


Happy Trans Day of Visibility ️‍⚧️

“A Gay-Bi Love Story”

baffy headcanons (TLTS)

might add more of these

  1. Daffy drags Bugs with him to MARINA concerts and also makes him listen to her in the car. it isn’t exactly Bugs’ type of music but he tolerates it just because it makes Daffy happy.
  2. “i’m letting him stay here until he get back on his feet” is an oversimplification of what really happened, which was Bugs finding out about Daffys toxic home life and letting him stay with him immediately.
  3. they probably make out and say “no homo” afterwards
  4. Daffy wasn’t shown enough physical affection as a child so he’s extremely touchy with Bugs. Sometimes he just lays his head on his shoulder and cuddles with him for no reason.
  5. Daffy hates being called “sweet” or “cute”, so naturally bugs calls him dumb pet names like “sweetie” “sweetheart” and “cutie”. it’s semi-acceptable when he does it.
  6. Daffy says very sweet, sometimes cheesy things to Bugs when he’s half asleep and forgets about it in the morning.

puckentine headcanons

(i posted a lot of these on my insta account so you might’ve seen them)

  1. sam calls cat “kitten” and “kitty”
  2. cat cooks sam breakfast in bed
  3. while showing her iCarly, sam and cat got into a mini argument because cat actually thought the cowboys mustache was a squirrel.
  4. sam tricks cat into agreeing to watch horror movies with her because she knows cat will jump into her arms when she gets scared.
  5. When sam is angry and about to hurt someone, cat can calm her down easily by doing as little as looking at her
  6. cat is extremely overprotective of sam when she’s sick or hurt and will take care of her 24/7
  7. cat draws childlike pictures of her and sam kissing, holding hands, etc. sam hangs them up on the fridge.
  8. sam has cat singing as her ringtone
  9. sam and cat babysit to prepare for when they have kids of there own
  10. the iCarly trio was at karaoke-doke when cat and jade performed give it up. afterwards, sam couldn’t stop gushing to carly and freddie about that “hot redhead”
  11. cat sends sam cheesy relationship memes


All right, friends, because I just reblogged another post reminding people about queer history, let me tell y'all a story.

When I was seventeen years old, I had the amazing opportunity to participate in a film class for queer youth and adults. I don’t remember how I found out about this opportunity, but I’d just finished high school and had already decided to take a year off before going to college, and had just spent half a year immersing myself in poetry slams and slowly, slowly finding out about more and more queer community available to me in my city. I think I’d just started attending meetings at the polyamory org, too, hosted at the GLBT Center in the city. This was in the late aughts, btw. A little over a decade ago.

So I joined this class. The youngest member of the class was fourteen, the eldest was… I wanna say in their 40s? I never actually asked anybody their ages. And as I said, I was seventeen, fresh out of high school.

Our classroom was the computer lab in one of the recreation centers run by the city’s Parks and Rec department.

For a month in the summer, we met at the picnic table outside this computer lab, unable to use the computers with the video editing software on them, because someone in the chain of command in the city had decided that it was inappropriate for adults and minors to be behind a closed door together.

(As an aside, the law that was passed in the St. Petersburg Oblast’ the fall after I studied abroad there, was for “banning homosexual and pedophile propaganda”. I’ll let y'all draw your conclusions.)

Eventually, the organization behind the film class won and we were able to have a normal class. I learned so much! My film (and those of my classmates) got to be in a real actual film festival that people saw! (I am mildly embarrassed when I think about the film itself, because it’s my old work and I have learned so much, about myself and about craft and politics and life, since then, but that’s not important. What’s important is that I had this opportunity.) The first nonbinary people I met who used “they” pronouns and neopronouns were in the class. I learned about the history and present of certain neighborhoods in my city because of my classmates and teachers. It took me years after that to grow better politics, tbh, but the seeds of so much of who I am now were planted that summer and fall.

And because someone decided that queer elders were a danger to us, it almost didn’t happen.

So when I see young queer people on this site and others spitting on our history, spouting the same old lines about queer adults being predators, it makes me so mad I want to scream. We had to fight to be in the same roomas our elders, those who lived. This is recent, this is now. Stop doing our oppressors’ work for them.


happily found this near where I am

Which one are you?? Reblog to let us know!

Sweater sets now on www.pawsofpride.com☁️

The SKIES OF PRIDE mini collection, dropping October 19th 12 pm PT ☁️

(Yes we postponed it!!)

Tell us your favourite!

if you don’t label yourself, you are VALID!!

reblog if you reject labels



Asexual Heart Pride Color Block Crop Top

An original design by @DesignsByAub

Price-$30.50 - $33 USD


Made to order


Link in my bio

(If you want this design as a full length shirt DM me)


Photo ID: “Fred from Scooby Doo reveals the villain” meme graphic.

First photo: Fred reaches for the hood of a character labeled “bisexual,” saying “Alright Bisexual, let’s see what your real sexuality is.”

Second photo: Fred pulls off the hood, revealing updated label “Still Bisexual but now annoyed.”



What is transandophobia actually?

Because with all this recent discourse, I’m not sure a lot of y'all actually understand what we’re talking about.

  • Invisibility.The complete lack of representation (much less GOOD representation) in media. The way cis people think trans = white feminine binary trans woman and nothing else. The way even queer spaces use language that excludes us, language that implicitly misgenders us.
  • Exclusion. The idea within queer spaces that masculinity and manhood is evil or bad or predatory (note: this idea also contributes to transmisogyny in some cases).
  • Infantilisation.This is the main way transandrophobia manifests among conservatives. They see all transmascs as teenage girls, easily influenced and unable to make their own decisions.
  • Medical Gatekeeping. There are a heartbreaking number of transmasculine people who have suffered or died because doctors have refused to treat their reproductive health issues. There’s also the fear you experience going to the gynecologist’s office if you appear ‘too masculine’, even if you know you need that care.
  • Misogyny.Transmascs are constantly told that they’re only transitioning to escape misogyny by TERFS and their ilk. On the other side of it, some well-meaning 'allies’ like to tell transmascs that they’re “misgendering themselves” if they want to talk about their experiences with misogyny.


  • Physical Violence. Trans mascs are subjected to violent transphobia often by their families or coworkers or peers. Everything from being beaten to being murdered, however due to invisibility and our transphobic society we never hear about these cases or they are lumped in with 'mistaken identity’ cases. Trans mascs who are stealth and pass as cis men easily are more likely to be physically assaulted if they are ever clocked, and trans mascs who occupy the same spaces as cis gay men are often subjected to the same physical violence.
  • Sexual Violence. Trans mascs are uniquely at risk to be forcibly impregnated as a means of forcibly de-transitioning them, as often one cannot receive care for pregnancy or even the end of one without a Female sex marker on your medical file. They are also at high risk of being forcibly married into an abusive relationship, or especially one that will have the means to forcibly de-transition them. Being clocked in public but especially in private spaces like bathrooms and bedrooms also carries a high risk of sexual assault and rape, to the point where packer companies still to this day utilize both the glance test and the squeeze test to tell you if it is safe to use in a public restroom. A transgender boy was forced to show his principal his genitals when cornered by the adult in his middle school boys’ bathroom. I have had my own genitals forcibly revealed on school grounds in elementary school by fellow students to 'prove’ my gender.
  • Medical Gatekeeping Part Two. T perscriptions are notoriously difficult to obtain and carry a lot of stigma due to being classed as a controlled substance. Medically transitioning is often stopped by both misogyny (“don’t ruin your beautiful uterus”) and transphobia (“self-mutilation”), as well as high criterias to meet before being able to proceed (BMI standards, You Must Be This Masculine To Ride The Transition Train, non-binary more like non-surgery, and more!) Insurance, also, will often deny hormones and surgeries despite having it accepted in their policies.
  • Forced Feminizing. Many trans mascs are forcibly feminized as a means to forcibly de-transition them even before they begin. From parents forcing their trans masc children to take estrogen to 'cure’ them, to their social group forcing them into feminine roles, to close personal relationships telling them they will be abandoned if they stray off the beaten path, this is sadly a reality for many non-transitioning trans mascs who often begin to contemplate suicide from being trapped in this cycle. Suicide is the highest cause of death for trans mascs and rape is the number one crime against trans mascs and this exact problem tells you why.
  • Isolation. This is a two-fold problem- due to invisibility, prior to the internet it was difficult to find *any* trans masculine people to share experiences with. This lack of representation leads to children in unsupportive homes left to feel broken and ashamed and directly contributes to the suicide problem. Those who survive this but are never given a word for it often go into survival mode and never speak about it with anyone, which cuts the new generation off from the old. We see this in every single person who is 50+ saying 'there’s a word for that??? I thought I was just broken’ and 'I made my piece with being a broken woman/failure at womanhood/not like other women (girls)’. BUT due to our proximity to men and manhood, we also are exposed to the isolation experienced by men on a regular basis. Cis men often do not have the support systems, close personal relationships, physical touch and emotional outlets, etc that cis women do. Many cis spaces are hostile to trans people, and trans mascs often find themselves either treated as man/woman-lite or outright denied access from these same support systems as a result. Trans mascs are often left to experience the trauma and isolation that makes cis men’s suicide rates skyrocket, and many must experience these things completely alone.
  • Intersection. Black trans mascs and the way that the world goes from treating them like black women to black men often discuss how the grass is hardly greener on the other side. Disabled trans mascs often must choose between treatment for their disabilities and medical transition. Gay trans mascs are often considered predatory and accused of being rapists. Straight trans mascs are often considered predatory and traitors to lesbians. Trans mascs who call themselves lesbians are denied access to a part of themselves they have often had for longer than their transitions. Trans mascs who exclusively date men are de/misgendered and- if physically in a cis gay male space- sometimes subjected to physical violence if clocked. T4T trans mascs are considered mentally ill and de/misgendered and have their sexualities invalidated. Immigration is not an easy task when transgender nor is incarceration. Trans mascs are often forced to play on women’s/girl’s teams and then heavily punished for their testosterone levels or forced to choose between playing and de-transitioning if they have an advantage.

That, too, is what trans mascs run the risk of in this country. I cannot speak for those outside of the US.



idk, i just think its kinda strange how ppl saw loveless aros and were “actually! love is when you xyz and say abc soooo if do any of that you’re not actually loveless!” like what

like, why were so many ppl trying to jedi mind trick ppl into thinking that they “actually love all along!” instead of just accepting that some ppl don’t love




i dont remember the last time I saw trans representation in Indian media but this ad just made me feel so blessed


what makes this add so precious to me is it actually stars a transwoman (activitist) Meera Singhania Rehani

[Image ID:

Advertising in India has, at snail’s pace, been inching towards inclusivity. We are still eons away from seeing strong representation from the LGBTQ community in our communications. Therefore what makes Bhima’s ad special is the fact that it features a trans-woman and activist, Meera Singhania. It gets it narrative right, its casting is brilliant and the product fit is great.

End ID]








The screenshot above cuts off both edges of the text making it impossible to read properly. I went looking for the original and/or a transcription and failed, but I did find this video she created explaining.


However personally I don’t find videos accessible. So if anyone can provide a readable text-based version of either for me that’d be much appreciated (as the snippets of wording in the video I watched seemed pretty awesome for explaining to others).

does this help? the text is still super small but at least it isn’t cut off

yo gimme a minute and I’ll transcribe it


[transcription of Abigail Thorn’s statement:

Hello friends! I’m delighted to say I’m a trans woman; my name is Abigail and you can refer to me with she/her.
Thank you to everyone who kept my secret for such a long time as I prepared to come out publicly! I’m excited to continue my acting career and Philosophy Tube. Please respect my privacy and treat everyone with kindness and patience, even those who don’t treat me kindly. It’s so lovely to finally relax, to sleep well with sweet dreams and be at home in myself! But I’m also scared. Things are very, very bad for trans people in the UK and they’re getting worse. My existing following means I have now instantly become one of the most recognisable transgender people in the country and I feel an enormous pressure to be “good at it,” like if I could only be clever enough, or pretty or funny or articulate enough, things would magically come right! Alas. I can’t be a perfect paragon of trans Britain, I’m just an actress, but I can relay the following facts:
Trans people have existed for as long as there has been a Britain (longer!) but even after a century of feminism the government still dictates what we may do with our own bodies. The NHS is forced by outdated rules to discriminate against us: if a cisgender (i.e. not trans) woman wants hormone replacement therapy for menopause she can get it from the GP, but if a trans person needs it to transition we have to travel to a separate clinic and be interrogated by psychiatrists. Because of this discrimination waiting lists are several years long. Women like me die waiting for the exact same medicines that bald men get from the GP to treat hair loss. Trans men die waiting for breast reduction surgery that cis women get for back pain. In England and Wales people under 16 can get an abortion, which is permanent, but trans children can’t get life-saving puberty blockers, which are reversible. Some polticians promise to reduce waiting times, but that’s not equality; it’s just more efficient discrimination. We don’t have equal legal rights either. Cis people can use their passport as proof of ID when they get married or adopt children, but we can’t - even though my passport says ‘F’ for Female I’d have to beg the government’s permission to become a wife or mother. There has never been a trans MP, member of the House of Lords, MSP, MS, or MLA. No party has equal rights as a policy goal. Trans people, especially trans people of colour, are hit hardest by unemployment, homelessness, and domestic, sexual, and police violence, but the conversation always focuses on wealthy white cis women tweeting about toilets. Overworked journalists often don’t know much about our lives, so antifeminists and religious extremists feed them pseudoscience and fear mongering. Antisemitic conspiracy theories about a mythical “trans lobby” controlling universities or government are printed without criticism alongside
calls to have us “cured” with conversion therapy, which, shockingly, is still legal. Well-meaning folks worry about embarrassing themselves by ‘saying the wrong thing,’ so they never speak up to help us. Like Suffragettes and black civil rights movements before us we are told to watch our tone lest the people denying us the means to live get hurt feelings.
I might only be an actress, but as a feminist I can’t submit to civic inferiority or give up control of my body. In my view feminism isn’t a tea party with the Queen or a girlboss brunch with #femspirational CEOs, it’s our common struggle to be free. Today I’d like to add my voice to the many demanding new legislation for trans equal rights: an informed consent system of medical transition and a self-ID system of legal transition for all who desire it, including nonbinary people. Everyone else in Britain already gets their healthcare and gendered services that way; surely it’s only fair that we should too? In my mind there’s no question about it, just as there was no legitimate “debate” about whether to give gay and lesbian people equal rights; we don’t “cancel" or “silence” Flat Earthers when we set aside their concerns about space travel and start listening to cosmonauts! That said, “equal rights” won’t fix the poverty, criminalisation, surveillance, and state violence facing all those who work for a living rather than own property and capital. Trans equality must be part of a huge redistribution of power and resources so society serves human need instead of profit. I hope that someday soon people of all ages realise that being trans is perfectly normal. Like all human beings we are inherently valuable and entitled to self-determination, and if that makes others upset then it’s only because they’re choosing not to live in reality. These are scary times, but “courage calls to courage everywhere and its voice cannot be denied.” Even when other people make it hard, being trans is a gift. My love goes out to every trans person reading my words in Britain or overseas, especially those who can’t come out - yet!
[italics:] This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man! [end italics]
Abigail XXx

[end transcription]


Fuck yes. Thanks to everyone doing all the screen shots and transcription so I can just reblog it.


[image description: the beginning of a billboard article screen cap. actress Laverne Cox poses for the camera with long magenta hair in loose curls while wearing an edgy, bright yellow dress. the title of the article reads,

“Laverne Cox Speaks Out After Transphobic Attack in L.A.: ‘It’s Not Safe If You’re a Trans Person'”

byline of article credits Stephen Daw, originally posted Nov 30, 2020 at 11:55 AM.

The article lead opens, “In an Instagram post over the weekend, actress and activist Laverne Cox revealed that she had been a victim of a transphobic attack in Los Angeles’ Griffith Park. “We are fine,” she wrote in her caption. “Be careful out there."”

End of transcription.]

you can read this billboard article here [linked].

you can read the USA TODAY article (who first reported) here [linked].

you can view Laverne Cox’s instagram post/video here [linked].
