#mental health advocacy


In honor of mental health awareness month, I thought I’d finally share the story of how I dealt with my anxiety and depression.

May is mental health awareness month.

I’ve had anxiety ever since I can remember. As a kid my anxiety came across as me being a “picky” or “dramatic” kid. Me getting upset about something seemingly small was actually me having a panic like reaction from my anxiety. As I grew up I did not “grow out” off my anxiety, but still no one knew that i was dealing with anxiety day in and day out. They thought it was simply me “being a teenager”. Due to my anxiety I started to isolate my self and do less and less things because of how anxious I became in social or new situations. This isolation lead to a dark depression. From eighth grade to freshman year of college I was depressed. Yes there were some good days, but still within them I was constantly fighting off the hollowness inside me, the numbness that had consumed me, and the thoughts that I didn’t matter, that I wasn’t enough, that I needed the suffering to end, even if that meant my life ending with it. I was lucky though. I had my amazing fiancé (boyfriend at the time), loving sister, and caring mom there for me. Sleeping by me through the nights when I didn’t want to wake up in the morning. Giving me hugs and letting me cry into their chests on those days I wanted to give up. They were also there when I stood up for myself and told my doctor that I needed help. My doctor prescribed an antidepressant/anti-anxiety medication. About a month after I started taking it, I remember simply sitting and realizing that I was okay with that. That I wasn’t worrying about what I had or hadn’t done, not worrying about the past, present or future. I remember just being and being okay with that. That day my life started to change. I slowly started doing more and more things I had been too anxious to do. I have come so far from where I was, and I am so much stronger because of it. I’ve said it before, I’m saying it now and I’ll say it again. If you can’t make your own serotonin store bought is fine. There is absolutely nothing wrong with taking prescriptions to make you feel better.

You are not meant to be miserable, unhappy or anxious everyday. You deserve better.

It’s been awhile since I’ve been here but I’m glad to come back with this post!

So I am supper excited to announce that I will be curating my very first virtual event! With some amazing guest speakers joining me



The Things You Affirm is an event centered around doing a self assessment of the things we affirm/speak into our lives. From the things we say about ourselves, our bodies, our personal life and so much more.



What are the affirmations that you speak over your life? We’d love to know. Rather you come equipped with your own list or a notepad to make your list, we’d love for you to join us either way!



The date is Friday 2/19/2021 and the IG Live event will begin at 7:00PM est.



Below, check out my the amazing ladies joining me on this event



Also please do not hesitate to DM me with any questions. Share, repost, tell a friend.


With May being mental health awareness month, my friend Joy and I wanted to have a special conversation about anxiety. A conversation about what we know about anxiety and personal experiences with anxiety. Have you dealt with anxiety? What was that like for you…

let’s talk about it

This week’s episode is up!

On this episode I dive into the topic of mental health. So often these days I find that I am seeing and hearing so much more about the topic of mental health. Rather it’s those who are battling some type of mental health issue to those who are trying to I am also witnessing increasing rates of those who are suffering in silence. Let’s have this conversation, I want to talk about your personal experiences with mental health related issues, be it someone yourself or simply just someone you know. Let’s talk! {DM me, email me, drop me a comment}
