#learning languages


The Most Satisfying Feeling I Get from Learning Chinese

One of the most satisfying feelings I’ve experienced in learning Chinese is the feeling I get after hearing a new word and just *understanding* it. This isn’t that hard when reading (and that’s why we love 汉字), but when it comes to listening, it’s a whole different story. So the moments when I’ve heard a new word and intuitively known what 汉字 it consists of plus its meaning of have made me feel so accomplished. Over time I’ve jotted down some of these words, and I thought they would make a fun post.

  1. 迷失 míshī - to lose (one’s bearings) / to get lost
    I was able to understand this word thanks to knowing words like 迷路, 迷茫, 失去, and 消失. I first remember identifying this word in Escape Plan’s song 夜空中最亮的星.
  2. 旅途 lǚtú - journey / trip
    I know a lot of words with 旅 like 旅游, 旅行, and 旅程, and I was also familiar with 途 via 路途 and 前途. So 旅途 was very easy for me to understand.
  3. 心愿 xīnyuàn - cherished desire / dream / craving / wish / aspiration
    心愿 is similar in meaning to 愿望 and 意愿, which I already knew. I believe I first heard this word in the song 有点甜 by 汪苏泷 and BY2.
  4. 高傲 gāo'ào - arrogant / haughty / proud
    I heard this word in the song 寻宝 by 沈以诚. I’ve listened to this song many times, and one day it just clicked! It’s all thanks to the similar words 骄傲 and 傲慢.
  5. 安稳 ānwěn - smooth and steady
    There are so many words with 安 like 安定 and 平安. I also know some 稳 words, such as 稳定 and 平稳. So I was able to put two and two together for 安稳.
  6. 还原 huányuán - to restore to the original state / to reconstruct (an event)
    The meaning of 还 here is very familiar from 还给 and 还清. Also, I know a lot of words with 原: 原来, 原本, 原始, 原先.
  7. 选拔 xuǎnbá - to select the best
    There are so many 选 words I see all the time like 精选, 选举, and 选择. I also know 拔 from 拔苗助长 and 自拔, so I was able to piece together the overall meaning of 选拔.
  8. 解压 jiěyā - to relieve stress
    I’ve already learned the word 缓解 which is related in meaning. Also, I’ve learned 施压 (or 施加压力), which is basically the opposite of 解压.
  9. 感人 gǎnrén - touching / moving
    I think this word is pretty easy to put together if you know similar words like 感染, 感动, and 动人.
  10. 认输 rènshū - to concede / to admit defeat
    I distinctly remember hearing this word in the Tanya Chua song 救生圈. I think I was able to understand it thanks to knowing that 认 can mean to admit like in the words 承认 and 公认.

Here’s to many more of these satisfying moments in 2022!

Last post (probably) of the year! 《泡沫》 was a mega hit off G.E.M.’s 2012 album Xposed. The album features both Mandopop and Cantopop songs. I was initially torn between featuring this song and 《光年之外》, but I ultimately chose 《泡沫》 because it’s my favorite of the two. This song is so packed with feeling that I think you really don’t need to speak a word of Mandarin to understand the emotions the lyrics convey. When I first started listening to Mandopop, G.E.M. was one of the first artists I listened to, and I still enjoy her music to this day. So a Learning Chinese with Lyrics post featuring her is long overdue!

邓紫棋 (G.E.M.) - 泡沫

阳光下的泡沫 是彩色
就像被骗的我 是幸福的
追究什么对错 你的谎言 基于你还爱我

彩色 cǎisè - color / multi-colored 
追究 zhuījiū - to investigate / to look into (Taiwan pr. zhuījiù)
基于 jīyú - because of / on the basis of / in view of / on account of

美丽的泡沫 虽然一刹花火
你所有承诺 虽然都太脆弱
但爱像泡沫 如果能够看破 有什么难过

一刹 yíchà - instant / split second / a moment
花火 huāhuǒ - firework

早该知道泡沫 一触就破
也不是谁的错 谎言再多 基于你还爱我

不胜 búshèng - cannot bear or stand / be unequal to / very / extremely (Taiwan pr. bùshēng)

美丽的泡沫 虽然一刹花火
你所有承诺 虽然都太脆弱
爱本是泡沫 如果能够看破 有什么难过

再美的花朵 盛开过就凋落
亮眼的星 一闪过就坠落
爱本是泡沫 如果能够看破 有什么难过

凋落 diāoluò - to wither (and drop off) / to wilt / to pass away
亮眼 liàngyǎn - conspicuous / showy

为什么难过 有什么难过 为什么难过

全都是泡沫 只一刹的花火
你所有承诺 全部都太脆弱
而你的轮廓 怪我没有看破 才如此难过

轮廓 lúnkuò - an outline / silhouette

相爱的把握 要如何再搜索
相拥着寂寞 难道就不寂寞
爱本是泡沫 怪我没有看破 才如此难过

在雨下的泡沫 一触就破
当初炽热的心 早已沉没
说什么你爱我 如果骗我 我宁愿你沉默

炽热 chìrè - red-hot / glowing / blazing / (fig.) passionate
沉没 chénmò - to sink

See you in 2022!


Vulcan (Vulkhansu)

Cardassian (Kardasi)

Klingon (Klingonese)

Romulan (Rihannsu)








thinking in your target language: coherent and eloquent sentences. you use every verb tense perfectly, the grammatical genders are all correct, and your intonation is like a native speaker’s.

actually speaking your target language:

I’ve slacked off this summer so now I have a month to refresh my Arabic and advance it to a level high enough to be able to understand my prof in september, who is teaching the entire class in Arabic. So recommend your favourite music and tv shows!!


1.Some nouns, like l'élève (“the student”), have the same spelling and meaning in both forms.

2.Other nouns have the same spelling, but have different meanings.Un tour is a tour, while une tour is a tower.

3.There are also nouns that only have one possible gender. Even a baby girl is bébé, for instance.

4.Many masculine nouns can be changed to a feminine form simply by adding an -e to the end. Your male friend is un ami and your female friend is une amie.

5.Some genders depend on a noun’s classification. For instance, languages, days of the week, months, seasons, metals, colors, and measurements are mostly masculine.


First, the basic pattern is that nouns ending in -e are feminine. All others, especially nouns ending in consonants, are masculine. This is true for over 70% of all nouns.

Second, there are two consonant endings that are generally feminine: -ion and-son.

Third, there are nouns endings in -e that are usually masculine. These are:

  • -tre, -ble, -cle (think “treble clef”)
  • -one, -ème, -ège (think “OMG”)
  • -age, -isme

Fourth, there are a few endings that either have a lot of exceptions or are otherwise more complicated.

  • -é is masculine, but not -té
  • -de is masculine, but not -ade, -nde, -ude
  • -ste and -me tend to be masculine, but there are dozens of exceptions. Words for people ending in -ste are often gender-neutral, e.g. le/la cycliste.
  • -eur is masculine for most professions or technical terms, but it’s feminine for some emotions and abstract things.
  • le résumé (masc) — the resumé
  • la liberté (fem) — the liberty
  • le guide — the guide
  • la parade — the parade
  • le chauffeur — the driver
  • la peur — the fear

Feminine Animals

In French, female animal nouns are generally formed as follows by taking the last consonant, doubling it, and adding a mute -e to the end.

  • un chat ⇒ une chatte
  • un chien ⇒ une chienne

Of course, there are many exceptions. For example:

  • un ours ⇒ une ourse (not une oursse)                             (bear)
  • un cheval ⇒ une jument (not une chevalle)                    (horse)

Review the partitive article:



Quick anecdotal advice for vocabulary retention. I look up the etymology of a word to make a connection between it and languages I already know. My mind jumps around a lot and random connections are easy for me to make rather than just a direct translation.

German -> English Example: 
Urlaub -> vacation.
The word “allow” in English comes from the same root.
So my mind can go: Urlaub -> allow (to leave) -> vacation







one of my friends found radiooooo which is a site that streams music from any country from any decade (well, most countries/decade combos work) and we’ve been digging going on a quest to find what is rad

so far the following is good

  • 50s/60s/70s/80s russia
  • 70s cambodia
  • 20s japan
  • 80s ethiopia
  • 80s india

let’s add 70s armenia and 70s japan to this list

actually im willing to bet 70s *any country will be amazing, it’s all been really good so far

and if you go for 90s india fast music you might get hit in the face with tunak tunak tun right away so get your meme groove on

one of my moms recommended 70s east germany and this proves true, this is weird and amazing in a good way

also set the mood to “weird” for maximum fun, it enhances literally every station

Shit this is nice. Can’t wait to find even more 70′s African funk gems.


I’ve reblogged this before but. Again

Fat Lip Vocab

casualty- une victime, qqn ou quelque chose blessé ou perdu (typiquement en guerre ou catastrophe naturelle)

victim- une victime

society- la société

old people- personnes âgées

mullet- une nuque longue

brat- un gamin

abortion- un avortement

to be sick of- en avoir marre de

to waste time- perdre du temps

to crave- désirer, souhaiter ardemment

to fall in line- rentrer dans le rang

don’t count on me- ne pas compter sur moi

reading fanfic in your target language can help you pick up new vocabulary words! I just finished ‘Batman R.I.P’ a series of vignettes of different characters grieving the loss of Bruce Wayne.

la bêta lecture- beta reading

une étude des personnage- character study

le Chevalier Noir- dark knight ‘black night’

le canon- canon

le casque- helmet, helm (in this case, batman’s cowl)

la cape- cape

la poussière- dust

un enterrement- burial

la presse people- tabloids, news about celebrities 

jouer dans la cour des grands- to punch above your weight, to play in the big leagues, to compete out of one’s skill set ‘to play in the big courts’

Me: I can understand spoken french

A québécois:

Me: so I lied


If expression ‘cognitive studies’ means anything to you, this could be your opportunity to participate in a real associative experiment, the results of which will be later used for creation of a scientific research. 

If not, this could be an opportunity to entertain yourself with a couple of weird questions :D 

Anyway, any contribution would be of great - no, enormous - help. So any activity (participation, reblogs, etc.) is very much appreciated. Thank you! 



Kansainvälinen naistenpäivä - International Women’s Day
Hyvää naistenpäivää! - Happy Women’s Day!
Maaliskuun kahdeksas - March 8th
Nainen- woman
Tyttö - girl; daughter
Tytär - daughter
Sisko- sister
Tyttöystävä - girlfriend
Vaimo- wife
Äiti- mother
Täti - aunt
Isoäiti - grandmother
Ystävä, kaveri - friend
Työkaveri - colleague 
Kukka - flower
Kukkakimppu- bouquet
Ruusu- rose
Mimosa - mimosa
Lahja - gift, present
Suklaa - chocolate
Oikeus - right
Koulutus - education
Työ - work
Äänestäminen - voting
Syrjintä- discrimination
Tasa-arvo - equality
Rauha - peace
Juhlia - to celebrate


Boldog nőnapot! - Happy Women’s Day!

nemzetközi nőnap - International Women’s Day
nő -woman
asszony- married woman
feleség- wife
hölgy- lady
lány- girl; daughter
kislány- little girl
anya- mother
nagymama- grandmother
nagynéni- aunt
március- March
március nyolcadika - 8 March
egyenjogúság- equality, equal rights
egyenjogúsítás, emancipáció - emancipation
választójog, szavazati jog - right to vote
női jogok - women’s rights
virág- flower
(virág)csokor - bouquet
rózsa- rose
tulipán- tulips
hóvirág- snowdrop
jácint- hyacinth
csokoládé, csoki - chocolate
bonbon- box of chocolates
sütemény, süti - cake, cookies
ajándék - present, gift
