

Avoin kutsu / Open Call

Voiko kansallisuutta kuratoida?
Kuka päättää mitä suomalaisuus on ja mitä Suomeenkuuluu?

Can you curate the national?
Who decides what is Finnish and what it is left outside?

Kirjoita. Kerro. Kuvaa. / Show & Tell.

Osallistu kokeelliseen kansalliseen kokoelmaan / Contribute in the experimental national collection

[email protected] TAI/OR


‪#‎rohkeatekijä‬ / Koneen Säätiö - Kone Foundation

Celebrating diversityToday we celebrate the diversity of our community.Pictured are the flags of our

Celebrating diversity

Today we celebrate the diversity of our community.

Pictured are the flags of our contributors: Hong Kong, Japan, Philippines, Portugal, Slovenia, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States. It’s wonderful to imagine philosophy being created for The Human Front from around the world.

We haven’t asked our contributors to identify their genders. Though both men and women contribute, we’d like more diversity. (Get in touch!)

Thanks to Google Analytics, here are some statistics about our readership.

A non-exhaustive sample of 15,607 users revealed the following distribution of readers:

  1. United States: 5,370 (34.46 %)
  2. United Kingdom: 2,603 (16.70%)
  3. Canada: 823 (5.28 %)
  4. India: 638 (4.09 %)
  5. Australia: 614 (3.94 %)
  6. Philippines: 529 (3.39 %)
  7. Germany: 286 (1.84 %)
  8. Brazil: 202 (1.30 %)
  9. Netherlands: 193 (1.24 %)
  10. Turkey: 183 (1.17 %)

Other nationalities identified include: Japan, France, Spain, Italy, New Zealand, Sweden, Mexico, Indonesia, United Arab Emirates, Denmark, China, South Africa, Pakistan, Singapore, Ireland, Greece, South Korea, Norway, Poland, Thailand, Austria, Portugal, Hong Kong, Romania, Argentina, Malaysia, Slovenia, Egypt, Russia, Belgium, Bangladesh, Finland, Nigeria, Kenya, Vietnam, Israel, Hungary, Serbia, Puerto Rico, Taiwan, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Saudi Arabia, Chile, Colombia, Czechia, Morocco, Croatia, Nepal, Ghana, Slovakia, Georgia, Algeria, Latvia, Albania, Estonia, Peru, Sri Lanka, Ethiopia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Tunisia, Ecuador, Iraq, Malta, Trinidad & Tobago, Zambia … plus 70 more.

Using Instagram Insights, a 90-day sample revealed that, of 9,250 users, 64.6 % were men and 35.4 % were women.

The breakdown of age was as follows:

  • 13 to 17: 1.8 %
  • 18 to 24: 35.4 %
  • 25 to 34: 44.8 %
  • 35 to 44: 11.3 %
  • 45 to 54: 3.9 %
  • 55 to 64: 1.5 %
  • 65+: 1.4 %

Thank you for being part of this journey, wherever you are in the world, whatever your gender is, and however old you are!

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