#nct renjun


Renjun has been really SHINING lately.

Like he really outshone the sun. And it’s not like he’s not usually shining, but these days he has been blinding us all with his ethereal beauty. ☀️


#nct dream    #nct 127    #nct mark    #nct minhyung    #nct jaemin    #nct jeno    #nct jisung    #nct renjun    #nct chenle    #nct haechan    #nct donghyuck    #nct ten    #nct lucas    #nct jungwoo    #nct kun    #nct taeyong    #nct yuta    #nct johnny    #nct winwin    #nct taeil    #nct memes    #kpop memes    #nct dream memes    #nct doyoung    #nct jaehyun    

NCT Dream as popular kids: Renjun

- the mysterious artsy kid

- he has two older brothers, Sicheng and Kun

- he’s cute but kind of evil like Sicheng

- but a caring mom like Kun

- he always talks shit with Sicheng and Chenle in Chinese

- him and Chenle will just share a knowing glance in the hallway as they see someone they hate

- known as a pure boy even though he threatens to choke his friends at least once a day

- but he also makes them food and plays with their hair when they’re sad

- kind of 4D

- he seems serious but he’s not at all

- he doesn’t socialize much but when he’s with his friends he’s always smiling

- he has a few friends he talks to in each class but has very few close friends

- a lot of people want to get to know him but he doesn’t really care about other people

- not in a mean way, he’s just really chill

- hangs out in the library because he prefers quiet

- an intellectual

- sometimes he’ll tutor peole for extra credit

- he can sleep in class and still pass with an A

- btw he always wants to take a nap

- even if he sleeps 12 hours he’ll still say that he needs a daily nap

- takes the best notes

- gets better grades in korean than a lot of his classmates

- really good work ethic, even when everyone is joking around and being loud he’ll finish his work sheet

- gets invited to a lot of parties but he doesn’t go much

- soft spoken

- some people says he’s cold but he’s actually really dorky and caring

- makes the worst jokes

- that’s why Jaemin calls him no jam #1 (Jeno is no jam #2)

- secretly a savage

- once again, a mom :’)

- whenever one of his friends rips their closes or something he can see it for them

- pretty much lives in this little cafe down the street

- he doesn’t even love coffee that much but he thinks it’s so cute and he loves to read and study there

- usually wears contacts but when he does wear his glasses everyone swoons, he looks so handsome

- he won’t stand up for himself, he’ll just ignore it

- but if you mess with one of his friends, especially Chenle, you better go ahead and change schools

- he won’t beat them up but he’ll act so calm it makes it even scarier

- one time someone made Chenle cry so Renjun talked to them in the hallway

- the boy peed in his pants and hasn’t looked at Renjun since

- he only opens up to a few people

- likes having alone time

- known for his solos in chorus

- really good at playing instruments (his favorite are the piano and violin)

- amazing at art!!

- he carries this leather journal around where he sketches

- he can do realistic drawings but also cute characters (his favorite being moomin)

- sometimes he sketches his friends

- only lets a few people look at his journal

- the boys will always come over to his house for Chinese food, y’all know mama kun won’t let them go hungry


Even though he was far away, Renjun still liked to have an eye on you. He would constantly text you, or text your family if he wasn’t able to get a hold of you to make sure that you were taking care of yourself well.


Most of the time the two of you would bicker over text, for example if one of you tried to get the other to sleep then you’d protest and assure them that it wasn’t too late and that you could stay and talk, or when the other planned to ship something over, you’d bicker about not wasting your money on each other.


Any time that he spoke to you on the phone, Renjun could tell straight away when something wasn’t right. He would push and push until eventually you sat down and told him what the problem was, because as he liked to remind you all the time, he knew you a lot better than you ever gave him the credit for.


The two of you hated wasting the limited time that you already had together by disagreeing, your texts and calls were limited at the best of times without spending it squabbling. If an argument felt as if it was brewing between the two of you, one of you would suggest hanging up for five minutes and going to get a drink before coming back onto the call and forgetting about what you had just spoken about.


Neither of you could really remember not knowing one another, it just felt like one of those things that had always been a part of your lives. You were quite glad that you had met each other so young if you were honest because as you got older you wondered whether you would be as close with one another, both feeling as if the getting to know each other process would be a lot more awkward and trickier for you both.


Renjun’s family were the best, they took the best care of you and always were there for you when you needed them. They were constantly updating Renjun on how you were when he felt that you were keeping secrets from them, and if you weren’t able to get a hold of Renjun, they’d assure you that they had spoken to him recently and that he was just busy so that you didn’t have to worry that something had happened.


Because of your different time zones, getting together was sometimes difficult, but you tried your best to align your days so that you had a couple of hours when you did call. One of you would have to stay up a little bit later than you wanted most of the time, but it was worth it to be able to talk to each other.


The two of you had a habit of talking every day, even when you were both super busy, you’d still at least text one another at some point during the day. Even though you didn’t see each other in person, you still thought about each other a lot and made sure to keep the conversation going when you could.


You still had plenty of inside jokes despite the fact that you weren’t always together in person, mainly because of how you embarrassed yourselves a lot on calls. You had either fallen asleep on a call or fallen off your chairs when you called one another more than once which the other person made sure not to forget.


The thing that got Renjun jealous the most was the fact that you had other people around you who got to hang out with you as much as they wanted to, whilst he couldn’t. Whilst he loved seeing you having fun with your friends, at the same time he couldn’t help but wish that he was there too and enjoying the fun rather than having to sit miles away from you and be there only in his imagination whilst looking at the photos.


Renjun got a kick out of surprising you, whether that be in person or sending gifts back to you from Korea without telling you. It was very rare for him to tell you when he was coming home for a visit, but what happened more often was you coming home to boxes being shipped with plenty of treats for you inside.


He loved how you both still managed to make your friendship work seamlessly despite being miles away from each other. When he first moved away Renjun worried that maybe the two of you would end up slipping away from each other, but if anything, you made more of an effort when the two of you were far apart to make sure that that didn’t happen, talking more on the phone than you ever had done before.


The two of you first met when you started school, you’d been together ever since the very start. You found yourselves sat together during one of your lessons, and over time you sat together in your other lessons too, soon being known amongst your other classmates for just how well you got along with each other.


Whenever he was with you, Renjun always found himself letting go. You had lost count of the funny moments that you had witnessed because of him, knowing that he felt at such incredible ease when he was with you.


Renjun was obsessed with how caring you were and how you always checked on him despite the distance. You never once lost interest in the things that he did, even if you weren’t able to see them in person.


There was no time that meant more to Renjun than when the two of you were able to see each other in person. He loved the feeling of being able to hug you and see the expression on your face when you talked rather than having to figure out how you were feeling through the dodgy pixels on his laptop.


He loved to ask about you, Renjun loved asking about your days because you told him about home which often helped him, especially when he was feeling homesick and missing some of his favourite spots.


Both of you carried a photo of one another in your phone cases so that you always had your best friend with you. It was something that Renjun made you do when he first moved away so that you didn’t forget him, and even after so many years you both still carried the photos as your things for each other.


One thing that always surprised Renjun was how you still supported him even from far away, knowing exactly when he had a broadcast or a show. He never thought that you had such an interest in his career, but you knew exactly what Renjun was doing and always made sure to at least text him a good luck message.


You were the one that he looked forward to seeing the most when Renjun made a trip home. As soon as his plane landed, and he got in the car at the arrivals lounge he was telling the driver to take him to you.


He felt incredibly lucky to be able to call you his best friend, Renjun would talk to absolutely anyone about you and brag about you.


You would quite often visit Renjun when he was at work as you called him, getting to talk to the other members too. He always accepted your calls and got you involved with what was happening at the studio.


He would try his best to give you as much advice as possible, writing things down so he could remember to say them when he called.


When the two of you did spend time together, you were very affectionate with one another. You always made the most of your time together and very rarely were more than an arm away from each other.


You were his rock, even from afar Renjun always knew that you were there for him.


He loved giving up his bed for you when you visited Renjun, he wanted you to be as comfortable as possible when you stayed, even if that meant him having to give up his bed so that you could be cosy and relaxed.

