#loki fanfiction


So like, I haven’t drawn men in a hot minute so I’m hella rusty, but I couldn’t resist drawing this man, oof professor Loki, how I imagine him in my fic ‘after hours’

Previous Chapter

Summary:Evelyn Monroe has been a TA for professor Laufeyson’s Calculus course for four months now. He was known to be quite strict, but that never deterred her from applying for the position in order to be close to the man she had been secretly pining for. One evening, she returns to his office after opening hours… and with her bountiful luck, she walks in on something not meant to be seen.

Chapters: 10?

Words: 2800+


Tags:  @milkymaidme@dangertoozmanykids101@alexakeyloveloki@little-moonbeam-666 @marvel-ous-fics@clovermariear@lynnesm@bitchyikes@moon-child-of-a-poet,@allthecraftandthings@bubblegumspitt@shockwavee@blondekel77@nerd–nirvana@valdemarismynonbinarylove@nightrose64@pastelhexmaniac@iistormii

If you’d like to be added, let me know. I’ve also posted this onAO3


It took a moment for Evelyn to realize what was happening.

He had a detrimental effect on her, this man - the warmth of his tongue that explored her mouth, the harsh grip on her jaw, and the growing heat in her body left her dim-witted to her surroundings.

She had no choice but to reciprocate the kiss, until he willingly broke apart from her. As soon as he did, her hand automatically flew to cover his mouth in bewilderment and panic, adrenaline pumping her veins.

“What… what are you doing?! We’re in the blasted hallway!”
She panted breathlessly, her wide hazel irises meeting the dark, lust blown ones of her lover. What was with him, popping in out of nowhere, and then kissing her randomly without so much as a hello?

Loki merely quirked a brow in reply, as her hand still obstructed him from speaking coherently.

Evelyn yelped when she felt his tongue lick the inside of her palm, the action catching her completely off-guard. She withdrew her hand from his mouth in a hurry, a dark blush making its way from her neck, and unto her cheeks.

He gave her a wicked, dark smile,“ I haven’t seen you in a while, so I thought a proper greeting was sufficient.”

Evelyn was flabbergasted. “A..greeting? That’s what that was?!”
He had the gall to look at her as ifshe was the strange one, “Is a kiss no longer considered a greeting…?”

“No..I mean - yeah it is, but the way you just -” she paused, the amusement on his face apparent. It took a second for her to realize that he was just messing with her.

Evelyn sighed, her tone filled with indignance as she spoke once more, “What are you doing all the way here? I’m just so confused…”

Loki didn’t answer her immediately. Instead, he tilted his head to peer from their secluded corner, and into the hallway.

Seeing that it was still empty, he took hold of her hand and strolled into the hallway without warning.

He headed rapidly into the direction of the studios, and she struggled to keep up with his brisk pace.

When they finally reached the entrance, it was then that he decided to answer her question in a quiet voice, “I’ve only ever seen you within my classroom, or the confines of my office,” he looked at her, raising a hand to brush an errant curl away from her eye, “So naturally, I wanted to see you in your element. And what kept you away from my office for such a prolonged period of time.”

Evelyn felt herself heating up inexplicably. He came all the way from the science department, a good 10 minute walk, to visit her despite his hectic schedule. She didn’t think she’d ever get used to that sort of attention.

“Sorry for not letting you know what’s up with me, this whole thing is a lot to take in…”

Loki only shook his head, dismissing her apology, “ No need to worry yourself about it, darling. I simply missed your presence.“

He stepped further inside the studios, his eyes wandering in search of her work area, "In any case, I’m genuinely curious about your craft. Care to show me?”

Evelyn froze. She thought he just wanted to see her, and not her actual work.

She wasn’t usually shy when others saw her drawings or paintings, but Loki was a different story…

She worried he might be overly critical, or not care for her drawings at all. Evelyn valued opinions greatly, so showing him her work that was so personal left a vulnerable, uncomfortable feeling within herself.

Perhaps because of his ‘professor aura,’ he still intimidated her to a large degree.

“Uh…I wasn’t really expecting anyone, so it’s…really messy. Like, very messy. I don’t really paint much interesting things either, so…“

Evelyn tried to muster up some lame excuse, but she knew she had better stop when she was met with a firm, silent look.

She cleared her throat awkwardly, then traipsed nervously in the direction of her little studio as his tall figure loomed behind her.

Thankfully, it was a Thursday, which meant mostly everyone had no classes in her department - so the studios were empty with the exception of the few absorbed in catching up with work. In addition, each student studio consisted of cubicles with tall walls built to hang artwork, so they were mostly obstructed from view.

When they finally reached her studio, Evelyn stepped inside with slow steps, her nervousness extremely palpable by this point.

If Loki sensed it, he chose to ignore it as his attentions were immediately transfixed to the unstretched canvas strung up on the wall.

It was an exceptional rendering of a fantastical, imaginative landscape, with an endless sky and billowing clouds. Vibrant hues of pink, blue, purple and orange swirled across the sky, with the trees and shrubbery reflecting similar shades in their leaves.

Loki could still see it was unfinished, as most of the brown underpainting still shone through, but it captured him nonetheless.

He gathered from her other paintings and drawings that she liked landscapes and nature in general, since that subject matter was the most prevalent in her work. He could also see that most of them had a whimsical, fairy tale like twist to them.

Loki smiled to himself as he perused. He loved learning more things about his little Evelyn, it made her that much more precious.

While Loki silently observed and analyzed, Evelyn was brewing with negative energy behind him. His prolonged silence was slowly killing her inside - the anticipation of his distaste for her paintings now the only thing that occupied her brain.

She got tired of waiting eventually, and blurted out her thoughts, “ I… know I have a lot to improve on…the colors are too weird, right? It looks pretty bad right now, but I’m gonna -“

“Forgive me my dear, but sometimes you ramble on a bit too much,” he cut her off quickly, putting down a loose sketch he picked up from her work table with utmost care, “ You lack much needed confidence. Especially when you’re this talented.”

Loki turned to give her a look, a look that betrayed his most darkest thoughts.

“It would seem that we have to work on that together, don’t you agree?”

Evelyn had to hand it to him. His ability to change the energy in the room from normal to horny was unprecedented.

She coughed lightly, hoping to bring it back to normal, “ I’m, I’m sorry - I guess that means you like it, then…?”

“If I didn’t, I would have been blunt about it.” He stated simply. Her lack of confidence was slowly starting to annoy him, and he couldn’t wait to rectify it in private.

Speaking of that…Loki itched to get her well and truly alone. He told her that he would give her time, to let her decide when to take things further…but surely it wouldn’t hurt to subtly push things in that direction.

“ You may not know this, but I’m actually quite taken with the arts myself,” he began casually, “You could say I’m a collector, of sorts. And I happen to be rather fond of your type of work.”

That garnered her attention immediately, “ Wait, really? What other artists do you like, whose art do you have?” Evelyn blurted excitedly, a wide smile on her face. She didn’t know he was an art nerd like herself, and was happy to know they had one more thing in common.

“Among the favorites I’ve collected, it would have to be Georgia O’Keeffe and Thomas Cole,” Evelyn’s mouth widened in disbelief as he continued on, “ I do have some Bob Ross pieces as well, but I wouldn’t say he was a favorite…a bit too kitsch for my taste.”

Evelyn couldn’t comprehend the gravity of what he just said. “You’re…you’re actually being serious? You have an originalThomas cole painting? He’s one of my biggest inspirations! And…and Bob Ross?! Georgia O’Keeffe? Are you sure you aren’t messing with me…?”

“I’m being entirely serious, darling.” Loki did have a rather extensive art collection, but he didn’t know this useless hobby of his would actually work in his favor.

“But…but they’re so expensive! Even reproductions cost a shit ton… and originals are like thousands of dollars!” Evelyn still expressed some doubt. It was too much of a coincidence for it to be actually true. Not to mention, that was an absurd amount of money to be splurging about.

But his car’s fancy as fuck… maybe he’s just rich?

While Evelyn’s face was scrunched up in thought, Loki’s smile took a diabolical turn when he started to speak once more, “ If you’re that doubtful, I’m not opposed to showing you my collection.” His next sentence came off as strangely dark, “And as for their price… when I want something, no amount of anything will stop me from getting it.”

Evelyn’s head immediately shot up, “Wait, you’d really show me…?” Her focus was zoned in on the first sentence, completely ignoring the lustful inclinations of the second, “ I wouldn’t want to trouble you…it’s okay if it’s too much of a hassle,”
Although she said that, her eyes were extremely hopeful.

“Nonsense, it’s no trouble at all. Even if it somehow was, I care about your happiness much more.”

Evelyn blushed at his words, “…If that’s the case, then I’d really appreciate it! Ooh… I’m so excited! Is it okay if I take pictures?”

She was bouncing with radiant energy, her happiness infectious. If Loki had known seeing art would please her this much, he would’ve suggested it much sooner. He found her reactions to be unbearably cute, especially when her eyes grew wide in disbelief, or excitement.

“Of course, take however many you want. In fact…would you like to see it this Sunday, if your schedule allows? We will have dinner beforehand as well…”

“Yeah yeah yeah! This Sunday’s perfect actually! Thank you!”

Without thinking much of it, Evelyn went straight to give him a tight hug in her excitement.

Loki did not expect that from her at all.

He was nearly knocked off balance as Evelyn’s warm body pressed against his.
Loki could feel her ample breasts against his chest, the sensation of which aroused him greatly.

He’d never thought his body would react this way from such an innocent gesture on her part - but alas, he desired her to a frightening degree.

Loki cleared his throat and shifted in order to help alleviate the sudden discomfort in that area, but Evelyn took that as a sign that he wanted her to back away.

“Oh - I’m so sorry, I forgot where we were for a sec…” She thought he didn’t agree with the sudden display of affection - despite the fact that he kissed her himself moments before.

However, much to her surprise, Loki pulled her right back into his embrace, “ As long as we’re plainly out of sight, it wouldn’t hurt to sneak in a kiss or hug. I made sure of that earlier as well,”

His tone was very playful and reassuring, and she couldn’t help but relax into the hug. She felt extremely paranoid earlier on due to the group chat, but that melted to the back of her mind. As long as they refrained from frisky activities in public, no more problems should arise.

Much to her chagrin, he decided to pull back after a while, placing a kiss on her temple, “ Now that my curiosity’s been sated, I fear that I have to return.”

Evelyn’s disappointment showed clearly on her face, but she understood that he had work to return to.

And with a few more parting words, he left her to return in time for his lecture.

Loki was immensely happy he took the risk to visit the art department today - if he didn’t, he wouldn’t have been able to make such progress in so little time.

Unbeknownst to Evelyn, Loki fully intended to make her truly his this coming Sunday.

His mind went completely rampant with sordid thoughts of what was to come - Her naked, ebony skin dripping with sweat, and the way she would writhe and moan beneath him. He’d be sure to cover her body with bruises as she’s restrained by various -

Loki had to stop from going down that train of thought, reminding himself that she may not be reticent to his…darker desires. He’d have to be patient and slow since it would be her first time, but he looked forward to it nonetheless. Sunday couldn’t come any sooner.

It was Sunday when it truly began to sink in for Evelyn that she agreed to go on an actual date with her professor-turned-lover.

She honestly only thought about just seeing the collection at first, but then she remembered the second part of his sentence about them having dinner beforehand…

Evelyn didn’t mind spending more time with him at all, it was just that she was extremely unprepared for it.

She barely went out of the house even on holiday break, with either her friends or Candice dragging her out from time to time since she was practically a hermit. In addition, it would actually be the first time she ever went on a date, so she was nervous about that as well.

Evelyn decided to go to Candice for advice once more. She was nervous about her reaction to her newfound relationship with Loki, given that they talked about his sexual escapades prior - but as an adult, she was sure Candice would…get over it.

“You waited THIS… goddamn LONG… to tell me you’ve been shackin’ up with professor fine ass?!”

Candice smacked her arm,” Are you outta yo stupid ass mind?”

Evelyn rubbed her arm, eyes narrowing in agitation, “ I didn’t tell you because this is exactly how you’d react. Hittin me n’ shit! Ow…”

Candice tried to calm herself down, “ Look, I got a lot of shit to say about whatever y’all got going on, but it’s honestly not the time, and you’ll do whatever you want anyway,” she sighed, pacing up and down the living room floor, “ Do you even have shit to wear? Were your nails done? Is your hair done? Did you even wax ya coochie?”

Evelyn’s eyes widened, “ I…I gotta do all that? Even the waxing part?”

Candice closed her eyes, “Lord have mercy on me today - YES you fool! You’d really have that man navigate the Amazon jungle? Because I know for a fact you got a whole forest down there.”

Evelyn subconsciously covered her privates, “What! We’re not even doing anything like that…he’s just gonna take me to dinner and show me the art collection…” Evelyn’s voice grew quiet, because she wasn’t even sure herself.

“Well, better be safe than sorry. I’ll even wax it for you and help you get ready. When is he picking you up?”

Evelyn picked up her phone that was beside her on the couch. He texted her earlier that morning about the time, and the form of attire that was expected,
“ Uhm, around 7 pm…”

Candice glanced at the time on the tv, “ So we got about 6 hours or so. Come come, get up. We’ll get the wax over with first.”

It was 6 hours later, and Evelyn felt thoroughly violated.

She honestly should’ve skipped the waxing, hairy pussy or not - it hurt like a bitch, and she solemnly vowed never to put herself through that again. Not only that, but she spent nearly 3 hours in Candice’s room to look for an appropriate outfit, one that was apparently nonexistent within her own wardrobe.

In the text, Loki said to just dress casually, so she was going to throw on any dress in her closet. Which worked to set Candice off on another tirade.

So now Evelyn sat on the couch, waiting for his arrival. She did have to hand it to Candice though - she actually liked the outfit she picked out.

It was a black floral bell-sleeved dress, with slits at the sides that exposed the skin of her waist. It had a modest V neckline, and she was grateful that Candice didn’t choose a more daring outfit.

She also wore a jean jacket to ward off the spring chill, so she was extremely satisfied. The only discomfort was the dull throb from her nether regions…

Before long, a loud ping came from Evelyn’s phone, causing both her and Candice to jump at the sudden sound, “Is it him? What does it say?”

Evelyn was annoyed when others looked over at her phone, so she hid her screen from view, “Can you please back up?!” Kissing her teeth, she looked back at the screen to see the message.

I’ve just arrived. I can’t wait to see you, love.

She stared at the message for a long moment, before standing up on shaky legs.

Well…here goes nothing.



*crosses fingers for smut next chapter*

Thank you all once again for the comments, they seriously make my day. Blown away by the support!

Bonus picture : Evelyn’s date fit, minus the jacket -
Photo cred: kishmycurls

Previous Chapter

Summary:Evelyn Monroe has been a TA for professor Laufeyson’s Calculus course for four months now. He was known to be quite strict, but that never deterred her from applying for the position in order to be close to the man she had been secretly pining for. One evening, she returns to his office after opening hours… and with her bountiful luck, she walks in on something not meant to be seen.

Chapters: 9/?

Words: 2800+

Warnings: None

Tags@milkymaidme@dangertoozmanykids101@alexakeyloveloki@little-moonbeam-666 @marvel-ous-fics@clovermariear@lynnesm@bitchyikes@moon-child-of-a-poet,@allthecraftandthings@bubblegumspitt@shockwavee@blondekel77@nerd–nirvana@valdemarismynonbinarylove@nightrose64@pastelhexmaniac@iistormii

If you’d like to be added, let me know. I’ve also posted this onAO3


After getting handsy with her professor, it was as if Evelyn were on a blissful high. She was happy, extremely so that at the time she didn’t care about the mess they made of his desk, or the roundabout way they had to take to leave the building to avoid being noticed together.

Thankfully there hadn’t been a run-in with Andrès or any other lingering students, so he was able to drive her home without incident.

Evelyn was not sure why, but she anticipated the drive to be in awkward silence, or have some sort of strange tension. This was a new experience for her, so she didn’t quite know how to act around him now. She was usually good at starting conversations out of thin air, especially with this professor of hers…but she had no idea what to say, or where to begin.

While she expected to grow more comfortable in his presence after what they did together, it seemed to have made her even shyer instead.

Strangely enough, he sensed her plight. Removing a hand from the steering wheel, he stopped the fidgeting of her fingers by giving her hands a comforting squeeze on top of her lap, “You’re oddly quiet, for someone as talkative as yourself. Is something on your mind, darling?“

His deep voice startled her from her thoughts, her senses now aware of his hand dwarfing her small ones, “Oh..I’m fine. Just, um… thinking. Nothing important.”

Evelyn didn’t want him to view her as childish or immature, which she believed her current line of thinking was. She would much rather keep her thoughts to herself than portray the image of a naive, fiddling woman that she was sure he abhorred.

Loki, however, was persistent. Whatever troubled her seemed to affect him as well, and he needed to get to the bottom of it. “Evelyn, you do know how fruitless it is for you to lie to me?”

One thing Evelyn disliked, yet admired about the man was how perceptive he was to her emotions. She felt like an open book most of the time, and she wasn’t sure she liked that yet.

Sighing audibly, she turned to look at him. His eyes were focused on the road, with a smile on his lips. It softened his features significantly, however small that smile may be. Seeing his calm demeanor affected her, prompting her to speak.

“It’s just… are we together now? Like, exclusive? It’s probably a stupid question, but I wanna make sure we’re on the same page.”

He merely chuckled, his eyes gaining a teasing light, “ I did recall claiming you as my woman, yes? Or do you require more…confirmation?”

Evelyn didn’t think her face could get any redder. She pouted, her expression indignant, “Can you give a straight answer, please?”

Loki gave her hands another light squeeze, his smile widening, “It wouldn’t be any fun that way. Besides, I love it when you get all flustered. It’s quite cute, really.”

She never expected the word ‘cute’ to ever leave his mouth, nor the playful manner in which he spoke to her. If this was his version of teasing, she wasn’t sure her heart could survive the brunt of it.

“But to answer your question,” his tone grew more serious, looking away from the road momentarily to glance at their joined hands, “ It would be complicated, given your status as a student. We are indeed in a relationship, but this fact cannot be made known on campus. I am sure you know why.”

“Um…yeah, I get it. I’m still your TA, so it would make sense to keep things on the down-low. I don’t mind.”

Besides the obvious ethical reasons, she didn’t want to be hounded by jealous bitches on campus. Especially the faculty. She had seen a couple of her other professors throughout various departments interact with the man, and they all had the same little ‘I want your cock inside me, teehee!’ twinkle in their eyes.

Evelyn did, however, want to tell someone. What if she needed advice? But she couldn’t tell any of her friends on campus since they were straight-up gossiping hoebags.

I could at least tell Candice, right?

“Candice? Is that your sister?”

He turned onto a familiar street, stopping at a traffic light. He then looked at her curiously with a raised brow, “As long as she doesn’t attend the school, I don’t necessarily mind.”

I said that out loud? Again?!

“Oh! Oh, really? You don’t mind her knowing…?” She didn’t think that last thought would slip from her brain and into her traitorous mouth, but she might as well roll with the dice.

“No, I don’t see why I would. She’s going to find out eventually, so there’s no point in hiding it.”

That went… better than expected. It seemed too good to be true, so she decided to test the waters a bit more, “But, I thought you didn’t want us to be public? And she could be a bit…judgy. In fact, my whole family is…”

Especially her mother. If she found out Evelyn was involved with her professor…she’d most definitely smack her into the next century.

He pondered for a moment, seeing that the topic worried her. “Public on campus, yes. But within our own private circles, it’s fine to be more open. She’s your sister, not some random friend.”

He continued to drive once more, and she could tell they were getting close to her apartment, “…And regarding your family’s possible judgement, it honestly matters little to me. I only care about what you think.”

Butterflies went haywire inside her stomach, her face heating up at his words. He only cared about what she thought? Her opinion, especially within her family, was always overlooked - so she was extremely grateful that he valued what she thought about him.

She felt a bit embarrassed, clearing her throat lightly before replying in a quiet voice, “Oh…um…thanks?” She didn’t know how else to respond, so it sounded awkward to the ears.

He only laughed, eyes glinting with amusement at her reply, “Don’t be so embarrassed, I’m merely telling the truth. Ah, here we are,”

He pulled to a stop across the street from her building, and Evelyn felt a sudden sense of loss wash over her. She didn’t want to go home already - she wanted to spend much, much more time with him now that things were different between them. She was becoming so attached already, it frightened her to a degree.

Evelyn didn’t know he was calling her name until she felt a gentle pull on her chin.

"Evelyn? I asked if you’ve saved my number,” he looked at her concernedly, brows scrunched up.

“Huh? Yeah yeah…I think I - oh, no… I didn’t actually,” she pulled out her phone to check, but then remembered that she forgot to save it from his email a while back.

“Here, allow me,” he held out his hand for her phone, for which she quickly obliged.

Loki entered his number quickly, then called his own cell to save hers.

When she went to take back her phone however, she was caught unawares when he took hold of her face to draw her into a hungry kiss. His hand moved to her neck, and the kiss quickly grew in intensity as his tongue explored the warmth of her mouth.

The kiss felt almost desperate, as if he wanted to savor her before he had to leave.

When they parted for air, his eyes were dark and narrowed.

“Mine,” he murmured against her lips, so softly that if they weren’t so close, she might have missed it.


A few days had passed since Evelyn had last seen professor Laufeyson - or Loki, rather. She still had to get used to calling him by his first name, although she hadn’t had the time to put it into actual practice.

She was still behind in several projects, and with final critiques now steadily approaching, Evelyn feared that she’d barely have time to see him in the near future, save for their meetings.

However, the next meeting they’d have would be with the other TA’s in his class to discuss grading/proctoring final examinations, so they wouldn’t be alone.

Fortunately, she did have his number - she was just…too scared to actually use it. He didn’t contact her after that night, only texting her briefly to see if she made it inside her home without incident.

But he was a busy man, so she never expected him to be an active texter anyway.

She didn’t want to seem clingy and bombard his phone with calls and texts, but she did miss his voice…and touch.

Evelyn really wanted to slap herself. She wasn’t this obsessed back when she admired him from afar - it was starting to become unnerving.

She stretched lazily in her chair, sighing softly to herself. She’d been stuck in the studio for several hours now, yet she was struggling to complete her painting because her mind was too preoccupied to focus.

Her senior painting class was meeting up tomorrow for the weekly group critique, and she wanted at least one solid work of art to show for.

She was about to resume painting, until her phone went off with a ping!

Her heart randomly started pounding, stomach warm with butterflies. Did Loki finally send her another message?

She went to check quickly, and was promptly doused with cold disappointment.

It was the group chat she had with several of her friends on the app Line, and Andrès had sent a message.

Evelyn sucked her teeth in annoyance, before checking the notification to see what he had to say.

Yaboi Andrès:Can y'all tell me if I’m tripping balls or not???

A flurry of messages pinged soon after.

Ieatass uwu:What happened? :C

Chantel24:You’re always tripping balls. Stfu.

Mandydandy:  what’s tripping balls mean?

Evelyn rolled her eyes. He occasionally had stupid shit to say, and the group chat always blew up her phone when he riled them up.

She was about to turn off notifications, until he sent one message that stopped her heart.

Yaboi Andrès:It’s about professor Laufeyson. Y'all know him right? He teaches math in the science dept.

Ieatass uwu:Yea Eve’s his TA. What about him?

Mandydandy:Fucker failed me when I took his Statistics class last year. And I’d gladly take it again ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Chantel24:Yeah, why?

Evelyn suddenly became extremely worried. He was just going to complain about failing the class…right? It’s not like he heard anything that night. They were quiet, she was sure…

Yaboi Andrès: I think he’s clapping cheeks in his office y'all.

Evidently, she was wrong.

Mandydandy: !!!!!!

Mandydandy:Now I know u fuckin lying.(ಠ_ಠ)

Mandydandy:Like, foreal?

Chantel24: …….

Ieatass uwu:Laufeyson of all people? How you know? Omg…

Chantel24:Explain. This better not be stupid.

Evelyn’s heart began to beat uncontrollably in her chest, her hands starting to sweat. Her eyes never left the screen as she gripped the phone tighter, watching as Andrès typed a string of messages.

Yaboi Andrès:Aight so boom. Eve left her purse in his office or whatever, asked me to pick it up. I said hell no, but changed mind cuz I’m a good friend as you know. But when I went, he told me I was failing the class and all that shit. Got me fucked up.

Chantel24:Get to the point.


Yaboi Andrès:Chill, I’m getting there. Anyway fast-forward, it’s night and I just got out my last class. I’m still tight as fuck, and scared too cuz I need to pass the class. So I’m like fuck it, Imma go plead my case or just drop the course.

Yaboi Andrès:I ain’t know his office hours but I went anyway, and this where shit gets spicy…

At this point, Evelyn knew she had to intervene.

She started to type furiously, her fingers shaking as she did so.

Evie<3:Andrès. As his TA, I’d appreciate if you didn’t speak about him in that manner. He’s a private, proper person who wouldn’t do what you’re suggesting. Stop typing weird shit please.

It felt strange typing that, seeing as she herself caught Loki doing the exact thing Andrès accused him off. Only this time…she was the one on the other side of the door.

Thinking about it again, she felt so off. Was she a horrible person, doing something so filthy in his office and liking it?

Evelyn started to question her morals seriously in that moment, her heart suddenly unsure. She feared she may have bitten off more than she can chew, involving herself with a professor.

She anticipated awkward situations like this would be common place, and she wasn’t sure she could tackle them.

Another ping drew her attention back to the phone as she bit her lip.

Mandydandy:Eve, bless ur heart. We all know u wanna hoppity-hop on his dick too. ‘hE’s A pRoPeR pErsOn’ my ass.

Ieatass uwu: And I oop- ⊙.☉

She became angry in that instant. Oh, if only they knew…

Evie<3: Unless you’re itching to catch these hands, I’d suggest you watch your mouth. I’m dead serious.

Yaboi Andrès:Chill, chill! It’s really not that serious.

Mandydandy:I’m just fuckin with you, dang. You know I’m like this already >.>

Chantel24:Y’all are outta pocket today.

Evelyn forced herself to shut off the screen, slamming her phone a bit too harshly on the table. If she engaged them even more, she’d only make herself out to be suspicious.

When she saw Loki next, she’d have to speak to him about this. And she was not looking forward to it.

She took off her glasses to rub at her eyes tiredly, stressed from the entire situation.

I need a damn break from this shit…

Speaking of breaks, she was in desperate need for the restroom, as she was cooped up in the studios for hours on end.

She went to the only restroom outside of the studios, washing her face with cold water to help stave off the incoming headache.

Evelyn decided to just head back and get ready to go for lunch, seeing as she couldn’t find it in herself to finish painting anyway after that conversation. She hoped some food would help lift her spirits, if only a little.

As she was heading back towards the studio, she spotted two figures in the distance, a man and a woman, right at the entrance. She’d left her glasses back on her work table, so she couldn’t see clearly.

When she got closer and the figures became clearer, her heart skipped a beat once she realized who it was.

“…And these are the student studios, I’m gathering? For the seniors?”

Loki spoke to the woman beside him, whom she now recognized as her senior painting professor, who insisted her students call her by her first name - Cindy.

“Yep! We have about 15 seniors this semester, and they all share the same space, divided into cubicles that serve as their private work areas. It does get a bit cramped, but we’re working on installing more walls and expanding…”

Cindy spoke animatedly to a seemingly interested Loki, until something else caught her attention.

Sensing her presence, the woman turned her head, with Loki following suit. And as soon as he laid eyes on Evelyn, his visage immediately lost all of its tension.

Evelyn didn’t know how to react to his presence, especially since they had an audience.

“Oh Eve! Are you busy right now, by chance?” Cindy asked, her voice unusually high pitched.

She was taken aback by the sudden question, “Huh? Oh, no, not really…?”

“Phew, good! I was giving Mr.Laufeyson here a small tour of the department, but I have to head to a meeting in a few. I don’t want to cut it short, so I was hoping you could take over?”

She could feel his gaze burning into her skull, and she forced herself to focus on Cindy, “Yeah, yeah! I don’t mind…”

“Thank you for your help thus far, Cindy. It was much appreciated,” Although Loki spoke to her, his eyes never left Evelyn’s form.

Regardless, Cindy blushed visibly, “ Oh… of course! Any time you decide to drop by, please visit my office. I’ll be sure to give you a more thorough tour next time…”

And with one more nod in Loki’s direction, Cindy scurried off, leaving the two completely alone.

When Evelyn turned once more to address him, she was startled to see that he had already moved incredibly close.

He took hold of her hand without warning, and she struggled to keep up with his long legs that took them to a secluded corner in the empty hallway.

“Profess- I mean, Loki! What’re you doing here? Why -“

Her voice was cut short by the look in his eyes. They were absolutely feral, almost black with desire.

It wasn’t long before he gripped her jaw harshly with his hand, tipping her face upward before delving his tongue inside her mouth with much urgency.


And that was the only visible thought Evelyn could manage.

Previous Chapter

Summary:Evelyn Monroe has been a TA for professor Laufeyson’s Calculus course for four months now. He was known to be quite strict, but that never deterred her from applying for the position in order to be close to the man she had been secretly pining for. One evening, she returns to his office after opening hours… and with her bountiful luck, she walks in on something not meant to be seen.

Chapters: 8/?

Words: 1600+

Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content, Smut

Tags:@milkymaidme@dangertoozmanykids101@alexakeyloveloki@little-moonbeam-666 @marvel-ous-fics@clovermariear@lynnesm@bitchyikes@moon-child-of-a-poet,@allthecraftandthings@bubblegumspitt@shockwavee@blondekel77@nerd–nirvana@valdemarismynonbinarylove@nightrose64@pastelhexmaniac@iistormii 

If you’d like to be added, let me know. I’ve also posted this onAO3


“Sir, I know it’s after hours but…but I just gotta talk to you bout’ this grade man.”

The voice of Andrès was extremely jarring to the pair within the room, the shock freezing them momentarily.

Cursing inwardly, ire overtook Loki’s eyes. Having been disturbed from finally ravishing his prize, he was none too pleased.

Evelyn, on the other hand, was extremely rattled by the interruption.

The knocking persisted - and the more it did, the more her anxiety grew. Her professor turned his head to glare daggers at the door, but made no move to relinquish his hold on Evelyn’s body.

Instead, he turned back around to kiss her with increased urgency, almost causing a startled squeak to leave her mouth. It seems no interruption would be able to stop a man on a mission.

“Hey! - someone’s at the door, what are you doin’?!” She whispered harshly against his mouth, actively attempting to ignore his hands now massaging her inner thighs.

“You locked the door, didn’t you?”

“Huh? Yeah, but -“

“ - Then all we have to do…” Evelyn whimpered against her will once she felt his fingers ghost across her clothed sex, his deep voice entering her ear in a sultry whisper, “Is pass the time until he leaves. Quietly.”

Her eyes widened at his suggestion. He wanted to continue doing naughty things to her, with someone just outside the door?

“Are…you being serious right now? Like, deadass?”

He narrowed his eyes, voice low and gravely, “Extremely.”

She felt as his hands went further beneath her dress, fingers teasing the waistband of her underwear, “If you tell me to stop, I’ll stop. Whatever you want, love.”

Evelyn knew damn well she should tell him to stop - the situation right now was extremely scandalous, much more scandalous than swiping overpriced goods from her college cafeteria.

She probably wouldn’t be able to look Andrès straight in the eyes after this, with the knowledge that she did indecent things with her teacher while he was right outside the door.

And yet, she felt the ache down below worsening, and the need for relief increasing.

Instead of answering, she decided to hide her face in his chest, too shy to reply. But Loki wasn’t having any of it, “ Unless I hear your sweet voice, my dear, I’ll assume you want to stop.”

Letting out a small sigh, Evelyn forced herself to look into his eyes, her dark skin flushed with embarrassment, “Yes…just…. just touch me, please.”

Loki grinned widely at her response, his gaze turning absolutely predatory, “As you wish, darling.”

Without further ado, he shifted her underwear in order for his fingers to access her warmth. Immediately, Evelyn jerked violently at the contact, her pussy extremely sensitive to his touch.

“Fuck, you’re so wet already…,” he panted against her ear, heavy neediness coating his voice, “ How I wish to bury myself deep inside this little cunt of yours, my sweet Evelyn. But I’m afraid this will have to do for now.”

Evelyn struggled to stay quiet as she squirmed ceaselessly in his hold, his thumb circling her clit firmly in a steady rhythm. On top of that, the salacious words that left her usually proper professor’s mouth sent her over the edge, the presence of Andrès now long forgotten.

She had touched herself before when she was bored at night. But it had never felt this good. This intense.

In an active effort to keep her quiet, Loki opted to keep her mouth busy with his tongue.

Before long, muffled pants and groans were the only sounds that filled the room.

If Andrès was stupid enough to remain outside the door for that long, he definitely would’ve found that something was amiss.

While Loki’s fingers were busy teasing Evelyn’s cunt, his other hand sought her breast, massaging and squeezing the bountiful mound. She shuddered, gripping his shoulders tightly as he showered her body with affection.

She wondered, in the depths of her mind, if he would be satisfied with just this. Shouldn’t she be… touching him too? He was doing some wonderful things with his hands, and she wanted to contribute to his pleasure as well.

Evelyn slowly moved a hand from his shoulders, trailing to his chest, then his abdomen. She knew what his physique was like since she caught a glimpse of it that fateful day in his office, but feeling the hard muscles for herself was another thing entirely.

Loki was acutely aware of her fingers, the shyness of her touch. Her innocent exploration stiffened his cock beyond measure.

And then…her hand went lower to grasp said cock through his trousers.

He couldn’t stifle the loud groan against her lips, bucking into her hands. Such a bold move from his supposedly shy student was rather unexpected.

Shocked at his reaction, she moved her hand away hastily,“ Shit - my bad! I didn’t mean to hurt -”

He placed her hand firmly back to his erection, his hand covering hers, “You could never hurt me, little flower.”

She raised her eyes from their joined hands to meet his hooded ones, blushing furiously at the next suggestion to leave her mouth.

“So…then, can…can I…like, feel you? Like, um, actually touch you…and stuff?”

She didn’t know how to articulate eloquently that she wanted his cock in her hands, so that would have to do.

But she almost regretted asking when she felt him freeze visibly, pausing his ministrations. He stared at her for several seconds, his gaze intense beneath his lashes.

“Do you know…exactly what you’re asking for? You are under no obligation -”

“ - I…I want to. I’m sure. Since you’re touching me, that means I should get to touch you, right?”

He quirked a brow,“…You make a fair point. Well, since you so wish it,” He moved her hand away temporarily, unbuckling his belt while he held her gaze, “Then touch me you shall.”

In the next moment, his straining, leaking cock was finally released from the confines of his pants.

Her eyes went wide, unable to look away. She knew he was big. But to see it up close, she couldn’t help but fear for the future well-being of her pussy. She had seen plenty of dicks courtesy to a group chat with her friends, but never one quite so intimidating.

Any lick of confidence she previously held left her, and she found herself at a loss. Sensing this, he once again took her small hand in his own to guide it towards his cock, “It seems this will be our first…lesson together. Here, try holding me. Yes…yes…just like that,” he moved her hand firmly along his shaft, squeezing her hand so she knew to hold him with a firm grip. He hissed at the intense amount of pleasure brought forth from her inexperienced hands, his eyes closing in ecstasy.

Evelyn watched with rapture as both of their hands worked his cock - he felt so thick, so hot in her hands. She looked up to his face, and her heart stuttered once she saw his expression. His eyes were closed in stern concentration, uneven pants leaving his lips. She was seeing an entirely different side to the professor she admired for so long, and she couldn’t tear her eyes away from his face. His cock. She was bewitched.

Loki removed his hand from around hers, allowing Evelyn to freely stroke his length while he reverted his attention to her body. His lips went to attack her neck, and a hand went to her dripping heat once again. She was extremely wet, wetter than he anticipated, and that excited him to no end. While he was tempted to have his fingers inside her, his dick, to feel her soft walls surround him- he was aware that she probably wouldn’t be ready for such an intrusion. So instead, he focused once more on her clit, stimulating the nub in a way he knew brought absolute pleasure.

They gripped each other for dear life as they nipped, kissed, stroked and rubbed each other to the precipice.

Her wrist felt tired from working his cock without rest, but she couldn’t stop. Didn’t want to stop. She felt so good, and was even happier that he felt pleasure from her touch despite her lack of knowledge in what to do.

Before long, she felt a steady pressure building up as her professor continued to relentlessly circle her clit. The feeling itself was so overwhelming, she couldn’t help the words that tumbled from her mouth, “Professor… sir, oh fuck, Loki - something’s coming - it feels so good, please don’t stop, please don’t -“

It felt so good that she literally felt tears welling in her eyes. She wasn’t sure if that was normal, but she was too lost to care. Her professor’s voice, husky from exertion, entered her ears not long after the outburst, his heart leaping from his chest at hearing his name from her lips, “Are you going to come, sweet pet? Yes, come for me, we’ll come together, I…I won’t last much longer -“

Quite suddenly, her vision blanked. Her body jerked violently against his, momentarily losing control of her limbs as she lunged forward. Evelyn’s mouth hung open in silent euphoria, her eyes squeezed shut. Her body convulsed intensely, so much that she hit a leg quite hard against the desk because of the abrupt movement. To witness her climax so wildly, Loki lost all control. He came soon after, ropes of cum coating the hand and thighs of his little lover. It wouldn’t stop pumping for a while, to the point a pool of cum settled on the desk between her legs.

Loki had never released such a copious amount in a long time…it led him to wonder how long he’d been starved of this satisfaction.

He rested his forehead against hers, a happy, wide smile gracing his features. Because for the first time in 36 years, he felt extremely content with his life. He wouldn’t let Evelyn go, even if his life depended on it. She was now his, and no one else’s.


A/N: So…ahem. This took longer than I thought, despite it being short, because I had to take several breaks while writing. I still get shy writing spicy scenes, because I’m always like “I can’t believe I’m writing this filthy shit.” I read it all the time, but actually writing it gets me blushing. Anyway, I’m going to start drafting the next chapter directly after I post this one, so the wait shouldn’t be as torturous.

Previous Chapter

Summary:Evelyn Monroe has been a TA for professor Laufeyson’s Calculus course for four months now. He was known to be quite strict, but that never deterred her from applying for the position in order to be close to the man she had been secretly pining for. One evening, she returns to his office after opening hours… and with her bountiful luck, she walks in on something not meant to be seen.

Chapters: 7/?

Words: 2800+

Warnings: Explicit sexual content

Tags:@milkymaidme@dangertoozmanykids101@alexakeyloveloki@little-moonbeam-666 @marvel-ous-fics@clovermariear@lynnesm@bitchyikes@moon-child-of-a-poet,@allthecraftandthings@bubblegumspitt@shockwavee@blondekel77 @nerd–nirvana@valdemarismynonbinarylove

If you’d like to be added, let me know. I’ve also posted this onAO3


Evelyn stared blankly at the man in front of her, as his words and the close proximity between them stunned her into silence.

She attempted to formulate a coherent reply to his filthy admission, but all she could manage was a squeaky whimper.


Oh? Oh?! This man, my professor, literally just said he wanted to fuck me to high heaven, and all I could say was oh?!!

Despite sensing the woman in his arms had grown increasingly flustered, to the point he feared she would faint again, Loki refused to relent as he continued to bombard her with his fantasies.

“I’ve watched you for so long, wanted you for so long. To see that beautiful smile of yours, shine just for me. To see you laugh, cry, and scream - Just. For. Me. I will have it no other way, from this day forward. I swear it. No longer will I settle for someone else.”

His words were filled with such passion, such overwhelming possessiveness, that Evelyn could not believe that it was directed towards her. Of all the women he could have in this world, he wanted…her? Little ole’ Evelyn? A student? 

She couldn’t believe it. As she began to doubt the sincerity behind his words, Candice’s voice replayed inside her head.

‘He just seems the type to…you know, fuck his students on the regular…have hoes on call, you know the works. Just warning you, I don’t want your feelings hurt.’

Because of this, Evelyn gradually began to think that he probably just wanted a quick romp in the hay with a student to satiate whatever fantasies he may have, and then find some way to shut her up later.

 She wanted…to be more than that.

“…And what makes you think…that..uh..I want the same thing…? That I want you?” 

Evelyn once again blurted out the first thing that came to mind, while attempting to distance herself away from him. She had tried to sound confident, but expectedly, she failed miserably.

Despite that, her words did manage to stun him for a moment - for he did not expect her to utter such nonsense.

He fixed her with a steady glare, daring her to disagree with his next words,

“Just moments before, in front of my door, you were muttering to yourself how much you yearned for my touch, despite my roughness. You expect me to believe otherwise?”

Evelyn was stumped, mouth opening in shock. She didn’t want to believe he actually heard her and pushed it to the back of her head, pretending that his reply at the time meant something else. But the dastardly man held no reservations about burying her in embarrassment.

Nevertheless, she continued to play dumb in order to preserve the remaining scraps of dignity she so cherished.

“I could like…um… I don’t know, have a boyfriend..or..something…? I was probably thinking about him at the time.”

The room dropped several degrees in that instant.

“…Boyfriend?” The forceful way in which he spat those words made it sound like it was the most repulsive thing in the world, his eyes now cold as ice.

He laughed mirthlessly as he closed the distance she had made between them, stalking towards her like a wolf eyeing his prey. “Now, pray tell, who would this...boyfriend of yours be? I have never seen you with -”

He took a pause before he could finish his sentence. Slowly, his face began to twist in barely concealed anger, as if he realized something.

“…You mean to say…” his eyes slowly narrowed as he spoke through gritted teeth, “It was that daft boy that came to get your things? Andrès, was it? Pardon me for saying this, but I cannot see what has you so smitten -”

She wanted to play along with it. But the idea itself was so preposterous to her brain that she busted out in laughter before she could even think to stop herself.

“Oh fuck no! Andrès? Mr. Chunky Chunks? Phew! You’re real funny, you know that?”

If she were any sillier, she would’ve slapped a knee before rolling on the floor, still laughing at his suggestion.

Evelyn did not look up to see his expression, but she guessed he must’ve looked pretty aggrieved.

“ He’s…heh-heh… he’s just a friend. Did you really think…”

Evelyn trailed off, slowly recalling her interaction with Andrés earlier that day. His sour demeanor, and anger at failing the course after speaking to Loki on her behalf.

“Uh…wait… is that why,” Evelyn laughed nervously to herself, before looking up at him to gauge his reaction, “…Is that why you failed him? Because you thought he was -“

“- Of course not,” He cut her off a bit too quickly, slowly averting his eyes from her person, “ The boy had missed classes, with today being his third absence. As my TA, surely you must know what that means.”

His words were logical - if Andrès missed that many classes, then his failing had nothing to do with her, thankfully. But if that was the case, why was he avoiding direct eye contact? And why was he getting a bit red in the face?

“In any case,” her professor abruptly cleared his throat to change the subject, “We have more important things to discuss.”

Suddenly even more nervous than she was before, Evelyn’s heart began to thump loudly at the change of his tone.

Well, here goes nothing…

“I…um, I now know that you’re attracted to me. But…I’m not sure what you’re expecting from me,”

Evelyn began quietly, twiddling her thumbs, “ At this point, I can’t deny that I feel the same way. But…I think what we want from each other is a bit…different.”

Loki raised his dark brows at her insinuation, “ And what exactly do youthinkI want from you, darling?”

Evelyn sighed to herself. It was best to be honest with the man, he could tell a white lie from a mile away.

“…I think you just want me for sex. A quick lil fuck, fling, whatever. Then you’d toss me to the side whenever it’d convenience you.” She took a deep breath, hands across her chest as a source of comfort, “ …I want more than that. I am more than that.”

His eyes revealed nothing as he looked at her in silence, seemingly unaffected by her words - but the slight tightening of his jaw was extremely telling.

Evelyn worried she might’ve been a bit too blunt about it. But his voice soon echoed within the room, unusually soft and complacent, 

“…I understand that due to my actions towards you, and what you have seen of me, that I have left a rather unfavorable impression of myself attributed by a lack of self control,” he began to move a hand to caress her face, but hesitated for a moment. 

When she did not flinch away, he rested a large hand against her neck, caressing her cheek idly with his thumb, “ You may doubt my sincerity, but please trust that I want you entirely as my woman, my lover, or whatever title you feel comfortable with. I…I admit my initial intentions towards you were not pure. However, just your body isn’t enough now, as wonderful as it is. I need your heart, your mind. And in return, you shall have mine as well.”

In response to his heartfelt confession, Evelyn could only gape at him with big, googly fish eyes. Why did she feel like she just got proposed to?!

Suddenly dry in the mouth, Evelyn forced herself to choke out whatever insecurities she had…about whatever what was between them now. He was so open with her - the man was usually extremely closed off with his feelings, she could hardly pinpoint his mood most of the time in the past…but now she could see a side of him she never thought she would ever witness. His vulnerability. She could at least show him the same courtesy.

“…I’m just - I’m afraid I won’t be able to make you happy… I’m not as experienced and knowledgeable as you, and other women… and.. uhm..” 

She could tell that her babbling had piqued his interest, as he gently prompted her to continue by massaging her neck in an attempt to help her relax a bit.

However, it only made it harder for her to speak, so her next words came out only a tad jumbled since she spoke as fast as possible to get it over with.


Phew, got it out there!

Feeling accomplished but mostly embarrassed, Evelyn turned her head away from his touch to cover her face, hiding behind her small hands.

An uncomfortable amount of silence passed.

“Could… pfft-“

In response to the stifled laughter before her, Evelyn slowly peeked from her hands to look at his face.

“Could you please, repeat what you just said? Just…just once more. I didn’t quite catch that.”

He was grinning from ear to ear, his expression extremely jovial to the point she gaped at him in fascination. When was the last time she had seen this cold, strict professor of hers laugh so openly? Never. With the exception of the little chuckle he graced her with once, his smile was a rarity. So needless to say, she felt herself blushing at the thought of being the source of his happiness, and future happiness to come. Oh, and the sound of his laugh was hot as hell too.

In any case, she righted herself before she decided to change her sentence completely, “Ahem! Mm! Uh…I said that I am extremely inexperienced when it comes to pleasing a man, as you’d technically be my first ever relationship.  And first everything.There. I said what I said.”

His grin grew even wider at the change, “If those are your concerns, please rest assured. I’m in no rush to… haha… ‘pop your pussy’ as you so eloquently put it. As I’ve stated previously, I intend for our relationship to be a serious one. Set the pace however you’d like. But when the time comes…”

He leaned in closer, causing her breath to momentarily falter, “ I’d be more than happy to teach you, manymanythings. Just as I’ve done in the past. You’re a fast learner, darling. You needn’t be so worried. I’ll be slow, and gentle. Your first time will be pleasurable - and like a good girl, youwillaccept all of me.”

In those icy blue eyes, she could see his barely constrained lust - the tension in his shoulders as he held himself back from giving into his baser desires. He didn’t want to scare her away like last time, she realized. 

But those very words that left his lips, awakened something primal within Evelyn herself. Her skin prickled with excitement, and she could swear the wetness from her most intimate parts could rival Niagara Falls right about now.

Since we’re both consenting adults attracted to one another…a kiss to start things off wouldn’t be so bad, right? Yep. A nice little peck. Just to see what it’s like…

Horny Evelyn™ has finally made an appearance. So, spurred on by adrenaline and hormones, she decided to take the plunge and ask for one.

“Then…then to start things off, how about a kiss? I mean - just a peck, I’ve..oh shit, this is so embarrassing - I mean, I’ve always imagined what it would be like…with you. So yeah…”

Loki seemed surprised that she even suggested it, his eyes widening by a fraction. “While extremely tempting my dear, I fear I lack the self control at the moment to have it be…’just a kiss’. Unless, you’d be willing to take the risk.”

Evelyn pretended to think about it for a moment, before replying with a sharp nod of her head, “Yep, I’m sure. Since I’m with you now…I kinda want to get used to being intimate with someone. Baby steps. So yeah… let’s do it.“

The air changed, charging with so much tension it was almost stifling. She watched as he came closer to her, his entire demeanor giving away the excitement he felt at the opportunity to finally kiss her without reproach.

Their breaths picked up when he snaked an arm behind her back to pull her flush against him, while using the other to tip her head up by the chin.

Without breaking eye contact, he inched closer and closer, until their lips finally touched.

As soon as they did, Evelyn felt as if she stepped into an entirely different world. Everything disappeared in that moment, as if he was the only one that existed. His scent, and the softness of his lips were now the only things that mattered. Overwhelmed with this sudden sensation, she grasped at his shirt, desperate for more contact.

Loki had indeed intended for the kiss to be chaste - but the sudden action on her part spurred him to take things just a bit further. It was a bit underhanded, but a little pinch to her hip gave him all the access to her mouth he needed.

Instead of focusing on the sudden pain to her hip, her senses were instead zoned in on the sensation of his tongue that was now inside her mouth. She moaned, reveling at how it felt to have him inside her. She imagined her first kiss to be a sloppy mess, but the man kissed with sensual grace. Aside from the masterful use of his tongue that was about to leave her a panting mess, the subtle movements of his hips against her own left her wanting for more.

Without breaking the kiss, he turned them around so that she was now backed up against his desk. The position reminded her of when he first embraced her in his classroom - her legs open for him to stand between them, and the familiar hardness that pressed against her core.

She let out a small gasp against his lips when he began to grind said erection against her with earnest, the sudden jolt of pleasure catching her off-guard. Delighted at the sounds coming from the young woman before him, he grew even bolder, slowly moving his hands away from her hips to grasp her butt - lifting her unto his desk in one fell swoop.

Heh…”just a peck” my ass. I might actually get fuckidy fucked to the moon and back at this rate. So much for going slow…

Unexpectedly however, her professor soon broke the kiss of his own volition. She was about to protest, but the look in his eyes shut her up immediately. It was filled to the brim with want, and she worried that they now passed the point of no return.

“I would like to touch you…even more. May I?

She was in a bit of a daze, so she was confused as to what he was asking of her. Weren’t they already touching?

Smiling at her confusion, he made it easier for her by showing exactly what he meant.

So, Evelyn nothing short of yelped in surprise when she felt his large hands cup both of her breasts through her dress.

She didn’t stop him when he began to massage them - it was as if she were in a trance like state of pleasure. She watched his hands with rapt attention as he played with her breasts, and just the sight of her professor touching her in such an intimate way caused the ache in her sex to worsen. 

She jerked against his hardness with a sudden pinch of a nipple, causing him to release a deep groan of pleasure. 

Evelyn decided that was the sexiest sound she’d ever heard, and she wanted more of it.

So, she began to move her hips in tandem with his, bringing about a friction that left them moaning unashamedly.

"You feel so good, my dear Evelyn… fuck! - I’d give anything in the world to be deep inside your tight-”

Knock knock!

“- Hey..uh… professor Laufeyson? You in there?”

The jarring voice of Andrès froze the two lovers within the room,  effectively breaking the spell of wanton abandon between them.


A/N: I apologize for the delay! I was busy getting ready for school, doing assignments, etc. That my writing/reading really took a backseat. Also, some exciting news - I’m going to go see betrayal on Oct.13th! I’m so excited…like omg! 

Thank you for reading, let me know what you thought, what you 

hope to see, etc.

Previous Chapter

Summary:Evelyn Monroe has been a TA for professor Laufeyson’s Calculus course for four months now. He was known to be quite strict, but that never deterred her from applying for the position in order to be close to the man she had been secretly pining for. One evening, she returns to his office after opening hours… and with her bountiful luck, she walks in on something not meant to be seen.

Chapters: 6/?

Words: 2200

Warnings: Explicit sexual content

Tags:@milkymaidme@dangertoozmanykids101@alexakeyloveloki@little-moonbeam-666 @marvel-ous-fics@clovermariear@lynnesm@bitchyikes@moon-child-of-a-poet,@allthecraftandthings@bubblegumspitt@shockwavee@blondekel77

If you’d like to be added, let me know. I’ve also posted this onAO3


You have not an inkling… of how long I’ve staved off the temptation of having you beneath me. Across my desk, and at the mercy of my cock.

At the mercy of my cock…

At the mercy of my cock…

Currently, Evelyn sat dazed in a bathroom stall as the filthy words from her professor echoed repeatedly within her mind.

She was not sure how to wrap her head around over what transpired. How could she, when the cold and untouchable professor Laufeyson, whom she secretly liked, practically dry humped her into oblivion?

Well, technically they weren’t dry - but the concept still stands.

She could still remember it clearly, his disheveled appearance before she ran away in a panic. Due to how wet she was when he pressed against her, his white dress shirt had gotten wet as well. The material stuck to his body, revealing a tease of the lean, muscular figure underneath. His tie was off to one side, and his ruffled hair further accentuated the wild look in his eyes.

But the one thing that drew her attention the most was the prominent, impressive bulge that tented his pants.

Now there was no doubting it. At this point, she’d be an idiot to believe that her professor held no interest in her. However, his attack on her body came so suddenly that Evelyn did not know her next course of action, so she sat on the toilet endlessly pondering.

When she saw him next, did she act as if nothing happened?
Was he interested in a relationship with her despite her status as a student?
Or did he just want to use her for sex, as Candice suggested? And would sex with him be…rough?

She had just gotten a clear handle that he may not be a gentle lover - and that scared her all the more, especially considering his size.

Evelyn was a stone cold virgin. She was afraid to put in a tampon, much less the monster that currently nestled within her professor’s pants.

Evelyn clutched her head in frustration, before sighing dramatically. Since she didn’t know much about sex in general, she probably needed to do some desperate soul searching on porn hub and spankbang once she got home.

Evelyn eventually exited the stall, moving to stand before the mirror. In her haste to get away from professor Laufeyson, she ran straight from his classroom to the bathroom at the end of the hallway, hopping straight into a stall.

She neglected to check her appearance in the mirror at the time, so Evelyn couldn’t help but gasp when she saw the current state of her neck.

“Lord have mercy…”

The right side of her neck was mottled with purples and reds, the hues deeply saturated against the brown of her skin. She was not one to bruise easily, so such a sight was shocking.

Evelyn lifted a hand to gently trace the bruises. As she felt them, she could once again feel professor Laufeyson’s lips on her neck. She remembered the pain as he sucked against her skin, then the sensation of overwhelming pleasure that followed immediately after.

She could still feel his large hands on her body as he groped and squeezed her breasts, her butt, her thighs, her hips - just thinking about it brought back the throbbing to her lower regions.

Although what he did was essentially sexual assault - and against a student even, Evelyn was ashamed to admit that although she was scared…she also liked the rough handling of her body… especially coming from him.

She did not know what any of this meant. Wasn’t she supposed to hate being treated so…roughly? Being manhandled?

Even with the strong infatuation towards her professor, this incident should be a glaring red signal to run the opposite direction.

In any case, Evelyn knew she couldn’t walk around campus with blatant hickies across her neck, and Candice would definitely have questions once she got home.

So when she reached for her purse to cover the bruises with makeup, needless to say, Evelyn began to fret.

Because her purse was nowhere in sight.

She looked inside the bathroom stall, then on the floor, but nope. Nada. Gone.

She really, really did not want to go back to the classroom to check, especially after she had just ran away.

But her purse did not only have her make-up, but the keys to her apartment, as well as her wallet. She could only hope that he left the purse in the classroom, so she could get a janitor or something to open the door for her if it was locked.

At this thought, she gained a bit of hope.

Before she left the bathroom, Evelyn dried her dress underneath the hand dryer for a bit, before tying her jacket around her neck in an attempt to cover the bruises high and close to her throat. She looked a bit silly, but it was better than nothing.

She definitely received some weird looks from her fellow peers as she transversed the hallways of the science department like a spy agent; tiptoeing, peeking around walls, etc. Just to avoid a run-in with professor Laufeyson as she made her way to his classroom.

She became even more vigilant as she got closer to the classroom door - she looked left and right before standing on the tips of toes to peek into the lecture hall for any sign of her purse, and the professor she desperately wanted to avoid.

Fortunately, he wasn’t there - but neither was her purse.
That only meant that he took the purse with him, the worst possible scenario.

Frustrated, Evelyn began to curse fervently under her breath, and kicked uselessly at the door.

“The hell are you doing?”

Evelyn spun around so fast, she nearly fell backwards from the dizziness.

“Oh my fucking…Andrès! You damn near scared the holy ghost outta me!”

She placed a hand on her chest to calm her thumping heart as she addressed her friend, Andrès. Although they were in different departments, they had developed a close friendship during their foundation years of college, during which they took several classes together.

“Ha! Well, I ain’t mean to. What’re you doing here though?”

He then squinted his eyes as he pointed to her, “And why the jacket around your neck?”

Evelyn rolled her eyes, attempting to act natural. She was internally panicking, and moved to subtly adjust her jacket, “It’s fashion, dumbass. And I just lost my purse.”

As she looked at him, her eyes slowly began to shine as an idea began to form.

“Hey…Andrès. You got a class right now?”

He eyed her suspiciously, “…In like, thirty minutes. Why though?”

Evelyn put on the softest, sweetest voice she could muster, “ Uhm…could you stop by professor Laufeyson’s office real quick? I think I left my purse in the classroom and he has it with him and… I’m kinda in a rush to do some really important stuff right now. Could you like, pick it up for me, pretty please?”

Andrès looked as if she suggested that he jump off a cliff, “ Oh hell no! I skipped morning class today…”

“… I get that. But come on bro, you still owe me twenty dollars from when we went to Wendy’s. I’ll forget about it, deal?”

“Twenty?! It definitely was like five dollars-”

“- Yeah yeah whatever, are you gonna help me or not?”

Andrès crossed his arms, “Man, I don’t know. He’s really gonna skin my ass…”

“Alright, here’s what,” Evelyn stepped closer, resting a hand on his shoulder, “Get me my purse, and I’ll treat you to tamales one of these days. How’s that?”

At the sound of tamales, Andrès’ face split into a big grin, “You better! Even if I don’t get it, you’re still buying me food.”

Seeing his grin, Evelyn couldn’t resist smiling as well, “Ha-ha, sure. Hurry before your class starts, and thanks again. You’re savin’ my life here.”

She stepped closer to give him a side hug in parting, “Just drop it off in my studio - I should be there doing some work.”

“Aight, you bet.”

At his confirmation, Evelyn happily skipped away with a light heart.

She just wasn’t prepared to face professor Laufeyson, so she hoped Andrès follows through with his promise.


“…What did you just say?”

Evelyn stopped midway through her painting to address Andrès, who stood outside the opening to her studio.

After she had asked him that favor, she went across campus to do some work in the art department. She busied herself with painting for several hours, waiting anxiously for Andrès to drop by. When he finally came, however, he was empty-handed with an extremely bitter expression.

“I said, he wants you to come get it yourself. He wouldn’t give it to me. On top of that,” Andrès’ voice raised by a margin, his skin turning red, “He failed me for the entire fucking semester!”

Evelyn could only gape at him in shock, “Oh…”

“ Oh? Oh?! That’s all you gotta say?!” Andrès turned around to exit the studio, storming out. It took a few seconds before he ran back in to say one last piece, “You owe me much, much more than tamales! And I ain’t helping your ass again.”
With that, he finally walked off.

Evelyn could only lean down in her stool to place her face in both hands, before whining despairingly, “Oh shit…”

She honestly should’ve sucked it up and asked for the purse, because she was now sure that professor Laufeyson was pissed for whatever reason - and she didn’t know what that meant for her, or her chastity.

Evelyn left the art building with a heart filled with anxiety, making her way towards his office expecting the unknown. Would he… pounce on her once again? If he did, she wasn’t sure her poor heart could manage.

It was pretty late in the evening, so the science department was pretty scarce, with the exception of those taking night classes.

As she walked to the door of his office, Evelyn couldn’t help but think of the time she spent with Laufeyson, and at what point her mysterious professor could’ve possibly developed an interest in her.

Now that she was thinking back, it was as if every little thing he did in the past gained significance. The extra tutoring sessions, their casual conversations - not to mention waking up on his lap. That should’ve been an obvious one, but at the time Evelyn’s low self-esteem insisted that it meant absolutely nothing.

She now came face to face with the door. Evelyn closed her eyes, and took several deep breaths to steady her beating heart. She raised her hand in a sudden jerk to knock before she chickened out, and waited with bated breath for his voice.

A voice that did not come.

Confused, she waited for several seconds before knocking once more. But silence was all that greeted her.

Did…did he already leave?

Evelyn felt half relieved, yet disappointed at the same time. Secretly within her heart, she wanted to see him.

During the hours when she was painting, various scenarios went through her head of what would happen between them in his office. They were all extremely sexual in nature - and that scared her. She never so much as thought about sex previously, but it was if he was the catalyst to all things dark within her heart.

She saw herself being harshly taken on his desk, the couch, even the blasted wall - and she could barely even concentrate on her work as he invaded her thoughts to a frightening degree.

Evelyn still stood aimlessly in front of his door, now at a lost. She rested her head against the wood, sighing to herself.

Why do I want him to treat me so roughly? It’s…wrong.

“Now, why would it be so wrong?”
Evelyn froze as the voice of her professor sounded from directly behind her, his body heat warming her back.

“You’re… you’re here…” Her voice was quiet and meek, shocked that she said her thoughts out loud, and that he had heard them.

“That I am. Thankfully, I hadn’t wandered far,”
Evelyn flinched slightly when she felt him touch her shoulders, but he merely moved her aside to open the door, “You’re here for your purse, aren’t you?”

He acted strangely normal as he entered his office, expecting her to simply follow.

His behavior was so confusing…was he acting as if he didn’t just maul her hours earlier?

She entered the office cautiously, eyeing his back as he shrugged off his suit jacket.

Without looking behind him, he issued a simple command, “Close the door. I’d like our conversation to be private, if you wouldn’t mind.”

Evelyn would much rather have the door open. But when he turned around to give her the look, she reluctantly turned around to close it.

Once she did, he then began to speak, “ Firstly, I’d like to apologize,” he nodded towards her neck, “I did not expect you to mark so easily.”

That’s what he’s apologizing for?!

Evelyn removed the jacket from around her neck, gaining the confidence to speak, “With all due respect professor, w..what you did earlier..um - it wasn’t appropriate and, I’m not sure what you want from me -”

He raised a hand to silence her, “I understand, and I apologize for my actions. However,”

His expression was serious and stern as he said his next words, “I would not hesitate to have you again, writhing against me.”

Evelyn was flabbergasted at the words that just left his mouth.

“…What…what do you mean by that - ”

Her sentence was cut short when he made a step towards her, “To put things bluntly,”

Without warning, he grabbed at her waist to press her against him, chest to chest to whisper in a sultry manner, “I want to hear your sweet voice screaming my name repeatedly, as I fuck you against my desk.”

Well… that was pretty blunt.


A/N: Hey guys, the campers arrived and it has been SO HARD trying to find time to read, write, etc. because being a counselor is a full-time endeavor - from 7 in the morning, till 12:30 in the night. I finally found some lee-way, but there may be some grammar errors. Nonetheless, until next time!

Previous Chapter

Summary:Evelyn Monroe has been a TA for professor Laufeyson’s Calculus course for four months now. He was known to be quite strict, but that never deterred her from applying for the position in order to be close to the man she had been secretly pining for. One evening, she returns to his office after opening hours… and with her bountiful luck, she walks in on something not meant to be seen.

Chapters: 5/?

Words: 2100

Warnings: Explicit sexual content

Tags:@milkymaidme@dangertoozmanykids101@alexakeyloveloki@little-moonbeam-666 @marvel-ous-fics@clovermariear@lynnesm@bitchyikes@moon-child-of-a-poet,@allthecraftandthings@bubblegumspitt @shockwavee@blondekel77

If you’d like to be added, let me know. I’ve also posted this onAO3


“Oh lord…please say it ain’t so! Shit… shit!”

By this point, Evelyn was thoroughly convinced she was cursed with bad luck.

The night before, she made sure to set the alarm on her phone for 7 am - but upon waking up to see a glaring 9:35 on her phone, it was then that she discovered that everything had been set to silent.

The Monday lecture started promptly at 8:00 and ended at 10 am, so Evelyn jumped from her bed in a frenzy as she rushed to get ready.

Having showered late last night, all Evelyn had to do was to brush her teeth, fluff out her hair, then throw on the easiest things she could find - a sundress, jacket, and flats.

She had already painstakingly chosen an outfit before bed, but she dreaded having to wrestle on the jeans she picked out when she was already in such a rush.

Evelyn wouldn’t admit it outright, but she wanted to look nice, or substantially better than usual before she went to assist professor Laufeyson during his lecture.

She spent about half the night picking out a nice outfit she thought best suited her figure, and agonized over her hair. It was difficult to style most times because of its texture - so she washed it, then installed flexi-rods to give her curls renewed definition.

But as she rushed out the door and unto the side-walk, she realized that all of her efforts would’ve been laid to waste regardless as she eyed the dark clouds that loomed above her.

She had no time to run back inside for an umbrella, and she regretted her choice of wearing a dress almost immediately, especially with its short length.

Evelyn swore under her breath as she decided to just book it towards campus, hoping she could beat the rain before it started pouring.

The weather in New York had been agreeable for the most part, despite it being early April - but of all days, the spring rain decided to make its appearance.

The raindrops pelted against her skin and dress ruthlessly as she ran, and her purse provided meager protection against the droplets as she held it above her head.

By the time she finally reached the building, she was thoroughly soaked.

Not only was Evelyn disastrously late, but she looked as good as a drenched rat. Her dress clung to her form uncomfortably, hair wet and sinking to her shoulders.

Thankfully the dress was opaque in color so her panties remained unseen. However, the outlines were still plainly visible as the material stuck snug to her body…and her nipples looked as though they wanted to rob a bank with the way they shot out.

Stepping inside, she made her way to the lecture hall hurriedly, ignoring her wet appearance. Her heart hammered inside of her chest, anxious and fearful of Professor Laufeyson’s reaction.

He expected her to be there to assist him. Thinking back to his email, he probably thought she no longer wanted to be his TA, when that was anything but the case.

She continued to berate herself all the way until she reached the door to his classroom, with nary a few minutes left until the lecture was over.

There were two entrances to the room, and she opted to enter through the back. She did not want to see the immediate disappointment in his eyes, so she tried to sneak in unnoticed and sulk in the corner until she could speak with him alone.

But Evelyn should’ve expected by now that things would never go her way, as all eyes in the room went to her direction - including the ones of her brooding professor.

At first glance, she thought she had seen disbelief, then relief fill his features, but it was quickly replaced with its usual stoic exterior.

The lecture hall was pin-drop silent as she averted her eyes from his gaze, scanning the room of its occupants as a hand clutched her jacket closed. She was surprised that mostly everyone in the room wore weary expressions - an odd sight to see whenever she helped out during his lectures in the past.

Despite it being math, and in the early hours at that, his students would still be fully engaged with the lesson from beginning to end. But now, they looked as if they were itching to leave their seats.

There was still around ten minutes left of the lecture, so Evelyn was taken aback when he decided to end it early, “I suppose everyone has done enough for today. Leave your quizzes face down on the desk, and our TAshall collect them. You may all go.”

She had never seen 50 or so students spring up so quickly from their seats at the same time.

Evelyn squished herself against the wall as a wave of students rushed past her to get to the door, leaving the room completely empty in a matter of minutes.

Woah, bad day today I guess…?

There were a few times Professor Laufeyson would get into one of his ‘moods’, and it seemed like today was one of those days. As for the cause, Evelyn was unsure.

He remained standing there at the bottom of the steps, arms crossed and leaning against the podium as he regarded her silently.

His quietness unsettled her as Evelyn awkwardly began to collect the quizzes, the patter of the rain against the windows and the squelch of her soaked flats making the majority of the noise in the room.

She slowly made her way down the steps, trembling due to both the chill in the air, and her nerves.

Evelyn did not know what to do with herself when she reached him, holding the stack of papers in an odd manner to prevent them from getting wet on her dress.

“Uhm… do you want me to just put them there, or…?” Evelyn gestured towards the desk beside the podium, cowering under his intense gaze.

He leaned off the podium to approach her quite suddenly, and Evelyn nearly fell backward in surprise as he got closer, “You are…wet.” His eyes left her own as they trailed down her figure to linger on her breasts, “No…you are positively drenched.”

Evelyn was now consciously aware of her jutting nipples through the wet fabric, and she shifted uncomfortably in a sly attempt to cover them with her jacket, “Yeah.. um- I’m… I’m sorry I’m so late, my alarm was silent, but I ran here as fast as I could… and the rain was -”

“I didn’t ask to hear an excuse, Evelyn.”

He took the papers from her fingers rather roughly, throwing them carelessly to a desk behind her.

Evelyn was startled. She knew he’d be mad, but not to this extent.

“I’m, uh… please just hear me out -”

“- I am not angry. You are here, are you not?” He slowly began to back her up against the desk, and Evelyn was thoroughly confused and concerned with the sudden turn of events.

He… he isn’t mad? And…but why the heck is he getting so close…!?

He was now so close to the point that he could wedge his legs between her own - and he did just that.

Evelyn’s eyes shot up quickly to meet his, filled with shock and disbelief. And then, her thoughts lost all comprehension when he began to idly play with a lock of her wet hair.


The way he looked right now…was an entirely different side of him she had yet to see. His eyes did not hold the coldness they usually carried, nor did he look kind. No…he looked as though he wanted to eat her whole. His fierce expression reminded her of that night. That predatory, animalistic look…

“I had thought.. that you no longer wanted to assist me, and that I would rarely see you, if ever,” his fingers left her hair to graze her cheek, “Yet here you are, and in this… state, no less..” His breathing picked up as he began to trace a finger down her neck, and to her collar bone, “Why must you make things so difficult for me?”

Evelyn struggled to stutter out a reply, “I.. I don’t know- I don’t mean to…to make things hard for you…I’ll try to be good for you from now on… and.. um.. uh… I’ll try to be on time…”

Perhaps it was the way she phrased her words, but it seemed to be the straw that broke the camel’s back.

The poor girl was knocked off-kilter as he pressed her body against his in a suffocating embrace; His face began to burrow into her neck to inhale, kiss, nip, and suck with such force she could only yelp in pain.

His hands then roamed across her back to grip her bum, lifting her up to roughly place her on the desk as he moved further in-between her legs.

“Holy - ow! Prof - Professor Laufeyson, what… what are you! -”

“ So much better… much better than I could have ever imagined…” was all he said, his voice choked to the brim with darkness and lust. It seemed as though he was deaf to the world as he continued his rough handling of her body, groping about wherever he could. Her legs were spread quite wide as he continued to rub against her, and Evelyn began to throb painfully down below due to his rough handling.


She had never felt such an uncomfortable, overwhelming sensation from her privates, so she weakly began to push against him in an attempt to stop his groping.

“Wait..please just…I don’t know what - oh!” His hands went underneath her dress to grip her bare hips, shoving her roughly against the hardness protruding from his pants. He grinded relentlessly against her clothed center, causing her to release an embarrassingly strangled moan.

He mumbled into her neck with harsh, breathless pants, “You have not an inkling… of how long I’ve staved off the temptation of having you beneath me. Across my desk, and at the mercy of my cock.”

Her eyes bulged out in stunned silence, her mouth open as she gripped his shoulders for dear life. She had no idea what was happening. She was so overwhelmed, that the familiar sensation of faint began to wash over her.

It was then that Evelyn truly began to panic.

“ Stop stop stop stop STOP!!! Gonna faint, gonna faint, gonna faint!”

Fortunately, her panicked pants managed to break through his trance. The predatory look disappeared from his irises in a flash as he came back to himself, and he pushed away quickly from the trembling woman beneath him.

Evelyn looked as though she had been thoroughly ravished. Her chest heaved as the jacket slipped from her shoulders, the straps of her wet dress half way down just shy of revealing her perky nipples.

Her neck was marred with bruises - and her chocolate brown legs were still spread wide as she sat on the desk, open for display to his eyes.

Apparently, her dress wasn’t the only thing that was now soaked.

The sight of her debauched appearance, and by his hands especially - would forever be etched into her professor’s memory.

However, panic and fear began to rush into his heart as she scrambled from on top of the desk, fixing her dress before gripping her jacket closed with both hands.

“Uh..uh….I..I-I gotta go!” Evelyn bolted towards and through the door at breakneck speed, not giving him a chance to speak.

Watching her run away from him created deep-seated despair, and he wanted to yell in frustration for scaring the poor girl. He had gotten so excited, to see that she actually showed up, that he momentarily lost control of his senses.

Loki was sure that the chances of her reappearing to continue her services as his TA, were now zero to none.

He wouldn’t even be able to settle for a substitute, having now had a taste of the real thing.

Loki ran a hand through his dark hair while considering his options, until he spotted something in his periphery.

In her haste, Evelyn had forgotten to take her purse that she had settled on a desk.

Seeing it, hope rekindled in his heart. She would surely pay a visit to his office later to collect her belongings, granting him another chance to speak with her.

With that thought in mind, he retrieved her purse, taking it to his office as he anticipated her arrival.


A/N: Thank you so much for reading - as always, comments/suggestions are greatly appreciated, I love reading them way too much and I look forward to them every update! Now…I have some lukewarm news regarding the camping situation. Since my twin has a position that requires more training, she left for camp yesterday and informed me of a few things regarding the wifi situation there. There is absolutely no reception within the camp, with the exception of a few spots that do have wifi - such as the camp office, dining hall, etc. However, the walk to these spots is a bit… lengthy as it’s practically in the woods.

But! We do have break times and a day off, so I have time dedicated to catch up on writing/uploading chapters, as well as working on some art. Being surrounded by nature also fosters inspiration, so things won’t be all that bad! There’s technically a no cellphone policy, but that’s only during work hours. In basic terms, there’s wifi - but I can only make use of it during select times when I’m not busy with work/training. On the bright side, google docs don’t require internet, so I can write during the night, then upload as soon as I get time :p I can’t upload chapters with mobile for some reason on Tumblr, so I’ll have to see if they have computers there. If not, it would be on ao3 until I get to a computer.

Previous Chapter

Summary:Evelyn Monroe has been a TA for professor Laufeyson’s Calculus course for four months now. He was known to be quite strict, but that never deterred her from applying for the position in order to be close to the man she had been secretly pining for. One evening, she returns to his office after opening hours… and with her bountiful luck, she walks in on something not meant to be seen.

Chapters: 4/?

Words: 2105

Tags:@milkymaidme@dangertoozmanykids101@alexakeyloveloki @little-moonbeam-666 @marvel-ous-fics@clovermariear@lynnesm@bitchyikes@moon-child-of-a-poet,@allthecraftandthings@bubblegumspitt

If you’d like to be added, let me know. I’ve also posted this on AO3


If Evelyn thought she would get a wink of sleep that night, she was sadly mistaken.

Her thoughts were insistent on replaying certain scenes inside her head, which led her to overthink many things regarding Professor Laufeyson.

She would get flustered when she thought about how nice it felt to sit in his lap, then she’d remember how good he’d smelt. Then the next moment, she’d want a dark hole to swallow her up when she thought about how she ended up there, and why he even bothered to hold her.

In addition to that, she also spent the majority of the time thinking about the woman he was with. While there were many striking similarities between them, there were also differences. The first being that she was much more…voluptuous.

Before the woman could hide the entirety of her lady bits behind her professor’s desk, she saw that her breasts were larger by a considerable margin; While Evelyn wasn’t small-chested, her boobs weren’t nearly as large. The lady’s backside was also quite round and plump, taking the blows of her professor’s…paddle… like jelly.

In simpler terms, the woman was thick. With not one, but three C’s.

Evelyn refused to be a hater and assume she had some work done on her assets, but she wouldn’t deny the possibility.

She continued to compare herself endlessly to the woman - and what she thought her professor’s type might be.

The woman seemed much more mature, experienced, and desirable. And unfortunately, the more she focused on those differences, the more she found the similarities to be mere coincidences.

Evelyn even began to think that she probably didmishear her name. After all, why would he say her name, of all things?
Although they had grown comfortable with talking to each other over the past year, he still treated her like all his other students.

He was more attentive for sure, but she attributed that to the fact that she was just slower than the rest of her peers.

And just like that, her insecurities continued to eat at her throughout the night, and well into the morning.

Crushing on a professor really sucks ass…

Evelyn was practically dead on her feet as she went about her day - she opted to stay home and laze about, neglecting to work on her art assignments. She’d curse herself tomorrow when she has to play catch-up, but she didn’t care at the moment as she curled up on the couch to watch her favorite cooking channel.

“Eve! Come do my hair!”
Candice came bouncing into the living room, hair wet and comb in tow, “Cmon, get your lazy ass up and help me.”

Evelyn did not bother to raise her head as she replied, “Leave my lazy ass alone and do it yourself.”

“Pleaasee! You know I can’t do hair…”

Candice continued to pester her until she finally gave in, “Okay! Fine! But just know you’re cooking today.”

“Yeah yeah…” Candice plopped her butt unto the couch, handing her the comb, “Bantu knots, I want my curls like yours.”

As Evelyn began to part through her hair, Candice snapped her fingers as if remembering something, “Oh..! You still a TA for professor kinkster or nah?”

Candice yelped as Evelyn combed her hair a bit too roughly, “Prof…Professor what now?”

“You know…whack whack, paddle-waddle. Professor Laufeyson, duh. Did you give him the letter?”

Evelyn gave her elder sister an exasperated look, “Can - can you not call him that? Where did that come from…”

“Eve, you said he was tenderizing some booty with a paddle. He’s kinky as shit!”

“Is.. is that a bad thing, or..?” Evelyn never questioned the oddity of what she witnessed until now, as she thought that everyone did that sort of thing during sex.

“Nah.. it depends on what you like. Some people are into it, but not me.”
Candice began to casually munch on some chips that had been left on the coffee table, “You should Google it - Bondage, whips, crazy sex toys, etcetera. Like I said though, not my thing.”

“What.. what in the world are you talkin’ about?” Evelyn was flabbergasted, and it showed clearly on her face.

“Look, all I’m saying is that he’s a freak in the sheets. End of story. Now did you give him the dang letter or not?”

Her head was still reeling from what she was just informed of, but was focused enough to answer her question, “Yeah… I gave it to him.. But…” Her dark skin began to flush red as she once again recalled the events, “I kinda like…passed out? Then woke up in his lap…”

Candice began to choke on her chips, “You.. you what now..? Like…how?!”

“I mean, I didn’t really eat much that day, and then he got too close -“

” - So because he got close…you fainted? Then you woke up…in his lap?His lap sis? Don’t you think that’s a bit…intimate for a teacher to do?“

Evelyn paused, resting the comb in her hair, “Yeah, but… it didn’t really mean anything right? He was probably just worried…”

“Evelyn. Come on.” Candice turned around to give her a pointed look, “Now I know you’re not this stupid…”

“Well, apparently I am! What am I not getting here?”

Her sister looked at her oddly,
“Man…mama sheltered your ass to the max. Are you actually this naive?”

Evelyn crossed her arms, a frown coming upon her brows, “Instead of patronizing me, tell me what the hell’s so wrong?”

“Eh… you’ll just get mad. Forget I said anything.”

“Tell me Candice…or you can just finish your damn hair yourself.”

Candice kissed her teeth, “Tsk, don’t get mad, okay? He just seems like…hmm… how do I say this…”

She paused, considering her words carefully, “Like he’s the type to…you know, fuck his students on the regular…have hoes on call, you know the works. Just warning you, I don’t want your feelings hurt.”

“What - No! I mean I get why you think that, but he’s… he’s not like that at all… he apologized to me, and when I asked about the girl, he said she wasn’t a student -”

“ - So she’s his girlfriend then?”

Evelyn was stumped, “No…? I mean… he didn’t really clarify…”

Candice sighed, her expression bordering on pity as she looked at her, “Look, I’m saying this for your own good…but don’t get your hopes up with this man. First of all, he’s your professor who’s like, 13 years your senior? And then -”

“ - It’s just a damn crush, it was never that serious. Drop it.” Evelyn’s voice was cracked with emotion, almost yelling.

“Okay…okay… I’m sorry. You do you.”

Candice grew silent as Evelyn rushed to finish her hair. After that conversation, she just wanted to be alone.


It had been a few hours since Evelyn hid away inside her room, sitting at her work desk. She was upset with Candice not only because of the condescending manner in which she spoke to her… but for what she assumed about the professor that she’d come to know.

From what she’d learned about him, Professor Laufeyson was anything buta womanizer. He had good looks, but she has never seen him interact with or entertain any female on campus unprofessionally - and they threw themselves at him in literal droves.

Well, until that night that is…

Evelyn wiped her eyes in frustration, as she tried to push Candice’s words to the back of her head. Sometimes she was helpful in her bits of advice, but today it felt extremely unneeded.

She opened up her laptop, intent on sucking herself into a black hole of memes and mindless entertainment to get her mind off things.

That was until a loud ping!notification flashed at the side of her screen.

It was from her outlook account, where she had set up her school email address.
She had neglected to check it in the week she was absent due to a certain someone, and she regretted being so childish now. She probably missed out on a ton of important emails from her other professors, and Evelyn hoped there wasn’t anything urgent.

But when she logged in, she did not expect to see threeunread emails from professor Laufeyson, the third sent to her inbox just yesterday.

Laufeyson, Loki                         Fri 4/12
TA position
Evelyn, it was a very pleasant surp…

Laufeyson, Loki                        Thur 4/11
Office visitation: Please stop by at your earliest convenience

Good morning, I understand that due to certain circums…

Laufeyson, Loki                         Wed 4/10
Important:Regarding yesterday’s incident

It is imperative that we discuss…

Seeing three emails in a row from professor Laufeyson really knocked her for six. Whenever she had questions and decided to email him, he would never reply- only answering them when he saw her in person. She found it to be counter-productive, but never really dared to complain about it.

But considering the circumstances, she guessed it was understandable - he probably thought she would go around blabbing his business, so he took to damage control.
Regardless, her heart started to race as she opened the email from earlier on in the week- opting to read them in order.

Laufeyson, Loki                         Wed 4/10
Important: Regarding yesterday’s incident

It is imperative that we discuss what transpired. Please visit my office at the earliest opportunity, around 11 am. I hope to see you tomorrow, and promptly.


Loki Laufeyson

It was short and sweet, as Evelyn expected it to be. She suspected that even if she saw that email at the given time, she wouldn’t have budged from her bed in the slightest.
Clicking out, she moved on to the next one.

Laufeyson, Loki                        Thur 4/11
Office visitation: Please stop by at your earliest convenience

Good morning,

I understand that due to certain circumstances, you are hesitant in discussing matters with me. I have much to make clear with you, in addition to making several apologies. I would like to discuss this in person, Evelyn. It is very… unbecoming, and I do not want this situation to compromise any academic priorities you may have. If you would feel more comfortable speaking over the phone rather than in person, I will attach my number. Please, I implore you to make good use of it.



Evelyn found this one to be much more sincere, to the point that she wanted to hop down to his office right away - even though it was the weekend. She once again mentally slapped herself for acting immaturely, instead of facing the situation like an adult. She could only sigh as she opened up the latest email, which she assumed was sent after he dropped her home.

Laufeyson, Loki                         Fri 4/12
TA position

Evelyn, it was a very pleasant surprise, although in a rather odd position, to see you at my office door. I shall once again apologize for startling you, as I was unaware that you were faint of heart. Despite that, I hope that I have managed to clear the air so that we can re-establish our relationship to its previous state. Although, I am aware that you may still be uncomfortable working together with me. We will discuss things once more if that is the case, so that we may come to a resolution regarding your grade.

If you would still like to retain this position, please attend my lecture this coming Monday - I am in need of assistance, and I would love for you to take this responsibility. I will also reiterate what I said yesterday evening. I value your presence, as you are one of my most favored students.

Have a lovely weekend,


At some point in reading that email, Evelyn’s heart had turned into a beating, mushy mess. He called her his favorite student, and Evelyn was practically mind-blown with this newfound information. She knew that he found her tolerable, more so than the other students in his class - but not to this extent.

Evelyn came to a decision. Although things might still be pretty awkward with this professor of hers, she’ll make an effort to get over it, and get back to how things were. He had even attached his private number to his email, something that she never thought he would share. 

They were both adults, so she’ll try to treat the situation as a minor embarrassment. She would attend the lecture on Monday and pretend like the entire thing never happened.

But little did Evelyn know… that things were forever changed between her and professor Laufeyson, and that they would never be the same again.


A/N: Hey guys, please let me know what you thought, what you think will happen, etc! Things will be picking up next chappie, if you know what I mean. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I’ll try to get another chapter out before I leave for sleep-away camp for work on June 20th(No longer 15th, thank goodness), as I’m not sure about the internet reception there. I sincerely hope there is, since my contract ends on August 11th. I need to update! grrr! Thank you guys for reading, and I sincerely appreciate very comment. Like seriously, they make my day!

*After hours update*

New chappie coming today, will post when I get home! Just a heads up.

Previous Chapter

Summary:Evelyn Monroe has been a TA for professor Laufeyson’s Calculus course for four months now. He was known to be quite strict, but that never deterred her from applying for the position in order to be close to the man she had been secretly pining for. One evening, she returns to his office after opening hours… and with her bountiful luck, she walks in on something not meant to be seen. 

Chapters: 3/?

Words: 2178

Tags:@milkymaidme@dangertoozmanykids101@alexakeyloveloki  @little-moonbeam-666  @marvel-ous-fics@clovermariear @lynnesm

If you’d like to be added, let me know. I’ve also posted this on AO3


“…I am unsure as to why you are prostrating in front of my door, but perhaps we could discuss matters… inside?”

With every fiber of her being, Evelyn desperately wanted to get up and hightail it down the hallway. But she remained glued to the floor, staring squarely at the two imposing feet in front of her. Cold sweat began to form at the base of her back, and she feared her heart was about to burst out of her chest with the way it was beating.

Evelyn cursed her luck. Why did he decide to leave his office now?  

She shot up clumsily to her feet, nearly bucking her already injured nose against his hard chest. Thankfully, he stepped back before she did.

Evelyn adjusted her dress, dusting off imaginary dirt as she clutched the letter in a tight grip.

She then proceeded to enter his office with hesitant, stiff steps, avoiding his gaze with a lowered head.

She could hear him sigh audibly, shutting the door behind him before moving around her to sit behind his desk.

An awkward silence descended upon the room, alongside a tension so thick she could cut it with a knife.

Evelyn remained standing, hands clammy with sweat as she looked at anything but Professor Laufeyson. It was as if suddenly, the vintage furniture in his office became immensely interesting. The green wallpaper had a pretty pattern to it as well-

The clearing of his throat breached the silence, then the sound of his voice reverberated throughout the room, “Would you please just…sit? You aren’t a stranger, Miss Monroe.”

She looked up briefly at the chair situated in front of his desk. Almost instantly, distracting images of professor Laufeyson and that woman began to flit quickly inside her mind’s eye. Naked and panting, the tangible smell of sex, their unified moans -

“No. I’m good. I’m not staying long anyway.” Her reply came out much harsher and clipped than intended, but she honestly didn’t want to sit near a desk where another female had just gotten her back blown out by her professor.

Professor Laufeyson merely sighed at her answer, and she took it as him conceding to her stance. But she was wrong.

“Evelyn.Look at me.”

The severity of his voice commanded such strong obedience from Evelyn, that she all but snapped her head up to attention - her wide, hazel eyes instantly meeting the cold, blue ones of her professor.

“ I insist that you sit. I would like to speak with you, face to face, as an adult.”

Slightly scared of what would happen if she didn’t, she obliged his request. Although, she made sure the chair was a comfortable distance away from the desk - which was a pretty wide margin.

If he was hurt by the way she scorned him, he didn’t show it. Instead, he met her gaze head on - not one flicker of embarrassment or shame in sight. Whatever terror or humiliation she saw in his eyes that night, seemed like an illusion.

“… First, I would like to explain-”

“I’m not telling anyone.” Evelyn cut him off abruptly, catching both herself and her professor off guard.

“ I-I mean, I told my sis, but she doesn’t go here, and um, uh, my momma ain’t raise no snitch, so please don’t worry about anyone else finding out. Because it’s none of my business. Zip Zip. Quiet as a mouse.”

Evelyn had the bad habit of babbling when she was nervous, and she seriously wished her mouth didn’t exist at that moment. However, it continued to have a life of its own as her words shot out rapidly, barely giving her professor a chance to speak.

“Evelyn, listen to-”

“ - And I came to…to tell you I can’t be your TA anymore. I uh…wrote a letter. I’ll accept an incomplete grade or something. I’ll try to talk about it with my…um… adviser…so yeah.”

Without another word, Evelyn got up from her chair to head straight for the door. If she stayed for another moment, she feared she would die from sheer, overwhelming embarrassment. It’s like all coherent thought fled from her whenever she was in the presence of this man.

She barely managed to open the door when it was shut back roughly with a loud bang!

Evelyn stood still in shock as the scent of her professor overwhelmed her senses - one large hand beside her head kept the door firmly shut, as his breath fanned against her neck.

Ho..holy crapping shit!

“I said listen to me, for God’s sake woman!”

Although his voice remained stern, she could hear a bit of pleading to it as well.

Evelyn couldn’t trust her voice to speak anyway, so she remained silent - hands pressed against her chest in a defensive posture.

He’s so close, he’s so close, holy…please back the heck up!

She was practically hyperventilating at this point, and she was pretty sure she was about to faint.

“Evelyn? Evelyn, please…look at me.”

He turned her around by the shoulder, and he could see that her brown skin was flushed red, sweat forming at the brows.

She was now facing his chest. He smelled really, really good, and when she looked up…his sharp blue eyes laced with concern bore into her being.

Evelyn had never, ever been this close to a man before. Much less one she liked. She never cared for a relationship and preferred to focus on her education. But now…her lack of experience was really biting her in the ass.

Yep. Definitely going to faint. Fuck my life.

Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, before she was met with darkness.


The first thing Evelyn felt, was pure warmth. She felt so comfortable and at peace, that she didn’t want to move. Or wake up.

She nuzzled her face further into this warmth, as a soothing caress went up and down her back, then alongside her waist. It felt really good, and Evelyn was pretty much a melted puddle of goodness at this point.

The tantalizing scent of her professor filled her nostrils - sandalwood, lavender, whatever the hell it was that men wore these days lulled Evelyn deeper into -

Wait…wait a minute…

…. professor?

Evelyn’s eyes shot open as her sleep-addled mind began to gain awareness.

Two long, strong arms trapped her in an embrace, as she slept comfortably on the lap of professor Laufeyson.

Her face had been burrowed into his neck, and he had a possessive grip on her hip and arm as he caressed both idly.

What..what in the ducking fuck is goin’ on??!

Evelyn was freaking out mentally at this point, but she was too scared to move. She had fainted, which was embarrassing enough. But how in the world did she end up in her professor’s lap of all places?

They were still within the confines of his office from what she could see, and that he had settled them on the couch that was in the far corner of the room.

It was rarely used, however, and she recalled having to dust it off on multiple occasions. It was taking up space, and she always wondered why he even bothered to keep it there.

Well…it obviously came in handy now.

But she was confused as to why he didn’t just leave her on the couch until she woke up, and took to holding her instead.

She could no longer ponder over it however, as the deep rumbling of her professor’s voice through his chest startled the wits right out of her.

“ Since you are awake…perhaps we could now continue our conversation?”

Evelyn merely let out a high pitched ‘mhmm!’

At the moment, she couldn’t even speak if she wanted to. If her anxiety was bad before, it shot up several more levels.

All she could think about was the fact that she was actually sitting in his lap. And that he wastouching her. It was a wonder she hadn’t fainted again. Her dress had also ridden up quite a bit because of the way he was touching her, but she didn’t want to draw attention to that area by adjusting it.

He exhaled above her, continuing his soothing ministrations against her hip and shoulder, “ I…I apologize for startling you. If I had known you were so…weak hearted, I would not have done that. But I couldn’t just watch you leave when I hadn’t even begun to speak my part.”

His tone had shifted drastically from the stern, cold professor she had become used to. It was calming…and gentle.  And gentle was never a word she thought could be attached to this man. Well, the more you know…

“That night… I didn’t expect for anyone, least of all you, to be there. I was sure the door was locked, but I was sorely mistaken. I… I apologize sincerely for what you had to see, and for how I treated you. It is no excuse, but I was quite panicked.”

So…it hadn’t been a trick of the eyes. He was just as embarrassed about it as I was. But…

“Who…who was she?” Evelyn blurted out the first thing that came to mind, and once again wished she could bite off her own tongue.

She felt him stiffen significantly against her, before he gave a cool, distant reply, “ I’m afraid that isn’t any of your business. You have no need to concern yourself with her.”

The words left her mouth before she could stop herself, “ But..but she looked really familiar. She was around my skin tone, had a similar hairstyle, and she was around my… my…height…”

Those were… a lot of my’s…

Now that Evelyn thought about it…the only reason she entered his office was that she thought she heard her name. Very clearly.

She was a bit on the slow side when it came to these things, so it took a while before she could put two and two together.

Wait…no, that couldn’t be. I’m definitely tripping. Am I overthinking shit? She…was she? -

“Perhaps it is time for you to head home.”

He shifted her off his lap quite suddenly, and she was ashamed to say she was getting quite aroused comfortable sitting there.

She watched him with wide eyes as he got up, and began to take his long overcoat from the hanger, “You were out for approximately half an hour, and it has gotten quite late. I will take you home.”

Evelyn knew if she pursued the question, he’d most likely get irritated with her. But she couldn’t stop thinking about the possibility…

“Uh…but is she a student here? Or.. or…”


He turned around to look at her, his eyes glacier, “I will notrepeat myself.”

Well yikes… okay then…

Seeing her expression, he sighed in resignation, “No, she is not a student. Please leave it at that.”

Evelyn got up silently from the couch, picking up her cardigan before slipping on her flats, “Yeah… um…sorry. I don’t live far from campus, so I can just walk-”

“When I said that I would take you home, it wasn’t a question.”

He opened the door, waiting for her to step out. “After you.”

The drive back in his car had been mostly silent so far, and Evelyn had no intention of breaking it. She was drained both physically and mentally, and she was glad she had no classes the next day.

But she could see from her periphery that he stole glances at her from time to time, like he wanted to say something but didn’t know how.

It wasn’t often that her professor was lost for words, so she was curious as to what he wanted to say. Thankfully, she didn’t have to wait long, “…I understand if your decision is solidified, regarding being my TA. However…I would be extremely grateful if you were to remain. I… I value your presence.”

Evelyn looked back at him hesitantly, “But…I thought I was doing badly anyway…that’s why I got you that cake, since I felt terrible about it.”

At the mention of the cake, her professor surprised her with a warm chuckle, “Regardless of the circumstances, I appreciate the thought very much. On that note, TAs do not have midterm evals usually- I had just wanted to scare you into attending meetings more consistently.”

Evelyn was baffled for multiple reasons -  First, was that he chuckled. And second, was that he basically lied to her so she could come by more often.

Don’t let it get to your head…he definitely isn’t interested. I’m his student, he was just looking out for me, like always.

But then… why would he use my name that night? And that lady was practically my twin…

Long after he had dropped her home, and she had settled beneath the covers of her bed, thoughts along those lines continued to plague her mind.


A/N: Please, do not hesitate to let me know what you think! It feeds into my drive~

Previous chapter

Summary:Evelyn Monroe has been a TA for professor Laufeyson’s Calculus course for four months now. He was known to be quite strict, but that never deterred her from applying for the position in order to be close to the man she had been secretly pining for. One evening, she returns to his office after opening hours… and with her bountiful luck, she walks in on something not meant to be seen.

Warnings: Sexual content, Excessive swearing

Chapters: 2/?

Words: 1805


If you’d like to be added, let me know. I’ve also posted this on AO3


Never, in all twenty-four years of her life, did Evelyn ever think she would see the stoic and cold Professor Laufeyson in this manner.

He looked close to animalistic as he pounded into the female underneath him - his long raven hair dampened by sweat, his shirt open to reveal his chiseled form, and pants down just enough to release the cock currently nestled deep inside the mystery woman’s cunt.

Her professor was so concentrated on his task, that it took the screaming woman underneath him to alert him of Evelyn’s presence.

When he finally noticed her, Professor Laufeyson had gone sheet white, shock and terror written on his features.

Evelyn was frozen in place, eyes wide and mouth agape as she watched the two people in the room frantically try to cover their modesty.

The woman leapt off the desk in a panic, stooping down behind it to hide her nakedness. Her professor was busy buttoning his shirt with trembling hands after tucking his softening erection back inside his pants, having long discarded the paddle to the floor.

Evelyn’s eyes then looked down to the lemon cake that had spilled entirely outside its box, ruining a vast majority of the polished floor.

Without thinking, she dropped to the floor in a stupid attempt to shove the cake back inside the box, “Oh- oh my god, holy shit oh my god I’m so sorry, I- I just wanted to.. Holy shit..!”

Evidently, Evelyn was unable to think clearly in her frazzled state. In her attempt to salvage the cake, she only worsened the mess on the floor.

Although her ears were buzzing in a panic, she could still hear her professor’s breathless voice above her.

“What… What are you doing here… ?”

The only answer he received was incoherent babblings from a woman who was not in her right mind, “I-I- I don’t know I thought I heard my name - fuck this fucking cake! Holy fuck…”

Panic coursed through his veins as he felt himself raise his voice, “Just leave it. LEAVE!”

He didn’t need to tell her twice.

Evelyn got up quickly, but with the mess on the floor, she slipped right back down face first with a crack.

He did not expect that. Before he could even attempt to help her, she scrambled up off the floor, cupping her nose as she ran out of his office. The cake on her flats gave her extra speed as she slipped and slid through the hallway, leaving behind a trail of cake as she raced to exit the building.

Evelyn did not stop running, tears blurring her vision as she ran all the way to her apartment. Perhaps due to adrenaline, what would have been a thirty-minute walk home only took ten minutes with the way she ran.

She didn’t even bother trying to find her keys, and instead started to bang on the door until her sister opened it for her.

When her sister finally swung it open, what greeted her was Evelyn covered head to toe in cake, with teary eyes and a bloody nose.

“What the fuck happened to you?!”

She did not answer her, and instead ran inside to bolt straight to her bedroom.

“Hey! Eve, what the hell? You high or some shit?”

Her sister was hot on her heels, following Evelyn as she threw herself haphazardly on the bed to hide underneath the blankets. “ Oh fuck, I wish. I’m dropping out. I’m so dropping out.”

Now, her sister became extremely concerned. “Hey hey hey… what’s goin’ on? Something up at school? Come on, you’re messin’ up the sheets…”

Evelyn pulled the covers roughly from her head to glare at her sister, “I don’t give a flying, ever living fuck about the sheets Candice. I’m ruined. Oh god, everything’s ruined.”

She then proceeded to curl into an even tighter ball, before crying hysterically. She couldn’t get the images of her professor having sex out of her head, in addition to the way she made a fool out of herself like Bobo the clown.

“Okay, okay… I’m sorry. But take a shower so you’re more comfy, okay? We can talk about it over tacos.”

At the mention of tacos, Evelyn peeked once more from underneath the covers, sniffling, “From the place down the street? With extra hot sauce?”

Candice laughed at the instant perkiness, “Yup, only on Taco Tuesdays. Now get up so we can eat.”

Evelyn begrudgingly listened to her sister’s advice, getting up from under the sheets to wash off the cake. It took some effort to detangle the cake from the mess of curls, and her nose stung as the water hit her face under the spray of the shower. With the way it bled, Evelyn hoped it wasn’t broken.

When she was finished, she quickly dressed in an oversized T-shirt and underwear, opting to go without shorts as she sulked her way to the kitchen.

Candice was busy heating up the tacos, and Evelyn sat down at the table to watch her with a blank expression. Even after the shower, she still felt like shit.

Eventually, a plate of steaming hot tacos was placed in front of her. But she couldn’t even work up the appetite for her favorite meal.

“So…” Candice blew on her taco before taking a big bite, “ Spill the tea. What the heck happened?”

Exhaling deeply, Evelyn tried not to cry as she spoke, “You..oh fuck…do you remember, uh…professor Laufeyson?”

“Mmm!” Candice made a noise of recognition, her mouth filled with food. She then spoke with her mouth still full, “The one with the sexy ass accent? And the cheekbones?”

Evelyn made a look of disgust at her sister’s open mouth before replying, “Yeah…him.”

“Oh shit… he is fine as hell. But continue.”

Evelyn tried not to break down as she retold her story. But by the end, Candice was a screeching, laughing mess.

“Oh FUCK! Hahahaha! I’d drop the hell out too sis! Phew! You’re fuckin’ with me. Please tell me you’re just fucking with me,”

She was beginning to grow upset, but Candice didn’t care, “Did you see his dick? The hoe he was with?”

“You think I gave a fuck about looking at his dick Candice? And who he was banging the shit out of?”

Her sister gave her a look before she relented, “It’s huge, okay? There. And I don’t know who she was…”

Candice calmed down eventually, and when she did, her tone grew a bit more serious,
“So..what’re you actually gonna do? It’s not like you can just drop being a TA..”

Evelyn looked down at her untouched plate, idly picking up a taco, “Yeah… and it’s too late in the semester to drop anything anyway. And I need the credits if I want to graduate on time…”

They both sat in silence, before Evelyn jumped up with renewed determination, “You know what? I’m just gonna confront him. Write a nice letter stating why I can’t be his TA anymore, then leave. Then I won’t see his face anymore. I..I won’t..”

At that point, Evelyn began to cry once more. “ I like him, you know? Fuck, I liked him. Now I can’t look him in the face anymore after this. Please don’t laugh Candice, I already feel like shit…”

“Hey… I’m not laughing at all.” Candice went around the table to pull her sister into an embrace,
“ I don’t blame you. You can’t choose who the heart likes, okay? Confront him, then leave. You’ll forget about him eventually.”

“ Okay… I think I’ll skip the meeting tomorrow though. Way too soon.”

That’s what Evelyn told herself when she continued to skip classes for a week.

Whenever she thought about Professor Laufeyson, sordid images would replay in her mind, then she’d put off going to his office.

She was even afraid to check her email because just seeing his name on the subject line would trigger it. The look on his face. The way his hips moved as he thrusted, then she’d imagine it was her instead on his desk…

She was ashamed that her imagination even strayed in that direction. That she felt jealousy towards the woman that had the luck to get fucked on his desk.

And at the thought of that woman… something about her bothered Evelyn. She looked extremely familiar; chocolate brown skin, short curly hair… she just couldn’t put her finger on it. She was around her height as well -

Her sister’s sudden intrusion into her room interrupted her thoughts, “ Eve, you can’t put it off any longer! And you have to be on campus today anyway. Don’t you have midterm critiques?”

“Yeah yeah…I know. Don’t you see I’m dressed?”

Candice looked Evelyn up and down in approval, “Okay, good. Do you have the letter written?”

“Yup,” Evelyn took the folded note from her handbag, handing it to her older sister to read,
“What do you think?”

She watched as Candice’s eyes quickly skimmed the paper, “ Nice, looks professional and shit. He better not fail you. Make sure to hand it off in person, send a clear message.”

Evelyn retrieved the paper from her fingers, placing it back inside her purse, “…Yeah. Definitely. In person. Got it.”

Evelyn dreaded the entire day going to his office. She couldn’t concentrate on critiques, and she spent the remainder of the day moving at a snail pace in order to avoid the inevitable. She took her time, doing all sorts of things she’d never normally do just to get out of seeing the professor that plagued her with sinful thoughts.

It was around seven in the evening that Evelyn finally worked up the courage to march towards the Science department, heading straight towards his office. When she finally reached it, however, her nerves took over completely.

She spent the next ten minutes pacing in front of his door, letter in hand as she contemplated what to say in order to salvage her grade. And the more she contemplated, the more her determination fled from her.

You know what… fuck the grade. I’ll just take the damn L.

Evelyn then proceeded to bend down, in an attempt to slip the letter of her withdrawal underneath his door.

Just gonna slip this under, then dip. Easy peasy.

However, the letter refused to slip under, remaining stubbornly on her side of the door.

“What the..get.. get under there…!” Evelyn mumbled to herself in frustration as she got on her knees, still trying in vain to shove the paper underneath the door.

She was about to give up when the door opened abruptly, causing her to fall forward fully on her hands and knees.

A pair of polished Oxford’s came within her line of sight, and Evelyn all but froze in shock at the deep voice that rumbled above her.



A/N: Hey, let me know what you thought! It’s always encouraging to see comments about the story :) I didn’t expect that you guys would like this fic so much, so I couldn’t leave you hanging for long.


The Shifter - Chp 2

Summary: You dream of Loki and the Avengers again and face some tests and alone time with Loki.

Warnings: Some swearing. It’s very dialogue based but honestly I love this chapter so much.

Words: ~6k but it’s worth it I promise.

Check my masterlist for other chapters.

            When you woke up, you had a splitting headache. You were exhausted, but the thoughts of last night’s dream brought a smile to your face. Usually, you weren’t someone who would dream and when you did, typically you only remembered bits and pieces of it. But this? This was so vivid, so real and it was exciting. Who gets the chance to finally meet their favorite characters? It might have been the dreamworld, but it felt so real it didn’t matter to you.

            Finally, you dragged yourself out of bed and started your day. The idea of going to your boring office job, as exhausted as you were, was nauseating to you, but someone had to pay your bills. You took a shower, donned your classic office casual dresswear, hopped in your car, and went to your job. For eight hours, you sat at your computer, staring at your screen, and willing the clock to move faster. The job wasn’t terrible, but it was painfully boring. But it was your boss and coworker that made your job quite literally ‘the worst’. They were nosey, rude, and overall assholes. You kept to yourself to avoid the unnecessary drama and most days it worked out fine.

            Thankfully today was one of those days.

            You punched out and dragged yourself out of your office building when you felt the familiar vibrating of your phone. You dug it out of your pocket and saw it was your friend, Amanda video calling you.

            Hitting the screen, you answered it with a grin, “You know you are the only person I would answer the phone for, let alone video chat with.”

            She beamed at you, her bright and colorful hair radiating off your phone screen “I know, and I love you for it. What are you doing today?? We should get a bite to eat or something.”

            You groaned. The exhaustion was seeping into your bones and while you loved your dear friend, your social battery was practically gone. Looking at her bounce up and down, literally vibrating with energy on your screen sealed the deal for you. “Sorry, I have a date with my bed. I barely slept last night, and I need to rest.”

            “A date with your bed, or a date with Stephen and his dick?!” She teased, wiggling her eyebrows. You and Stephen had been in a relationship for almost two years now if you could even call it a relationship. Technically, you were, as they say, ‘Facebook official’ and he was your person to go to family outings with, spend time with, but most of the time you did your own thing, and he did his. The passion wasn’t roaring, but it was comfortable and familiar.

            You rolled your eyes, “BYE Amanda!” Then promptly hung up on your friend who was sticking her tongue at you.

            By the time you got home, you could barely keep your eyes open. The bed was calling your name and you weren’t going to resist its sweet siren song. You tossed yourself on the bed and let sleep take you. But much to your frustration, you felt yourself waking up again.

            “Can’t I just get one good night’s rest?!” You whined, lifting your head up. But your bed felt different. Its soft plushy fabric was replaced with something cold and hard. You shot up quickly and your head spun. You held your head as the spins took over.

            “Easy there, Dove.” You whipped your head towards the source of the voice. There, was a very tall, regal looking man with long dark hair. He held his hands behind his back, and he was smiling sweetly at you. You squinted your eyes; the hamster wheel of your mind spinning wildly to try and place this very familiar man. As you were looking at him, you saw where you were.

            A glass cell. You were trapped.

Keep reading


The Shifter - Chp 1

Yes, I am crazy and am starting a new series.

Summary: You dream that you meet the Avengers, including Loki, and become their prisoner. Loki interrogates you. But is it really a dream?

Warnings: Swearing, violence.

Words: ~4000 (longer chapter)

            This is literally the worst dream ever.

            You shifted on the cold cement floor, encased in a dome of glass. All that was inside the dome, outside of your irritated self, was a bench. If there was an exact opposite of cozy and welcoming, this would be it. But what are you to expect in this situation?

            You were a prisoner. The Avenger’s prisoner.

            It all started so innocently - with some curious exploration about the concept of shifting. The root of shifting revolved around the concept that there are infinite realities, and your mind not only can travel to one of those realities, but you can also mold them. In your choice of reality, you can script or plan for what will and will not happen; what you look like, and more. And since there are infinite realities, your wildest fantasies technically exist somewhere.

            Want to finally get your Hogwarts letter? There’s a reality for that.

            Want to be married to your favorite celebrity? There’s a reality for that.

            But, for you? Oh, it was the Marvel universe. To say you were obsessed was an understatement. Every movie, every television show, you had seen it. You loved debating controversial theories and you consumed fan fiction like it was the only thing keeping you alive.

            So, when you heard about shifting, you had to give it a try.

            ‘Why the fuck not? Seems simple enough.” You said to yourself, watching the 100th YouTube video on the subject. You can find any ‘how to’ guide on YouTube, why not shifting your subconscious to another reality? It’s cake.

            It wasn’t cake.

            Every night, you would get yourself cozy in bed and start practicing all the techniques you learned online. Everyone made it sound so easy, but you only got tired and fell asleep. You asked people online what to do and no matter what you tried; you weren’t successful. Many shifters said it took them years to finally shift their consciousness into another reality.

            “Who’s got time for that?!” You groaned, slamming your laptop closed. With all your attempts, you believed it wasn’t possible. That everyone who supposedly shifted, was full of it. But it had consumed your mind for so long, you weren’t surprised when the Avenger’s made it to your dreams.

            Opening your eyes, you sat up in a bed you weren’t familiar with. You looked around and took in your surroundings. At first, you hit with a flurry of emotions. You were confused and terrified, not recognizing where you were. The room was simple. It held the bed you were laying on, a small dresser with a lamp, and a tiny kitchenette. It was clearly a place for just sleeping, and not a place to make your home. You looked down at yourself and you weren’t in the clothes you went to sleep in. The outfit was casual; just some jeans and a t-shirt, but it felt foreign to you. You definitely did not own these clothes. The idea of someone stealing you out of your apartment and changing clothes without you knowing made your stomach churn. Where the hell were you anyways? An unusual boldness prompted you out of bed and towards the door. Cautiously, and with the quietest of clicks, you opened the door and poked your head out.

Keep reading

Oooooh this is amazing…

A/N: This is unlike anything else I have ever written.  It is dark fic.  It is a Mafia AU. There may or may not have a happy ending.  So read at your own risk. The chapters are likely to be shorter in this fic from time to time.  Also writing credit goes to @fadingcoast,@lokifae42 , and @emeraldrosequartz​ . Not only did they write parts of the first few chapters, but they created the inspiration for the entire premise and fic.  And I am forever in their debt for it.  Thank you.

Pairings: Tom Hiddleston x OFC (Jae Birichinata), Tom Hiddleston x OFC (Madison McMahon), Loki Laufeyson x OFC (Jae Birichinata)


Summary: When a one night stand with the only daughter of one of New York’s biggest crime bosses results in a pregnancy, Tom is trapped. Fast forward, now 10 years later, Tom is stuck in a loveless and cruel marriage with four kids (only one is his), a cheating wife, and no escape.  The only bright spot is in his life is his love, Madison, the sweet bookshop clerk working a block away from the university he teaches at.  Going on four years sneaking around with Madison, Tom is certain Madison’s important news is she is breaking up with him.  The truth rocks his core.  

Now Tom has only one goal, getting his son, William, and himself out of the hellscape called his life alive.  A vindictive wife, in laws with access to money, resources, and brute force, and not to mention his wife’s lover who is more than meets the eye, Tom is starting to wonder if his father-in-law is right. No one leaves the family alive.

Trigger Warnings:  Violence (both graphic and implied), forced marriage (sort of), infidelity, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of childhood physical abuse and sexual abuse, implied in*$t, smut, torture, death and more as I can continue to write it.  


Taglists are open, please let me know if you want to be tagged.


After her bath, Jae got dressed and then went to wake the kids for school. She first went into Magnus and LJ’s room, softly opening the door. 

“Wakey, wakey eggs and bakey.” She smiled as she rubbed their backs. “Time for school.” They groaned and rolled over. 

Jae repeated the process in Frigga’s room, which was decked out in full mermaid regalia. Finally, she reached William’s bedroom, really more of a glorified closet, and she banged on the door, yelling. “WAKE UP, TIME FOR SCHOOL! THE KIDS NEED BREAKFAST!” She walked away, not even bothering to open the door.

While the kids get dressed and William made them all breakfast, Jae stood in the bathroom doorway, inspecting her nails while Tom showered. 

“You’re welcome.”

“Excuse me?” Tom popped his head out of the shower.

“Ew, your hair is dripping on the floor, Tom. I’m taking the kids to school on my way to Dr. Schulman. Say thank you.” 

He resisted the urge to smile. “You’re not feeling well, I’m sorry to hear that.” He went back into the shower.

Jae snorted. “Dr. Schulman is a plastic surgeon. I’m thinking about getting my boobs done.”

“What that…” Tom turned off the water and stepped out, not bothering to wrap a towel around him. “Didn’t you get your boobs done a few years ago?”

She gagged at Tom’s naked form and spins around. Tom grinned, knowing he had his desired effect, only now drying off and wrapping a towel around his waist. He tried to get in tiny victories when he could.

“That was a boob LIFT, Thomas. This would be an augmentation.” Jae scoffed as she picked at her manicure. “I thought you were smart or something. Lucy thinks I would look better with Triple Ds.” She pressed her boobs together and grinned. “It’s not like you look, anyway.” 

Tom walked past her and dropped his towel. “You’re right, I don’t.” He paraded naked in the bedroom, taking his time. “Is ‘Lucy’ paying for this augmentation?”

“I figured I could dip into the kids’ college funds. We have time to put it back…” She glanced up and frowned. “For fuck’s sake, Tom!” She shoved past him. “Put on some fucking clothes. What if one of the twins saw you?” Jae slammed the door shut as she stormed out.

Tom took as long as he could to dress and headed out to the kitchen in hopes they would be gone. He heard the blessed sound of silence as he stepped out of the bedroom. He sent a quick text to Will to apologize for not saying goodbye before they left. 

It’s okay, Dad. Love you too.

Tom teared up at the simple text. He made his coffee and surveyed the wreck of the kitchen. Their most recent housekeeper quit three weeks ago, and Jae hadn’t bothered to either clean or hire a new one. Tom and Will did what they could, but the rest of the family made messes faster than they could clean. 

He sipped his coffee and for the first time in years; he felt hopeful; he dared say, possibly even happy. The love of his life was pregnant with his child and he was finally going to get out of this train wreck, nightmare marriage. 

“Freedom…” he hummed to himself. But it was going to take work. And a very detailed plan. The Birichinatas, probably the third biggest criminal family in New York, made it clear to Tom on the day of his wedding, it meant this marriage to be forever.

“Now Tommy, you mind if I call you Tommy?” Mikey, Jae’s dad, commented as they waited in a small room at St. Patrick’s Cathedral. “My number one concern is my daughter’s happiness. She’s my precious baby girl and my princess. And should anyone decide to hurt her, I would feel obligated to hurt that person back.” He smiled at Tom as he tightened Tom’s tie. “And I hate hurting people, but I will do it because my family is the most important thing to me.”

Tom cleared his throat. “Of course, sir. I am thrilled to be joining your family today, sir. I will do my best to make your daughter happy.”

Mikey chuckled darkly and patted Tom’s chest. “Oh, you’re not family, Tommy. Just because you are marrying my daughter doesn’t make you family. Family is committed. Family is loyal. Family would die for you, Tommy. Are you willing to die for me, Tommy?”

Tom paled. “Die… for… you…? You can’t be serious.” He chuckled nervously, glancing at the door, praying for someone, anyone, to interrupt.

Mikey smiled at him. “And that’s why you’re not family, Tommy.” He smacked Tom hard on the shoulder. So hard, Tom winced. “Let’s go get you hitched.” Mikey headed for the door. “Did my little love tap leave a bruise?” His laugh echoed off the walls as he headed out.

The first thing Tom was going to need was money. Specifically cash. And lots of it. Frugal was not a word he would use to describe Jae. She demanded the best of everything, even that meant Tom worked summer school or did private tutoring from time to time. And he couldn’t leave cash around the house. She could sniff out cash like a bloodhound. 

After searching his study and the rest of the house, he collected about five hundred bucks that won’t go missing. It wasn’t enough to leave, but it was a start. He had a few hours before his first lecture. He grabbed his phone.

Meet me before my first class. Usual spot. 


Maddie spent most of the night after Tom left crying. She couldn’t pinpoint whether it was hormones, despair, or a bit of both. 

“I don’t understand why she won’t agree to a divorce. You hate each other. She has ‘Lucy’ or whatever the fuck his name is.” she asked him that night.

Tom sighed as he pulled her tighter against his chest, smoothing down her hair. “It’s not about happiness, my princess. It’s about ownership. It’s about control. She takes some sort of sick pleasure in torturing me.”

“She’s a fucking bitch.” Maddie clenched her fist. “And I ever get the chance…”

“Please don’t, my love.” He kissed her. “She’s not worth it. None of them are. You are worth a thousand Jae Birichinatas.” He kissed her again.

She saw Tom’s text as she stepped out of the shower. 

I have work. But I will be there. 

She quickly pulled on a pair of faded jeans and floral off the shoulder top. She slipped on a pair of black Chucks, grabbed her slouchy no name purse and locked up, heading to her first of two jobs, working at an independent bookstore in Tribeca. 

Twenty minutes before she was set to clock out, a woman with slightly too much makeup, skirt slightly too short, and boots definitely too high approached. 

“You.” The woman snapped her fingers at her. “Mousy girl. Come here.” 

“I have a name, ma’am.” She moved towards her. 

The woman sneered. “So do I. Ever heard of Michael Birchinata? That’s my father. Now…” Jae glanced around the place, not touching a thing. “My… son… has a birthday coming up, and he’s into this sort of stuff.” She waved her hands around.

It took every molecule of self-control in Maddie’s being to not lunge at Jae and pummel her into a pulp right there in the Young Adult section. She took a deep breath and exhaled. 

“You mean books?” Maddie crossed her arms and pursed her lips. “Or did you mean the shelves?”

Jae shot Maddie a condescending sneer. “These shelves wouldn’t be caught dead in my home. And I don’t appreciate your tone. What’s your name, Mousy?”

Maddie bristled. She chewed on her lip, contemplating what to say. “Madelyn.” She lied, but a white lie. “McClary.” Another lie. 

Jae leaned in. “Any relations to the McGregor-McClary clan of Rockaway?” 

“I’m Canadian.” Maddie added.

“Oh, well. Aren’t Canadians supposed to be friendly or some shit.? I’ll be speaking to your manager. Humph.” She spun on the heel and headed to the front of the store.

“Shit!” Maddie hissed and weaved her way through the shelves to spy poor Marshall, the assistant manager, getting an earful from Jae.

“If that insolent little twat of an employee isn’t fired, I am going to sue this place for emotional distress! Do you know who my father is?!”

Whatever Marshall said placated Jae such that she left the store with a smile, catching Maddie’s eye and giggling. Maddie counted to ten and approached Marshall, who sighed. 

“Madison.” He beckoned her over. “First off, why did you tell that… Karen your name was Madelyn McClary?”

“You didn’t tell her my real name, did you?” She yelled. “Do you know who she is? Who her family is?”

Marshall narrowed his eyes. “Birichinata? Don’t they own that gigantic gold building 5th and 56th?”

“And her father is commonly known as Mikey the Mook. He runs one of the largest crime families in New York, possibly the United States. That Karen is Jae, his only daughter.” Maddie huffed.

Marshall raised a brow. “How do you know so much about her and her family?”

Maddie turned bright red and chewed on her lip. “No reason, I just read the papers.”

“You are the worst liar, Madison. I told her I would fire you.” She sighed and headed towards the counter to grab her purse. “But I never agreed that you would stay fired.”

“Marshall!” She ran up and hugged the goateed man. “You are a good man.” She shook him.

“No, I am a stupid man, but you’re like family, Madison. And the best sales worker I have. Take a two-week vacation, paid. That should be long enough to convince Ms. Birichinata I fired you.”

Maddie grinned. She hadn’t taken time off in two years. “Thank you. Oh, and she’s a Mrs.” She grabbed her purse and hugged Marshall one last time before skipping out to meet Tom.

“I don’t want to know how you know that, MADISON!” he yelled after her. 


Tom’s foot bounced as he waited for Maddie. The roar of the waterfall did nothing to soothe his nerves. He kept glancing around at the few other people milling about Greenacre Park, seeing if anyone looks familiar. Tom assumed these days he was being followed. A wide grin came over his face when Maddie plopped down in the chair next to him. 

“You never mentioned how pretty Jae is. In that sort of Jersey Shore, Snooki kind of way.”
Tom’s mouth fell open. “How did… what… What happened today at work, Maddie?”

“Your wife came into Dashwood looking for a birthday present for William. She called me mousy, I might have gotten sassy.” Maddie winced.

Tom tugged at his curls on the nape of his neck. “You met her? Like talked to her? This is bad, Maddie. She has seen you. She knows where you work.” He swallowed hard to keep from hyperventilating. 

She reached over and grabbed Tom’s hand. “Hey, hey, hey. It’s fine. Everything is fine. The whole thing was maybe ten minutes, and I didn’t even tell her my real name.” Maddie chuckled. “She had me fired.”

Tom’s mouth dropped open. “My bitch of a wife got your fired and you are laughing. This is serious, Madison. We can’t afford—”

“My boss gave me two weeks’ paid vacation, instead.” She grinned and pushed a curl behind his ear. “Two weeks to plan.”

Tom took several moments to process everything Maddie just said. A grin grew and grew over his face. “That’s my princess.” He squeezed her hand. “I love you.”

“I love you too. Now why are we meeting?”

“Right.” He dug through his satchel and pulled out two thick envelopes. “Here.”

She opened the first one to find a flip cell phone. Maddie raised a brow. “I already have a phone.”

“I know. This is a burner phone. I have one too.” He waved an identical phone in the air. “I want you to communicate with my only through this phone until I tell you otherwise.”

“You make it sound like someone is tapping our calls.”

Tom gave her a stare. 

“Okay…” she opened the next envelope with a stack of tens and twenties. “Tom?”

“It’s the first feathers of our nest egg, darling. It’s not safe at my place. Jae is a goddamn bloodhound. Keep it at your place.” He watched as she tucked both envelopes into her purse. “The first steps to us being together.” 

“The family… the life you deserve, Thomas.” 

“WE deserve.” He took the risk and gave her a quick kiss. The moment broken by his phone buzzing. “It’s time for me to go.”

Her eyes turned down. “Then you should go. I wish you were coming over tonight. We have so much to talk about it.”

Tom sighed. “Believe me, princess, I wish I was too. It is my preferred evening activity, eating a good meal cooked by you and me than the pretentious affair that is dinner with my in laws.” He stood up.

Maddie quickly got to her feet. “Well then, to help you get through dinner, just think about me naked, on the bed, wet and ready for you.” She smirked. 

He groaned and pulled her into a passionate embrace. “My father-in-law is going to wonder why my pants are so tight all evening.”

“And your mother-in-law?”

“Is going to want to get into my pants. Did I tell you about the reception?”


Tom pecked her lips. “Another time. I have to go, princess. I will call you. Soon.” 

“I can’t wait. Stay safe, my prince.” 

“What could go wrong? They ignore me anyway.” Tom gazed over his shoulder one last time at Maddie before heading back into reality.

A/N: This is unlike anything else I have ever written.  It is dark fic.  It is a Mafia AU. There may or may not have a happy ending.  So read at your own risk. The chapters are likely to be shorter in this fic from time to time.  Also writing credit goes to @fadingcoast,@lokifae42 , and @emeraldrosequartz​ . Not only did they write parts of the first few chapters, but they created the inspiration for the entire premise and fic.  And I am forever in their debt for it.  Thank you.

Pairings: Tom Hiddleston x OFC (Jae Birichinata), Tom Hiddleston x OFC (Madison McMahon), Loki Laufeyson x OFC (Jae Birichinata)


Summary: When a one night stand with the only daughter of one of New York’s biggest crime bosses results in a pregnancy, Tom is trapped. Fast forward, now 10 years later, Tom is stuck in a loveless and cruel marriage with four kids (only one is his), a cheating wife, and no escape.  The only bright spot is in his life is his love, Madison, the sweet bookshop clerk working a block away from the university he teaches at.  Going on four years sneaking around with Madison, Tom is certain Madison’s important news is she is breaking up with him.  The truth rocks his core.  

Now Tom has only one goal, getting his son, William, and himself out of the hellscape called his life alive.  A vindictive wife, in laws with access to money, resources, and brute force, and not to mention his wife’s lover who is more than meets the eye, Tom is starting to wonder if his father-in-law is right. No one leaves the family alive.

Trigger Warnings:  Violence (both graphic and implied), forced marriage (sort of), infidelity, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of childhood physical abuse and sexual abuse, smut, torture, death and more as I can continue to write it.  


Taglists are open, please let me know if you want to be tagged.


Tom paced the hall between his study and the living room. Their apartment was more than anything they could afford on Tom’s modest salary as a professor at NYU and Jae’s party planning “business.” A wedding present from Jae’s parents. Tom begged Jae at the time to decline the gift. 


“What’s wrong with living in Brooklyn? I have a nice little place for us and the bab—”

“OUR CHILD IS NOT BEING RAISED IN BROOKLYN! I have standards. My family has a reputation to uphold, and that is not in Brooklyn, Tom!” 

He capitulated, blaming it on pregnancy hormones and the stress of a quickie wedding. Tom was wrong. When William was born, Jae gazed down at her newborn baby.

“Oh, he looks like you.” She glared up at Tom and handed the baby off to him. “So where’s my push present?”

Please don’t, Tom. 

He saw Maddie’s plea and his heart broke. 

The woman I love is pregnant. Of course I am coming over. I’m not scared of them.

A lie. One he told himself often. 

Be safe, my prince. 

Tom dialed the number for the only man who could help. It rang three times before silence on the other end as someone picked up.


More silence.

“Want to take the kids out to the movies?”

There was one long beep. Tom smiled. He could always count on Vinnie to provide cover. 

“You’re a good man, Vinnie. The only decent person in the whole bunch.”

The line went dead. Tom clapped his hands and headed into the living room. “Who wants to go to the movies with Vinnie while Daddy does some work?”

The twins tossed the cereal they were snacking on into the air, while LJ just glared. William’s face twisted in horror.

“Do I HAVE to go? Can’t I stay with you?” His blue eyes pleaded with his father.

 His eyes linger on William, how different he was from his siblings, and how Jae never seemed to care for him. After all, William was a mistake, and Jae made sure not that he knew it, but William knew as well. It makes Tom’s blood boil. If it weren’t for Jae’s family, he would have left a long time ago. Now he had a renewed energy to break free from this well-appointed prison. He walked over and cupped Will’s face.

“Not tonight. I’m sorry.” He planted a kiss on the top of his head. “But I will make it up to you. Soon.” Tom pulled his son into a hug. “Soon.”

“Can I at least bring my book?” He held up a tattered copy of Shakespeare.

Tom ruffled his curls. “Of course.” A knock at the door.

“VINNIE!!!” the other kids screamed and ran to the door, tackling their cousin as they opened the door.

The hulk of a man smirked, his eyes hidden behind a pair of sunglasses. “Go wait down by the elevator.” When Will comes sulking by. “I’ll pick the theater next to the bookstore, if you would rather go there, Will.”

The boy’s eyes lit up. “Really?! Thanks, Vinnie!” He headed out towards the elevator. LJ knocked his book out of his hand and kicked it down the hall. 

Vinnie turned to Tom. “Lovely children.”

Tom frowned. “They take after THEIR mother. You got here rather quick.”

“I was in the neighborhood.” He stepped out of the apartment holds up two fingers.

Tom nodded. “Understood. Thanks Vinnie.”

The man turned and headed down the hall to collect the Birichinata kids. Tom shut the door and hurried to his office, shoving the essays into his leather satchel and headed down to his beat up Honda Civic. Tom took twice the time to reach Maddie’s Bronx apartment, switching back several times. Just in case. Maddie ran out of the front door of the five-story walkup to tackle Tom on the sidewalk, wrapping her arms and legs around his lean form.

“You’re here!’ she half sobbed, half cheered, kissing him deeply. 

Tom wrapped his arms around her and returned the kiss briefly before breaking contact. “I told you I would. I had to come.” His hand moved down to linger on her still flat stomach. “But it’s not safe. We need to go inside.” 

They spent the next hour making vague plans, crying, and kissing. Maddie’s fingers laced with Tom’s. “You’re really going to do it. You said it was impossible. You said…” her voice caught in her throat. “… they would never let you out alive.”

Tom gulped and nodded. “I said that, but I will take the risk. For us. For our child.” He grinned at her. Our child. Something he never thought he would say ever again. Maddie leaned over and kissed his cheek. “My knight in shining armor. My prince.” She smiled. “I want that. I wanted it for years. Us.” Tears streamed down her face. “Finally.” 

“Finally, my princess. Our happily ever after.” He kissed her again. “I have to go. But don’t lose faith. We will be together soon. I promise.” 

He picked up his bag, essays still ungraded, and heads to the door and down to his car. As he left the Bronx and drove closer to his apartment building, he dreaded heading home. Tom wanted to keep driving, turn around, grab Maddie and disappear. Then he remembered Will. The only other bright spot in his life. He didn’t give a damn about the rest of them. The other three weren’t his. Jae hadn’t let him touch her since that night they conceived Will. He couldn’t leave his son behind with that wretched bitch. Even if she was his mother. 

Vinnie returned ten minutes after Tom got home, a twin over each shoulder, with LJ and Will dragging behind him. “You’re welcome.”

“Thank you, Vinnie.” They exchanged nods as Vinnie handed over the twins. 

Once the kids were put to bed, Will headed to his study, grading essays into the night while making plans in his head. 


Jae came stumbling into the apartment early the next morning before anyone else was up. She carried her boots in her hand and her jacket was missing entirely. Dark marks on her neck and chest stood out on her skin, certainly not there when she left. There is a slight limp to her walk from the evening’s activities. 

“A god among men.” She muttered to herself. As she stumbles towards the bathroom, she glanced over to the kitchen, fully expecting to see Tom at the table, reading the paper, just like he did every morning. But he wasn’t there. Her brow furrowed when she finds his study empty as well. 

“If that bastard left in the dead of…” she opened the door to the bedroom to see Tom sleeping in his bed, smiling. “Huh… why is he smiling?” She grew immediately suspicious. Tom never smiled anymore. 

Jae rummaged through her closet to find the phone she used to clone Tom’s cell months ago when he stupidly left it out where she could find it. She found all the texts between Tom and Maddie in no time.

“So princess is going to squeeze out a puppy? Cute. Unfortunately, there is no happily ever after for you, princess. Not with this…” She sneered at Tom. “…prince. He’s mine and you shouldn’t play with other people’s things.” 

She hid the phone again and went to soak in a long bath. She dialed her phone. “Daddy?” she pouted. “Tom is being naughty again. Yes, he’s fooling around. Can you have one of your guys look into his little fucktoy? I don’t know much, just some little fucking husband thief! Her first name is Maddie. Oh, and she’s pregnant. Thanks, Daddy.” She hummed in the bath. “And I live happily ever after.”


Pairings: Tom Hiddleston x OFC (Jae Birichinata), Tom Hiddleston x OFC (Madison McMahon), Loki Laufeyson x OFC (Jae Birichinata)

Summary: When a one night stand with the only daughter of one of New York’s biggest crime bosses results in a pregnancy, Tom is trapped. Fast forward, now 10 years later, Tom is stuck in a loveless and cruel marriage with four kids (only one is his), a cheating wife, and no escape.  The only bright spot is in his life is his love, Madison, the sweet bookshop clerk working a block away from the university he teaches at.  Going on four years sneaking around with Madison, Tom is certain Madison’s important news is she is breaking up with him.  The truth rocks his core.  

Now Tom has only one goal, getting his son, William, and himself out of the hellscape called his life alive.  A vindictive wife, in laws with access to money, resources, and brute force, and not to mention his wife’s lover who is more than meets the eye, Tom is starting to wonder if his father-in-law is right. No one leaves the family alive.

Trigger Warnings:  Violence (both graphic and implied), forced marriage (sort of), infidelity, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of childhood physical abuse and sexual abuse, smut, death and more as I can continue to write it.  


Chapter 1  | Friday Night

Chapter 2  | Princess

Chapter 3  | Plans

Chapter 4  | Family Dinner

Chapter 5  | Little White Lies

Chapter 6  |


A/N:  This is unlike anything else I have ever written.  It is dark fic.  It is a Mafia AU. There may or may not have a happy ending.  So read at your own risk. The chapters are likely to be shorter in this fic from time to time.  Also writing credit goes to @fadingcoast,@lokifae42 , and @emeraldrosequartz​ . Not only did they write parts of the first few chapters, but they created the inspiration for the entire premise and fic.  And I am forever in their debt for it.  Thank you. 

Pairings: Tom Hiddleston x OFC (Jae Birichinata), Tom Hiddleston x OFC (Madison McMahon), Loki Laufeyson x OFC (Jae Birichinata)


Summary: When a one night stand with the only daughter of one of New York’s biggest crime bosses results in a pregnancy, Tom is trapped. Fast forward, now 10 years later, Tom is stuck in a loveless and cruel marriage with four kids (only one is his), a cheating wife, and no escape.  The only bright spot is in his life is his love, Madison, the sweet bookshop clerk working a block away from the university he teaches at.  Going on four years sneaking around with Madison, Tom is certain Madison’s important news is she is breaking up with him.  The truth rocks his core.  

Now Tom has only one goal, getting his son, William, and himself out of the hellscape called his life alive.  A vindictive wife, in laws with access to money, resources, and brute force, and not to mention his wife’s lover who is more than meets the eye, Tom is starting to wonder if his father-in-law is right. No one leaves the family alive.

Trigger Warnings:  Violence (both graphic and implied), forced marriage (sort of), infidelity, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of childhood physical abuse and sexual abuse, smut, death and more as I can continue to write it.  


Taglists are open, please let me know if you want to be tagged. 

“Tom, I’m going out. Watch the kids.” Jae tugged on a glittered thigh high boot to complement her short sequined dress, before grabbing a short black feathered jacket to go over the entire ensemble. 

Tom’s head popped out from his study, his one safe space in their sprawling New York apartment. “That’s the third time this week. I have papers to grade.” He frowned at his wife as he glared at her outfit. “Where are you going?”

“Out. With a friend.” She didn’t even bother to glance up at her husband. Jae smiled at him. “Are you saying you can’t handle your own children? I could always have my Ma come over to babysit while you work.” She tilted her head to the side, the same smile plastered on her face as she waited for his response. Jae already knew what it would be. 

Tom glanced into the living room to see the children. The twins, Frigga and Magnus, were currently fighting over the last package of fruit snacks, while LJ was doing something in a corner that appeared to involve fire but no matches. And his oldest, William, sat curled up in a beat up leather chair, glasses slipping as he read the Complete Works of Shakespeare. Again. His ginger curls a stark contrast to his siblings’ darker looks. 

“No, I’ll handle it. Have a good night. And I will see you later.” he sighed, his shoulders slumped in defeat. 

“Oh, Lucy and I will probably just get a hotel room.” A smirk came across her face. “And don’t forget dinner with my family on Friday night.” She walked over to pick a piece of lint off his sweater with disdain. “Daddy is looking forward to seeing you.”

“BUT FRIDAYS ARE MY NIGHT!” Tom’s voice boomed. The children not even pausing at the outburst. It wasn’t the first time they overheard this argument. “I‘ve had to cancel on the boys the past three Fridays.” He whined. 

“Then one more won’t make that much of a difference. Unless you want me to tell my father you couldn’t bother to come.”

Tom gulped. The last time he “missed” a family dinner with her family, his car was sideswiped and nearly totaled. “It’s not necessary to involve your father. I will be there.” He forced a smile. A skill he had perfected over the last ten years of marriage to Jae.

This is not what Tom imagined marriage to be. He imagined a wife that loved him. And he loved. That dream went out the window with two pink lines. Too much scotch at a bachelor party led to Tom grinding against Jae on the dance floor at a club he would normally never go. Which led to one drunken night of some wild sex in a hotel room. Tom didn’t realize that Jae was Jae Nicole Birichinata, only daughter of the infamous mafia boss, Michael Birichinata. Fast forward and Tom was stuck in a hellscape, which included a wife who could barely stand to be in the same room as him and three more children he knew weren’t his, despite his name being on the birth certificates. 

“Good to hear. Aren’t things better when I get my way?” There is a knock on the door. “Lucy’s here!!” She goes skittering to the door and opens it, blocking most of Tom’s view. 

“Ready to go, darling?” asks a deep voice belonging to someone not named Lucy. 

“Fuck yes I am. DON’T WAIT UP!!” she hustled out the door. 

Tom leaned over and swore he got a glimpse of a fine Italian suit. Men’s suit. He sighed and headed back to his study, and stared at the stack of ungraded English essays from his students. With a heavy heart, he pulled out his phone to text. I am sorry, but I am going to have to cancel our Friday date again, princess. He set the phone down and waited for the response. 


Loki grinned as Jae came bouncing out of the apartment, closing the door before her husband or kids could see who was behind it. 

“Ready for some fun, Jae? I’ve already booked us the VIP table at Marquee for later, and dinner tonight is sushi at Nakazawa.” Loki knew that would excite her. And she did not disappoint with an excited squeal and dance. 

He put his arm around her, always loving the way her boots clacked on the sidewalk. It was a reminder of her spark, her fire. The light that had almost been extinguished by domestic “bliss” thanks to her wet towel of a husband and the child they accidentally made together over a decade ago.

Well, he did what he could to rectify her situation. Making sure she still got to enjoy all the finer things in life. 

“I’m SO ready, Lucy.” She giggled a bit cruelly. Though who could blame her? “And I organized family dinner or Friday so Tom can’t go see his little ‘princess’… ugh, like I don’t know he’s not seeing ‘the boys’. What boys?! What FRIENDS, even?”

She laughed, and he joined her. Verbally beating down her husband was one of her favorite pastimes. He found it was best to let her release that pressure valve early in the night.

“Of course, darling. You deserve so much better…” He leaned over and kissed her cheek, grinning as she giggles and squeals. “And I plan to give it to you, husband or not.”

She leaned over and kissed his cheek back, not caring they weren’t even out of the apartment building. Her father paid off all the employees, anyway. “And I plan on taking it.” She grinned and throws her head back as they climb into Loki’s black town car, heading off to dinner.

Tom sighed as he glimpsed the town car pulled away from the building. “She could at least have the decency to walk around the block.” He muttered to himself. Just then, his phone buzzed. 

THAT FUCKING BITCH! I swear, Tom, she does it on purpose! It’s like she knows exactly how to make our lives miserable.

A small smile crossed his face. He always enjoyed Maddie’s spirit. Her fire. It was one of her many qualities that made him fall in love with her. While his wife’s eyes reflected only contempt and disappointment, Madison’s shone with compassion and devotion. Their stolen pockets of time, clandestine dates at her cramped apartment in the Bronx, dinners at restaurants no one ever heard of; they were the lifeblood of the past four years for Tom. 

Of course she knows, darling. That is the entire purpose of this. To make my life miserable. Why else would she force me to raise kids that are not mine?

It takes several minutes before his phone buzzed again. 

I can’t, Thomas. I need to tell you something important. I was going to tell you in person. But since the hag won’t let that happen…

Tom inhaled sharply, and he shook, tears welling up in his eyes. This is it. She’s leaving. She has finally had it. His mind raced and what to say, how to cope.

I’m pregnant. 

And with two words, Tom realized he had to get out. 

I’m coming over.

Pairings:Tom Hiddleston x OFC (Jae Birichinata), Tom Hiddleston x OFC (Madison McMahon), Loki Laufeyson x OFC (Jae Birichinata)

Summary:When a one night stand with the only daughter of one of New York’s biggest crime bosses results in a pregnancy, Tom is trapped. Fast forward, now 10 years later, Tom is stuck in a loveless and cruel marriage with four kids (only one is his), a cheating wife, and no escape.  The only bright spot is in his life is his love, Madison, the sweet bookshop clerk working a block away from the university he teaches at.  Going on four years sneaking around with Madison, Tom is certain Madison’s important news is she is breaking up with him.  The truth rocks his core.  

Now Tom has only one goal, getting his son, William, and himself out of the hellscape called his life alive.  A vindictive wife, in laws with access to money, resources, and brute force, and not to mention his wife’s lover who is more than meets the eye, Tom is starting to wonder if his father-in-law is right. No one leaves the family alive. 

Trigger Warnings:  Violence (both graphic and implied), forced marriage (sort of), mentions of pregnancy, mentions of childhood physical abuse and sexual abuse, smut, death and more as I can continue to write it.  

BEFORE I FORGET!!! Writing credit also goes to @fadingcoast@lokifae42​ and @emeraldrosequartz​ Not only did they help write certain parts of the stories, this series would never have been written without them.  They know why.  They have been invaluable to me over the past year. And this story is as much mine as it is yours.  

Also chapters are a little shorter than usual, about 1800 or so words. 

Loki x Reader, Thor x Reader (platonic)

Summary: The reader and Loki were madly in love until you found out that he died. Deciding to follow Thor on his adventures, you soon find out the truth about what happened to your boyfriend. This series is a re-telling of Thor: Ragnarök with the reader inserted into the story. Reader uses she/her pronouns.

Warnings: Angsty, cursing.

Word Count: 3164

ProloguePart 1Part 2 Part 3 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7

I’ve been looking forward to this one. Sorry in advance hehe.

Also, thank you to everyone who asked to be on the tag list! If you want to be added too, just comment below. <3


This day had not gone according to Loki’s plan. It was meant to be a day of leisure where he would relax, watch some theatre, and try not to think about the one person always on his mind. And yet, there she was.

He knew she had been travelling with Thor since he kept tabs through Heimdall, and he knew that Thor would come home eventually, but somehow he didn’t plan for Thor to bring her here. With Heimdall on the run as a traitor, Loki hasn’t been able to check in on the pair in a while. They had caught him totally unprepared by arriving here unannounced (damned Skurge).

When Y/N emerged from behind Thor, he felt time slow down and his heart stop. Seeing her for the first time in years felt like coming home. She was as beautiful as always, even if it looked like she had just come from a rough battle. Every instinct he had was telling him to run to her, to hold her in his arms and never let her go again. He knew he had missed her badly, but it all seemed to hit him at once when he looked into her eyes.

But then he noticed she didn’t recognize him and the situation settled into his mind. She thought he was Odin. He would have to keep up the act, even to her. It hurtmore than he knew possible for her to be so close to him for the first time in years and yet unreachable.

Then Thor began asking questions and Loki knew his brother was suspicious. That’s when the panic settled in. Thor couldn’t reveal him, not here. Not in front of everyone. Not in front of her. He had made his bed but wasn’t ready to lie in it. To see the look on her face…

He never meant to fool her. When Loki first took Odin’s place, as soon as Thor left, he planned on returning to Earth, to tell her everything, and to take her to Asgard – if she wanted. But when he went to Heimdall, he found out that Thor already went to see her. He had been so wrapped up in his plan that he had forgotten his last words to Thor.

Looking back, he was a fool for adding that to his fake death. But he got caught up in the moment as if he were really dying and the words slipped out of his mouth before he could stop himself. He knew the news would shatter her heart, but he figured he would go down and explain everything after.

But then Thor never left Earth. Loki got anxious the longer she went on thinking he was dead. This wasn’t a part of his plan – he never wanted to hurt her, especially not like this. But if he returned to Earth, Thor might find him and everything he worked for would disappear.

He kept tabs on her and his heart flared up when he found out that her and Thor had become close. If Thor wasn’t taking away the throne, he was taking away Loki’s love…

Over time, it got harder to try to reach her, and he knew that she would be furious to find him alive after she thought he was gone. When he found out her and Thor were travelling the universe together, he figured maybe she’d be better off without him. He only managed to cause her pain, and at least with Thor she’d be safe. And (though it killed him to admit) happy.

But he was lonely. Lonelier than before he met her because at least then, he didn’t know what he was missing. But now he knew, and gods did he miss her. He missed her smile, her laugh and her quirks. He missed running his fingers through her hair, her sweet smell, and her voice, especially when she told him she loved him. He missed their morning routine, falling asleep with her, kissing her, everything that he never thought he’d be without. Now he was left with the precious memories playing over and over in his head like a broken record. Loki had never felt so human as the years seemed to drag on slower than ever.

He should’ve prepared himself for facing her. He knew this moment would come and yet never thought about it seriously out of fear. But even if he tried, nothing could have prepared him for the look of utter heartbreak and betrayal on her face when he revealed himself. That scene will haunt him for the rest of his life as he feels the guilt weigh heavily on his heart.

And now he’s left alone, surrounded by citizens that probably hate his guts, and all he can think about is her.

“What are you all looking at?” he yells, taking his anger out on them. They stare at him with shock, hate, and disgust which he should be used to by now. Though it was nice for them to treat him like proper royalty for a while, with kindness and respect.

He knows that Thor took her to the palace and he also knows he’s the last person she wants to see, but he has to try and talk to her. He storms through the gaggle of people all still staring at him and takes off for the palace.

He can’t fly like his brother so it took him longer to arrive. Everywhere he went, people stared. But they didn’t confront him, probably out of fear and hope that Thor would handle it.

He isn’t sure which room she is in but as he’s walking through the halls, he sees his brother with a plate of food and a drink walking by. Thor notices him and offers no expression. “Hello brother,” he says blankly.

“Where is she?” Loki asks. Thor sighs.

“She is in no condition to see you right now,” he says.


“Haven’t you done enough damage for one day?” There’s a look of anger in Thor’s eyes but Loki ignores it. He tries to remain cool because he knows threatening his brother will only make things worse.

“I have to try to talk to her. To explain myself,” he says and Thor rolls his eyes. And though it pains him to do, he adds, “Please.”

Thor looks at him and his gaze is penetrating but Loki doesn’t flinch. Finally, Thor sighs and says, “She’s in the guestroom next to mine.” Of course she is. But before Loki can say anything about it, Thor gives him a sharp look and says, “Don’t” as if he already knew where Loki’s brain went.

“Thank you,” he says to keep some peace between them.

He turns to leave when he hears Thor heavily sigh behind him. “Wait,” he says. Loki turns to see Thor handing out the plate and glass to him. “I was going to give this to her but since you’re on your way, I suppose you should do it. I’m afraid she hasn’t eaten or had anything to drink for a while. I’ve learned how important that is for mortals.”

This concerns Loki and he nods to his brother before Thor shoves the items into his arms. Loki finally walks away with the feeling of Thor’s eyes on him the whole time.

Walking up to her door, Loki can feel his heart beating out of his chest. His hands are shaking but he holds the dishes steady. He shifts them and, with a heavy heart, he knocks on the door.

“Come in,” he hears her voice say. He takes a deep breath and enters the room. The sun is setting and the room is getting darker, but he can still make out her figure, sitting on the side of her bed facing away from the door. She’s removed her shirt and Loki feels like he’s already invading her privacy.

He thinks she suspects him to be Thor, so he takes another deep breath and speaks. “Thor asked me to bring you some food and water,” he says and immediately he can see her back stiffen. She becomes as still as a stone. “Says you haven’t had them in a while.”

“You can leave it on the desk,” she says, and her voice is as stiff as her back.

He slowly walks over to her desk, sneaking glances at her, and it looks like she isn’t even breathing. He places the dishes down and turns to look at her. He can now see her face, but her eyes remain focused on the window in front of her.

“I also came,” he starts. “To talk to you—”

“There’s nothing to say,” she says, her eyes now interested in her hands.

“Of course there is—”

“I think you should leave, Loki.” Her voice is cold and unlike the warm way she usually says his name. He’s struggling to piece together his next words when he notices what she was doing before he entered. Medical supplies litter her bed. He sees her holding bandages. The parts of her body that are visible to Loki are littered with bruises, cuts, and burn marks. Then his eyes land on her arm and his eyes widen.

“Y/N, what the hell happened?” he says, rushing to her side. On her arm, is a large scratch mark with seared flesh around it. His previous apprehensiveness is replaced with concern as he sits on her bed, his hand hovering over the wound.

“It’s nothing,” she says, her voice still monotone.

“Nothing? How is this nothing—”

“Just drop it, okay?” she hisses. She moves her arm away from his hand and the movement causes his eyes to land on another similar-looking wound on her back.

Y/N.”His heart sinks at the pain she must be in.

“I’m fine, Loki.” She stands up, creating distance between them again. He notices how she cradles her arm.

“Tell me what happened,” he says, standing as well. She shoots him an annoyed glare before sighing.

“It’s not a big deal. I got them during a fight with the fire demons on Muspelheim,” she says as if it was an everyday nuisance.


“What did you think happened there?” She gives him a confused look and Loki now remembers Thor holding the skull of Surtur. But Loki was distracted at the time with trying not to look at Y/N or blow his cover while keeping up the act of Odin. He hadn’t thought about Y/N in that realm or that the two had just returned from there. He doesn’t want to imagine her in that dangerous place without water to strengthen her or any backup besides Thor.

Loki can’t stop the next words from leaving his mouth. “So Thor was there and he didn’t protect you?” He knows it’s the wrong thing to say and yet here he is saying it. Her eyes flare with rage.

“First of all, drop it with the whole Thor thing, I’m already tired of it,” she says. “And second of all, I don’t needto be protected.”

“That’s not what I meant—”

“I am not the same person you left on Earth. I’m much stronger now and I can handle myself.”

“I never thought you were weak,” he says softly. But she’s already looking away from him. The truth is, he thinks she’s one of the strongest mortals he’s ever met. She might even be powerful enough to be a god. A silence washes over the room and Loki wants her to talk to him again, even if she’s yelling. “I’m sorry.” She still doesn’t respond or look his way. He looks down at her arm again and takes a step towards her. “Let me at least heal you.”

But she only pulls her arm closer to her chest and shakes her head. “No,” she says. “I’ve gotten by just fine without you. I didn’t need you then, and I don’t need you now.” Loki takes a sharp intake of breath. Though her words are true, they hurt more than he thought.

Now closer, Loki looks beyond her recent injuries to the older looking scars on her body. He notices a lot of new ones since he last saw her. All that pain she suffered…If Loki had been there he would have kept her safe. “What happened?” he asks, more to himself.

Y/N shrugs, picking up on what he’s talking about. When Loki looks at her, he notices how tired she looks. He wonders when the last time she slept well was since travelling the galaxy. “Guess I’ve been in a few nasty fights over the years,” she says, underplaying it. Images of her in fights flash through his mind and fear grips his heart.

“So the second I leave, you start recklessly throwing yourself into battles, is that it?” he says, once again knowing it wasn’t the right thing to say.

“Not everything’s about you, you know. And I was plenty careful.”

“It sure doesn’t look like it,” he says, and before she could interrupt him his angry façade drops. “What if you had lost? What if you had died?”

“Since when do you care?” she says, with a hurt look on her face.

“I’ve always cared,” he says, confused.

“Well you sure have a funny way of showing it,” she says, and Loki’s face drops as he realizes where this was going. The conversation he dreaded the most. He watches as tears fill her eyes. “I mean, Jesus Christ Loki, you leftme! You actually left me. I loved you, I trusted you more than anyone, and you just abandoned me.” He watches helplessly as a tear falls down her cheek, his stomach twisting as he listens to the raw pain in her voice. “And you didn’t even have the fucking courage to tell me yourself! You sent Thor to deliver the news.”

She takes a breath and looks at him in disbelief and heartbreak, not unlike how she looked at him earlier. “You have no idea the shit you put me through. I mourned for you, I tore myself apart missing you all while you were fucking lounging about, watching goddamn theatre! I mean how the fuck could you do that to me?”

“I’m sorry—”

“I’m not finished,” she glares at him. He can feel tears in his own eyes. He wants her to stop talking. He wants to wrap her in his arms and apologize over and over again. He knows he deserves every bit of this but he can’t take it. He can’t take watching the woman he loves fall apart before him knowing it’s all his fault. “Above all else, you tricked me Loki. You promised that you would never do this to me and you broke that promise. All for, what? A throne? Revenge? What? What was worth throwing away everything we had?!”

She’s staring at him, waiting for an answer he doesn’t want to give her. Her eyes are begging him to say something, maybe hoping for a good explanation that will make everything okay, and he has to keep from falling apart himself. He knows about the promise he made. He thinks about it every day, how he broke that promise along with the trust of the one person who trusted him most. He tries to steady his breath.

“I never meant to trick you—” He watches her heart break all over again as she shakes her head.

“Don’t. Don’t give me that.”

“Please, Y/N, it’s true! I had a plan,” he says and she rolls her eyes. “I was going to come back for you, to tell you everything. But then Thor was always around and—”

“No, stop. Don’t go blaming Thor, or anyone else for this! This was yourchoice,your mistake!” she yells. He shakes his head, not wanting to admit that he is responsible for ruining the best thing that ever happened to him.


“Stop it. Stop saying that!”

“But it’s true!”

“If you were truly sorry then you never would have done it to begin with!” There is a silence as the words linger between them. Then she looks at him with teary eyes. “You promised me,” she whispers, her chin wobbling. He chokes back a sob at the sight.

“I know,” he whispers back. There isn’t anything else he can say.

They both stare at each other, chests heaving from pouring their hearts out and tears in their eyes. Everything is out in the open, all the broken pieces of their relationship. But how do you start putting something like that back together?

Y/N recomposes herself and straightens her back. “You should probably go,” she says, her face returning to the emotionless mask it was when he had first entered as she looks away from him.

“No but—”

“I want you to leave.”

“Y/N please—”

“It’s over, Loki.” And though she might have been talking about the conversation, Loki thinks she means their relationship. He starts to shake his head.

“No—I—” he struggles to come up with something to say when she’s standing there, too exhausted to keep talking. He looks into her eyes and silently pleads with her. “I don’t want to lose you.”

She looks him dead in the eyes and says, “You lost me when you left me.” Loki takes a step back. There really is nothing left to say, not tonight anyway. “Now please leave.”

This time, Loki listens.

* * * * *

Tag List: @riribaex@80strashbag@justanothermagicalsara@speedy-object-dream@blueberry-soda57​ @comehomecomehometous

Loki x Reader, Thor x Reader (platonic)

Summary: The reader and Loki were madly in love until you found out that he died. Deciding to follow Thor on his adventures, you soon find out the truth about what happened to your boyfriend. This series is a re-telling of Thor: Ragnarök with the reader inserted into the story. Reader uses she/her pronouns.

Warnings: Mental distress.

Word Count: 2219

ProloguePart 1 Part 2 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7


“Alright I yield!” Your heart picks up speed and you lose control over your breathing as the illusion before you drops and reveals the man you had thought to be dead for the past five years.

Loki scurries away from Thor’s grasp just in time for Mjolnir to return to its master’s hand. You feel like you’re in a dream as you struggle to comprehend what’s happening. The scene around you dissipates as all you can focus on is Loki. The Loki that crashed into your life and made you feel things you never thought you could. The Loki that filled your days with love and joy. The same Loki who is supposed to be dead.

You had thought of a million different scenarios where he could have lived and returned to you, but you had always dismissed those thoughts as impossible as time went by because you thought that he would never do that to you. Not your Loki. He would’ve returned to you because it’s you and it’s him. You can’t believe how wrong you had been.

You feel in conflict with yourself as your first instinct is to run up to him, leap into his arms, and never let him go again. But the situation you find yourself in causes your feet to root to the ground. This isn’t a happy occasion and you’re not sure how to feel about it.

Time resumes and you recognize the cries of shock and surprise echo across the floor. Loki seems to have frozen and looks out at the horizon, avoiding the gazes of disbelief directed at him. And he especially doesn’t meet your struck expression as your chest rises and falls at a rapid pace. You’re acutely aware of Thor’s gaze as he watches you with sympathy.

He knew, you realize. He knew it was Loki, he figured it out sometime before their conversation took place. Before telling you about his suspicions, Thor had wanted to confirm them. You know he would not have wanted to put you through this unless it was without a doubt true. 

But of course he knew. This was Loki, his brother who had lied and tricked him throughout their entire lives. Maybe you would have realized it sooner too, except Loki had never tricked you. Not once. It was a promise he made when he had first told you about his fake death falling from that fated bridge.

“Would you ever trick me like that?” you had asked him. “If it got in the way of your plan, I mean. Would you?” It was an insecurity of yours that Loki would choose his selfish ways over you as he had done to everyone else in his life, even to his own mother.

But he had taken your face into his hands so that you looked into his loving eyes. “My love, I would never do that to you. You mean too much to me,” he had said. “If anything like that ever happens again, I would tell you.”

A small smile began to form on your face. “Promise?”


Those words ring through your head as you stare at the same man who had just broken that promise. You guess you had cause to worry after all.

Finally, his gorgeous blue eyes cautiously lift to meet yours, a moment you’re sure he has dreaded. If I still meant as much to him as he had claimed, you think to yourself. The moment your eyes meet, your heart crumbles into a million pieces as the reality of the situation takes hold. He’s really alive. After all this time. And he left you.

His face is covered with guilt, shame, and pain as he watches you figure everything out. Apparently, it becomes too much for him as he looks down and takes a breath before facing Thor.

And just like that your moment is over and he continues the scene in which you don’t exist in. Because your presence was unplanned for, inconvenient, as it has always been. As you struggle to swallow back the pain that seems to erupt from your chest, you watch as Loki dresses in a smile and stretches out his arms in a comedic it’s me!

“Behold!” yells a voice, startling you from the emotional hurricane you seem to be trapped in. You look to see Skruge, the man from before, shoving through the crowd before he stands in the open. “Thor…Odinson.”

Loki snaps one of his fingers in the air and has a moment of disapproval on his face. “No, no,” he says, and hearing his voice again sends you reeling. Loki turns to Skurge and holds up his pointer finger. “You had one job! Just the one.”

Loki returns to facing Thor and you can only imagine the treatment he will receive. He really did it this time, way beyond faking his own demise. You begin to wonder about a question that will drive you mad: why did he do this? Wasn’t he happy with you? You know he was imprisoned in Asgard but was this really a solution to that? No, you decide. This was about what it’s always been about: his lust for the throne.

You still feel Thor’s gaze on you and you understand that he will not continue until he knows you’re okay. You slowly lift your tear-filled gaze to look at him, not daring to let a tear fall at this moment. Unable to speak, you give him a nod. He obviously knows that you’re not okay, how can you be? But it’s enough for him to go on for now.

You shift your gaze to look at Loki whose face seems to be dripping with jealousy at you and Thor’s exchange. You almost laugh at the audacity he has to feel jealous of a friend who’s offering you a small bit of support when you feel like you’re going through hell and Loki can barely look you in the eye.

“Where’s Odin?” Thor asks his brother and Loki’s acting kicks in again as he drops the jealousy to plaster on a smile.

“You just couldn’t stay away, could you?” Loki says, redirecting the conversation. “Everything was fine without you. Asgard was prospering,” he gestures to the crowd and this narcissistic cathedral. “You’ve ruined everything. Ask them–”

Thor advancing cuts Loki off and you find yourself lost in your thoughts again after his little speech. Everything was fine without you, he said. Though the sentence was aimed at Thor, you couldn’t help but feel it was meant for you. While you had been a complete wreck, here he is in a kingdom living out his fantasy life all without you. He seems to have doing just fine without you.

And how dare he claim everything to be okay? Sure, the city isn’t on fire yet, but his ignorance to the realms’ chaos has wrecked the balance of everything. If he had seen what you and Thor had, he wouldn’t be so sure of himself and his job well done.

“Where’s father? Did you kill him?” And just like that you return to reality.

“You had what you wanted,” Loki says, still trying to argue with his brother and paint himself to be the hero like in the play. “You had the independence you asked for!”

But Thor, like yourself, has had enough of Loki’s sly tongue and excuses. He presses Mjolnir onto Loki’s chest causing the god of mischief to cry out a little. The sound brings you some reassurance to know that he’s suffering just a bit for what he’s done.

“Alright! I know exactly where he is,” Loki admits and Thor pulls Mjolnir off his chest.

“Good,” Thor says. “You will take us to him in the morning. For now, I think it best if Y/N and I recover for the night.”

At the mention of your name, it’s almost like Loki is reminded of your presence for he looks at where you’ve been standing for the whole conversation. His expression softens and he seems to have now found his voice. “Y/N…” he says and hearing your name fall from his lips for the first time in half a decade is almost enough to break you. But you stand strong and glare back at him.

“Don’t,” you say, your voice being more unsteady than you would have liked. You take a deep breath to calm yourself. “Just…don’t.”

His face seems to break into guilt and heartache and in another time, that would have pained you to see. But he’s put you through too much. You walk up to where the two brothers are and Loki’s eyes seem fearful as if he feels you will take your wrath out on him. But everything has been too much and you can barely get the next few words out as you turn to Thor.

“Could you take me to where I’ll be staying?” you ask him. You know if you don’t leave soon that you will break down in front of all of these people and him and that’s the last thing you want right now. Where you want to be is as far away from the culprit as possible.

Thor seems to understand completely and you continue to be grateful for him. “Of course,” he says, as he wraps an arm around you and you cling to him as you have trained to as he starts to swing Mjolnir. Before you take off, you catch one last look at Loki and there again you see jealousy plague his features.

Good,you think. There is no way he has any reason to be threatened by Thor but knowing he’s upset continues to please you as you try to wrap your head around your own emotions. He catches your eye and switches from jealous to pained before you and Thor take to the skies and fly far away from him.

You find yourself unable to enjoy the view as you had the first time, watching numbly as the gorgeous city passes by in a blur. Soon, you and Thor arrive at the palace which at any other time would have had you starstruck but now the only sight you crave is a bed to curl up on.

Thor keeps sneaking concerned glances your way but you’re afraid if you meet his eyes, you’ll fall apart right then and there. It would make everything too real when it still feels like a dream.

You follow Thor down golden corridors that seem like they could fit giants and the guards seem to look almost relieved by the god’s presence. You feel like you’re in a mythical legend, like King Arthur, but grander and with more gold.

Thor finally leads you to a door and when he opens it, you see a beautifully decorated room. You let the fog in your mind lift for a moment to admire it. The walls have intricate designs almost like a painting and you feel afraid to touch them. Above your head there is a massive chandelier that hangs from a tall ceiling. You notice an armoire, a desk and mirror, a door that you assume leads to a closet, and a balcony with a breathtaking view. But your attention is drawn to the bed.

It looks like it could fit three of you comfortably on there and you wouldn’t even touch each other. Translucent curtains hang from the canopy. The duvet looks warm and inviting and the pillows look like they’re made of silk. The perfect place to collapse and have your meltdown.

“This is one of our guest rooms. It’s yours for as long as you want it,” Thor says. You take a deep breath and finally meet your friend’s eyes.

“Thank you, Thor,” you say, appreciative of his generosity.

“Of course,” he says. “I can have a doctor look after your wounds if you’d like.”

With all the drama, you had forgotten you were even injured. As if alerting your brain to the problem, you suddenly feel the impact of your encounter with the demon creatures. Now you definitely need to lie down.

“I’d rather take care of them myself, if that’s alright.” You’re not in the mood for any company, even a doctor.

“Absolutely. In that case, I’ll bring you some supplies,” he says. You nod with a small smile of gratitude. He then leaves to get them. You bite back your sobs as you know Thor will be returning shortly. You try to contain the thoughts that threaten to burst into your mind and you have to take deep breaths to keep from crying.

Thor is soon back with medical supplies and explains what they are if you don’t recognize it. “If you need anything else, my room is one door down to the right. Don’t be afraid to ask,” he says and you nod cause it’s all you can do. He looks at you and knows you want to be alone.

He turns to leave and hesitates at the door turning his head to say something before deciding against it. He shuts the door behind him and you slowly lie down on the bed and let the tears fall.

* * * * *

Tag List: @riribaex@80strashbag

Loki x Reader, Thor x Reader (platonic)

Summary: The reader and Loki were madly in love until you found out that he died. Deciding to follow Thor on his adventures, you soon find out the truth about what happened to your boyfriend. This series is a re-telling of Thor: Ragnarök with the reader inserted into the story. Reader uses she/her pronouns.

Warnings: Slight gore, cursing.

Word Count: 4052

Prologue Part 1 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7


One minute you feel like you’re flying through time and space itself and then suddenly the blinding lights disappear. You and Thor burst into a room you’re unfamiliar with at a worrying speed but Thor, with one hand still wrapped around you, plants his feet on the ground and uses Mjolnir to slow you down. You stop just before hitting the wall behind you.

Your mind is a whirlwind of thoughts, overwhelmed by everything that just occurred and your new surroundings. You’d think you’d be used to this after spending so much time with Thor travelling the galaxy but truthfully, it still shakes you up every time.

You hear a thud shake the ground and look up to notice the head of the demon dragon slide across the floor, its blood and guts swirl in a green and purple liquid and drench the nice floors. Along with three people you just notice are in the room. Luckily, you and Thor are spared the gore storm and you appreciate the luck of being with a god.

The two girls shriek after waking from their initial shock and the sound rings in your thumping head. The guy in the middle of the room calls after them but they are long gone and you can’t blame them.

Through the gunk, you notice the girls’ appearance as they run out. They seem to be dressed in fancy garb, purple dresses with gold lining and jewelry. Their hair is tied up into braids and if dragon brain matter hadn’t just rained upon them, you would’ve been intimidated by their good looks.

That thought causes you to look down at your worn outfit and body covered in scars. You feel self-conscious and it isn’t the first time, always standing next to a glorious god who was blessed with good looks, not unlike his brother.

Stop it, you mentally scold yourself. But thinking of the brothers makes something click in your mind as you take in your new surroundings. The gold atmosphere combined with the wardrobe out of ancient Greece and the fact that Thor had been calling to Asgard for help…

Your eyes widen. Could you really be in the golden city of Asgard?

Thor helps you to your feet. “Are you alright?” he asks.

You nod and are about to ask him if he’s okay too and if you are in Asgard when the guy who just got cockblocked makes his presence known.

“Well, well, look who decided to pop in,” the man says, looking at Thor with a displeased expression. Thor turns to face the man. “Thanks for scaring away my company and drenching my workplace in brains.”

Thor furrows his brows and peers at the man. “Who are you?” You look back and see the platform on which the man was standing and see a sword plunged in the middle. This place seems like an observatory and Thor had told you before that a sword is needed to activate the Bi-Frost. You would assume, then, that the man in front of you would be Heimdall except Thor doesn’t seem to recognize him. And he is not at all what you were picturing the all-seeing man to look like.

“Don’t you remember? I’m Skurge,” Skurge says. Thor’s expression doesn’t change. “We fought together on Vanaheim.”

“Right,” says Thor, unconvinced. Well this is embarrassing. “Where’s Heimdall?”

“That traitor. Well no one knows, he’s a fugitive of the throne,” Skurge says and your eyes widen. That doesn’t make any sense. You look at Thor and notice his confusion.

“Traitor?” Thor asks.

“Yeah, you see, Odin charged Heimdall with negligence of duty, but he disappeared before the trial. Hard to catch a guy who can see everything in the universe,” Skurge explains. Something about this gives you an uneasy feeling and you believe there’s more to this story than Skurge perhaps knows.

“Sure,” Thor replies, no longer interested in this conversation and walks away. You can tell he wants answers as do you and you follow him.

You exit the observatory and are instantly blown away by the view. You always knew that Asgard was beautiful but it looks almost unreal in person. Out of all the places you and Thor have visited, nothing compares to the realm of the gods. You’re still taking it all in when Thor starts swinging Mjolnir.

“Hold on, hold on, I’m supposed to announce your arrival,” Skurge says but Thor ignores him. He looks at you and you nod before he puts his arm around you and you take off flying across the infamous rainbow bridge.

As you come closer to the city, the buildings seem to twinkle against the sun. You stare at it in awe and Thor smiles at your expression.

“Welcome to Asgard, Lady Y/N,” he says and you still can’t believe you’re here.

“It’s beautiful,” you say, your voice soft as if you’re in a dream. Thor’s smile widens and he lets you soak in the view. There isn’t enough time in the world to fully appreciate the golden architecture built amongst clear blue streams and enormous mountains. Afterwards, you could never put into words the way you felt flying above the mystical city.

Thor seems to have a location in mind, but you don’t really pay attention, trying to memorize every corner of this world as you whiz by. You didn’t think you would ever come off this euphoric high until you landed.

You plummet to the ground and startle those around you. At first, your eyes are on the Asgardians who seem to be gathered at whatever location Thor had brought you.

Then you hear Thor say, “What the hell is that?” You turn to him and following his gaze, you gasp.

Arriving at Asgard, you knew you would be confronted with the memory of Loki as he had described his home in detail. You knew about the castle, the bridge, and every other sight that he said he would show you one day. You knew returning to his home without him here would be hard, but you never considered that you would be confronted by a giant, golden statue of the god of mischief himself.

Tears flood your eyes at seeing him, if only in statue form, for the first time in years. “Wha…” You try to convey your emotions aloud but your voice has been stolen.

Statue Loki has his arms outstretched in the ‘savior’ pose he was so fond of. He’s depicted in his famous outfit of green and gold with the horned helmet, the same outfit he used when he tried to take over Earth.

“That…that wasn’t here before,” Thor says to you as he notices how you’re visibly upset. You just nod in response, your eyes locked on the statue of your ex-boyfriend. Thor hesitates before asking, “Are you–”

“I’ll be fine,” you say, reclaiming your voice. You take a deep breath and the tears retreat slowly. He nods, sympathy written on his face, before moving forward. You know this must be hard on him too as he is just as caught off guard as you are. You keep pace with him.

Behind statue Loki is a large circular structure which crowds of people seem to be heading towards. You and Thor move with the crowd but mostly push past them. As you start to enter, you hear what sounds like a choir singing. Your confusion grows.

You enter the structure and whatever you were expecting, it sure as hell wasn’t this. When you and Thor manage to push your way to the front of the crowd, a theatre stands before you. You take another deep breath as you notice the two actors adorning both Thor and Loki’s outfits. You know the scene they’re performing, and you feel like you’re going to be sick.

Actor Loki is gasping for breath on stage. “Oh brother, this is it,” the actor says. Oh brother is right. “I take my leave.”

Actor Thor is holding actor Loki in his arms. “You fool,” he says. “You didn’t listen!”

You look at the real Thor and though his expression is neutral, you can tell this is hard to watch and you wish that you two were anywhere but here. You squeeze his hand and he smiles for a moment before steeling himself once more.

“I’m sorry,” actor Loki grunts.

“Lady Sif, get help!” actor Thor says. Wait what? Lady Sif wasn’t there. Thor also shows his confusion. You try to distance your emotions from this play and take it for what it is; a gross dramatization of a scene no one should recreate. And a bad one at that.

Actor Sif runs off stage screaming, “Somebody help!” in a way that, though never having met the woman, you know she would be outraged at. You also notice that the Warriors Three, or who you’re assuming the actors are portraying, are watching at a distance. Who the hell wrote this shit?

“Sorry for all I’ve done,” actor Loki says.

“It’s all right. Hold on,” actor Thor says. This is getting painful in an embarrassing sort of way. You can only imagine how embarrassed Thor is at his shoddy depiction.

“I’m sorry I tried to rule Earth.”

“They’d be lucky to have you.” You almost laugh at the absurdity of Thor saying that. You loved the man but luck is not the word any Midgardian would use except maybe you.

“I’m sorry about that thing with the Tesseract. I just couldn’t help myself.”

“I know.”

“I’m a trickster.”

“So mischievous.” You roll your eyes as actor Thor blubbers like a fool. You’d be shocked if everyone involved in this play doesn’t meet the blunt end of Mjolnir after this.

“Sorry about that time I turned you into a frog.” Here we go again. Though you almost smile at this comment, remembering when Loki told you this story. You had felt sorry for poor little Thor but you had also laughed.

“It was a wonderful joke.”

“Twas indeed hilarious,” you hear someone say. Thor and you look to see an old man splayed out on a lounge, plopping a grape into his mouth, and thoroughly enjoying himself. You notice the golden eyepatch and almost drop your mouth open as you realize who that was. You look to Thor’s face and his confusion confirms your suspicions. That old man is Odin, King of Asgard, Thor and Loki’s father. And here he was, laughing as he watches a play about how his son dies.

This was not how you imagined your first sighting of Odin going and the whole thing makes your head spin. You don’t know what kind of warped reality of Asgard you and Thor walked into where Heimdall, a loyal ally to the crown, is a traitor and Odin, the ruler of all the nine-realms, is chilling with his feet propped up watching a play. Your only solace is that Thor knows something is very wrong as well. Though when I look at him, a look of realization crosses his face as he looks at Odin.

You turn back to this “play” when something Surtur said comes to your mind. Odin is not on Asgard. And your absence has left the throne defenseless. You stare at what appears to be Odin and everything starts to make sense. Except, if that’s not really Odin, then who are they? Who dares to impersonate the king of Asgard?

“You are the savior of Asgard,” actor Thor continues, and you’re reminded of this awful play.

“Tell my story,” says actor Loki.

“I will.”

“Build a statue for me.”

“We will build a big statue for you.” I look over at the balcony of the theatre and wonder if it’s worth jumping off.

“With my helmet on, with the big bendy horns.”

“I will tell Father what you did here today.”

I look over and hear fake Odin whisper actor Loki’s next lines before they happen. Did this person write this piece of shit?

“I didn’t do it for him.” Then actor Loki groans and dies. Not to make it about yourself, but it is curious that you weren’t brought up seeing as how Thor said Loki’s last words were for you. Sure, no one could really know what happened on Yggdrasil except for Loki, Thor and Jane, yet despite the exaggerations and bad dialogue, the play seems to be weirdly accurate as far as how Thor described it to you. But how could anyone else know?

“Nooooooo!” screams actor Thor and you visibly cringe. Some random lady grabs Thor’s arm for support as she blows her nose into a tissue. People can’t be taking this play seriously, can they? 

It also starts to make you mad. Where was their love for Loki when he was alive? Why should they get to grieve his death when they treated him like dirt? The play freezes into what you think is a tableau (if high school drama taught you anything) and actor Odin emerges onto the scene.

“And so Loki died of his wounds, giving his life for ours. He fought back those disgusting dark elves. He brought peace to the realm,” actor Odin says and you find it funny to talk of peace considering the universe is currently in complete chaos.

“Loki my boy,” actor Odin says and you cannot believe this play is still going on. The absurdity reaches its peak as you see a young boy painted blue walk onto the stage and climb onto a fake rock. Is that racist? “Twas many moons ago I found you on a frost-bitten battlefield.”

You watch the woman next to Thor sob and you fight to restrain yourself. “On that day, I did not see in you Asgard’s savior. No. You were merely a little blue baby icicle, that melted this old fool’s heart,” and as actor Odin finishes his line, the crowd erupts in applause. You almost feel the urge to clap for the play finally being over and put out of your misery.

The players bow and you wish you had tomatoes to throw at them. You turn and watch fake Odin stand and clap. “Bravo! Bravo! Well done. Bravo!” they say. You gag.

Thor walks forward and you follow. He stares at the so-called king clapping and praising the play before interrupting the celebration. “Father,” he says.

Fake Odin is drinking from their goblet and as they see Thor, you notice a panic fill their eyes. They seem to mutter something before trying to recover, plastering on a smile.

“Uh, my son! Thor has returned!” they announce to the crowd who begin to cheer. “Greetings my boy.”

You’re standing silently behind Thor, not wanting to interrupt the reunion, when you come to stand beside him. Then suddenly, something changes within fake Odin as they look at you, displaying more shock than when they saw Thor.

Their face is a mix of shock and joy, judging by the twitch of their lips into a quick smile. “Y/–” they begin to say when they cut themself off and blink. Suddenly, they regain their composure and try to pretend that never happened. “A-and who is this, young woman?”

You’re left very confused and not sure what to make of that interaction. It seemed as if they were going to say your name. Does this imposter know you? But how? 

A small hope whispers a name in your mind, but you dismiss it. It can’t be him; he’s been dead for years. Keep it together Y/N.

Thor answers for you. “This is Lady Y/N of Midgard,” he says. His smile suggests he seems to have figured something out, perhaps based off the little slip the imposter made. You wish you knew what was going through his head.

“Pleasure to meet you, your majesty,” you say, bowing and keeping up the act that you think the real Odin stands before you. Another twitch breaks through the imposter’s mask as you speak before recovering once more.

“The pleasure is all mine,” they say, and their voice is weirdly soft before they clear their throat. They then decide they can no longer look at you and sit back down on their lounge.

Thor breaks the awkward silence. “It’s an interesting play,” he says. “What’s it called?”

Fake Odin resumes the regal posture they had before. “The Tragedy of Loki of Asgard. The people wanted to commemorate him,” they reply. You squint your eyes, finding that very hard to believe based off of Loki’s stories.

“Indeed they should,” Thor says. “Oh, I like the statue. A lot better looking than he was when he was alive, though. A little less weasely. Less greasy, maybe.” You wonder what Thor’s angle is by saying these things when you see the imposter’s face sour and they squirm. Oh I see.

Then maybe this imposter was close with Loki, though Loki never mentioned anyone like that. Maybe the imposter is an ex-lover. You detest the thought as soon as it enters your mind. It would make sense, all the Loki memorabilia and the dedication. Makes you want to throw them into the ocean.

When fake Odin doesn’t reply, Thor continues. “Do you know what this is?” he says, holding up the skull of Surtur that he unstrapped from his back. You look to see the imposter’s reaction but their expression doesn’t change.

“Oh, the skull of Surtur? That’s a formidable weapon,” they say, with a laugh. So clearly this imposter knows nothing about the meaning of the skull, blowing their cover even more without realizing it.

Thor looks at a nearby guard. “Do me a favor,” Thor says to the guard, holding out the skull. “Lock this in a vault so it doesn’t turn into a giant monster and destroy the whole planet.” Thor then casually walks forward. Fake Odin hands their goblet off to a nearby woman.

“Um, so it’s back to Midgard for you, is it?” they say, leaning their hand on a nearby column. You almost roll your eyes at the desperate attempt to casually get rid of Thor, the threat to the imposter’s plan. Their attention and focus is solely aimed at Thor, seemingly ignoring your presence entirely.

“Nope,” Thor says as he begins to throw Mjolnir up in the air and catching it. You wonder if he’s doing it to remind the imposter of the power he wields. “You know I’ve been having this reoccurring dream lately. Every night I see Asgard fall into ruins.” He continues to toss Mjolnir up and down.

He says it so casually now, but you know how plagued the god has been with these dreams and how much it weighs on him to watch his home destroyed every night. You look at him with sympathy, though he doesn’t look your way now. You often try to comfort him if you’re woken up but it’s hard, so you mostly just try to let him know that you’re there for him.

“That’s just a silly dream,” fake Odin says. “Signs of an overactive imagination.”

You glare at them for brushing off such an important subject of Thor’s, even though they might not know how important this dream truly is. You almost think the imposter can feel your glare as they cast a quick glance your way, but before you can snap at them or decipher the weird look of hurt in their eyes, Thor continues.

“Possibly,” Thor says. “But then Y/N and I decide to go out there and investigate. And what do we find, but the Nine Realms completely in chaos. Enemies of Asgard assembling, plotting our demise, all while you, Odin, the protector of those Nine Realms, are sitting here in your bathrobe, eating grapes.”

Thor advances as he speaks and you can feel Thor’s anger at the imposter as they dared to replace his father and cause ruin to the worlds around them without a care for anyone but themself. You give them a disgusted look, as you try to imagine who would do such a thing.

“Well it must be serious if you’ve enlisted the help of a mortal.” There’s spite in the imposter’s words but it weirdly seems to be aimed at Thor instead of you. Still, you see red as you are yet again underestimated based on your species.

Excuse me–” you begin but Thor quickly interrupts, which in hindsight might have saved you from getting yourself arrested as you would have openly insulted the king. Again, the imposter shoots you a quick glance, nothing more, but this time their eyes contain guilt. Your mind is filled with frustration as you struggle to understand the full picture of what’s happening here.

“The mortal has a name,” Thor says. “And Y/N has played a key part in my exploration. I would’ve been lost without her.”

You drop your hate-filled stare towards fake Odin to cast a meaningful look at Thor as he defends you. He truly has become your best friend over the past few years, and though he could never replace him, you would have been just as lost without your fellow avenger by your side.

You look to see the imposter’s face darken with what you can only guess to be jealousy as they glare at Thor. They go to argue some more, when they once again remember themselves and try to regain their composure. “Well,” they clear their throat. “It is best to respect our neighbours’ freedom.”

“Yes, of course,” Thor says with a fake smile. “The freedom to be massacred.” On the last word, Thor throws Mjolnir past the imposter’s head, just missing them, before summoning the hammer back. Okay, he is definitely trying to intimidate them. Maybe his plan will lead to them slipping up some more.

Fake Odin’s eyes follow the hammer all the way back to Thor’s hands and then a look of panic quickly crosses their face as the conversation seems to escalate.

“Yes,” they say, recomposing themself once more. Then they change the subject. “Besides, I have been rather busy myself.”

“Watching theatre,” Thor says, and you’re reluctant to call what you just witnessed anything close to art.

“Well, board meetings, and security council meetings–”

“You’re really going to make me do it?” Thor cuts in quietly, and if you hadn’t been standing so close by you might not have heard him. You now regard Thor curiously as you wait for his next move.

“Do what?” the imposter asks innocently, but you have a feeling they already know what’s coming. You step closer, eager to see what’s going to happen.

Thor pauses for a moment before he turns your way and, out of instinct, you take several steps back before he hurls Mjolnir far off into the distance. Your mind catches up and you have a feeling what his plan is though your eyes still widen as you watch Thor grab the imposter’s neck and hold it. Oh, that’s his plan.

It is rather clever, you think, though the crowd seems to think otherwise as you hear them gasp. The royal guards around you stand on guard with their weapons pointed at Thor but they hesitate to make a move. Maybe a part of them has clued in on the sinister plot.

You move closer to Thor, but far enough to avoid Mjolnir’s return, just when you hear Thor say, “You know that nothing will stop Mjolnir as it returns to my hand, not even your face.”

You glance back to see Mjolnir turn back around. The imposter begins to panic though they remain unable to move. “You-You’ve gone quite mad. You’ll be executed for this!” they say. Mjolnir approaches at an alarming speed as they struggle in vain.

“Then I’ll see you on the other side,” Thor says and he glances at you as he whispers the next word, though you don’t catch it. The imposter sends another quick glance your way, fear flooding their eyes, though you don’t blame them. You smirk as you wait to find out who the fraud behind the mask is.

And then a voice rings out. One that you never thought you’d hear again. One which has haunted your dreams and plagued your days as you yearned to hear it once again.

* * * * *

Tag List: @riribaex@80strashbag


Plot: Two years after Samantha lost her hearing during the Battle of New York, she meets Loki, who pretends to be someone else. The two become close, but what happens when she learns who he really is? Will this lie risk their love for each other?

OH Masterlisthere!

Chapter 2

Sam turned her chair around as someone tapped her on her shoulder and saw that her boss was standing behind her. He pointed to his watch and she knew what he wanted; although she had never heard him before, she could hear his words in her head: “I need those reports today.”
Her current boss was the son of her former boss, who had died during the Battle of New York, and the apple didn’t fall far from the tree; the son was perhaps even worse than his father. Of course she could quit, but she loved her job here and liked her colleagues. Sam finally nodded and he disappeared; she took a deep breath and ran her fingers through her hair. She glanced at her watch; only two minutes left until her lunch break. Sam closed her computer and grabbed her purse that was under her desk before walking out of the office. She decided to go to the café and get a sandwich and the coffee she hadn’t gotten this morning. Just before she reached the café, she suddenly bumped into a firm chest and looked at the person, dumbfounded.
Are you following me?” she asked Loki, and he smiled at her.

Why would I be following you? Maybe you are following me. I work nearby,” he explained and she raised her eyebrows suspiciously. It could be true, after all, who would walk around here in a black suit without anywhere to go.
I’m sorry, I just thought-” she broke off and took a deep breath. “Anyway, I don’t want to keep you.
You don’t,” Loki said, smiling charmingly at her. He glanced around before turning back to her. “Are you on lunch break?” -She nodded in agreement- “Can I buy you lunch?
What?” she asked him in sign language, confused.
Coffee. Yours spilled this morning when you almost got knocked down by the car.” She sighed at his explanation. Was fate trying to play a game with her? Fine, let’s play.
All right,” she finally agreed, shrugging her shoulders. “I wanted to go for coffee, why not.
Loki smiled. “Good. Let’s go then, we don’t want to waste any time.” -Both walked silently side by side down the street until they reached the coffee shop. He turned to her as they stood in the café-“What would you like?
A cappuccino,” she said simply.
Also, would you like something to eat?” he asked her, “It’s all on me.
Sam smiled at him. “Oh really? Then I’d like another ham and cheese sandwich.”
Gladly,” Loki said, “You can find us both a table in the meantime.”
She nodded and turned to look for a free table. As she walked through the café, she could feel his eyes on her back the entire time. Samantha bit her lip and looked at him slightly over her shoulder. She smiled as she met his gaze; she sat down at the table and looked out. She didn’t notice him approach the table until he placed a plate on the table. Sam looked up at him and smiled; Loki sat down in front of her at the table and placed their two coffee cups in front of them.
So, Samantha” He broke off and looked at her; she knew what he was going to ask.
I wasn’t born without hearing, Fynn.” -She smiled sadly- “Two years ago, during the Battle of New York, I lost it in an explosion.” -Loki looked away, looking sad, as if it had been his fault- “Many people have lost more than their hearing: someone they loved, their existence, or their own lives. I still have all of it, and this-” -She pointed to her ears and reached for his hand that was on the table- “Is a small price to pay for life.” Kate smiled at him.
“I’m so sorry, Samantha, for what I did to you,” he said, but she didn’t understand him and looked at him in confusion. “I have to go. Enjoy your lunch break.”
Without another word, he walked out of the cafe, leaving her confused….


Plot:Two years after Samantha lost her hearing during the Battle of New York, she meets Loki, who pretends to be someone else. The two become close, but what happens when she learns who he really is? Will this lie risk their love for each other?

OH Masterlist here!

Chapter 1

New York, 2012

“Hey Sam, I’ll need those reports on my desk later,” her boss told her.
“Yes sir, you’ll have it on your desk by tonight,” she replied. Without another word, he walked away and she rolled her eyes before getting up from her desk. Samantha picked up her coffee cup from her desk and made her way to the break room. She placed the cup under the coffee machine and at that moment her colleague Linda entered.
“The boss seems to be in a good mood again today,” she said sarcastically, making Sam laugh.
“Definitely. At least you didn’t have to see him this morning.”
“It’s no piece of cake with a sick two-year-old either,” she explained to her.
“How’s it-” she was interrupted by a loud crash and the whole room shook. She quickly ran out of the room and saw her colleagues standing at the windows.

She ran there, but didn’t get far when she was thrown back by an explosion. Her body hit the floor and she couldn’t move, every muscle in her body felt like it was being crushed by thousands of pounds. She moaned in pain and a loud whistling filled her ears and it wouldn’t stop. Finally she managed to open her eyes and look around with effort. Where the windows had been, there was only a large hole in the wall, several of her colleagues lay motionless and covered by the debris. Rubble and ash filled the room; she sat up and realized that her colleague Linda was lying motionless next to her. With effort, she managed to crawl to her.
“Linda?” asked Samantha, and she realized she couldn’t hear herself anymore. She reached to her left ear and, looking at her fingers, saw blood on them. Sam bent down to her colleague again and shook her. She breathed a sigh of relief when she finally began to move. Linda spoke after a few seconds, but Sam could only see her lips moving.
It was only a short time after the Battle of New York when she learned that she would never hear again and would spend her life in silence. She had gotten away with her life and, even without sounds, she would live a full life. For herself and for everyone who had lost their lives that day…

New York, 2014
“Same as always, Sam?” the young woman, Elli, asked Samantha with a sign language smile; Sam nodded in response. She had been going to the Manhattan café for two years, and since then Elli and she had become friends. “A caramel cappuccino and croissant. Have a great day.”
She paid her and said goodbye before leaving the café. Sam felt the phone vibrate in her jacket pocket and took it out; she read the message for a moment before tucking it away and walking across the street; Samantha didn’t hear the car horn, but before she could be hit, an arm wrapped around her waist and she was pulled away by someone; her coffee landed on the floor. She took a deep breath and her eyes were closed for a moment; when she looked up, she saw a man with raven black hair.
“Are you stupid or just tired of life, Midgardian?” he spoke, but she just looked at him in confusion. She pointed to her ears and made an X with her hands to indicate that she couldn’t understand him.
“Sorry,” she mumbled softly, not trusting her voice, she didn’t talk much to people since the day she lost her hearing. The man seemed suddenly aware of the situation and rubbed the back of his neck as he looked at her apologetically.
I can understand you,” Loki said to her in sign language, “Are you all right?
I’m fine. Thanks for that,” she said, taking a step back from him.
“You’re welcome. I’m-” he began but broke off, “I’m Fynn.”
I’m Samantha,” she replied, shaking his hand. There was silence between them for several moments and she decided she didn’t want to make this moment more awkward. “I have to go to work and I don’t want to keep you any longer, but really thank you very much, so for saving me. We’ll…see you around sometime for sure.”
She waved goodbye and, without waiting for his reply, walked away, feeling Loki looking after her. Why didn’t she just invite him for coffee? At least then she would see him again. Opportunity lost, she admonished herself and sighed. At least she saved herself the embarrassment of him declining her invitation.
“Midgardian,” Loki said thoughtfully, shaking his head as a tiny smile appeared on his lips…


Plot:Phoebe is a normal student with a crush on her professor Loki Laufeyson and she doubts her fantasy could ever become real, but then she sends him a fake file and suddenly everything changes between them….

PL Masterlist here!

Chapter 10

The next few days passed in a blur for Phoebe and she couldn’t bring herself to go back to the university. She couldn’t see Loki. It was too painful to see him again after the meeting with his wife and what good would it do anyway? He would just lie to her again and she would end up warming his bed again. On the fourth day she decided she couldn’t stay here forever, so she put on a dress and did her best to put on makeup so Loki wouldn’t see that she had been crying; she didn’t want him to think she missed him. But when she went into the lecture hall, Loki was not standing at the lectern as usual, preparing for class. She took a deep breath and prepared for the lesson. After the bell rang, he still hadn’t shown up and, although she didn’t want him to, she was worried about him. The dean stepped into the lecture hall and she looked at him in confusion.

“Dear students, unfortunately Professor Laufeyson resigned this morning and thus will no longer be teaching at this university. We will immediately organize a replacement, but for today the class will be cancelled,” he explained. The students rejoiced and they quickly left the lecture hall. “Miss OConnell, please stay.”
She froze and looked at him with wide eyes. Did he know about her affair with Loki? She swallowed and walked to him. “Dean Barnes, I-”
“I didn’t want to talk to you, as Dean, I wanted to talk to you as a friend of Loki’s, Phoebe, so call me Bucky,” he said kindly and sat down- “Loki told me about your relationship this morning.”
“Did you fire him?” she asked quietly.
“No, I wanted to forget the whole thing”-he smiled and shook his head-“He said he didn’t want to keep your relationship a secret any longer. The reason I wanted to talk to you, though, was because I wanted to thank you.”
“Thank me?” she asked, becoming even more confused about the whole thing.
“I’ve seen him happier in the last few weeks than he’s been in a long time, especially when he broke up with Sigyn six months ago-”
She quickly interrupted him when she understood what he was saying. “He’s not married anymore?”
Bucky frowned and shook his head. “No,” he said slowly. “They’re living in divorce; didn’t Loki tell you?”
“No…I just found out a few days ago and I thought they were still married, his…” she explained absently.
“Oh,” he said. “So you’re not a couple anymore?” She quickly grabbed her things.
“Sorry, Bucky, I have to go” Without another word, she sprinted out of the hall. God, why didn’t she let him explain? She had to clear this with him. Suddenly she stopped in her tracks as she wondered why he had quit. Did he even want to talk to her anymore or did he hate her for not even giving him a chance to explain him and not trusting him one bit? Either way, she had to try to fix it. Phoebe found Sophia with a few other students and pulled her aside.
“Sophia, I need to borrow your car,” she spoke quickly.
“Um…yeah, sure, but what’s up?” she asked, handing her the car keys.
“I need to talk to Loki,” she said. Her friend looked at her with wide eyes, but she shook her head. “I’ll explain later, Sop.” Hastily, she got into the car and drove off to his house. What should she say when she saw him? I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you? She took a deep breath as she pulled over in the driveway before getting out and walking to his front door. Phoebe closed her eyes as she rang the doorbell and it wasn’t long before the door opened.
“Thor, I still have to pack, so what did you forget this time?” said Loki quietly, and Phoebe saw that he didn’t seem to feel any better than she did. He suddenly saw her and looked at her in confusion. “Phoebe…I…you…”
“May I come in?” He stepped aside and let her walk past him. There were already several boxes in the house, empty or half-filled. “You’re moving?”
“I’m going back to Tønsberg, after all, there’s nothing keeping me here,” he said sadly. She turned to him.
“I don’t want you to go,” she said, stepping toward him and putting her hand on his chest; he raised his eyebrows in confusion. “Bucky told me the truth, Loki. I should have trusted you.” He looked away from her and she couldn’t gauge what he was thinking.
“If I’d told you about it, you wouldn’t have assumed the worst.” She bit her lip and leaned up to kiss him slowly. Loki wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her against him.
“I want to be the reason that keeps you here, if you still want me,” she said as she leaned her forehead against his.
“I’ll always want you,” he declared, kissing her again….

Plot:Phoebe is a normal student with a crush on her professor Loki Laufeyson and she doubts her fantasy could ever become real, but then she sends him a fake file and suddenly everything changes between them….

PL Masterlist here!

Chapter 8

“Phoebe, I promise you there’s no reason to be nervous; my family will love you,” he said, gently caressing her cheek before leaning down and kissing her softly on the lips.
“There are the lovebirds!” yelled Thor happily as he stepped out. The two broke their kiss and she laughed as Loki rolled his eyes. “I’m glad you were able to make it to my wedding after all, Phoebe.” -He hugged her happily and she could barely breathe. Finally, he finally released his embrace and she exhaled in relief- “Mother can’t wait to meet the one who stole his heart ever since she heard about you”

“I came too. Am I not important?” he said. Phoebe caressed his cheek and kissed him chastely.
“Aww…are you jealous?” she teased him.
“No! I’m not jealous that mother wants to meet you,” he tried to contradict. Loki wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her against him. “I’m jealous that I have to share you with them, darling.”
“I promise you that I belong only to you,” she said, caressing his chest. Thor, who had been watching the two, smiled happily and patted him on the shoulder.
“Come, we don’t want to keep our parents waiting.” Thor led them to the house; Loki joined his hand with hers and kissed the back of her hand. Inside the house, several voices could already be heard coming from the living room, and Phoebe began to feel nervous. It had only been a few days since Loki and she had confessed their feelings to each other. She still couldn’t grasp the fact that she was with him and that this was now not just an affair between them. Now meeting his parents made her more than nervous and she wondered what they would think of her. She was twenty-three years old and Loki was seventeen years older than her; she didn’t mind the age difference, but still she wondered if others would accept it as well. Thor didn’t seem to care and was only happy for his brother, as was Sophia. The day after she learned of Phoebe’s relationship with Loki, the two women spoke and she was happy for her friend, though she repeatedly threatened to kick him in the balls if he hurt her, promising her that she would keep it a secret. Loki had to feel it and stopped to kiss her gently on the lips.
“I’m always by your side, my love,” he promised her and she nodded. She took one last deep breath before they stepped into the room. Thor was already sitting by a young brown haired woman, she had to be Jane. An older woman with blond hair that appeared golden in the sunlight sat next to a gray-haired man who had an eyepatch over his right eye. Frigga and Odin. Frigga looked to them and smiled broadly as she stood up.
“How beautiful! You must be Phoebe!” she said excitedly, giving them a friendly hug. “I’m so glad to meet you!”
“Thank you, Miss Borson, I’m happy to be here,” she replied.
“Call me Frigga, dear.” -She smiled and nodded. Frigga turned to Loki and gently cupped his cheek-“How was your ride?”
“Great,” Loki answered his mother briefly.
“Good, I’ll show you to your guest room,” she said, and Loki nodded in agreement. She led the couple up the stairs through a long hallway until she stopped at a room. The room was larger than her entire apartment.
“I like her,” Frigga said, and Loki smiled happily. “Don’t let her go.”
“I definitely don’t plan to,” he said, glancing at Phoebe through the corner of his eye; his mother kissed him on the cheek before she left. Loki closed the door and wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her against him. He leaned down and kissed her softly at first; Phoebe leaned into the kiss and deepened it. Loki pushed her toward the bed and fell onto it with her.
She broke the kiss to speak, “Won’t your family be waiting for us?”
“Oh yes they will, but we have plenty of time for a quickie,” he said mischievously and she returned his smile.
“You’re a pretty dirty professor,” she said as he kissed her neck before looking out.
“When you wear short dresses like that, I can’t help it.” -He pushed up her dress and pulled down her panties- “Turn around.”
Phoebe did as he asked and turned around on all fours; Loki pushed her dress up again and she heard him quickly unzip his pants. He ran his finger over her wet pussy and moaned. “Are you always this wet?”
“Whenever I’m with you.” She buried her face in the varnish to muffle her moans as he thrust hard into her and began to fuck her quickly. He wrapped his hand around her neck and pulled her against his chest, she bit her lip. Loki pulled his cock almost completely out of her until only the tip was in her pussy before thrusting back deep inside her. She arched her back as he pushed against her G-spot and couldn’t hold back a moan; Loki quickly put a hand over her mouth to keep her still as he thrust into her. His other hand traveled down her body and under her dress to her clit. He began to rub it quickly in rhythm with his thrusts and she felt her orgasm building inside her. Her body stiffened and Loki thrust repeatedly against her G-spot.
“Come for me and be a good girl.” She began to shake uncontrollably and came all over his cock. Loki thrust deep inside her one last time, filling her with his hot cum. He slid out of her after a few seconds and she fell onto her side and Loki lay down next to her.
“We should probably go downstairs, shouldn’t we?” asked Phoebe, laughing.
“We should, but I don’t always do what I should,” he said, smiling mischievously at her.
“Yeah, you shouldn’t be sleeping with your students either, Professor,” she said with feigned seriousness, and Loki rolled back on top of her to tickle her, but things quickly got hot between them again. More than an hour later, the two finally made it out of bed….

Plot:Phoebe is a normal student with a crush on her professor Loki Laufeyson and she doubts her fantasy could ever become real, but then she sends him a fake file and suddenly everything changes between them….

PL Masterlist here!

Chapter 7

“I think it’s pretty obvious what’s going on here, Phoebe,” Sophia said to her friend, looking back and forth between Loki and here. “Is he that bastard who kicked you out in the middle of the night?”
Loki opened his mouth to say something, but Phoebe quickly interrupted him with a look from her. “It wasn’t like that, I left on my own.” Sophia narrowed her eyes and looked at Loki before nodding.
“Alright, then I won’t have to kick him in the balls.” -She grabbed her jacket and purse and walked over to Phoebe and hugged her- “Settle this and we’ll talk about it later,” she said softly in her ear before turning to Loki and smiling menacingly. “If you hurt her I will kick you in the balls so hard you will never be able to have sex again.” He frowned in surprise and nodded.

“Sounds fair,” he agreed, and Sophia walked out without another word. Loki turned his gaze back to Phoebe, who was still shocked by her friend’s threat. “Your friend is really very nice.”
“I…um…she doesn’t mean it…” she stammered.
“I deserved it,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck, “I was kind of an asshole, wasn’t I?”
“No, I shouldn’t have reacted like that.” -She looked down at the floor so she wouldn’t have to meet his gaze- “We’re not a couple, and I doubt you’d want to go to your brother’s wedding with one of your coeds you’re fucking.”
“Phoebe, you know that’s not so, granted we have sex together, but that’s not all I want from you,” Loki explained. She laughed and threw her head back at his explanation and Loki raised his eyebrows in confusion. It wasn’t funny at all and her laugh wasn’t genuine like when he said he wanted more from her. “Why are you laughing?”
“Loki, you only wanted sex from the beginning and now you want me to believe you want something else?” she said and Loki’s jaw tightened. “What do you want? Friendship or better yet, a relationship with me?”
“Would that be so bad if I wanted to be with you?” he replied, looking at her seriously. Phoebe nervously ran her fingers through her hair as she paced back and forth.
“God! I’m tired of you playing with my emotions all the time! First you just want meaningless sex, then you want to be friends, then I’m not worth enough to you to come to this wedding with you, and then you show up here and tell me in all seriousness that you want to be with me!” she said angrily before taking a deep breath and closing her eyes for a moment before making a decision. “You should go, it’s probably for the best.”
“I’m not leaving until we work this out,” he said, making her open her eyes. “I’m falling in love with you, Phoebe, and I know that’s not what we agreed on, but I didn’t expect to develop feelings for you.” -She looked at him in shock, not knowing what to say- “Are you going to say something?”
“You’re in love with me?” -Loki nodded, his hands braced on his hips- “But why didn’t you want me to go to the wedding with you?”
“I didn’t think you wanted me to, and I didn’t want you to feel pressured into it; I didn’t want to lose you, even though I probably did after my confession of love,” he said dejectedly, and she bit her lip as she looked up at him.
“What if I had fallen in love with you, too, and you hadn’t lost me? What would you do then?” she asked, slowly stepping towards him.
He smiled mischievously and took off his jacket and shoes. “I’ll show you what I would do.” -He stepped toward her and wrapped his arm around her waist to pull her against him. Loki brushed her hair back and leaned down to kiss her slowly. Phoebe leaned into the kiss and deepened it. She ran her hands over his chest and pressed her body against his. When she felt his erection pressing against her, she moaned into the kiss. He used the moment to push his tongue into her mouth. Loki ran his hands over her sweater and he pulled it up. He broke the kiss for a moment as he pulled it over her head before kissing her passionately again. Loki began kissing down her neck and she wrapped her arms around his neck.
“Fuck me, Loki!” she moaned loudly and he leaned back to look at her.
“Is that what you want? That I fill you with my cock?” he asked and she nodded. “Answer me.”
“Yes, Professor Laufeyson, I want you to fuck my pussy,” she said and he smiled before spinning her around and bending her over the sofa.
“However, I think you should be punished first for not answering. You’ve been a really bad girl.” He pulled down her pants and panties and ran his fingers over the wet crease of her pussy.
“Yes, I’ve been a bad girl, you should punish me, sir,” she said, looking at him over her shoulder.
“I think ten is enough,” he said, stroking her bottom. “You will count each one of them, otherwise you will get one stroke each time in addition. Got it?” -She moaned as he ran his hand over her pussy again. He slapped her butt-“Understood?”
“Yes, sir!” she moaned loudly.
“Good girl, now count,” he ordered and began slapping her ass.
“One…Two…Three…Four…” -Loki pressed two fingers into her pussy as he slapped her ass again.
“You forgot to count, that means one more stroke…” he said and she knew he was smiling.
“But you distracted me-” she started to protest and he slapped her butt making her moan. “Five…six…seven…” -He began to fuck her with his fingers and rubbed her clit with his thumb- “Eight…Nine…” -She felt her orgasm building inside her- “Ten…Eleven…” Her body began to shake uncontrollably.
“Come for me!” he commanded, and she instantly began to stiffen and climax. Loki pulled her up and turned her to face him and lifted her up. Phoebe wrapped her legs around his waist. “Where’s your bedroom?” He nibbled the skin of her neck.
“The door next to the front door,” she said. He carried her into the room and walked to the bed before gently laying her on it. She crawled further onto the bed and he crawled after her, pulling her back to him by her ankles. Loki leaned down to her and began rubbing his erection against her wet pussy; no doubt there would be a wet spot on his pants later, but he didn’t care. Phoebe began to unbutton his black shirt and pushed it down his shoulders.
“God! Loki, I need you!” she moaned. Loki sat down on his knees and quickly began to undo his belt and slide his pants down before lying back on top of her. She wrapped her legs around his hips and pushed his pants and boxers further down. He linked their hands together and she arched her back as she felt the tip of his cock at her entrance.
“You have me, my love,” he said, kissing her lips chastely as he slowly thrust into her pussy. He paused for a moment when he was completely inside her and let her get used to him. Finally she lifted her hips and he pulled almost completely to just the tip of his cock out of her before thrusting back into her agonizingly slowly.
“Please! Fuck me harder,” she begged, “Fuck me faster!” Loki smiled mischievously. He grabbed the headboard of the bed and pulled out of her again before thrusting hard into her, making her moan his name loudly. The bed shook under the force of his thrusts.
“Loki!” she moaned as she met his thrusts and scraped her nails across his back. His free hand moved between their bodies and he began to rub her clit rapidly. She felt her climax building inside her and Loki pushed against her G-spot. Phoebe moaned and Loki repeatedly thrust against her G-spot. Her body began to shake uncontrollably.
“Come for me,” he commanded and her second orgasm flooded her body. Loki thrust into her extra deep, filling her with his hot cum. They both gasped and breathed heavily as they came down from their orgasms. She enjoyed the feel of his weight on her and held in as he tried to roll off of her. He kissed her gently before turning her over together so that she was on top of him; his cock slipped out of her pussy and his cum flowed out of her. She leaned down to him and kissed him slowly. He pulled the blanket over both of their naked bodies.
“So, what does this mean now?” she asked him as she looked up at him.
“It means you’re my girlfriend and you’re forced to go to the wedding with me,” he explained, gently running his hand over her back.
“Indefinitely?” she asked, raising her eyebrows questioningly.
“Definitely, you’re not getting rid of me that easily.” He pulled her down to him and kissed her gently.

Plot:Phoebe is a normal student with a crush on her professor Loki Laufeyson and she doubts her fantasy could ever become real, but then she sends him a fake file and suddenly everything changes between them….

PL Masterlist here!

Chapter 6

“I’m getting married!” declared Thor happily and Loki raised an eyebrow questioningly.
“Who did you force to do that?” asked Loki skeptically and Thor gave him a look that said it all.
“I met an astrophysicist, her name is Jane,” Thor explained further without saying anything back to Loki’s comment. “She’s great and she’s from London, so I’ll get to the second piece of news: I’m moving here so we can spend more time together.”
“Great, like it’s not enough that I have to see you once a year,” Loki muttered. Phoebe felt completely out of place and the absence of her panties only added to the situation that she would be anywhere but here. “When’s the wedding?”

“It’s already this weekend; mom and dad are already here and are certainly happy to meet your girlfriend,” Thor said happily, glancing at Phoebe. “You, of course, are also very happy to be invited to the wedding.” She opened her mouth to say that she can’t not accept the invitation, but before she could speak, Loki was already talking.
“She can’t come, she is unfortunately already busy this weekend,” he said coldly, not looking at her. Although she wanted to decline Thor’s invitation, it hurt that Loki didn’t want her there. That’s ridiculous, Phoebe admonished herself, why would he want you there? You’re just having sex with him, that’s all.
“Um…yeah, I’m afraid I can’t.” -She pretended to look at her watch and quickly stood up- “It’s already very late and I really have to go. It was nice to meet you, Thor.” She smiled kindly at him.
“Likewise. I’m glad there’s someone who can put up with him,” he laughed and she went into the hallway. Phoebe grabbed her jacket and put it on as Loki followed her.
“Why are you leaving? We were going to eat and it’s still early in the evening,” he said, frowning in confusion.
“I don’t want to intrude any further,” she said without looking at him.
He stepped closer to her as he spoke, “You don’t, Phoebe. I’m just going to kick him out and we’ll continue to spend the evening together as planned-”
“Spend it with your brother,” she said simply.
“Then at least let me drive you home,” he begged her and she shook her head.
“Loki, stop.” -She pressed her hand on his chest, stopping him from coming closer. “I don’t need your help and you don’t need to play nice, you already got what you wanted.” Without another word she left the house and walked down the street. She looked at her smartphone, it was already late and her bus wouldn’t leave, so she decided to call Sophia. Luckily for Phoebe, after a few seconds she answered the call.
“Hello?” she asked sleepily.
“Hey Sop, it’s Phoebe. Can you pick me up?” she asked her, running a hand through her hair.
“Sure. Where are you?” She looked around until she finally found the address and told her. She rubbed her arms as she was cold despite her jacket, it probably wasn’t a good idea to wear a dress in the middle of winter, but who knew the evening would end like this? Why was she so disappointed that he didn’t want her there anyway? She knew the answer, though she would like to deny it: she was beginning to fall in love with him. It was probably the worst decision to get involved in this affair, since he had been her crush before and who was she kidding that sex with him meant nothing to her? She was only fooling herself and the longer she kept up this affair with him, the more she would end up getting hurt. Her phone buzzed and she looked at the display; a message from Loki: come back and let’s talk.
She took a deep breath as she started typing a message, but quickly deleted it when she saw her friend’s car pull up in front of her and turned off her smartphone before getting into the car.
“So who’s the guy?” asked Sophia as she handed her a cup of tea and joined her on the sofa.
“What makes you think there’s a guy?” asked Phoebe back, glaring at her over the rim of her cup.
“You call me in the middle of the night to pick you up and you’re wearing a super hot dress, so either you were at a party, which I don’t think you were, or you were with a guy. So who do I have to kick in the nuts?” she said, raising her eyebrows questioningly.
Phoebe sighed and laughed at her friend’s words. “You don’t have to kick anyone in the balls, all right? I admit there is someone, but he didn’t do anything wrong; it’s just sex between us and-” She broke off as she looked into her cup.
“And you’re starting to develop feelings for him,” Sophia concluded, and she wondered how she could read her so well. Phoebe nodded silently and bit her lip. “Do I know him?” She opened her mouth to speak, but at that moment there was a knock on her door. She placed her cup on the table and walked to her door before opening it.
“Loki? What are you doing here?” she asked in shock when she saw him; he was wearing a black coat and a green scarf. His jaw was tense and he walked past her into the apartment without a word.
“Why didn’t you answer me, Phoebe? You can’t imagine how worried I was about you!” he said angrily and she barely had a chance to close the door before his lips were on hers and he was kissing her gently.
“Professor Laufeyson?” They broke their kiss as Sophia spoke in confusion. Phoebe widened her eyes in shock and pushed him off of her.
“Sop, I can explain,” she began to tell her surprised friend….
