كانت بيني و بينه ، شعرت بصفعة وجهتها لي هذه الفكرة بالذات “ الكَرّة التِي تتبع أخرىٰ ”

كان حديثنا _و لمرة أستطيع أن أصفها بكل صدق : نادرة _ شفافا و ناصعا جدا و حادا كالبلّور ..

لم أستطيع خلاله أن ادافع عني ، و لا أن أهاجم أخطاءه . شعرت بالأسى فاليوم قد ثَبت أن السيف الذي ظننته دوماً يقف بجانبي كان مرفوعا في وجهي ، و أن المرآة التي حسبتها تعرفني كانت تعكس الكثير من الشكوك .

لوهلة ، شعرت بما قيل ذات تاريخ يعيد نفسه بذات الصدى “ حتى أنت يا بروتس

ابتسمت.. طعم الخيبة أشد من أن تلفظ بعده حرفا ،و مدينة لشاشة الهاتف أنها “ بيننا ” فقد سترت ما تعرا من حزني و وجعي ..

انتهى حديثنا بلفظ “ لا فرق ” !

كانت هذه اللافرق تصف وجودي و غيابي ، صوتي و سكوتي ، مجيئي و ذهابي .. كلي و انعدامي !

أستطيع أن أجزم حينها انني سمعت صوت ارتطام اخر قطعة سليمة من قلبي بالقاع ! كان الصوت واضحاً جدا ، واضحا للحد الذي جعلني أشهق و أكتم نفسي بيدي !

“ هذا الفرق بيننا ،

لقد كنت أختارك دوماً ،

بعد كل شجار ، بعد كل فراق و كسور و انهايارات و نهايات عديدة سيئة : أختارك ،

وحين كنت أخير بيني و بينك ، أختارك ،

في الحين الذي لم تحاول ، ولو لمرة واحدة أن تختارني بدل شكوكك و سوء ظنك و عدم منحي فرصة للتبرير أو التحقق حتى !

أنت أيضاً ” إختَرتَك “ كما ” إخترتُك “ أنا !”

يا وجعي الشهي ..

“ رنة في بالي حينها فكرة ” الحياة السابقة" التي كنت كلما عُرضت على خيالي أردد “ سأختاره ” و لا أريد غيره “ .. و فَكّرت… لو أنني فعلا كنت بحياة سابقة ، و أنا الآن هنا ؛ فهو خطيئتي ! الخطيئةالتيلم أصححها بحيواتي السابقة ، و التي عاندت للبقاء عليها طويلاً ، في كل مرة و مرة .. ”

يا تفاح قلبي المحرم ..

بعد ذلك ،

كسرت لفظ “ الماذا بعد ” و “ ماذا أفعل ” و “ مالحل” دون أن أفكر مرتين .. و الآن أقول له :

“ حِينَ تَعُودُ - ذَاتَ يَومٍ - مِن سُوءِ ظَنِّك َ وَ شَكِّك ْ .. لَنْ تَجِدَ أَحَدًا يَنْتَظِرُك َ عِنْدَ الثَّلاثِ نِقَاطٍ و َ عَلاَمَةِ التَّعَجُبِ …! فَأَناَ اليَوْمَ ياَ حَبِيبِي أُحْرِقُ الكِتَابَ وَ أَرْسُمُ بِرَمَادِه عَلَى جَبِينِي عَلاَمَة لِكُلِ رُوحٍ لِي تَأتِي مِنْ بَعدِي : إِذاَ مَا عُدتِ إِلٰى هُنَا ثَانيَةً فلْيَكُن خَيارُكِ ” دوماً “ مَن ْ يَحْمِل العَلاَمَة

” ذاتك♡︎“ ”



what a week huh?

#last one    
December 31 1909, The Manhattan Bridge opened.The Manhattan Bridge is a suspension bridge that cross

December 31 1909, The Manhattan Bridge opened.

The Manhattan Bridge is a suspension bridge that crosses the East River in New York City, connecting Lower Manhattan at Canal Street with Downtown Brooklyn at the Flatbush Avenue Extension. The main span is 1,470 ft (448 m) long, with the suspension cables being 3,224 ft (983 m) long. The bridge’s total length is 6,855 ft (2,089 m). This is one of four toll-free bridges spanning the East River; the other three are the Queensboro, Brooklyn, and Williamsburg Bridges.

 It was designed by Leon Moisseiff, and is noted for its innovative design. As the first suspension bridge to employ Josef Melan’s deflection theory for the stiffening of its deck, it is considered to be the forerunner of modern suspension bridges and this design served as the model for many of the long-span suspension bridges built in the first half of the twentieth century. The Manhattan Bridge was also the first suspension bridge to utilize a Warren truss in its design.

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 Triple ThreatOne of my entries to the Pokemon Trading Card Game Illustration Contest 2022!

Triple Threat

One of my entries to the Pokemon Trading Card Game Illustration Contest 2022!

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Author: EstellaB (@ravenpuffheadcanons)

Chapter: 3/25

Rating: T

Relationships: Leo Fitz & Jemma Simmons, Leo Fitz/Jemma Simmons, Jemma Simmons & Daisy Johnson, Jemma Simmons & Anne Weaver, Leo Fitz & Holden Radcliffe

Additional tags: Alternate Universe - Victorian, Strangers to Friends to Lovers, Loosely Inspired by North and South, Very Loosely Inspired by North and South

Summary: Miss Simmons, aged 22, wants what any sensible young lady wants: a laboratory where she can study the stages of decay, a subscription to a circulating academic library, and for her parents to stop making difficulties about that misunderstanding with the livers. When her father announces that he’s moving the family far away from their home in Cambridge, she fears that her already slim chances of contributing to scientific progress will vanish forever. Perhaps, however, the cosmos has something rather different in mind.

Chapter 3 is now available on AO3!

The Roy siblings as elemental villains (part 4) - Earth - Connor


i’m @euclidscp still! i changed my carrd a bit so please check that out as well!

“No, I Do Not "Support” Amber Heard" Speaks, May 29, 2022

(Summary - FYI his stories are bullshit, but I didn’t feel like pointing out all of his lies/exaggerations rn. If anyone wants me to I can totally do that but I feel like most people who follow the blog already know what’s up.)

  • A lot of people thinks he supports Amber Heard and he doesn’t. He just sees the humanity in everyone.
  • He says the first Amber Heard he encountered (Shiloh) threatened to make it look like he ended her life. He called the police and they took her away. For some reason people sided with her on that. She convinced him that she loved him and that she was pregnant, so he took her back. She revealed she wasn’t pregnant. She eventually cheated and got pregnant with someone else’s baby. A decade went by and she seemed to be relatively ok with him until one day she just flipped. Then she did a documentary on him. Instead of saying sorry for what she did, she made a documentary on him and called him a monster.
  • The second Amber Heard he encountered (Sarah), she was rejected repeatedly by him. She was only around him because she said she was being beaten in her home. He took her in to protect her. She tried to get with him multiple times and he kicked her out at one point because she kept trying to push herself in an inappropriate position with him. Eventually she said she could destroy his life if she wanted to because people had been spreading rumors about him. He says he thought that was scary, but he didn’t realize all she had to do was say what everyone was saying was true. Eventually, he tried to get her to sign an NDA/agreement that neither of them would try to destroy each other’s lies. Everyone in his life was signing the agreement. She was the only person who demanded she give him something to sign the agreement. She demanded he be with her. He gave her what she wanted because he didn’t want his life destroyed. After a while he couldn’t take it anymore and broke it off and told her she violated him and blackmailed him. She apologized sincerely twice to him and that validated it for him. He felt like a weight dropped inside him and he felt like he sunk into the chair he was sitting in. It was real, she really did that. She flipped and decided to paint him into a monster publicly. She got a washed up TV personality to show up at his house.
  • Says he met Amber Heards in his life. They can’t admit responsibility in their life even if they are wrong. Even if they admitted they were wrong and were nice to you for almost a decade. They just randomly flip because you rejected them.
  • He says the most recent Amber Heard (Sarah) is an admitted drug dealer. He says that’s a felony. The internet hates him because of these two. People don’t understand the timeline.
  • Says if you want to avoid Amber Heards, you can’t reject them, you just have to let them violate them and they won’t try to cancel you. If you reject them they will try to figure out a way to feel better about who they are and makes everyone think you are a terrible person for not wanting to be with them.


George x reader / Broken

A/n Yay! I finally broke through my short writers block and wrote this. It’s angsty and fluffy towards the end, the perfect mix :). I might feel like writing a part 2 this when I feel free but for now here is this lovely requested piece. P.S. I love all the lovely requests I’ve received and promise to answer everyone (however long it may take) :). A/n

Request: Hellooo, I wanted to request a george Weasley x reader with #29 and #36 if that’s possible. I love your writing by the way (from anon)

Word Count: 1,833

Warning: Some swearing, mentions of death, grief and sadness.

Promptshere. * 29.“I don’t want to ruin you.” *36.“You won’t scare me away.” 

You stared down at the diamond ring on your finger as it glistened in the dim sunlight. It was so beautiful and was meant to make you feel happy, make you smile and be reminded of the one that put it on your finger. And whilst it used to do all of those things, you couldn’t help but feel the sense of sorrow as you twirled the ring around your finger.

The memory of his proposal would of course bring a smile to your face but then you’d remember you haven’t spoken to him for several months and your heart would sink a little more. 

You had gotten engaged to George just before the battle had properly begun. It was the year after you had both left Hogwarts and Fred and George had just opened the shop. He spent his first real lot of money from his earnings to buy you the ring. Of course you had said yes, you’d loved George since what had felt like forever and although it took him a little longer to catch up, you knew he felt the same unconditional love for you. 

Everyone was ecstatic for the both of you, pleased for any good news they could get in the times they were in. Molly was a little harder to convince but after George reminded her, how young her and Arthur had been when they had wed, her argument of ‘that was different’ seemed to falter as she remembered the state of things outside. 

You had sometimes lost yourself on cloud nine, forgetting that when you weren’t snuggled in George’s arms there was a battle to be fought. That was until it could no longer be ignored and you prepared yourselves to fight. 

Just before you went into Hogwarts with the order leading the way, George pulled you to the side. 

“Hey,” He smiled at you but it wasn’t his usual gleeful one, their was a sort of terror behind it. “I just wanted to say that-“ He took a deep breath. “I love you okay? And no matter what happens, if we both-“ He paused again, the sentence too painfully real to say aloud. You knew he meant if you both survived. “I’m gonna marry you.” His words and smile were so sure. 

You smiled nervously at him, returning his words of love as he brushed a hair away from your face. You nodded, the next words not being able to form in your dry throat. He leant down and pressed his forehead to yours before kissing your lips sweetly, as if it might be your last.

The rest of the battle was a blur. You remembered fighting, losing Harry, Harry coming back to life and most vividly you remembered losing Fred. Remembered George sobbing over his twins body. You had wanted to speak to him, hold him until he stopped hurting but Hermione warned you against it and part of you couldn’t help but agree. So you’d left but not before sending a fleeting sad smile in George’s direction. His eyes had met yours across the hall but you couldn’t read them anymore, all you could see was pain. 

And that’s why you were sat here in the darkness of your small apartment (you had brought it after you left Hogwarts), remembering lost memories and looking at your ring like it was the last broken piece of a puzzle, never to be solved. You didn’t even have the energy to cry anymore, just stare blankly into space and hope it was all a nightmare.

But it wasn’t. 

Your thoughts were interrupted only by the hopeful arrival of your tawny owl. She landed in the windowsill clicking her beak to announce her arrival. You rushed to your pet in a state of hopeful happiness but when you saw no letter, your heart resumed it’s bleak state and even your owl looked saddened.

You had been writing to George ever since the week after the battle. That’s when your mind had cleared enough to write a coherent sentence without crying onto the parchment. You had never expected a reply, you just couldn’t hold in all your words anymore. They were mostly letters of cliches; “hope you’re okay”, “I miss you.” “I’m sorry.” 

Every time you wrote one you wanted to scream at yourself. It was utter bullshit, every word. Of course you did miss him and you wanted him to be okay but as much as you tried the letters could never say what your heart wanted them to and they could never carry enough meaning. 

You gave up after 3 months of trying to send letters, each time your owl returned with nothing until one Sunday morning when she made a loud sound to wake you up. 

You sleepily woke up, heading in the direction to give her a treat for her troubles when you saw the letter dangle from her beak. You picked it up and instantly teared it open. The writing was neat, not George’s signature scrawl so once again you lost hope but read it anyway.

Dear (y/n),

As you know George isn’t feeling too well. I’m sorry dear he’s just not in a state to write to you or in fact do anything at the moment but I know he loves you dearly. He keeps your letters on him all the time, he’s always reading one to himself when I go up to see him. I wanted to thank you for your sweetness and patience in this time. I think it would be good for you to see him and I’d certainly love to as well. 

Pop by whenever you’re free. 


You smiled at her letter, tracing the ink of George’s name with your finger. You thought about the burrow, not too far from where you live at least via apparition but you couldn’t go. You wanted to with all your heart but you hadn’t been able to bring yourself to leave your apartment since the war had ended, too caught up in everything to go visit friends or even George. You just couldn’t bring yourself to go. 

A month later when you thought it was about time to shake yourself out of your headspace, you decided to go to the burrow. You arrived a little way down the hill from where the tall house was located. You gave yourself a second to let the dizzy spell you felt from apparating pass before setting off. 

You knocked twice, only waiting a short second before Molly opened the door. She wore the same warm smile she did when you had first met her but part of it seemed faded. Her smile quickly turned to confusion as she saw you. 

“Oh hello dear.” You greeted her back, asking to come in. “George just went to your apartment.” 

“Oh,” now it was your turn to be confused. Molly tilted her head a little at you before you knew what you had to do. You fled down the stone steps and apparated yourself back to your home. As soon as you got there, you saw George sitting on the floor by your door, he held a small bunch of flowers in his hand as his head rested on his knees. 

“Georgie?” You tentatively spoke, unsure of how exactly to handle this. His head shot up at the sound of your voice and he gave the ever so slight inkling of a smile. He stood up and dusted himself off. The first thing you noticed was he looked significantly thinner than the last time you had saw him, his eyes looked bloodshot as though he had been sleep-deprived for many months and he himself looked unsure of his whole presence.

“Hi.” He looked so nervous as he outstretched the flowers in his hand to you. They were 12 red and pink roses, your favourite. You smiled, the feeling of the expression almost foreign on your face as you took them. 

“Thank you. They’re beautiful.” George ducked his head down and nodded in acknowledgment of your words. You opened the door and let him in. Then something passed between the two of you; an awkward silence. Something you had prided yourself never to have with George except one time as part of a joke. 

George gave an awkward smile that looked as if it caused him pain to do so. You looked around as if in search of the words to say to your fiancé. It was George who spoke up first. 

I don’t want to ruin you.” George fidgeted as he said the quiet words which shocked you to hear. You immediately looked at him, his gaze was intently on the floor as he shuffled his feet. You could hear the deep shuddering breaths. 

“What?” Your voice was small but loud enough for George to bring his gaze to look at you. You walked closer to him, meeting his eyes. 

“I just- I don’t know what I’m doing anymore.” You saw the water begin to form behind his eyes, threatening to spill and it broke your heart. “I feel so lost and broken and I just- I don’t want to ruin you (y/n) or scare you away because I don’t know who I am anymore.” A tear trickled down your own cheek and George looked away out of the curtained window, his chest heaving with unreleased sobs. His voice was quiet.

You closed what ever distance was left between you and brought your hand up to cup his jaw. “George.” He tried to pull away but you kept your hand steady prompting him to look at you. You could tell he was trying his best to not break into tears. “You’re not going to ruin me and you won’t scare me away. I promise because-” You had to take a deep breath as you paused, finding the words that you hadn’t been able to put to paper. “I feel lost too like I’m just floating through existence. But whenever I think about you and this,” you held up your left hand, demonstrating the ring on your finger. “It makes me feel like something’s still there and that maybe we can figure this out. Find our way together.” You were surprised at the coherent and calm tone of your voice as you spoke through your tears.  

George stared at the ring with an intensity in his eyes and as you lowered your hand back down, he stopped it and held it tightly in his own. You smiled at him as he kissed the ring. He began to nod and you saw him smile, a small yet genuine smile. Your free hand, which was still cupping his jaw, brought him closer to meet your lips. 

The kiss you shared in that moment wasn’t like the kisses of two teenagers when you were sneaking around Hogwarts or like before when you were new to adult relationships. It was two people utterly, unconditionally in love with each other and hoping to convey every emotion that hadn’t been shared in the past several months of being apart. It was two broken souls connecting together again, finding hope in the other. 

Once you pulled back, both smiling like you hadn’t been able to since the battle, George stroked your hair and said, “I’m still sticking to it you know? What I said.” At your curious look, he smiled again, you smiling back, never getting enough of his returning smile. “I’m going to marry you (y/n) (l/n).” 

You laughed as did George. The joy of his words and the sound of his unforced, genuine laughter settling into your heart.

starridge: alright your last gay people doodle for the night probably


alright your last gay people doodle for the night probably

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