#lo apollo


Apollo: When I have a crush and it’s not mutual? It’s like okay babe you’re not grasping the plot, did you even read the script???

Zeus: You played me like a fiddle!

Apollo: Oh no, Father. Fiddles are actually quite difficult to play. I played you like the cheap kazoo you are.

Daphne: [Texting with Apollo, pre-Thanatos.] What the fuck?

Echo: …

Daphne: What the FUCK?!

Echo: [Stare’s disapprovingly.]

Daphne: I’m sorry. [Shows her the text chain.] Apollo just referred to my vagina as my “lady flower”.

Echo: [Disgusted] Ugh! Dump him immediately.

Artemis: Do you ever feel guilty about anything you do?

Apollo: Guilt is like a stomachache from overeating. You make all sorts of promises while you’re feeling it, but once it passes you just get hungry again.

Artemis: Most people are not like you.

Apollo: Everybody’s like me. I’m just not in denial.

Now THIS is a family rift I can get behind!!!!

SeeingApollo commemorating a TGOEM center and heading TGOEM in place of its actual members makes me sick on such an intense, visceral level

“They’re liars.

What else has he lied about?”

I just have to say first and foremost… I absolutely love this chapter. Artemis deserves her focus and I’m glad to see the beginnings of her reconciliation with both Persephone and within herself. I got so many feels when I read it as a fastpass chapter

This scene was SO TENSE and powerful the first time I read it. Phenomenal job on Rachel’s part creating the dramatic tension and amping up the suspense of the moment.

I think that this is the first time Apollo realizes that he has no hold over Persephone and that no amount of fear will keep her from standing up to him. That has to terrify him and I can’t wait to see him unravel when Lore Olympus returns.

We will meet again, brother

it’s so weird coming across lore olympus stuff randomly (I don’t read it but I know what happens) because from what I’ve seen everyone in the lore olympus fandom hates apollo, he does some very bad stuff to a daughter of demeter, and seems to be on awful terms with hades in that series…. meanwhile everyone in the trials of apollo fandom loves apollo, toa apollo’s best and dearest friend is a daughter of demeter who he’d do anything to protect, plus his son is dating a son of hades and he approves of their relationship and thinks the hades kid is a funky little dude
