#choose happiness


I wasn’t looking when I met you. But you turned out to be everything I was looking for.

Some people are incapable of loving but you don’t need to worry about anyone but you. You can still choose love and kindness and goodness every day of your life regardless of the hate in someone else’s heart and the ways they have tried to project that hate onto you.

It’s been awhile since I’ve been here but I’m glad to come back with this post!

So I am supper excited to announce that I will be curating my very first virtual event! With some amazing guest speakers joining me



The Things You Affirm is an event centered around doing a self assessment of the things we affirm/speak into our lives. From the things we say about ourselves, our bodies, our personal life and so much more.



What are the affirmations that you speak over your life? We’d love to know. Rather you come equipped with your own list or a notepad to make your list, we’d love for you to join us either way!



The date is Friday 2/19/2021 and the IG Live event will begin at 7:00PM est.



Below, check out my the amazing ladies joining me on this event



Also please do not hesitate to DM me with any questions. Share, repost, tell a friend.

