#mental health education



DID vs. OSDD: What’s the Difference, and Why Does It Matter?

Depending on which circles this post ends up in, many people who are reading this will know of Dissociative Identity Disorder, or DID. (If not, don’t worry, there will be a brief overview in a little bit!) However, lesser known to the layman is Otherwise Specified Dissociative Disorder (OSDD), a catch-all for dissociative disorders that don’t fit under any other named dissociative disorder. There are four types of OSDD, but I’ll be focusing on type 1 here. Read beneath the cut for in-depth info, sources, and some personal thoughts!

(Regardless of whether or not you have a dissociative disorder, I’d encourage you to reblog! Mental health awareness and education are crucial.)

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by me, a fool who doesnt wanna die anymore 

  1. never make a suicide joke again. yes this includes “i wanna die” as a figure of speech. swear off of it. actually make an effort to change how you think about things.
  2. find something to compliment someone for at least 4 times a day. notice the little things about the world that make you happy, and use that to make other people happy.
  3. talk to people. initiate conversation as often as you possibly can. keep your mind busy and you wont have to worry anymore
  4. picture the bad intrusive thoughts in youe head as an edgy 13 year old and tell them to go be emo somewhere else
  5. if someone makes you feel bad most of the time, stop talking to them. making yourself hang out with people who drain you is self harm. stop it.

… 8|

That’s some pretty good advice. I don’t know what’s left of my humor after ‘guess I’ll just die’ jokes but it’s worth a shot.

Personally i went from “guess I’ll die” jokes to “IF I HAVE TO BE HERE FOR 5 MORE MINUTES I PROMISE YOU I WILL BUY JUST, AN ARRAY OF CLOTHES.” and other wild hyperbolic stuff. Just replace the death part with something ridiculous and off topic. Its very entertaining

This also works with calling myself things like stupid, worthless, trash, etc. Even if you do this jokingly to yourself, your brain still believes it, and keeps up the cycle. Seriously, I found that when I stopped saying these things about myself, even jokingly, it made a massive difference.

Here’s a tip I picked up from a friend that’s helped me a lot — replace self deprecating jokes with ironically self aggrandizing jokes

Like every time I trip and fall, instead of saying “l’m just a disaster human” I say “I’m the epitome of grace and beauty”

Or like, when I draw a picture I’m not 100% happy with, instead of saying “my art is trash” I say something like “you know I think it’s time we replaced the Mona Lisa”

When you do that you get to make a joke, but you’re ALSO getting practice building yourself up, y’know?

And eventually it becomes a reflex and you get so used to it that you can say nice stuff about yourself even when you AREN’T joking



This is a masterpost for family, friends, and partners of those suffering from Borderline Personality Disorder. 

Note: If you are seeing a reblogged version of this, be sure to check the original post, because I will be updating this post as I find/create more resources.

* * * Read this before asking us a question about an abusive loved one with BPD. * * *


More Information about Borderline Personality Disorder

Recommended Reading

Recommended Links

this is my absolute favorite BPD blog out there, and i found this resource post to be very helpful and informative. not only for me helping loved ones understand the how i feel, and how they should approach each situation, but i found it really helped me understand myself on a whole new level.

Agreed,@shitborderlinesdo is wonderful ♥


Here are a collection of posts to help you decide whether or not you may possibly have Borderline Personality Disorder:
