#magnus archives


i just want miasma and elias bouchard to throw hands


Plukas is pushing his luck

Look below the cut for ID and secret alternative Bad Ending

Keep reading


Do with this what you will.

I hate you. Yes.

I feel like Jonahlias is the kinda guy who would call everyone the worst version of their preferred names.

I swear, the biggest twist in the Magnus Archives isn’t the Web and the tape recorders, it isn’t the Eyepocalypse - it’s Jonah Magnus’ fuckingeye colour.

Oh, you’re in a homosexual relationship?

Which one of you is the *monologues about my entire life story and how much I hate people and love being alone*, and which one of you is the *extended sounds of brutal pipe murder*?

Assorted Works In Progress of Death Scenes from The Magnus Archives.

(I get bored, okay?)

(I’ve also run out of good OC ideas.)

Here’s the thing.

I know there are, like, so many posts about the reasons why trans Jonah Magnus and trans Daisy Tonner are problematic concepts because of their characterisation (i.e. Jonah Magnus/Elias Bouchard’s character is willingly serving the God of Voyeurism and all that, watching people and invading their personal space; and he is proven to be incredibly manipulative and dishonest, both of which are serious stereotypes used to dehumanise and attack transgender people; and Daisy Tonner is quite literally a predator, a murderer, a horrible, violent threat, and a great source of trauma for the main character - and a cop, which.. Stonewall Riots? I- Yep.)

But, like, I think it’s interesting why we project onto these people, as opposed to other characters - who could easily also represent problematic, or just general, stereotypes. Like, how internalised are this world’s fucked up prejudices and prenotions, that we project straight onto these problematic stereotypes?

Anyway. Not an in-depth analysis. Might do one later. But, interesting.


just finished s1 of the magnus archives this is it

A quick Helen doodle.

I finished the magnus archives and now I can rest while I work on my boards for a scene from the podcast. Here’s my Jon and Helen designs for it!

dinzeeyz:TMA brainrot has consumed me good dinzeeyz:TMA brainrot has consumed me good dinzeeyz:TMA brainrot has consumed me good dinzeeyz:TMA brainrot has consumed me good 


TMA brainrot has consumed me good 

Post link

How does anybody draw Jon, he has so many scars to keep track of!

#magnus archives    #jonathan sims    #archivist    #tma jon    


mmmmmback on my bullshit

RQG playing MacGuffin & Co’s microsetting Duskhollow PD was a riot, and while I understand that it’s a ~spooky gritty noir setting~ I would like to propose instead: what if, but Scooby Doo

[image ID:

Four small town British cops stand in a line facing the viewer, pointing a brilliantly yellow/green torch at a dead body lying on the ground in a pool of blood. The body is only visible from the shins down, wearing a pinstripe suit, Oxfords, and pink & purple spotted socks.

From the left: Emma Walensky, a white woman with a squint in a neon yellow rain jacket, holding a small jar of ‘goo’. Next to her is Archie Murdock, with a constable’s helmet, holding the torch, and recoiling from the dead body. His face is in an exaggerated state of shock. Beside him is Detective Sergeant Carl Husselback, a Black man, with his head in one hand in a gesture of defeat and resignation. He’s Terry Crews big, based on how Frank described his muscles. On the far right, is Gabrielle Schreiber, another white woman with red hair and freckles, holding a 1920’s revolver, braced for trouble.

A line of bloody footprints lead from the body to Archie, because he failed his dexterity roll.

Above them all are word bubbles.

Emma and Archie: IT’S AN ALIEN!

Husselback: It’s not an alien.

Schreiber: It was definitely the husband.

Husselback: He’s not married.

end ID]

mmmmmback on my bullshit

RQG playing MacGuffin & Co’s microsetting Duskhollow PD was a riot, and while I understand that it’s a ~spooky gritty noir setting~ I would like to propose instead: what if, but Scooby Doo

A little Martin, as promised

A digital painting of Jon Sims holding a flashlight and a knife in the tunnels. Chalk arrows on the walls point behind him to a ladder leading to a trapdoor. Worms lay in front of him. He looks wary but determined. He's wearing several bandages, but a couple of worm bites are still open and bleeding. His eyes glow the same yellow as his flashlight.

A redraw of an old piece from before I posted my art here I think?

I finally had time to finish day 13: roof, featuring everyone’s favorite sky grandpa

Inktober day 12: stuck

Another rough sketch today but I’m almost caught up on the current date!

Day 10: pick

So. Many. Little. Bones.

“Statement of Antonia Hayley, regarding a deep dive that took place near Sable Island, Nova Scotia in August 2006…”

Inktober day 8: pressure

Day 8 “watch”

Yes I am running several days behind at this point. Will I get caught up? Stay tuned to find out!

It’s sad about Tim hours ✌ cover by Sarah Cothran

this is what I imagine John to look like, without having seen him/ other drawings of him before


Since Jonny has come back to tumblr, I think it’s a good time to remind everyone of the Do Not Archive tag.

If you have a post you don’t want the TMA cast and/or crew to see, tag it “#do not archive”. They know how fan spaces work, and have that tag blocked.

The same goes for AO3, where the tag is “Do Not Archive (The Magnus Archives)”.

Pass it on for newer fans.

currently in my Gerry cosplay makeup, with a Gerry centric fanfic open on my phone, 111 open but paused on spotify on my laptop as I look through  #gerard keay here on, ealier tonight I made him and mary in the sims 4. I’m so obsessed rn it’s ridiculous, I’m not even joking. I left the Martin thing that’s been going on for at least a solid like 7 months straight into All I Can Think About Is This Stupid Goth like, two Mondays ago


Let’s be real for a second

Jon Sims posted this.

(Gertrude Robinson’s greatest success)

#magnus archives    #archive    

The Magnus Institute’s archives are now open! Please secure your copy of VISITOR’S PASS by April 25th! Oh, and do avoid artefact storage - we’ve had some things go missing there lately



Reblogs appreciated, all! Spread this far and wide so all fans can See… ️

Alright everyone! A surprise, surprise! We originally planned to wait, but, after us mods talking it through decided: 


This is another preorder, and will run for a week and a half!

The sudden preorder is for two reasons:

1) Our printer is currently still up and running. The longer we wait, the more risk we run of the print shop no longer being available. Unfortunately, COVID-19 seems to be going nowhere fast, which leads into the next point…

2) Our initial donations were to The Trevor Project, and we were thrilled for our final donation to be nearly 6k. But with the state of the world, us moderators have decided to donate reprint profits wholly to the WHO’s COVID-19 Response Fund.

Their goal is provide treatment for patients, PPE for healthcare workers, track the virus more effectively, and work to get vaccines, tests, and treatments readily available. You can read all about their response by clicking HERE

This preorder will run from April 15-25th only! Your fulfillment mod will do her best to have them out ASAP; but we’re looking at mid-May for delivery. We know the timing isn’t going to be right for some of you, but with our new goal, thought the timing is as right as it can be.

Thank you all for your enthusiasm and patience! We will be boosting this and appreciate any reblogs for the new Magnus Archives family. We’ll be re-boosting our sales information in the next couple days! Until then! ️

An update: we’ve had quite a few people asking about a possible reprint. Initially, this was not in our plans, but after repeated inquiries, we’ve decided to run an interest check on ZINE ONLY reprints!

This reprint would be for the zine only– meaning you would only be able to order the physical book only. Merch is unfortunately not something we will be re-manufacturing due to time constraints, but this would be your chance to get the actual book again!

This reprint would not be happening immediately, if we do decide there is enough interest. With so many people out of work or having to juggle extra expenses currently, we recognize this isn’t the time to open orders at all. That being said– we want to gauge interest well ahead of time, and give people time to respond.

So, we are running a poll on our Twitter as an interest check! Do be sure to vote if you’re following us. We will run another similar poll when/if we decide on an actual reorder date.

Once again, this is a POSSIBILITY and not a certainty, with no set date yet in mind either way. For now, be sure to check out our poll by clicking HERE (or going to the pinned post on our Twitter) and reblog to spread the word to any new Magnus fans who’ve arrived for S5!

Thanks, everyone!


Find us at the following link: 

https: // etsy. com/shop/visitorspasszine (copy/paste, please! is tumblr still killing posts with links from showing in tags?)

or by clicking our handy embed HERE. (does tumblr kill embedded links? we honestly just don’t know.)

This is your very last chance to get a copy of our Magnus Archives zine and/or some of the merch that is still available! Please be sure to read the listings carefully! Due to limited quantities, let us know ASAP if you have a problem with your order prior to shipping!

Thank you for your patience all! We hope you’re able to grab what you’ve been looking for! ️


As you now know our date for the leftovers sale to begin (January 25th) we can start to give a few details about how the sale is going to go.

Our sale will go live at MIDNIGHT PST (00:00:00 am on the 25th) and will be on a first-come, first-serve basis. As this is our last remaining stock, once it’s gone, it’s gone. We do not expect to do a reprint on the zine and will not be manufacturing any further merch!

Details on our availability: 

THE WATCHER’S CROWN- full bundle - includes physical zine, two charms, one sticker sheet, two stickers, and one mini-print ($50)


THE GREAT TWISTING -mini bundle - includes physical zine, one charm, and one sticker sheet ($35)


THE EVERCHASE - physical zine only ($25)


THE UNKNOWING- digital download (PDF) only ($10)

THE LEITNER EXPANSION PACK - set of four Instagram translucent cards - 50% of sale profit will be donated to Rusty Quill

B-GRADE ZINES - zines that mod Summer– admittingly picky on quality– has deemed less than perfect. These are zines that have minor issues such as scuffed bindings, dented corners, or other small cosmetic flaws. In no way is the integrity of the zine diminished ($20)


STRETCH GOALS BUNDLE - bundle of stretch goals merchandise - includes one sticker, two buttons, one charm, and one notepad ($10)


CHARM BUNDLE - bundle of our two main charms - includes Melanie & Magnus crest charms ($10)


STICKER BUNDLE -bundle of our three main stickers - includes both die cut Michael & paranoid stuff sticker, and one sticker sheet ($5)


STICKER + PRINT BUNDLE -bundle of our mini-print & sticker sheet ($5)


MISCELLANEOUS INDIVIDUAL MERCHANDISE -there will be limited quantities of our merch leftover from mini-bundles, as well as individual stretch goal merch and B-grade charms. These will range in price depending on item.

We will make an announcement here and on Twitter when our sale goes live, so feel free to put us on notifications in the next week if you’re aiming for a specific bundle. Other things to note:

 You are responsible for any customs charges or collection notice. If it gets sent back, we will only refund for cost of the bundle (minus shipping) or you can pay for reshipment.

 We are not responsible for address errors. Please check the address on file on your Etsy before placing your order. 

 Both above are even more important with all sales final.

We can’t wait to open our shop again for all of you, and we hope you’re able to snag whatever you’ve been Eyeing!


[Image ID: Digital art of Jon Sims sitting at a dimly lit desk hiding his face in his hand. He is a brown person with long, unbound greying hair and a short beard. He wears a brown sweatervest and a light blue collared shirt. Papers, post-its, and a tape recorder are lying on the desk. A black ace ring is visible on his right middle finger. End ID]

saw@bagginshield’s lovely Jon dtiys and had to give it a go!
