

When manifesting don’t worry about the how or when it will happen just know that it will happen

<3 It’s a mf fact that I’m the best manifestor ever, I always get whatever tf I want when I want ><

Always think highly of yourself, YOU are on the pedestal. Mfs bow down to you !! remember datt <3

What the fuck is logic ? We don’t use that when manifesting lol

Time don’t matter to me I get my shit instantly <3

POV: you have the It girlmindset

I am the it girl

I am the girl who has it all

The world is in my control

My life is constantly getting better & better

I am successful & talented

I inspire many ppl to be the best version of themselves

I am loved by all

I am very important


-Make Pinterest boards about desires

-write a story about yourself living your dream life

-make fake posts about you telling your success story

-imagining yourself attractive everything you want instantly

Just go plus ultraaaaa, you are the star of your reality <33

Darling, you gotta believe in yourself. Choose yourself. Show up, be aware, and present for yourself. Put in the time and dedication needed while doing the work. Take care of yourself. Heal. Make a mends. Forgive and forget. Make sure you’re okay mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically while always doing your best. You deserve to live life and thrive. You are loved. You are cherished. You are intelligent. You are beautiful. You are unique. You are everything you’re supposed to be. You don’t have to hide it. And, yes…you have flaws. A few of them. But, those things often change overtime. You have all that you need to have all that you want. You don’t have to ask for anything. You don’t have to beg for nothing. You don’t have to hide or minimize who you are. You are exactly who you’re supposed to be. Live your life. Gather your tribe. Manifest your dreams. Build your kingdom. Do what you like and love. Try what you hate and learn what you don’t know. Experience and explore this world and all that it has to offer you. There are blessings hidden within everyday with your name on it. Each day is a gift, every moment is a present. Be willing and open to criticism and learning. Be honest and truthful about yourself and others. Love yourself. Hug yourself. Date yourself. Let go and live. Don’t be afraid of the unknown or confused about what is know. Don’t fear anything at all. Go with the flow of what you’ve been called, positioned, and purposed to do. Embrace yourself. But, most of all…get rooted. Build yourself a solid foundation, safe haven, and home. For yourself and others by knowing who you are, what you stand for, & why. Never straying away from your truth. All of this your responsibility. This is how you discover your true identity. Take accountability over it. There is great power inside you. You deserve to be celebrated and known. Your DNA is one of a kind. You matter just as much as everyone else. There is no one else just like you. So, come on…tell and show the world who you are. Don’t hold yourself back or limit yourself. We’re all dying to know the real you. This is your time. Introduce yourself. “Hi, my name is…”

This can’t be it. This isn’t my dream. This won’t be my forever. I refuse to sit and dwell here. I refuse to give up. I refuse to settle. I’ve come to far to get to this place, although I’m passing through. I gave up so much of myself, although, I needed me too. But, this isn’t it. This can’t be it. This isn’t what I expected. This isn’t what I want or need. This isn’t it. I swear, it isn’t.

To those in need of some encouragement & inspiration while stuck in a dark & twisted space, those questioning & seeking answers, those alone & lonley suffering in silence, those without a voice or depressed, or those contemplating a world changing decision…I know the pain, emotions, and experiences are real. I know the pressures, situations, circumstances, challenges, and hardships are taking a toll on you. I know the constant battle of debating & defending yourself is difficult. It is, there’s no denying it.

However, may I say…You’re here for a reason, with a purpose, & given a choice to live the best life you can in & through these horrid trials & perils. Please, don’t give up. Please, hold on. The world is brutal & the experience is mind blowing. I won’t argue with you about that but it’s still good. With all of the bad things that occur. The same amount of good is still evident and occuring around, to, through, and for you. We’re all better and worse off than each other at any given moment. It’s no fair no equal. No, but, it’s life. And, it’s still worth living, regardless. Please reach out to someone. Communicate & seek the proper help for your current situation. I know humans are messy & crazy but, there are still people in this world that will be willing & able to help, assist, provide, protect, maintain, & manage your crisis. We want to help! You aren’t in this alone. Be your own hero, save yourself by letting someone know you need help. You need you. Just like your family, friends, and those you encounter in this world - we all need you. We all want you. And, although it may not seem that way at times…it’s true.

Each and every day, we’re choosing to do more for ourselves and each other. So, we’re here and every day we’re going to choose to show up, be present, be aware, & stay conscious of this gift of life until we can’t anymore. We will support & protect you the best of our ability. We will love each and every part of you and encourage you to do the same. Not because we’re obligated or have too. No, because we want too and know that regardless of how any of us feel, we are all the same and in need of the same things. We’re all connected. And, without you - we’re all missing something that we could’ve, should’ve, would’ve had and experienced but, never got a chance too.

Please, reconsider your decision. Evaluate your feelings. Know your experience is vaild. However, so it your purpose. Please, choose to be alive. Not just alive but, to truly live & not just survive. Live your life abundantly. Seek the help & support you need. Find a community that will uplift, push forward, hold down & keep you accountable. Be responsible & kind to yourself & others. Because, things are going to get hard & be difficult. There will be major struggle & resistance to the process of recovery & healing. Some days will be better than others. Sometimes, things will drag & suck but, things will get better. I believe in, am praying & rooting for you. Don’t give up. You got this!

Forgive me. I say that in advance because I know once you’ve encountered me and my essence…you won’t be able to fathom how I caused your mind to think, your heart to beat, your soul to feel depth, your inner child to create and dream, or your spirit to be vulnerable and speak..

Words have power.

I come from a background where so many people have wandered in and out of my life, speaking to, at, over, and into me and my journey. Some negative and some positive. Some curses and some blessings. Some false and some true. I really struggled with comprehension and gaining a proper understanding of their impact. It wasn’t until I listened to the small whisper and discovered my own narrative, that I was able to “chew the meat and spit out the bones” of what occurred in the past and come out of it a better person.

So, cheers to the struggle, the discoveries, and the journeys this life has brought me. I am proud of myself because I did everything everyone said I never could. I became everything I’m not to truly become everything I am and will become…Now, I can add self taught “Writer, Poet, & Author” to my resume. Except, this isn’t just what I do but, a part of who I am. This dream is now a reality. I have seen something spiritual become physical and manifest it’s blessings to those around me.

My first poetry collection - ETHEREAL LOVE by Kid Gills - coming really soon.

This is me. Love me or Leave me. This is who I am. This is all I have to offer at the moment. It’s not much but, it’s something. And, to be present in this place, conscious of this moment, full with these emotions, doing what I do while learning, believing in something greater with the best intentions, focused on my health, wealth, growth, and well being - amongst the ones who love and support me the most…this is all I need…this is all I have…this is where I belong…I’m good. I’m content. That’s all that matters.

I don’t know what I need right now. All I know is that I’m trying my best to be present, to act and do as I am supposed, to show up, to make a different, and to make an impact. But, I often wonder if I’m doing all of this for the right reason. Am I truly on the right path? I know the difference between good and evil, right and wrong, pressure and force. But, does this feel right to me? Am I happy where I am? Sometimes, I have trouble tapping into my own core or take heed from my source due to my focus on everything else. I don’t know what I need right now. But, I know I want to breathe a bit more. I want to go back to my roots. Get grounded in my culture. Get acquainted with this person that I am and also am becoming. Who are you? What are you about? What do you believe - about the world? about your surroundings? about yourself? I want to know all about you. How do you feel? Where have you been or where would you like to go? What are you doing or would like to do? What is your purpose, goals, and mission? I don’t know what I need. But, I know it’s not pain. It’s not sorrow. It’s not horror. It’s not degrading or disrespectful. It’s not disturbing or offensive. It isn’t greed or manipulation. I can seek it out and find it. I can live and arrive to it. It’s not necessarily today or even tomorrow. It just is, what it is. I don’t know what I need. But, what I truly need…I deserve and want it.

I won’t be afraid to begin again. The unknown & uncertainty of life may hit me, stop me, & make me question things; but, I won’t miss my opportunity to reestablish my self, trust my new beginning, & rebuild my foundation. I’ll take a chance on myself, just as I did everyone else.

What happened to you? You used to care about things of importance. What changed? What caused you to abandon your purpose & ignore your call - for something temporal? Where did it all go wrong? I know, it’s hard to ignore. Complex to explain & endure but, how’d you lose yourself?

Darling, I know you have had many tough days and plenty of long nights. You have been hurt, confused, and lost, too. I know it feels like there’s no where to go and no one to run too. And, perhaps you’re right. However, being alone isn’t always a bad thing. It’s alone in the darkest places where all of the miracles happen! So, take a breath. Breathe for a minute. Take a look around you. You see the place your in and the conditions you’re enduring through? Beloved, all of that is going to change in due time. There will be no more dark days. No more cold nights. No more torture and torment. You don’t deserve that. No one does. Not from yourself or others. Not to yourself or others! You got to believe that. This is no way to live and you were never meant to endure through so much agony, despair, or hellish conditions. And, I’m telling you…it’s all going to get better. Every day will be a bit brighter. Every moment will hold great meaning. Each breath will have a reason to remind you that you are alive and well. You will feel powerful. You will be untouchable again. Your mind will be at ease. Your heart will begin to beat to the rhythm of it’s own drumming. Your voice will be used and elevated to volumes most haven’t even used. Your actions will impact the world and your reactions will change lives. You will rise again. You will stand upon your feet, grounded. You will step into position, rooted in your identity and truth. You will step up to every obstacle, every problem, every situation and circumstance - ready to find a solution and put a end to whatever challenge you may face. Yes, you might shed tears. Yes, you might shake. Yes, you might sweat. Yes, you might bleed. Yes, you might die. Yes, you might. But, it will all be worth it. It will all be worth it in the end. Today, you step out of the shadows and into the light. Today, you become who you are predestined to be and leave behind who you thought you were. Today, the chains of the labels and the opinions of others come off. Today. It’s all happening today! Right now, in this moment. You are free. You are able to walk away and never look back to those former things, ever again. But, only if you want too. No one can force you to want to be saved or healed. That’s a decision you have to make on your own. It starts in your heart, it moves to your mind, and it’s declared out of your mouth. You can do it, if you want too. All you have to do is believe that it is possible and that you’re worth such a change to begin. This is the process. This is the road to recover. This is the journey to being healed.
