#leigh bardugo


Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo

[Originally published on my Medium page: link here]

This is the second part of a two book series (the first I reviewed here)

The gang is back again and I have to say that this sequel maintained my interest just as well as the first book. Again, I can’t stress how much I love the characters, each one providing the right amount of comfort to soothe my anxiety in the face of all this danger. While the first book focused on breaking in and out of a highly secured military base, this time the location stays in Ketterdam, where the home battles/war becomes much more personal. This was far more intricate in writing than in the first book and for different reasons. The characters are developing and that includes the bad guys! Most times it felt like all fronts of battle were under attack and they were being closed in; flipping the score was more difficult for the gang this time. I want to emphasize that this time it’s not just a job, many things expanded, one being character interaction, and the other is the amount of chest-pounded plans Kaz comes up with. Bardugo, again, creates a steady flow of events while still keeping us on our toes, waiting anxiously for how things will unfold.

Read this book if you read the first book, want revenge, AND want more Jesper making Wylan blush scenes.

  • Rate: 4.5/5
  • Time: Took 24 hours
  • Book-shelf Worthy: Yes! Gotta get the collection


I told you, I like your stupid face.

You don’t win by running one game.

You will see me once more, but only once.

The really bad monsters never look like monsters.

When fear arrives, something is about to happen.

What about the nobodies and the nothings, the invisible girls? We learn to hold our heads as if we wear crowns. We learn to wring magic from the ordinary. That was how you survived when you weren’t chosen, when there was no royal blood in your veins. When the world owed you nothing, you demanded something of it anyway.

Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

[Originally published on my Medium page: link here]

Since I picked this one before its predecessor (Shadow and Bone Trilogy), I felt plunge into the world, yet it only took a couple of chapters to get acquitted well with the world; seriously should have read the trilogy first, but no regrets in getting to meet these characters.

While it may seem that this is an underdog storyline, I think it’d be an insult to underestimate the Six of Crows. Kaz, Inej, Jesper, Nina, Matthias, and Wylan all form the group, and each one is from different parts of life and with different morals, interests, and baggage (psychical and/or mental). My favorite part about this book was having the pleasure of knowing each character. Each of them proves to be useful, determined, strong, and yet flawed; the morally grey characteristic checks out with every one of them and I love it. I didn’t think third-person multiple POV (Point of View) could be written this flawlessly.

Bardugo has managed to not only create a world but incorporate unique characters that you can’t help fall in love with. Now the plot centers around a heist, so there’s a lot of push and pull when it comes to how much information can and should be given to the reader to keep things interesting. Bardugo has tossed every twist, turn, trapped door, and smoke grenades at us; In the front line of danger, but always a step behind.

Read this book if you love heists, fantasy, morally grey characters, and sexual tension (and issues) that won’t get solved and you’re forced to get the 2nd book.

  • Rate: 4.5/5
  • Time: Took 3 days, read the ending near a dim lamp in the middle of the night.
  • Book-shelf Worthy: Yes!


No mourners. No funerals.

We are all someone’s monster.

Do you have a different name for killing when you wear a uniform to do it?

Better terrible truths than kind lies.

The easiest way to steal a man’s watch is to tell him you’re going to steal his watch.

I will have you without armour, Kaz Brekker. Or I will not have you at all.

seijohsremade:YOU WISH TO STRIKE A BARGAIN, and so you come north, until the land ends, and you can seijohsremade:YOU WISH TO STRIKE A BARGAIN, and so you come north, until the land ends, and you can


YOU WISH TO STRIKE A BARGAIN, and so you come north, until the land ends, and you can go no farther. You stand on the rocky coast and face the water, see the waves break upon two great islands, their coastlines black and jagged.

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luthien:Magic doesn’t require beauty. Easy magic is pretty. Great magic asks that you trouble the waluthien:Magic doesn’t require beauty. Easy magic is pretty. Great magic asks that you trouble the waluthien:Magic doesn’t require beauty. Easy magic is pretty. Great magic asks that you trouble the waluthien:Magic doesn’t require beauty. Easy magic is pretty. Great magic asks that you trouble the wa


Magic doesn’t require beauty. Easy magic is pretty. Great magic asks that you trouble the waters. It requires a disruption, something new.

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stadwatch:When Water Sang Fire - Leigh Bardugo They were not friends. Ulla knew Signy because of hstadwatch:When Water Sang Fire - Leigh Bardugo They were not friends. Ulla knew Signy because of hstadwatch:When Water Sang Fire - Leigh Bardugo They were not friends. Ulla knew Signy because of hstadwatch:When Water Sang Fire - Leigh Bardugo They were not friends. Ulla knew Signy because of hstadwatch:When Water Sang Fire - Leigh Bardugo They were not friends. Ulla knew Signy because of hstadwatch:When Water Sang Fire - Leigh Bardugo They were not friends. Ulla knew Signy because of hstadwatch:When Water Sang Fire - Leigh Bardugo They were not friends. Ulla knew Signy because of hstadwatch:When Water Sang Fire - Leigh Bardugo They were not friends. Ulla knew Signy because of hstadwatch:When Water Sang Fire - Leigh Bardugo They were not friends. Ulla knew Signy because of h


When Water Sang Fire - Leigh Bardugo

They were not friends. Ulla knew Signy because of her hair −vibrant red that flashed like a warning and gave her away wherever she went.

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“We were not made to please princes”



if milo the goat doesn’t make it to season 2 of shadow and bone, i’m starting a riot


I’m rewatching Shadow and Bone, and in episode 5 when Kaz is walking down the hall at the Little Palace and he stops for a sec to rub his leg cause it hurts, we hear Inej saying “You should have one of us with you.” And Kaz is like “I’ll manage,” but he says it in a very hard tone, doesn’t he? And then the catches himself (cause, hey, that’s INEJ you’re talking to, sir, better watch your tone) and says in a softer tone, “You can’t blow your cover this early, and Jesper needs to plot our escape route.” PLEASE I love this show and I love these characters and LOVE AMITA AND FREDDY FOR BEING THE PERFECT INEJ AND KAZ!!

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S I X  O F  C R O W S   →   alternative book covers (part i·part ii)

editorial magazine · vintage hardcover
decorative · handlettering
typography · penguin paperback

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the crows are so much funnier than the fandom give them credit for

here are just SOME of the funniest moments throughout the books

  • “….you can find your way to Ravka or Matthias’ grandmother’s house for all i care” “leave my grandmother out of this”
  • obviously the ghost scene
  • pay someone to pay someone to pay someone to
  • “you speak Fjerdan about as well as i speak moose” “moose is probably your native tongue”
  • ‘Had they blown up the lab? Kaz had definitely NOT told them to blow up the lab’
  • The deadpan ‘He had not been shot’
  • Kaz trying to justify his decision if bringing Wylan along to the rest of the crows: “ i told you, ✨hidden depths✨” “see Jesper, ✨marketable skillz✨”
  • ‘“You all look so young, where are your parents?” Wylan and Jesper burst out laughing’
  • “This many people having fun in one place might have shocked the Fjerdan right out of you”
  • “I.Should.Let.You.Die”
  • Nina trying to bring Kaz back: “The Ice Court, remember? 3 million kruge?” Kaz’s eyes cleared. “4million”
  • “You couldn’t look guiltier if you were performing the role of Thief #3 in a penny play on East Stave”
  • “Who wants to buy i coat in the dead on night?” “Tourists”
  • “Tiny and Ferocious, just like you”
  • “Unless you have a unicorn for him to ride away on, there is no scenario that guarantees Kuwei’s safety”
  • ‘They could fake a pregnancy. They couldn’t fake an actual birth. Or maybe they could, he wouldn’t put anything past Kaz at this point”
  • “He has a very soothing baritone”
  • ‘“I’d prefer a pair of sable-lined swimming trunks, but we can’t always get what we want” A furrow appeared between Kuwei’s brows. His understanding of Kerch had apparently been reached and surpassed’
  • The Wyvil
  • Matthias thinking they should just let Nina and Jesper flirt the entirety of Ketterdam into submission
  • That MASTERPIECE of a scene where Jesper and Kaz have a random petty fistfight, and all the other crows literally move out of the way, and then when Wylan tries to get someone to stop them they just shrug and go ‘I mean they aren’t using their weapons let them fight it out’ and THEN Colm coming him and scolding them and both of them IMMEDIATELY stopping
  • “Whatever you say, Llewelyn”
  • Nina’s singing
  • Wylan and Kaz falling through the ceiling onto Van Eck’s dinner party will ALWAYS be iconic
  • Kaz’s chapters in general are absolutely HILARIOUS, but my personal favorite is when he’s depending on Matthias Not Betraying them, and he thinks something like this:
  • ‘Either he was right and Matthias’ feeling for Nina would prove enough, or Kaz was about to pay for all those talking tree jokes’
  • The talking tree jokes in question
  • The initiation ceremony where the tree teaches you the secret handshake
  • ‘His first thought was that this boy had the most beautiful lips he’d ever seen, and his second was that he was probably about to die’ Wylan honey we’ve got to talk about your priorities
  • “Is it that bad?” “No, you just have really ugly feet”
  • That scene at the start of Six of Crows where Van Eck has Kaz tied to a chair and is explaining what he needs, and then is explaining why he needs Kaz specifically, talking about how his De Kappel painting was stolen which is a really impressive feat, while Kaz is vehemently denying that he had anything to do with it although it was obviously him
  • Wylan being passive aggressive while Jesper is trailing after him trying to apologize for the Kuwei thing
  • “Can’t we just enter as performers? I hear Wylan really kills it on the flute”
  • Inej getting Nina’s cookie jar after she gets back and Jesper being offended that he didn’t get to take some
  • Nina making fun of Kaz’s haircut
  • “Is my tie straight?”

That’s all I can think of for now, i’m sure there’s more so if you think of something feel free to add on


I don’t know how to express this well but I really like how flowers and ribbons are motifs that Bardugo emphasizes especially in Kaz Brekker’s backstory and Nikolai’s life which I feel are sort of foils of each other. Both of them mask their feelings for their crush - Nikolai with humor and Kaz by not addressing them at all. While Nikolai came from wealth and Kaz from destitution, I feel they both desire the same simple things. To have their loved one safe and to maintain some sort of power but not abusing their power (Kaz taking Haskell down) (Nikolai trying to choose a rightful leader). They both have a sense of moral and justness that they cling to. 

 Kaz remembers the detail of Saskia’s red ribbon. It’s a symbol of his lost innocence, childhood, his love for life and others. I thought it stood out because this was a detail disclosed to us in a flashback but Kaz didn’t verbally share it with us , the readers. It is only when he repeats this detail to Pekka when we realize this red ribbon is personal to him and deeply affected him. Kaz is a deeply sentimental person at heart and he is still a child hurt by the loss of losing everything that made him happy. He lost the red ribbon. And you see why he is so deeply vengeful. He remembers everything he lost. 

 For Nikolai. he seems to have this sort of fetish . Well I don’t like fetish word. But obsession with Zoya’s ribbon. It’s Something that signals his crush on her throughout the book. 

Geraniums, Inej’s mother’s favorite flower, comes up a lot. And right after Inej talks about Kaz and how he won’t give her flowers. But obviously Kaz is this man who is providing for her. He gives her a ship. He thinks of what she wants. We do get a flower moment in CK when Kaz dumps the geraniums into the canal and swoops a cloak around Inej like a phantom in the night. It’s sweeping. It’s romantic and over-the-top. 

Not sure about other flower moments but it is mentioned quite a lot in the books like the blue irises for Alina as a symbol of the Darkling’s manipulation and Mal’s care for her. 

I love how flowers symbolize the thought and care that the partner shows for the other. I guess that’s usually what most people use flowers for in books but I like how its mentioned consistently through different relationships in the books. 

kanej on a walk somewhere rural… maybe Lij…?

i made @gratzi-the-artist model for me so i could get the lighting and pose right it turns out drawing hoodies is HARD


•there was a solid week once where matthias only texted in gifs cause he thought it was “hip”

•kaz sleeps with socks, jesper is appalled jes can put up with a lot of crap from this guy but that is TOO FAR

•inej has the highest spice tolerance in the group and matthias and kaz can barely handle any spice without a few glasses of milk

•nina spends a lot of the car rides adding clothing items she’s nerving going to buy to her cart (asking matthias his opinion on most of them as she goes)

•matthias’s guilty pleasure is trashy westerns

•wylan has the most aesthetic instagram out of the group and nina is proud but also feels betrayed???

•wylan listens to owl city

what should i draw next for this au? share your thoughts and ideas (or personal headcanons) in the comments!

you guys already know i’m a sucker for kanej

this AU belongs to me and @kazoo-brekker


•the car is matthias’s mini van (the only car that will fit all of them comfortably

•inej likes to open up the sun roof while they drive

•kaz and wylan get super invested in cutthroat kitchen (the only decent show on the motel tv after 12:00) and end up watching it whenever they can find it at their stops

•kaz considers being a food critic for a whole two seconds before a) he remembers he doesn’t eat enough and b) a woman’s fake nail ends up in the salad

•inej takes over driving for kaz at like 3 AM after a long sleepless night in a super sketchy room and forces him to sleep because it looks like he’s wearing really messy eye black

•nina continues to document all their adventures and now has a photo album labeled “kanej <3” that she shared with inej

•nina and matthias making waffles in the little hotel breakfast bar waffle maker

•jesper eating froot loops without milk while the others watch in disapproval

i love hearing from you guys so share your thoughts and headcanons too! ♥️

Wylan and Nina are so underrated I had to give them a little time in the spotlight ♥️

this AU belongs to me and @kazoo-brekker


•Nina packs eggos in her big red purse

•Jesper is the one to steal all the hotel shampoo and conditioner, etc

•Nina honks much too often so they try and keep her out of the drivers seat

•Inej breaks her hairbrush at one of the motels so she and kaz make a midnight grocery store run and come back with a hairbrush, chips, and $2 fuzzy socks with crows on them

•Matthias and Wylan play cup pong on GamePigeon

Let me know what you want to see next!

Road Trip AU Nina!!!

This AU belongs to be and @kazoo-brekker


•Wylan and Kaz end up watching cooking shows together in the motel room

•Inej hands kaz his food while they drive (he pretends to be annoyed by this)

•they go out for a nice sit down dinner one night and upon taking the first bite, Jes exclaims, “I FORGOT WHAT REAL FOOD TASTED LIKE!!!”

•At one of the motels they all sneak out to the pool after hours, Jes is in the pool, kaz is on a chair with a book, and the rest are all squished in the hot tub

•Matthias snores super loudly and they make a game of trying to quiet him without waking him up

•Matthias is the best speller out of the gang (he competed in spelling bees as a kid)

•Kaz taught Inej how to drive (she got a ticket in his car once and he’s never let her live it down, it’s become a joke between them)

Make sure to comment thoughts, ideas, personal headcanons, and what you want to see next!

herondelles:ya lit meme: ten series or books [2/10] ➸ the grisha trilogy by leigh bardugo “na razrherondelles:ya lit meme: ten series or books [2/10] ➸ the grisha trilogy by leigh bardugo “na razr


ya lit meme: ten series or books [2/10] ➸ the grisha trilogy by leigh bardugo

“na razrusha'ya. i am not ruined. e'ya razrushost. i am ruination.”

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