

A NT thing I don’t understand…

“You should’ve known…”

If you haven’t communicated something to me, how on earth am I supposed to know??

I maybe could make a guess but I can never KNOW, unless you TELL ME.

Really, how do people actually take that as a valid argument?

Related to the “loss of speech” event, it happened while I was with a NT friend. I was so overwhelmed, I gradually stopped being able to talk out loud at all. I knew I needed to warn my friend somehow, because it was her birthday and her daughter’s as well, and I didn’t want to ruin that for her.

I typed a few words on my phone to explain the situation, and you know what she did? She just said “Alright, I get it.” and she didn’t make a big deal out of it. She went out of her way for the restaurant folks to be mindful and turn down the sound of the (very loud) music, without ever specifying that I was disabled. 

She was mindful to ask me “yes or no” questions, and when she had to ask open questions, she waited for me to type it out on my phone.

She also explained the situation quickly to her children, and asked them to be mindful and not talk to me too much (which I was grateful for, because those children can be so chatty and loud sometimes, even if they’re nice x) ). All in all, she was nothing, but understanding. And the situation didn’t worsen, thanks to that.

If you’re NT or allistic and you want to be a good ally, take notes. Whether your autistic friend/folk/whatever they are to you is fully nonverbal or only experiencing episodes of speech loss, respect their needs, and accept that spoken language isn’t the only viable way to communicate. 

If you’re in a position to do something to help them and make the situation easier on them, don’t hesitate. If you’re not, be understanding and allow them an out. Don’t force them to stay and suffer, and, more than that, don’t complain afterward if the person is then having a meltdown.


Bpd is so fucking stigmatized and it’s disgusting. When I told my old therapist I thought I had it (before I was diagnosed with it from my psychiatrist) she said “you can’t possibly have it, you’re too pleasant to be around” as if we’re all fucking vile monsters? Fuck ableist therapists that plague the world. So I guess because I come in here and smile and act friendly I can’t have a disorder that ruins my life? Oh shit my bad…


Me and my 3738 mental health conditions: that’s awesome. But. How.

Motivational blog: idk like… chamomile tea?

Are you vague as shit and expect others to magically know what you mean, even though there are two or more ways to interpret your statement? Do you become mad and passive-aggressive when someone asks for clarification? Do you also become mad and blame people for assuming things because they wrongly guessed what you meant? You may have Neurotypical Dysfunction Disorder, and you are NOT entitled to compensation!


the more damaged you are = the more you despise your birthday

it’s mathematical. 

to me (one of the) problem(s) is that my birthday is 2 days after the birthday of one of my only 2 friends. the fact is that she doesn’t have only 2 friends, she’s a very social person, and always sets up a big party with lots of people. which is bad, obviously, because I don’t handle social situation very well. 

but also because I, usually, am pretty fine with being alone and not having friends. It’s something I’ve accepted because my mental set doesn’t allow me to mantein friendships (NPD makes difficult to care about others and compromise, ASPD makes difficult showing empathy and often makes me feel angry at them, and I am generally an introverted\misanthropist person, and that doesn’t help), and I kinda accepted (and like) to stay on my own. but trust me, when you see how a neurotypical normal person behaves, how is to be normal and have friends and parties and all of that shit that you will never have…

well, you don’t feel kinda good.

but the problem is that is very difficult to understand exactly WHERE is the line between a sintom, a sintom from a specific disorder, a sintom from another specific disorder, a sintom that is common in two different disorders, a sintom that can be mistaken for another, and just a personality trait.

“I wonder if this thought is normal or patological”

I ask myself

but then I realize that

the fact that I need to ask it



a good

